№30|Lastachka Part 2

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 №30|Lastachka Part 2
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“How are you feeling? Is the bracelet working? Do you think they need to up the dosage of endorphins?” Ambrocio asked hastily.

“Yes,” his wife, Tenshi, replied, laying down in the hospital bed. She sounded weak and tired. “Where are you? I miss you.”

“I miss you too, Ten-Ten…” Ambrocio laid down as well, smiling at his wife. “I love you...”

“I love you too.” Tenshi traced a heart over her husband’s face.“I wanna see you~”

“I do too, Ten-Ten, but if you come here it’ll be chaos… it’s chaos right now.” Ambrocio warned her.

“What am I going to do by myself?” Tenshi whimpered, pouting at him.

“Don’t give me those pouty lips.” Ambrocio groaned, turning over slightly.

“Ambrocio… please…” Tenshi whined, her cheeks turning red. “I need you…”

Ambrocio buried his face in his pillow. “Baby… don’t do this…”

“Do what?” Tenshi asked innocently.

“This.” Ambrocio turned back towards her. “Saying you need me, asking what you’re going to do with yourself alone… as much as I would love to see you… to touch you… to kiss you… I can’t now.”

“How long will you be away?” Tenshi sighed deeply.

“I don’t know,” Ambrocio shook his head, “but I’ll call you everyday, and I know your heat is gonna kick in soon~”

Tenshi shifted in bed. “Did you have to mention that?”

Ambrocio chuckled. “You look like some horny teen.”

“Shut up!!” Tenshi blushed wildly.

“Awee, someone’s a teen again!” Ambrocio teased. “Who’s a little teen again~”

“Stop it!!” Tenshi blushed even more, cupping her face in her hands.

“I love you.” Ambrocio smiled.

“I love you too.” Tenshi muttered from behind her hands.

“Get some rest.” Ambrocio blew her a kiss. “I’ll call you again later tonight.” With that, Ambrocio hung up. He gazed out the window to see Dechen and Dayo playing with the pups. “I’m glad she found her happily ever after.”


Malakai came up behind his girlfriend. “Is something wrong, my delicious little caramel truffle?”’

“I don’t know…” Vanessa sighed looking away from him. “I feel… empty…”

“Empty?” Malakai kissed her neck. “You want me to fill you up~”

“Not like that, silly.” Vanessa chuckled, her laughter soon fading. “I feel… like a shell.”

“Like a cannoli without the filling.” Malakai offered. Vanessa nodded.

“Is it because Julius is back?” Malakai rubbed her shoulders.

“Yeah…” Vanessa turned away from him. “I just… when we were walking back from the meeting, he came up to me and whispered to be ready. That the people who are coming like girls like me and if I put up a fight he’ll take you away from me…” Vanessa cried into his chest. “Malakai... I can’t lose you!”

“And you won't.” Malakai assured her, holding her closer.

“Promise?” Vanessa sniffled.

“Of course,” Malakai stroked her hair, “we’re going to be okay.”

“I don’t like being scared, Malakai… it’s so stupid… I’m Head Beta. I shouldn’t be scared of anything.” Vanessa muttered into his chest.

“I don’t remember that being a job requirement.” Malakai chuckled, laying back slowly on the bed with Vanessa still in his arms. “You’re allowed to be scared, Vanessa. You’re allowed to make mistakes, and you can’t be perfect all the time. I mean, look at who you’re mated to.”

Vanessa laughed, patting his chest. “I think you're perfect, Malakai.” She smiled sweetly at him.

“To you, sure, but I know I’m not perfect,” Malakai laughed, twirling strands of her curly hair in her fingers, “this isn’t about me though. It’s about you.”

Vanessa groaned, burying her face in his chest. “Can’t we go back to you?”

“No,” Malakai lifted her face up, “I know you keep this tough girl act up front so nobody will disrespect you, but it’s okay to be scared, worried, sad, and angry,” he kissed her caramel toned lips, “nobody is going to think less of you, Vanessa.”

“Last time Julius was here the pack was in chaos. Everything was lawlessness under his rule, and I don’t want you going through that.” Vanessa wrapped her arms around him. “I don’t want you to experience that horror.”

