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◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“Your brother. Julius WhiteClad.”

The words rang through his ear like an annoying school bell. His brother, the man that terrorized the pack for more than a year, was back within his walls.


He wouldn’t let the pack spiral back down into a depression like they did years ago.

He gazed deep into Medusa clouded eyes. Anger bubbled from within as his thoughts tainted with horrible images of what Julius might do to his mate.

“We need to end this. NOW.” Wolfie ordered.

Without any further argument, Barron rose from his seat and marched towards Julius’ room, his anger filling the aura that trailed behind him. Stopping at Julius’ door, Barron didn’t have the time to knock. Instead he broke it down.

Standing there like a ragged bull ready to attack, Barron marched over to Julius, pinning him to the wall. “First you have the nerve to waltz your sorry ass into MY compound. Then, you have the audacity to poison my mate?! You’re lucky I don’t rip your little fucking head off!”

“Long time no see brother.” Julius croaked, Barron’s grip around his throat tightening.

“Why the hell are you here?” Barron snarled, his eyes flashing a cobalt blue.

“Is that any way… to talk to… your alpha?” Julius smirked. Barron dropped him to the floor.

“What are you talking about?” Barron questioned.

Julius pulled out a scroll from his back pocket, tossing it to his younger brother. “Read it and weep.”

Barron unrolled the scroll. “We, the werewolf council, hereby declare Julius WhiteClad to be the new…” his eyes bugged out of his head as he read the last word, “ALPHA?!”

“Yes,” Julius got up off the ground, smirking at Barron, “I could have you killed for your little stunt, but since I’m a nice big brother, I’ll let it go just this once. Now leave,” he flicked Barron’s forehead, “Beta.”


“Barron, just calm down.” Montego tried to reason with the former Alpha as he paced back and forth in his wolf form in his quarters.

“Calm down?! You want me to calm down?! Do you remember what he did to us? Do you remember what happened to Chelia?” Barron reminded him.

Montego scrunched up his fist, his eyes shifting towards the sleeping fairy that rested her head on his shoulder. “Of course I do! She still has scars on her wings because of that monster, but we can’t overreact.”

“I didn’t overreact! I-if anything, I’m under reacting – yeah! I'm under reacting! I could’ve killed him the moment I laid eyes on him! I could have ripped his whole body into pieces, but did I? Nooo! I was calm!” Barron exclaimed, his pacing continuing.

“You threw him against the wall. That totally screams calm.” Kirkland rolled his eyes, placing an icepack against his head.

“Shut it, Kirkland! Nobody asked for your fucking opinion!” Barron snapped.

“Barron, sweetie,” Medusa crouched down in front of the white wolf, “wolfie, Barron… I need you to calm down and listen to the pack, okay? Can you do that for me?”

Barron nodded, licking Medusa's face, and earning a giggle from the Luna. Wolfie smiled. “That’s our Luna… she looks happier now… compared to a couple of hours ago.”

Barron curled up in her lap, listening to the ticking in Medusa’s stomach. He growled at her stomach, fighting the urge to claw it out. He shook his head, he knew something like this required more precision and care for its removal.

Barron shifted back into his human form, sitting in Medusa’s lap. “Fact of the matter is Julius is back and that’s not good for any of us.”

“Was he really that bad?” Ambrocio asked. All the world’s alphas gathered in Barron’s room for the pressing matter.

“He was horrible,” Lawrence scrunched up his first, “it was totally lawless when he was in power. Marks on our mates had little to no meaning, which meant mates were free game…”

“Oh shit… how’d you’d live through that? I would’ve killed anyone who’d touch Giselle.” Oliver scoffed, holding Giselle close. “Yeah I’m looking at you, Montego.”

Montego growled deeply. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Olly.”

“Montego, stand down.” Barron ordered.

At this, Montego backed off, earning a slight smug smirk from Oliver. Chelia murmured in her sleep. “Montego… Olly… stop fighting… it’s too late at night for all your… bickering…”

Montego kissed the top of her head, muttering a quick sorry before holding her in his arms.

“How did he get reinstated as alpha anyways?” Endar questioned, holding Katya in his lap.

“Somehow he got the werewolf council to sign off on it.” Medusa looked at the scroll. “There looks like there’s blood on the scroll… you don’t think he-”

“Forced them to sign it?” Dayo scoffed. “Sounds like him.”

“Dammit!” Vanessa punched the wall. “I can’t go back to living under this man’s rules! Mom and Dad didn’t want this! They never wanted this! We have to end him now, Barron!”

