№20|Patient Zero

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№20|Patient Zero
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

It’s been 2 months since the fight with The Black Rose Society, and things were back to normal. Well… as normal as they were before.

Medusa laid on top of Barron’s chest, her fingers tracing over the scar on his peck. Barron grumbled, his chest vibrating at Medusa’s touch.

Medusa giggled. “Is someone sensitive to my touch?” Her fingers walked along his pecs, gaining more of a growl from the alpha.

“Don't tease me, Medusa.” Barron muttered, his eyes still closed.

“But you love my teasing~” Medusa whispered, straddling herself along his waist and grinding against his midsection. “A little teasing goes a long way, Barron~”

Barron smirked, flipping Medusa under him. “You’re such a damn tease.” He chuckled, brushing strands of hair behind her ear.

“Am I?” Medusa tapped her chin, her voice growing sly.

“Yes, you are.” Barron nodded, burying his head in the crook of her neck. He sighed in delight at her scent of peppermint and cypress.

He kissed along her neck, his hands moving along her silky caramel toned skin. Medusa moaned softly, his name barely escaping her plump lips.

Barron clicked his tongue. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, that won’t do~ I want you screaming my name, Medusa.”

Accepting the challenge, Medusa shut her lips tight. Barron smirked. “So that’s how we're doing this? You’re gonna be stubborn?”

Medusa nodded. Barron’s smirk only grew. “Alright, I’m game.” He hooked one of her legs over his shoulder, kissing along her thighs while his hands stroked her breast.

Medusa shook her head, determined to keep her moans silent, but Barron had other plans. He licked along her thighs, biting into them.

“Ah~” Medusa gasped. Barron kissed her nose.

“I win.” He snickered, rolling off the side of the bed to stretch.

Medusa pouted. “Why can’t we stay in bed all day?” She purred, her fingers running up and down his chest.

“Because we did that yesterday.” Barron reminded her. Medusa sighed.

“Fine…” Medusa walked into the bathroom. She noticed Barron staring at her. “What?”

“A couple months ago, if you told me I’d be standing here… staring at the most beautiful Luna in the world… I wouldn’t believe you.”

Medusa walked towards him, wrapping her arms around him. “Well, believe it, Barron. I’m here for the long run,” Shestood on her tippy toes to plant a kiss on him, “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”

Meanwhile, in the omega quarters, Yvette was organizing the cabinets with Liliana.

“I can’t believe you’re pregnant Lilly!” Yvette cheered, placing the towels in the cabinet.

“Yep! 2 months now!” Lily smiled brightly. “I swear Benedict broke down in tears when I told him.” She folded the towels before passing them to Yvette. “But enough about me. How’s everything with Alistair?”

“Great!” Yvette smiled, thinking back on her fond adventures with the hunter. “Ever since Kirkland disappeared, we’ve been better than ever! Although…”


“He has been a little more… sexually active.” Yvette blushed madly, looking away from her friend.

Liliana smirked, giggling slyly. “I wonder why~”

“I do too, but any time I ask him he replies. ‘don't worry about the reason, just enjoy the ride’,” she sighed, holding the towel to her chest, “and what a ride it is, Lily! He’s just so… amazing!!”

“You know what I think it is~” Lily cooed.


“Since he saw me and Benedict start working on kids, Alistair wants that with you~” Liliana smirked, poking at Yvette, “I would love to see you all pregnant.”

“A-A ba-baby?!” Yvette shrieked.

Alistair poked his head into the room. “Is something wrong, Shona?”

“N-N-No-Nothing!” Yvette stammered, shaking her head.

“Hey Alistair~ I bet Yvette would be a great mother wouldn’t she?” Liliana cooed.

Alistair fully came into the room, smiling at the omega. “I think she’d make a fantastic mother.” He walked over to Yvette, kissing her cheek.

“Yo-You thin-think so?”

“Yeah,” Alistair leaned in, “so~ you want to have my baby huh?”

Yvette’s breath hitched when she felt Alistair’s fingers traced her hips. Yvette felt his hot breath along her neck, causing her to gasp loudly. “Y-yes…” she mumbled.

“How about this,” Alistair’s fingers walked along her back, trying to unhook her bra, “we’ll start trying tonight, okay?”

Yvette nodded. Alistair looked into her eyes. “Are you sure you want this, Yvette?”

“Ye-Yes…?” She sounded slightly unsure.

“I really want children with you, Yvette but I think that’s a later plan.” Alistair kissed her nose. “You seem a little nervous now. How about in a couple of months we’ll talk about it, okay?”