“Last time I checked, I’m a pretty strong Warlock.” Malakai smirked slightly. “I know I’m not some wolf, but my Mamma did teach me how to defend the people I love.”

“I know you’re strong, Malakai, but I meant emotionally.” Vanessa sighed, listening to his heart thump in his chest. “I love how passionate and joyus you are, and I don’t want Julius to take that away from you.”

“He won't,” Malakai assured her, “you gotta stop worrying too much about me. I’m not made of glass, Vanessa.”

“I know you’re not,” Vanessa’s eyes drifted towards the scar on Malakai’s stomach, “but…”

“Vanessa,” Malakai sat up and kneeled beside her. He placed her hand on the scar. “It was one – only one – fireball to the stomach.” He traced her finger along the scar before moving it up towards his heart. “You feel that? That thumping?”

“Yes, Malakai. I’m not stupid.” Vanessa rolled her eyes.

“Yes, but do you feel it?” Malakai asked again, dragging out that single word.

“Yeah I feel it.” Vanessa replied, mocking his tone.

“Vanessa, I’m serious.” Malakai muttered.

“Okay, okay, yes... I feel it.” Vanessa smiled, patting his pec.

“It doesn't matter how many scars I have on my body. As long as my heart is still beating I’m still alive.” Malakai cupped her hands, giving them a soft kiss. “You have to stop blaming yourself for what happened.”

“Why did you have to jump in front of that fireball anyways?” Vanessa muttered, looking down at the bed sheets.

“To save you!” Malakai exclaimed, gripping Vanessa’s shoulder and shaking her. “Vanessa, you mean the world to me! If I have to take a fireball to the gut, so be it. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. Got that?” He rested his forehead on hers. Silence filled the room as Vanessa took in his words, tears streaming now her cheeks. “Got it?” he asked again.

Vanessa nodded, smiling as Malakai wiped her tears. “Got it.” She replied, embracing him in a tight hug.

“Good.” Malakai kissed the top of her head. “Don't worry, Vanessa. We’ll find a way to get rid of Julius once and for all.”


“Here you go, Liliana. One prenatal morning sickness potion.” Kalypso passed the 3 month pregnant woman the pink potion, smiling sweetly at the soon-to-be mother.

“You are a godsend, Kalypso.” Liliana chuckled, drinking the potion. “I love the fact that I’ll soon become a mother to Benedict’s pups, but it’s taking a lot out of me.”

“Why are you still up on your feet? Didn’t Barron make Yvette Head Omega during your pregnancy?” Kalypso asked, starting on another potion.

“Yeah, but I don’t want to leave Yvette alone. She gets a little nervous.” Liliana hopped onto one of the stools. “Also I’m a little worried about being a mom…”

“There’s nothing to worry about. Is giving birth painful? Of course, you’re pushing a person through you. However, there’s nothing to worry about. You’re going to be an amazing mom.” Kalypso assured her.

“What if Benedict doesn't think I’m pretty anymore?” Liliana muttered, looking down at her hands.

“You know that’s impossible.” Benedict wrapped his arms around her. “I’m always gonna think you’re sexy.” He purred in her ear.

“Yeah, but I’m going to getting fat…” Liliana frowned.

“Okay,” Benedict kissed along her neck, “that just means there’s more of you to love.”

“Oh gods, shut up.” Liliana laughed, tilting her neck to allow more access.

“You know you’re always going to be beautiful to me.” Benedict smiled, kissing her nose.

“Where’s that little latin lover of yours~” Benedict cooed, smirking up at Kalypso.

“H-He isn’t my lo-lover!” Kalypso blushed.

“Sure he isn’t~” Liliana wiggled her eyebrows.

“We haven’t even ki-kissed yet.” Kalypso blushed even more, looking down at her potion.

“But you want him to, though.” Benedict placed Liliana in his lap. “Yeah I know you, Kalypso. You want him. I see the way you look at him… you’re this close to jumping his bones.”

“It’s not like he feels the same.” Kalypso’s stirring slowed.

Liliana laughed loudly. “Are you crazy?! That boy worships at your feet! Have you heard the way he talks about you? ‘Oh mi reina (my queen) is the best thing that’s ever happened to me! When I’m with her… I just feel… so… amazing! She brings out this whole other side of me! She’s so beautiful, smart, courageous, eccentric. Oh and hot – did I mention who hot she was? Mmm, gods and goddesses... Aphrodite must have blessed her body when she was born cause god damn she’s hot!’.”

