6| Explanation

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Sapphire's POV 💙

As I was in the room, Tails followed after me before shutting the door behind us, so nobody could overhear or eavesdrop on our conversation.

Then we made our way over and sat down on the chairs that were nearby the left side of the bed.

Just as soon as I sat down, Sonic groaned a little bit before opening his eyes and looking over in my direction.

"Sapp...hire?" He began. "Is...that...you?"

I nodded as I held his hand.

"Yes...I'm here, Sonic." I answered. "Are you okay?"

Sonic nodded in response.

I letted out another sigh in relief after he nodded in response.

"Thank chaos...You nearly scared the shit out of me! I was really terrified for a moment that you might've died." I said.

Sonic smiled a tiny bit before chuckling weakly.

"Sorry...about...that...I...really...didn't...mean...to...scare...ya...half....to...death..." He replies before letting out a small sigh.

"It's okay, Sonic..." I began before kissing him on the cheek. "I know you didn't mean to and did it out to protect me."

"Did...you...bring...that...box?" Sonic asked.

I nodded again as Tails walked over and showed it to Sonic.

"Oh...good..." Sonic went before sighing in relief. "I'm...glad....it's...safe..."

"So, what's inside that box? You've been acting really strange ever since you came back..." I asked, itching to know, since that question had been bugging me for a while.

"This...really...isn't...your...concern...Sapphire...This...is...something...personal..." Sonic answers.

"It is my concern if you got hurt from protecting me and whatever's inside that box!" I snapped, already starting to feel a little bit irritated from Sonic's stubbornness.

"Sapphire, keep it down a little. We're in a hospital y'know..." Tails went as he sweat dropped a little.

But, before I could say anything to Sonic and Tails, the box opened itself up as it moved a little.

"Hey, what's going on around here? Why am I in a box? And where's Sonic?" I heard a voice say before a small werehog popped out from inside the box.

Me and Tails were shocked and dumbfounded by the little werehog before noticing he had diamond-shaped wings on his back.

The weirdest part though was that he looked exactly like Sonic, was wearing a collar with a green orb on it, and had strange golden markings on the left side of his arm.

His size and height was similar to Chip the light gaia's and looks to be 5 years old from what I could guess.

"Wh-Wha?!" I uttered out.

Then the little werehog turned around before noticing me and Tails.

"Oh! Hello there! Who are you?" He greeted.

"Sonic? Would you care to explain what's going on?? And why does he look exactly like you???" I asked.

Sonic went quiet, probably knowing he's busted and have to explain everything.

Then he sighed before telling me and Tails about the little werehog.

-After The Explanation-

Me and Tails were stunned after Sonic explained everything to us about the little werehog.

"No way...It's just like that time when you first met Chip! But, the only difference is where and when you met this little guy." Tails began before gesturing his hand over to the strange-little-werehog-with-diamond-shaped-wings-on-his-back-since-none-of-us-don't-know-his-name.

Sonic and I nodded in agreement.

We sure in the hell aren't denying that.

"That aside, what's the little one's name anyways?" I asked as I looked over at Sonic.

"Umm..." He went, probably trying to think one up.

While we were waiting for Sonic's response, the little werehog noticed the window and flew over to take a look, seeing the stars were out and it was around nighttime.

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