“We can’t Vanessa… not now at least…” Barron sighed, shaking his head.

“Why not?! You saw what he did to the pack last time he was here! We need to get rid of him! So give me one good reason why I shouldn’t-”

“Because there’s a bomb in Medusa’s stomach that’s why!” Barron shot back.

“A what?” Alistair asked in shock.

“A bomb. He slipped it in her drink when she wasn’t looking and now there’s a bomb in her stomach and if we so much as touch him, Medusa explodes.” Barron warned.

Yvette ran up to Medusa, pushing Barron out of the way to hug her. “Ma-Maybe Dr. Lycia can do something t-to fix the Luna!” Yvette suggested hopefully.

All eyes landed on Dr. Lycia. “Depending on the bomb I’m going to need 3 other doctors for the surgery. I’ll also need x-rays of her stomach, her vitals, her blood pressure, all that stuff and it’ll be almost impossible to do under the eye of Julius.”

“You can still help her, correct?” Yvette asked.

“Yes, but I’m going to get those x-rays first.” Dr. Lycia said. “If you can get me x-rays then I might be able to do the surgery.”

“In the meantime, what are we going to do about Julius?” Malakai questioned.

Kirkland winced, holding his head. “Can you stop saying his name? Can’t y’all do some Voldermort thing and say ‘he who shall not be named’.”

“What’s up with him?” Salvador questioned.

“Everytime you say his name I get migraines.” Kirkland growled. “Now everyone shut up so I can let this one pass.”

“I thought you were pumping him up with endorphins so he won't be moody?” Camila chuckled. Kirkland rolled his eyes.

“That only blocks off the virus, not the migraines.” Kirkland explained, resting his hand on his temple.

Suddenly, Kirkland’s eyes began flashing again. He gripped the sides of his head, dropping to the floor. “Agh! Dammit! Stop it!” Kirkland yelled, curling up into a ball.

Piper ran to his side, trying to comfort the wolf. “What’s happening to him?” Piper asked, her voice laced with worry.

“This isn’t a side effect of the virus…” Kwame muttered. “Right?” She asked, turning towards the doctor.

“No.” Dr. Lycia shook her head.

“I think it’s Julius’ doing. Something about him made Kirkland act like this the first time.” Medusa guessed, glancing towards Malakai. “Malakai, Dr. Lycia, Chelia, and Giselle, I need you to see if you can enter Kirkland’s mind.”

“You want us to perform MindScape?” Chelia asked her uncertainly.

“Yes. Chelia, look at the state he’s in.” Piper motioned towards the wolf on the floor. “Please, if you know how to fix him… please… do it.”

Chelia felt her heart break as she watched tears streamed down her cheeks. “Alright, but I gotta tie him down or make sure he’s relaxed for at least a little bit while we set up the spell.”

Piper nodded, stroking his hair. “Hi…” Piper whispered softly. “I need you to calm down, okay? I know you can hear me. I just need you to calm down.”

Kirkland shook his head, spasming on the floor. “N-no! AGH! Dammit it hurts!” Kirkland howled, curling up into a feibel position.

“Shh…” Piper pulled him in close. “Baby… please, listen to me… it’s okay… just breathe… it’ll be over soon.” Piper noticed her calming words weren't working. “Come on, baby. I’m worried about you… you know it pains me to see you like this.”

Kirkland growled. Hishead was spinning, and his vision beginning to fade to black. Piper’s voice began to sound farther and farther away.

“Ugh!” Kirkland clenched the side of his head. “Where… where is she?”

Darkness surrounded the wolf’s vision. He desperately searched for some form of light. A fire to lead the way, his Piper…

“Piper… Pipey… Pipey!” Kirkland shouted into the darkness, frantically looking around for her.

“It’s alright, Kirkland, I’m here.” Piper kissed his forehead, seeming to calm him down only a little, but now enough to activate MindScape.

Kirkland couldn’t see her or hear her as he raced through the darkness. “Piper! Piper, god dammit, stop scaring me! Where are you?!” Kirkland began running faster. “Pipey! Pipey! Pipey, where are you?!”

“Kirkland, just listen I’m here.” Piper held him close to her heart. “Can’t you hear me?”

The darkness began to close in. “Pipey! Come on you promised me you wouldn’t leave! Piper Campell you promised me you wouldn’t leave!” His breathing began to quicken.

“Piper, his viral levels are going up. Your going to have to do something.” Dr. Lycia warned.