“See! He adores you!” Benedict stated. “Just go to him!”

“No way!” Kalypso. “It’s too early…”

“You know what? If you don’t believe us, then wait till the full moon rises this month. You’ll see how much he loves.” Liliana smirked. “And trust me... he hasn’t mated with anyone. He’s just found his mate. I wonder how many painkillers you’ll need when he fucks you so hard you can’t walk.”

“Lilly! Shut up!!” Kalypso blushed, shaking her head as she held her cheeks.

“Hola, mi reina (hello, my queen).” Salvador knocked on the door, smiling at Kalypso.

“Sal-Salvador!” She screeched, accidentally flipping the cauldron over. “Oh crap…” She muttered, quickly trying to clean it up.

“Want some help, Kalli?” Salvador offered.

“Oh no than-” Before she could finish, Salvador walked over to her, helping her clean up the mess.

“I got it, Kalli.” Salvador smiled up at her.

“You don’t need to do this…” Kalypso muttered.

“I know I don’t need to, but I want to help.” Salvador kissed her cheek, increasing Kalypso’s blush.

“Thanks…” Kalypso brushed strands of her hair back.

“No problem. I actually wanted to talk to you.” Salvador chuckled nervously. “I’m going to be here for a while, at least until this whole Julius thing blows over, and well… I know when you sleep I protect you… do you mind if I protect you during the day time as well?”

“What’s this all about, Salvador?” Kalypso questioned.

“Julius’ new friends are coming soon, and it’s just the stupid wolf in me being protective…” Salvador muttered.

“Oh,” Kalypso held his hand, chuckling softly, “you’re wolf wants to protect me?”

“Not just my wolf… me too.” Salvador whispered.

“You can protect me day or night, Sal.” Kalypso kissed his forehead. “I’d love it.”

“Thank you, Kalli,” Salvador hugged her tightly, taking in her scent of bergamot and manuka. “Oh! I got this for you!” He pulled out a black necklace heart pendant with a fire surrounding the heart on a rose gold flame. “When I saw it I thought of you.”

“Salvador… it’s beautiful.” Kalypso traced her fingers over the necklace.

“No, that’s a necklace. You’re beautiful.” Salvador smiled, causing Kalypso to blush.

“Shut up…” Kalypso muttered, punching him playfully.

Salvador chuckled, stroking her cheek.You truly are beautiful.


Barron and the other alphas watched from the windows of the study as Julius greeted his new guest.

“Friends!” Julius smiled widely, hugging a strongly built man as he exited the car.

“Julius. I hope you haven’t failed us this time.” The dragon, Irvam, clenched Julius’ shoulder. “I don’t want to kill you, but I can if I must.”

Julius brushed his hand off his shoulder. “Don't worry. You and your friends will have a lot of wolves to choose from.”

“Alpha…” Montego clenched his fist. “They’re dragons! He brought dragons into the pack!”

“What’s wrong with him?” Medusa questioned.

“Dragons and Montego don’t sit well... no wolf sits well with dragons.” Barron informed her, trying to calm down the delta. “Montego, just calm down. I know you don’t like dragons because of what happened when you were younger, but it’ll be okay… she’ll be okay… everyone is on guard today and we have Orion watching Giselle and Chelia in the potion room.”

“Barron, shut up. Stop trying to calm me down! This isn’t the time to be calm!” Montego paced back and forth.

“Delta.” Barron clenched his shoulders. “Clam. Down.”

“What if they-”

“She’s fine.”

“But what if-”

“She’s fine.”

“Barron, I don’t know, what if-”

“Montego!” Barron cupped his face. “She’s. Fine.”

“I don’t want to lose her…” Montego whimpered.

“You won't.” Barron patted his back. “Go see you’re mate. It’ll help.”

“Okay…” Montego nodded, walking out of the room.

Montego slugged down the stairs and into the potions room. Chelia whimpered at Montego’s sulking face. “Come here.” Chelia held out her arms. “What happened?” she whispered, hugging Montego.

“Dragons…” Montego buried his face in her chest. “He brought dragons, baby…”

“I’m sorry…” Chelia stroked his hair, “but it’ll be okay. This time we know what to do.”

