Chapter 4: My Blood

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"When everyone you thought you knew deserts your fight, I'll go with you. You're facing down a dark hall, I'll grab my bat. And go with you," Clarissa sang quietly, her voice muffled by her pillow. "I'll go with you. I'll go with you. I'll go with you ooh. I'll go with you. Yeah."

Just then, there was a knock on her door. "Stay with me. No, you don't need to run. Stay with me, my blood. You don't need to run. Stay with me. No, you don't need to run. Stay with me, my blood. You don't need to run," sang a voice from the other side.

"Teagan?" Clarissa frowned, sitting up. "Come in."

Teagan came in and sat on the bed. "Hey, Hon. What's wrong?"

Clarissa shrugged. "Nicolas Borovsky."

"Oh no," Teagan sighed. "What happened?"

"He called me a 'worthless piece of crap'," Clarissa sniffled.

Teagan hugged her tightly. "He's just a jerk. Don't pay any attention to him, alright? He's not worth it. He's the worthless piece of crap."

Clarissa buried her face in her friend's shoulder.


The next day.

Teagan adjusted her backpack strap on her shoulder. "Alright. I have to get to AP chem," she sighed.

"I still don't understand how you got into advanced placement chemistry," Clarissa chuckled. "Go. You don't need to get another tardy."

"Alright," Teagan laughed softly, turning on her heel and waving at her friend as she walked away.

Clarissa smiled and walked the opposite way down the hall, going toward her locker. She was quickly stopped by a group of ten boys.

Nicolas Borovsky and his nine friends.

"Well, well, well," Nicolas chuckled. "If it isn't the clumsy girl from yesterday."

"Yes, clearly," Clarissa sighed.

One of Nicholas's friends "accidentally" bumped into her, causing her to drop her books. "Oops," he said sarcastically. "Sorry."

"Geez, you can't seem to hold onto anything, can you? Your books, your sanity, your-"

"Hey!" A boy said from across the hall, running over. "Leave her alone, Nico!"

Surrounded and

Up against a wall.

I'll shred 'em all,

And go with you.

Nicolas crossed his arms. "Well, if it isn't-"

"Boy, you must love that line," the stranger sighed.

Nicolas scoffed. "I don't know what you think you're doing, Greyson, but stay out of my way."

"No," Greyson said firmly, giving Nicolas a hard shove.

Everyone gasped.

No one ever dared to talk back, let alone touch, Nicolas Borovsky.

When choices end,

You must defend.

I'll grab my bat,

And go with you.

Clarissa collected her books hurriedly, going unnoticed by Nico.

Nicolas shoved Greyson back but harder. "Don't mess with me."

"No. Don't you mess with me," Greyson said threateningly. "And if I ever see you come near her again, I will end you." He took Clarissa's arm gently and led her down the hallway. "You alright, green eyes?"

"I'm fine," Clarissa nodded. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Greyson asked softly.

"Why did you stick up for me like that?" Clarissa asked in wonder.

"Because I can't stand it when I see innocent people picked on. seem like a nice girl," Greyson said with a small smile. "You got a name?"

"Clarissa," she replied with uncertainty. "Brooks."

"Ain't you sure?" Greyson chuckled.

"Yeah," Clarissa nodded.

"Well, that's a very pretty name," Greyson nodded. "Clarissa. Anyone call you Riss?"

"My uncle," Clarissa nodded. "And my best friend used to. But not so much anymore. Just when she doesn't feel like saying 'Clarissa'."

Greyson chuckled. "You're funny. I like that."

"Thanks," Clarissa smiled nervously. "Hey, haven't I seen you before?"

"I think so," Greyson nodded. "Honors English? You sit behind me?"

"Oh, yeah," Clarissa smiled. "That's actually where I'm heading now."

"Yeah, me too," Greyson chuckled. "Care to walk with me?" He asked, extending a hand.

Clarissa took it hesitantly and nodded.

Stay with me.

No, you don't need to run.

Stay with me,

My blood.

Author's note: This chapter is dedicated to getgage since My Blood is his favorite song off of the Trench album. Also, big thanks to creamy_cupcakess for helping me name Greyson.

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