“Um… uh…” Piper frantically looked around for a solution. “God dangit, Kirkland! I didn’t think I would have to do this, but…” Piper’s lips connected with his, putting a stop to the wolf’s frantic movements.

Inside his mind, the darkness began to fade away, and Kirkland sighed in delight. “Where’d you go?”

Piper stroked his cheek. “I never left.”

Kirkland held onto her, his eyes still closed but the warmth of this mate made him calm down in octaves. “You’re warm…”

“I know.” Piper kissed his forehead. “Don’t scare me like that.”

Kirkland buried his face into the safety of her chest. “Why can’t I see you? I can hear you but I can’t see you.”

“You need to keep your eyes closed so the MindScape can work.” Piper stroked his hair. “I would love to see those beautiful hazel eyes, but you’re gonna have to wait a little longer.”

“Why… I wanna see you now…” Kirkland whimpered.

“Honey, if you open your eyes four mates of wolves will die and then 4 angry wolves will be on your ass when you open your eyes. So, to prevent that from happening and from me kicking 4 wolves' asses, let’s not open our eyes for a little bit.” Piper pecked his lips with a kiss.

“Okay.” He muttered, kissing the valley of her breast.

“Watch it, Kirkland.” Olly growled deeply.

“Sorry…” Kirkland chuckled. “Forgot you were all still in the room.”

“Having a mate does that to you sometimes, hun.” Piper giggled, kissing his hand.

“Are you ready to perform MindScape?” Medusa looked up at Malakai, Chelia, Giselle, and Dr. Lycia.

“Yep.” Chelia smiled. She, Malakai, Giselle, and Dr. Lycia gathered and sat in a circle around Kirkland.

“This won't hurt, right?” Kirkland whimpered.

“Of course not, honey.” Piper looked up at the people surrounding them. “Right?”

“It doesn't hurt at all.” Alistair smiled, kissing Yvette’s hand. “It’s actually pretty fun.”

“How do you know?” Kirkland scoffed.

“Truth be told, Kirkland, all the times we were together intimately I was in Mindscape with Alistair…” Yvette blushed, remembering the loving times with her boyfriend in the MindScape.

Alistair smiled and kissed the top of her head. “It was quite fun.” 

“Anyways,” Medusa chuckled, “let's get this done so Kirkland can open his eyes and stop whining about not being able to see his mate.”

With that, Chelia and Giselle pulled out their wands. “Mindscape!”

Once inside the Mindscape, Dr. Lycia, Chelia, Giselle, and Malakai walked out into the wolf's mind. It was decorated with multiple orbs that contained precious memories Kirkland held.

“There's so many…” Dr. Lycia muttered.

“I know… you'd think someone like Kirkland wouldn’t have so many happy memories. I thought there would be a lot of dark ones.” Malakai chuckled softly.

“Uh… I think I found all the dark ones.” Giselle's shakey finger pointed towards a large mass of dark energy that got larger and larger by the second.

“Don't tell me we have to go in there?” Chelia gulped.

“Yep.” Malakai inhaled sharply. “Well, let's get this over with.” The four hesitantly walked towards the black ball before getting sucked inside.

Meanwhile, outside the Mindscape, Barron's anger was getting the best of him.

“That damn prick…” Barron growled, clutching the Werewolf council order that deemed Julius the Alpha of the pack.

“I'm sorry…” Medusa looked down in shame. “If I didn’t do the stupid study, he wouldn’t be here…”

“Well, she has one thing right.” Chaaya scoffed.

“Mother!” Ayame scolded.

“Well, it’s true.” Chaaya shrugged. “The girl was so caught up in her damn study she was stupid enough to drink a bomb.”

Barron growled at her, his eyes flashing a bright cobalt blue. “Shut it will ya?!”

“Mom, just listen to him.” Alistair glared at her.

“Whatever,” Chaaya stormed towards the door, “for the record, I hope it explodes.” She snarled, slamming the door on the way out.

Barron growled deeply at the closed door. “Mine…” He grumbled, holding Medusa close.

Medusa smiled and stroked his hair. “Don’t worry… I’m yours.” She kissed the top of his head. 

“I’m sorry about my mother.” Alistair rubbed his temple. “She’s a-”

“Bitch. A racist, stuck-up, bitch.” Yvette spat out.

“Yvette!” Katya laughed, trying to scold her daughter. “It’s true, but you can’t say things like that about your mate’s mother. Do you see me talking about how much I hate your Grandma Ivanka?”

“You hate my mom?” Endar questioned.