“I lost her already… I don’t want to lose you too.” Montego muttered.

“What happened?” Giselle mouthed to her fellow fairy.

“I’ll tell you later.” Chelia mouthed back. “We’ll be okay.” Chelia whispered to him.

“Promise?” Montego whimpered.

“Yes,” Chelia kissed his forehead, “are you going to go back upstairs?”

“No, I wanna stay here,” Montego held her close. “You’re not staying alone… especially not now.”

Back upstairs, the alphas and their lunas watched as more dragons came.

“I don’t like this, Barron. I don’t like that we’re being captive here, and I don’t like that there’s going to be dragons in the pack.” Endar listed, clenching his fists. “I’m not going to have some dragons feeling up my Lastachka (little sparrow).”

Ishaan scoffed, grabbing Endar’s attention. “Is something funny?”

“Endar,” Ishaan walked over to Endar, “you should be more concerned about Kirkland rather than the dragons hurting your Lastachka.” 

“What are you talking about? Kirkland is fine.” Endar shrugged.

“You don’t know?” Ishaan chuckled, pouring himself a drink.

“Know what?” Endar questioned.

“Your buddie Kirkland over there raped her for half a year. He’s not so great now is he?” Ishaan smirked, sipping his gin.

“What?” Endar growled deeply, turning towards Kirkland. His eyes flashed a deep emerald green. “You did… what now?!”

“Okay, Endar, I know it looks bad, but-” Before Kirkland could finish, Endar slammed him against the wall.

“You… monster!” Endar snarled, flinging him across the room. “How dare you touch my Lastachka?!” Endar shouted, trying to burst through the wall of the other alpha attempting to hold him back.

“Endar, just calm down.” Valentin held him back. “Your Lastachka is fine; we’re all fine.”

“He won't be fine… He’ll be DEAD!” Endar broke through the wall, allowing his wolf to come bursting out and race towards Kirkland, only to be welcomed by Yvette’s warm arms around his waist, stopping the alpha in his tracks.

“ПaПa (dad)...” Yvette whimpered into his back. “Calm down… please…”

“Lastachka, he-”

“I know he hurt me… but I’m okay now.” Yvette smiled softly at the black wolf, stroking his fur. “I’m happier now. I may never forgive the old Kirkland, but I’m liking the new one.”

Endar snarled at Kirkland. “Ever touch her without her consent again and I’ll kill you!”

“ПaПa…” Yvette glared at him slightly. “Please stop threatening him.”

“He needs to know his place.” Endar barked at him once more, getting the beta’s attention.

“Tru-trust me I kno-know my place!” Kirkland whimpered slightly, hiding behind Piper.

“Good.” Endar nodded, morphing back to his human form to hug his daughter. “I’m here, Lastachka. Don’t worry… ПaПa (dad) will keep you safe.”

“Me too, Yvette.” Alistair smiled proudly.

“No!” Endar growled at him. “That's my job! I’ll protect my Lastachka.”

“What’s with him?” Alistair whispered to Katya.

“To him, Yvette’s the pup he lost. Now that she’s back, his wolf goes into protective mode every time she’s in danger. It’s cute, honestly.” Katya chuckled.

“Where’d you find Yvette, anyways?” Alistair questioned.

“That’s a great story… we found her when she was just a little pup.” Katya smiled up at Yvette as she remembered that fond day.

Large paws galloped through the snowy forest of Russia, looking for something to clench their jaws on for a delightful dinner.

Their alpha, Endar, leads the hunt as usual. He pounced on a jackrabbit, sinking his teeth into it’s flesh.

Suddenly, the faintest whimper made Endar stop in his tracks. He looked around for the whimper, the smell of neroli and rose filling his senses.

“Is something wrong, hun?” Katya questioned, rubbing her nose against his snout.

“Did you hear that?” Endar turned towards the cave in front of them, the whimpering getting louder. “It’s coming from in there.”

He slowly walked into the cave, his eyes landing on the little girl in the corner. “Hello, little pup.” 

The small pup scooted away from Endar, holding her knees to her chest. “G-go away!”

“I won’t hurt you, pup. I want to help.” Endar came closer to the shivering pup. “Hi… I'm Endar, what's your name, little pup?”