Yvette smiled softly. Alistair always seemed to know when she wasn’t ready for something even without her telling him.

“Don't worry, Yvette,” he kissed her nose, “I know later in the future, we’ll have a family.”

Upstairs in the kitchen, Malakai was baking cupcakes. Vanessa sat patiently on one of the stools, swinging her legs back and forth.

Her eyes shifted towards his side, whimpering slightly as the memory of Malakai catching that fireball through the stomach flashed through her mind.

“Stop that.” Malakai’s voice brought her out of her dark flashback.

“Stop what?”

“Stop feeling guilty for what happened.” Malakai stroked her cheek. “You can’t protect me all the time, Vanessa, and I will never blame you for it.”

“But… there’s just that big scar…” Vanessa muttered.

“That I’ve learned to live with.” Malakai smiled, kissing her cheek. “I’m not made out of glass, Vanessa. You’re mated to a strong warlock.”

“I know you are, Malakai,” Vanessa looked down, tracing circles in the flour that was spilled on the table, “but how does it look when a wolf can’t protect their mate?! My parents would be ashamed…”

“Vanessa,” he lifted her head, “mistakes happen. Accidents happen. People get hurt, and that’s okay.” He tapped her nose, covering it in a dot of chocolate.

“You’re not mad?” Vanessa whimpered.

“Why would I be mad?” Malakai asked, adding strawberries into the brownie mix.

“Because I let you down…” Vanessa licked the icing off her nose. “I’m supposed to make you happy, not disappoint you…”

“Disappoint me?” Malakai laughed, stirring the mix. “Vanessa, that’s literally impossible. You can never – and I mean never – disappoint me.” He poured the brownie mixture into the pan. “If anything, you surprise me!”

“I do?”

“Yeah! Everyday you're doing something new... something advencious... something exciting! You’re the most amazing wolf – no you’re the most amazing woman I ever met!” Malakai gripped her shoulders. “I prayed for the day the gods and goddesses would send me someone like you! You’re just so amazing… so – so you!”

Vanessa smiled, her cheeks flushing red. “I really needed that, Malakai. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, my love.” Malakai pecked her lips. Vanessa smiled, tasting the chocolate from the brownies on her mate’s lips.

Malakai lifted her onto the metal table, the flour in his hands making a visible trail as his hands roamed up and down her body. Strangely, the flour made his touch softer than it already was.

Vanessa gasped when his hands clutched her hips, pulling her in close to Malakai’s chest. “Never think you disappoint me.” Malakai placed chaste kisses along her face. “That’s impossible, my velvet wolf.”

Up in Chelia’s potions room, Kalypso, Chelia, and Montego worked on potions. Well… Kalypso and Chelia were.

Montego wrapped his arms around Chelia’s waist, purring as he kissed her neck. “Why don’t you take a break, Chelia? I can smell Malakai making Strawberry Brownies, and I know they're your favorite.”

“Later Montego.” Chelia shooed him away. “I need to finish these potions with Kalypso.”

Montego sighed. “You’ve been making potions all week! Take a break…” Montego fingers rang down her skin, kissing her shoulders. “I’m sure Kalypso can take care of this.”

“Actually I wouldn’t mind a little-”

Montego growled at her, his eyes flashing a dim yellow. Kalypso gulped slightly. “Ya know what? I can do it myself.”

“Oki doki!” Montego flung Chelia over his shoulder. “We’ll see you later Kalypso!” Montego cheered as he walked out with Chelia over his shoulder.

“Put me down, you brute!” Chelia pounded on his chest.

“You need to relax.” Montego purred, walking into their room.

“Oh?” Chelia smirked, falling onto the bed. “Want me to relax? I don't think I want to~”

Montego shut the door, stalking towards Chelia. “Well, you’re gonna~” He growled softly in her ear, towering over her to pin her to bed. “I’ll make sure you’re good and relaxed when I’m done with you.”

Back in the potions room, Kalypso watched as happy wolf couples came and left the potions room in search of various potions.

A knock on the door brought her attention towards Celaneo. “Kally, did you get the potion done?”

“Yes,” she brought out a white potion, “I still don’t see your logic on this one, Celaneo.”

“This is a Love me Not potion. This will make the user not love the person in front of them.”

“Yes, but only if they-”

“Sh! He’s coming!” She poured the white potion into a glass, watching as Orion walked inside.

“Hello my forest nymph~” He pulled her in close, kissing her nose. “You know it’s not a good idea to leave a wolf by himself in an empty bed.”

“Why is that?” Celaneo chuckled.

“Bad things can happen,” his hands gripped her hips, “then someone’ll have to get punished.”