“Whaat? No!” Katya laughed, kissing Endar’s cheek. “I love your mother. She’s great.” Katya muttered the last part to herself. She turned towards Yvette, shaking her head and muttering ‘no’.

Medusa sighed softly. “I really am sorry though…”

“You don’t need to apologize… you didn’t know.” Barron kissed her hand. “We’ll figure something out.”

“No, I’ll figure something out. You dealt with him before, so let me handle him this time.” Medusa smiled slightly.

“Medusa,” Barron turned towards her, “you don’t have to do this alone.” He kissed her forehead. “You got a whole pack to help you out.”

“Why can’t I just do this for you?” Medusa muttered. “Dammit, Barron, you already handled the witches. Let me handle your brother!”

“Medusa,” Barron intertwined his fingers with hers, “my Luna,” he kissed the sides of her face, “you have to be able to accept help once in a while.”

“I don’t like it…” Medusa whispered.

“I know you don’t like it, but sometimes help is good.” Barron stroked her cheek.

“Is it though?” Julius stood at the doorway. “Cause I really don’t think anyone can help you in this situation.”

“What are you doing here?” Barron snarled at his brother, getting ready to pounce on him.

“Chill out, Beta,” Julius laughed. “Ooh, betcha you’d never hear that again, huh, beta.”

“Stop calling him that!” Vanessa stood up from her chair. “The only reason you’re alpha right now is because of a damn piece of paper. You know Barron is the rightful alpha of this pack.”

“Watch it, Vanessa,” Julius whipped his head towards her. “I could force open Kirkland’s eyes, and you’ll all lose your mates. Ooh, so sad.” He winked at her, smirking slyly.

His eyes landed on Montego and Olly. “Ooh, are you mad because of what I did to Chelia all those years ago?”

“You ripped her wings! You fucking monster!” Montego scolded, marching towards Julius until their noses were touching. “If you come within 10 feet of her, I’ll kill you where you stand!”

“Montego,” he pushed the delta back, “that’s cute, really it is. Stop living in the fantasy world where you can kill me.”

“Oh, it’s no fantasy! I will fucking kill you if you touch her!” Montego growled deeply, his eyes flashing a dim yellow.

“My, my, such language!” Julius fake gasped.

Barron rubbed his shoulder. “Calm down.” Barron whispered. “She’s going to be fine.”

“Just so you know, there’s going to be some big changes here. Starting with none of you going home.” Julius smirked, cackling softly.

“Wh-What?” Camila stuttered slightly.

“Oh yes! Nobody’s going home! And we’ll be inviting some new guests from a far away land soon!” Julius clapped his hands excitedly. “It’s gonna be a disaster!”

“Then why are you happy?” Enolia glared at him, folding her arms over her chest.

“It’s going to be a disaster for you!” Julius jumped up and down like a little school girl.

“You thought this summit was bad? Wait until they arrive. It’s gonna be hell and I can’t wait.” Julius walked towards the door, blowing a kiss at Medusa. “See you later, my little bomb baby.”

With that, Julius left the room, leaving Barron simmering in anger.

Meanwhile, inside the Mindscape, Dr. Lycia, Malakai, Chelia, and Giselle began falling down a deep hole of Kirkland’s darkest memories.

“Is it over yet?” Giselle kept her eyes shut tightly, holding onto Chelia as they fell.

“Almost. I can see the memory up ahead.” Chelia pointed towards the bottom of the pit. “Get ready.” Chelia warned, nodding at Malakai and Dr. Lycia as they fell deeper into the memory.

Kirkland braced himself against the cold tree bark, breathing heavily, watching as his breath became visible in the cold December night air. “Dammit…” Kirkland looked around. “Where the hell am I?”

“Are you sure this is the correct memory?” Malakai questioned, walking towards Kirkland.

Dr. Lycia nodded. “Yes, I’m sure.”

Kirkland slid down the tree, slumping down in the cold snow. “Shit… I wanna go home…” Kirkland cried into his knees. “I want to go back to her…”

“Is he talking about-” Giselle began.

“Piper.” Chelia nodded.

“God dammit!” Kirkland clenched the side of his head.“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry Moon Goddess, please… please just let me go home… I miss her! I miss my Pipey… my little Aussie… I know you hate me, Moon Goddess, I just want to see her… my little Aussie.”


The four of them whipped their heads towards the Moon Goddess standing meer feet in front of Kirkland.

“Moon Goddess!” Kirkland scurried towards her, bowing in front of her. “I’m so sorry! Please… please forgive me… I know I hate me and I don’t deserve your forgiveness but please… I’ll do anything! Just let me go back home… to her…”

“Kirkland, stand up.” the Moon Goddess sighed softly.

