It's all up to me now part 2

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Romeo rushed through the woods, carrying Wendy in his arms. Luckily for him Porlyusica house wasn't far away from where they were, but considering the fact that he had to run whilst carrying Wendy, it was still a far distance. Especially considering the fact that Wendy was close to death. Romeo refused to let that happen he ran faster, determined to save her in time.

Asuka jumped out the way from the monsters attack, as she continued to shoot at the beast. Asuka's bullets were doing nothing but make the beast more furious,as he lunged towards Asuka. Asuka changed her gun to a sniper, aiming the gun towards the monster.
"Homing Shot!" She exclaimed, sending a bullet straight towards the monster, which exploded on impact. The monster kept running towards her, unfazed by the attack. It swiped at Asuka with it's arm, sending her flying to the ground, as the monster rushed towards her with blood lust eyes yet again. It lifted it's arm up, claws outstretched and ready to slice through Asuka's fragile body. She picked up her gun, aiming it at the monsters hand that came crashing down.
"Sunlight shot!" She exclaimed, shooting at the monster creating a shining light. The monster covered it's eyes and reeled back blinded by the light.
"Spark shot!" Asuka shouted, as she sent electrical bullets towards the monster. She had to jump out of the way again as his arm came crashing down.
"I can only buy time, how am I supposed to defeat this thing!" Asuka said worried, as she had to once again dodge a fatal blow.

Romeo kept running faster, he rushed around a corner and found himself at Porlyusica's. Not having any time to knock he burst through the door to see Mira talking to a moody Porlyusica, however when they both saw Romeo and Wendy they quickly grew worried.
Porlyusica told Romeo to lie Wendy down on her bed, as she immediately began to tend to her wounds. Romeo wasn't in a perfect state himself but Wendy was far worse then he was.
"Romeo what happened to the both of you. Are you okay? And weren't you on a mission, where's Asuka?" Mira asked worriedly.
"I'll explain in a minute, but I'm just glad your here I need your help."
"I was just giving Porlyusica some reports from Master. And why do you need my help?" Mira questioned.
"It's Asuka! We were all facing off against an S class beast. Wendy got injured so I had to take her here, but now Asuka is facing off against the beast on her own. Please you have to save her!" Romeo exclaimed. He went to kneel down beside Wendy, grabbing his friends hand as her breathing was shallow. Mira nodded her head.
"Porlyusica can I borrow your communication lacrima, I need to get master and the other S class Mages?" Mira asked kindly. Porlyusica only nooded her head, as she was concentrated on Wendy.
"Will she be okay?" Romeo asked Porlyusica.
"I'm not sure, but I promise I'll do what I can."

"AGHHHH!" Asuka screamed, as the beasts tail swiped down, sending Asuka crashing into the ground. She coughed harshly, as she ran out of breath. The monster charged towards her again.
"Omnidirectional Expansion!" She exclaimed, as she used her last bit of magic to create many floating guns in the air. Then the guns, started shooting at the beast with powerful bullets from all direction. The beast howled in pain, as the bullets pierced through it's skin. Then there was huge explosion, causing Asuka to think she had won.

Asuka fell to the floor exhausted. Her eyes widened as she heard a low growl. The beast had got onto it's feet as it edged closer towards Asuka. She couldn't move! She was to tired! And she was all out of magic energy.
"No please. I don't want to die! I can't die! Not like this!" Asuka cried out.
The monster struck its claws towards her, when it got attacked by a struck of lightning, a fury of swords, Mira in her Satan Soul and Master's enlarged fist. Asuka smiled, before everything started to go black, and she passed out from sheer exhaustion.

{The next day}
Wendy was now all healed up because of Porlyusica and all the S-Class mages, except for Gildarts who is on one of his adventurous quests, managed to defeat the monster, alongside Master Makarov. The only problem was Asuka was still asleep but she was going to wake up soon according to Porlyusica. Wendy and Romeo were seated by Asuka in the infirmary waiting for her to wake up. They had been waiting for a few hours now, and seeing she hadn't woke up yet the two began to leave until Asuka's eyes started to open, and she sat up tiredly.
"Asuka!" Wendy shouted pulling her into a hug.
"Your awake!" Romeo exclaimed happily.
"Wendy...Romeo, wait are you two okay?!" Asuka questioned worriedly as she remembered what happened.
"We're fine Asuka, and it's all thanks to you, and Porlyusica of course." Wendy replied, and Asuka sighed in relief.
"Next time let's just all make sure we know what quest we're going on." Romeo exclaimed.
"You can say that again." Asuka replied.
I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A WHILE. But I have a 'reasonable' explanation. Okay so basically I was so close to finishing my other fairy tail book. I've finished it now and I wrote 100 chapters! I wanted to finish it so it took up most of my time and as well as homework and it was my birthday as well so I was quite busy. I'm really sorry I couldn't update but I finished my other book so updates will be more frequent.

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