“You’re gonna punish me? What? Chain me to the bed?” She ran her fingers along his chest. “I’d like a little punishment in bed.”

She passed him the potion. “Want a drink, darling?”

“I am a little parched. I just finished hunting.” Orion agreed, chugging down the drink.

His eyes sparkled momentarily. Celaneo smiled. “Hey, Orion… do you love me?”

“Of course! What kind of question is that?” Orion chuckled, slinging his arm over her shoulder.

“What? No! It wasn’t supposed to work like that.” Celaneo pouted.

“What?” Orion laughed.

“You’re supposed to say you hate me!” Celaneo folded her arms over her chest.

“I was trying to tell you, the potion doesn't work if the person who drinks has true feelings for you.” Kalypso added.

“You thought I didn’t love you?” Orion kissed her nose. “Are you crazy? I’ll always love you, Celaneo.”

Kalypso watched as the two kissed each other. She sighed softly. Must be nice to have someone like that… She looked at the potion she was stirring. I wonder if I can have something like that…

In the weapons room, Ayame smiled softly as she watched Lawrence attempt to fix a weapon. “Why… wont… this… go… in!” Lawrence scolded, pushing a piece of a gun back into its spot. “Bloody hell! That horrid piece won’t go in!”

Ayame laughed. “You put the scope in the wrong spot.” She placed the scope on top of the gun. “All better.”

“You’re way better at this than I am…” Lawrence pouted.

“Awe. Someone mad because I beat you at something?” Ayame smirked, her hand on her hips.

“No…” Lawrence lied. “I wanted to show you I can do stuff too…”

Ayame plopped into his lap, laughing as she began working on another weapon. “You don’t need to prove stuff to me, Lawrence. You already proved to me you’re the best.”

Lawrence rested his head on her shoulder, watching as she screwed in loose screws. “How are you so good at this?”

“It just takes practice, hun.” Ayame giggled, her eyes flickered towards the bracelet Lawrence gave her. “Hey, Lawrence,” The wolf in question looked up from his mate’s shoulder, “you don't mind the fact that me and Alistair are Indian… right?”

“Of course not,” Lawrence kissed along her shoulder, leading up her neck, “I wouldn’t care if you were a sea monster. I’ll still love you.”

“You know, wolves from where you come from hate my kind…” Ayame muttered. England wolves always believed Indian Wolves were ruffians and barbaric. Which made it all the more shocking when Lawrence, an England Wolf, accepted and loved Ayame with open arms.

“A lot of English Wolves are stuck up.” Lawrence held her close. “I will never hate you for your race, Ayame.” He muttered into her silky deep golden honey skin.

“This is why you can’t meet them…” She whispered softly.


“My parents. They’re too traditional. They would hate you and Yvette.” Ayame shivered. Her parents would have her head if they ever found out about Lawrence and Yvette.

“Well, it’s a good thing your parents aren’t here.” Lawrence lifted her up on the table. “What would they think if they saw me feeling up their daughter?” Lawrence buried his face in the crook of her neck. “What would they think if they saw me kissing you like this?” His tongue traced along her mark. Ayame gasped, pulling Lawrence in closer.

“What would they say if they saw me, an English Wolf, touching their daughter in places only few have access to.” His soft fingers curling around her breast. Ayame threw her head back, biting her lower lip, determined to stay silent.

“What would they think of all the unspeakable things we do in bed?” He whispered seductively, nibbling on her earlobe. “What would they think if they heard you screaming my name to the heavens like you do every night?”

“Lawrence…” Ayame mumbled. Lawrence growled in approval.


Ayame exhaled sharply. Her body was on fire. “La-Lawrence…” She said a little louder.


Ayame felt a shiver go down her spine as his voice grew deeper. She smirked slightly, shaking her head.

“I said,” Lawrence gripped her breast, “louder, huntress.”

Normally, Ayame would hate it when Lawrence brought rank into their love life, but today was no normal day. I’ll let it slide… just this once.

Ayame gasped when Lawrence dug his teeth into her neck. “Yes, beta…” she whimpered slightly, playing along with this dominant and submissive roleplay.

“Then say it.” He locked eyes with her, his orbs flashing green. Ayame purred slightly. She never allowed Lawrence to be dominant… dare she say… it was kinda invigorating.

Ayame rolled her eyes slightly. I guess I'll be submissive this one time. She pouted and battered her eyelashes. “I'm sorry, Beta. it won't happen again.”

“It better not.” He growled, he clenched her waist. “Now say it.”

“Be-Beta…” Ayame muttered. Lawrence sighed in annoyance. He didn’t want to hear his rank, he wanted her to say his name.