Kirkland slowly rose, bowing his head. “Kirkland I don’t hate you I don’t hate any of my children.” She pulled him in close. “Sure, some of my children sway off their chosen path, but I know you, Kirkland, and you will be with her soon…”

“But why do I have to go through this?” Kirkland whimpered. “I want her back now, Moon Goddess.”

“I know you do… I know… I know.” the Moon Goddess stroked his hair. “But you’ve done some bad things, my child, and before you make it to the promised land, you have to go through some pain first.”

“I can’t… not without her…” Kirkland shook his head rapidly.

“It’s just one final test, my child.” The Moon Goddess promised him.

“I can’t… please… just let be with her now… I’ve been through so much pain…” Kirkland cried into her chest.

“I know, I know…” The Moon Goddess kissed his forehead. “Can you be strong for me, my child? For her?”

Kirkland nodded, slumping back down the tree bark.

“Thank you.” The Moon Goddess crouched down in front of Kirkland. “My child, it’s okay. She’ll be with you soon. Now... just be strong.”

Kirkland nodded, watching from lidded eyes as the Moon Goddess faded away.

“Well look what we have here…” Julius smirked, stalking out of the shadow. “A weak little wolf.” He twirled around a needle with an ooey green liquid in his fingers.

“Leave… me… alone.” Kirkland attempted to growl but it came out as a whimper.

“How cute.” Julius crouched down beside him. “Don’t you worry, Kirkland.” He stuck the needle in his neck. “You’ll feel sooo much better.”

“Fucking Julius.” Malakai growled, scrunching up his fist. “Let’s go. We should tell the others what we learned.”

Chelia nodded, bringing out her wand as she teleported out of the MindScape.

Kirklands felt around, smiling when Piper’s hand clutched his. “Can I open my eyes now?”

Piper nodded. “Yes, you can.”

Kirkland opened his eyes. The first thing they landed on was Piper’s smiling face. “Hi...” He sighed in delight, his heart melting at her touch.

“Hi.” She whispered back. “You were really strong.”

Kirkland buried his head in the safety of her chest. “Hou think so?”

“Yeah.” Piper chuckled, stroking his hair.

“Watch your hands, Kirkland.” Olly growled, pulling Giselle in close. “South of the border, boy.”

Piper laughed. Kirkland grumbled, removing his hands off of Piper.

“As sweet as these two are-” Malakai tried to stand up from his seat, but Vanessa wasn’t letting him. “Um... honey?”

“Continue.” Vanessa cooed.

“I would like to, but, Vanessa, my love, I was trying to make a point…” Malakai muttered. Vanessa wrapped her arms around Malakai.

“You can still make your point.” Vanessa muttered into his chest.

“Um… I was hoping to do it standing-”

“You can still make your point.” Vanessa growled, clutching his shirt.

Malakai gulped. “O-of course honey.”

Lawrence laughed. “She’s a little on edge. Her brother was in here while you all were in MindScape.”

Vanessa snarled, her eyes gleaming a velvet red. “Easy girl.” Malakai whispered, stroking her hair, which seemed to calm the wolf.

“We learned that Julius is the one that gave Kirkland the virus in the first place. Kirkland also has a very meaningful conversation with the Moon Goddess.” He winked at Kirkland. “He said that all he wanted to do was to go home to Piper. It was adorable really.”

Kirkland blushed, looking away from him. “You must have got it wrong, baker. I said no such thing…”

“Sure you didn’t~” Giselle cooed, wiggling her eyebrows at Kirkland. “‘I just want to see her~’” She mocked his voice, earning a laugh from the room.

“Shut up…” Kirkland pouted slightly.

“You know we’re just playing with you.” Ambrocio slapped his back playfully. “Enjoy your mate.” Kirkland smiled, watching as Piper conversed with Chelia, Dechen, and Giselle. “You could be like me and be away from her…”

“Don’t worry, Alpha.” Kirkland smiled up at him. “You’ll see her again soon.”


HEEEYYY!! Day two of me attempting to find an Xbox Series X no luck, still stuck in cart but hey! Its in the cart so we have some hope!!

Nevertheless, how cute is Kirkland in this chapter!! Ugh! Him and Piper are so adorable!!

Not to mention Medusa and Barron had a little bit of a cute moment.

So, how was this chapter? Pretty crazy that Julius gave Kirkland the virus!

Anyways! I'll see u on Friday for another update!!

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