I'l be back I promise part 1

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This was requested by Blazing1230 this is going to be a two parter, I'll try my best to suit the chapter to your request sorry if it's not to good😅

"Are you okay Romeo?" Wendy asked walking up to Romeo. She noticed that he looked quite sad, and he was sitting all on his own. Wendy being the kind girl she was, just couldn't stand by and watch one of her guild mates sit on their own whilst they were upset, so she just had to check up on him.
"Oh hey Wendy. I'm fine." Romeo lied, as he gave her a fake smile.
"I know your not fine. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but I don't mind listening to you." Wendy replied.
"Well your right. To be honest I'm not fine. Me and my Dad were on this mission, and we were fighting these bandits. And he had to save my life from those bandits so many times, in fact he always does on every mission, honestly I just feel completely useless." Romeo said, sighing as he rested his head on the table.
"Trust me I completely understand how you feel. I always feel useless to." Wendy said, sympathising with him.
"You? But why? Your really strong. I watched you in your fight vs Chelia." Romeo replied.
"Yeah but it wasn't like I won that fight. And whenever I go on missions, the rest of team Natsu are always saving me, but I'm going to become stronger for all of them, I know that you can become stronger as well. In fact why don't you take another job, I bet this time you'll become even stronger!" Wendy exclaimed, smiling at Romeo.

Romeo had pondered on Wendy's words, it had made him more confident, he didn't exactly know why but she just did. After Wendy had stopped talking to Romeo, he was looking at the request board. They were all simple and basic jobs, or some required more then one person. Missions that couldn't prove how strong he was. Romeo was determined to get stronger. He wanted to feel like he belonged to be in his guild, not be a disgrace to it. He just needed a request that could make him stronger. Romeo looked towards the second floor. Anyone was aloud up there now, so he could easily snatch an S Class mission. He just had to make sure his dad doesn't see him wandering up there. Romeo edged closer towards the second floor, looking at his dad who seemed to be in a deep conversation with Uncle Wakkaba. Romeo quickly yet quietly ran up the stairs. Luckily his Dad didn't notice, but what Romeo didn't know was that Wendy did.

{Later on that night}
Romeo had picked the hardest S Class mission on the job board, and it was a solo mission as well. It would probably take him a few years to complete as he needs to build up his strength. But he was determined to complete this job, and when he comes back, he was going to come back as a proud member of fairy tail. After packing his bag and all his equipment, Romeo snuck out of his house stealthily. He opened the door, and was greeted by the cold, harsh weather. He began to walk off when a gentle voice stopped him.
"So you did take an S class job." Wendy said walking up to him.
"I take it you saw me take one." Romeo replied sheepishly.
"I know I said I thought you could become stronger but I can't help but be worried, S class missions are dangerous, even Erza had had a tough time with her S Class missions." Wendy exclaimed worriedly.
"I know but please Wendy, let me do this. I need to prove myself." Romeo pleaded.
"Well I won't stop you, as your guild ma-as your friend, I'll respect your choice." Wendy replied. Then she grabbed Romeo's hand, causing him to blush slightly.
"Just promise me that you'll stay safe." Wendy said.
"I will don't worry, tell the others I'll be back, well actually I don't know when I'll be back." Romeo replied awkwardly.
"You will be back though right?" Wendy questioned.
"Don't worry I will be. I'll come back, I promise."

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