Ayame’s body shook when she felt him suck on her mark. She slammed her hand on the metal table. With one final lick, Ayame spiraled down into a black hole of heat and libido. “La-Lawrence!” She moaned, her cheeks staining red.

“That’s more like it.” Lawrence placed a small peck on her lips. “See, being submissive wasn’t too bad now was it?”

Ayame puffed up her cheek. “You suck…”

“What did you say huntress?” Lawrence glared at her.

Ayame scoffed, quickly spinning around to pin Lawrence to the table. “You had your fun, Lawrence. Now it’s my turn.”

Before Ayame could place a kiss on him, Collin bursted through the door, a frantic look on his young face. He was breathing heavily. He looked up to see the position the couple was in, and they saw his face pale. “O-oh! I-I’m sorry! I don’t mean to disturb!”

Ayame sighed, getting off Lawrence. “What’s wrong, Collin?”

“Big… wolf… courtyard…” He answered, heaving.

“Probably just some buff wolf.” Lawrence shrugged. Collin rapidly shook his head.

“No, Beta. This wolf is even bigger than the alpha!” Collin grabbed Lawrence and Ayame’s hands, pulling them out into the courtyard to see some of the other wolves all circling around an abnormally large midnight blue wolf.

Werewolves were large in size, standing at almost 6 to 7 feet tall. This one, however, had to be almost 10 feet tall.

“What the hell are you?” Lawrence squinted at the monstrous wolf, trying to get closer to it. Once he was within arms length, the wolf snapped at Lawrence, causing the beta to jerk back.

Dr. Lycia walked by the courtyard, her eyes widening at the sight. “Lawrence stop!” She yelled, pushing past the other wolves to get to Lawrence. “Don’t touch it!”

“Why?” Lawrence questioned, moving away from the wolf.

“Something isn’t right about him… he shouldn’t be this big, and his eyes shouldn’t be that black.” Dr. Lycia pointed to his pitch black eyes.

Celaneo’s eyes flowed slightly, scanning the wolf. “The doctor is right. His aura imprint is dark and stormy,” she shivered slightly, “it’s terrifying.”

The midnight blue wolf growled. Everything in his eyes was a beaming black; the people were meer fuzzy silhouettes, and all their voices sounded underwater.

Don’t trust them. They can’t help you. You’re all alone.

Dr. Lycia’s hands glowed pink, engulfing the wolf in a pink bubble. The wolf began to freak out, scratching the bubble in an attempt to escape… but his attempts were futile.

He glanced down at Dr. Lycia as she muttered something, and soon the bubble began to fill with a pink mist. Before long, the wolf collapsed, it’s world fading to black.


Hours later, the wolf’s eyes fluttered open. He quickly scanned the room to see he was locked in a large transparent box.

“...I don’t know, Barron, something just isn’t right about him.” It heard Dr. Lycia say. It’s head whipped towards the doctor. The wolf growled deeply and ran towards her, only to meet the roughness of the box wall.

“I’ve heard reports from other scientists about wolves like him. Ones with uncontrollable rage and over 10 feet tall! Wolves like him have been popping up all over the world lately. Scientists say it takes 3 of their strongest wolves to take down one of these ‘Fury Wolves’.”

“Fury Wolves?” Barron questioned.

“While he was knocked out, I ran some tests on him.” Dr. Lycia showed him the test results. “I believe a virus was injected into his system. This particular virus attacks the nerves in his brains. It turns off all other parts of the brain other than the limbic system, which is the emotional center of the brain. The virus sends the message to the limbic system to feel only rage and no other emotion.”

“So he’s one of the infected? What’s so special with him? There’s a lot of wolves that are infected.” Barron shrugged.

“This one is special though,” she looked up at the wolf, “not only is this wolf patient zero… that’s Kirkland.”



Sooo! Y'all though Kirkland was out of the story but no, no, no! He's gonna be in this one too!!

It's nice seeing all the couples again and there's gonna be some new characters soon!! And with new characters there's a lot of new drama as well!!!

Wait till the next episode, it's gonna be great!! This whole arc is gonna be great!

And just so u know, I'm almost done with this arc on docs! LMAO! And yes there will be an arc three!!

Also, I need your help. I've probably ask this question too much but after Wereology...

A) A story about Maleficent. This will be a fxf story about Maleficent teaching a fellow Queen how to be a "true Queen"

B) A story about Facilier from Princess and the Frog. In this story Facilier will be helping a ghost get revenges on her killers and find her body

Tell me what you think!!

See u soon!!!

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