“Yvette…” She whimpered, looking up from her knees.

“Hey, Yvette, where’s your parents?” Endar questioned, sitting beside her.

“Th-They left… the-they fought all the ti-time and h-hurt ea-each other…” Yvette stammered. Endar glanced down at her arms, seeing the bruises that tainted her skin.

“I’ll be right back, little pup.” He stood up. Yvette scrambled up from her position to race towards Endar’s side. “Little pup, you stay here… I’ll be back. Promise.”

“Pr-Promise?” Yvette tugged at his coat.

“Promise. I just need to talk to my pack.” Endar kissed her forehead before exiting the cave, his face growing serious. “I don’t want any lies, who’s pup is that? Cause I know I didn’t raise any of you to abuse a pup and your mate.”

“I know all the names of the pups and mates in the pack, and I’ve never seen a Yvette. Maybe her parents are from the pack in Sochi.” Katya suggested.

“They are horrible to their mates and pups over there…” Endar muttered, turning back towards Yvette.

He crouched down in front of the cave entrance. “Yvette, come here.”

The little pup timidly inched towards Endar. “Ar-are you leaving?”

“Yes, we’re leaving.” He picked up Yvette. “Do you believe in fate, Yvette?”

“N-No… my mom told me fa-fate is for su-suckers.” Yvette frowned, playing with her fingers.

“I believe it’s fate finding you, Yvette.” He kissed her forehead. “My Luna, Katya... she can’t have kids, so finding you is a blessing from the Moon Goddess herself.”

“A-A bl-blessing?” Yvette blushed slightly.

“Yes, a blessing.” Katya rubbed her back. “You’re going to be a blessing to the entire pack.”

“Wh-Why are you be-being so nice to me?” Yvette questioned.

“Because,” Endar held her close, “you’re my Lastachka.”

“I’m your little sparrow?” Yvette yawned, leaning her head on his shoulder.

“Yes,” Endar and the pack began walking back to the compound, “you’re my little Lastachka,” he glanced down at Yvette, ”and you’ll never be hurt again… that’s a promise.”


As the months went on, Yvette became accustomed to the pack. One night, Yvette’s little feet echoed throughout the compound as they clenched a little doll close to her chest, making her way towards the Alpha Quarters across the hall.

“Miss Yvette,” one of the omegas called out. Yvette looked up at her, and smiled sweetly, “what are you doing up this late?”

“I had a bad dream…” Yvette whimpered into her doll.

“Oooh,” the omega stroked Yvette’s hair, “do you want to see Miss Katya and Mister Endar?”

“Pl-Please.” Yvette stuttered.

“Okay.” The omega scooped up Yvette, making their way towards the Alpha Quarters.

Knocking on the door, Endar growled. “Who is it?” He asked, groaning as he rolled over off the bed, walking towards the door. He smiled softly when he opened the door to see the omega holding Yvette.

“Hey, Lastachka (little sparrow), is something wrong?” Endar questioned, reaching out and holding Yvette in his arms.

“She had a bad dream so she wanted to come and find you and the Luna.” The omega explained, ruffling her hair.

“Awe,” Endar kissed her forehead, “it’s alright, Lastachka. Do you want to talk about it?”

“I was worried my parents came back… that they took me away from you…” Yvette muttered into his shoulder.

“Yvette, we’re always gonna be here.” Katya swooped her into her arms, tapping her nose.

“Pr-Promise?” Yvette stammered slightly.

“Promise.” Endar and Katya kissed her cheeks. “We’re never leaving your side, Yvette.”

“I know you love Yvette with all your heart, but you’ve loved her for only a year. Endar and I, especially Endar, have loved her since we found her.” Katya smiled softly, turning towards Endar as he held his Lastachka in his arms.

Endar kissed the top of her head. “Don’t worry, Lastachka. This time you aren’t leaving us.”

“Yeah,” Yvette smiled into his chest, returning the hug, “I’m never leaving ever again.”


HEY EVERYONE!!! Guess what... Oh actually... Huh... Normally I have something exciting to tell y'all at the end of the chapter but not today.


Anyways!! Instead of me ranting let's ask u readers some questions!

Do u want a specific time when I update or is any time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday cool with y'all?

Tell me what u think and see u Monday!

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