№37|Loved You Since The Beginning

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№37|Loved You Since The Beginning
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆


“Hi little pup…” Medusa crouched down beside a little kid, “can you tell me your name?”

“Valkyrie.” The little pup muttered, wrapping up in the blanket Medusa passed her.

“Last name?” Medusa asked, writing down her name on the list before looking through the binders.

“Smirnov.” Valkyrie replied, looking around for her parents. “Where’s mama and papa?”

“Valkyrie!” A woman cheered, running towards Valkyrie and embracing her in a warm hug. “I thought they sold you!” The mother held Valkyrie in her arms.

“Did you find her?” A gruff voice asked as he rushed into the tent, smiling as he crouched down beside Valkyrie. “Hi, my little tike.”

“Papa!! Mama!!” Valkyrie cried into her parents arms.

“Thank you, Luna.” The mother thanked, kissing Medusa’s hand. “We haven’t seen our child in months! Now we can finally go back home to our pack.”

“What was your pack’s name?” Medusa asked.

“Romanov.” The father, Borya, replied.

Medusa smiled, holding the binder close to her chest. “Lucky for you three, Endar and Katya are here so you can talk to them about returning to the pack.”

“I don’t know… do you think they’ll let us back?” The mother’s, Mila, voice grew weary.

“Once a wolf enters a pack, it’s their home. The pack becomes their family.” Barron said, walking over to the family. He kissed the top of Medusa's head. “And family doesn't leave family behind.”

Mila nodded as she picked Valkyrie in her arms. Her and Borya walked over to Endar and Katya. Endar, Katya, Borya, and Mila laughed and conversed as though the small family of three never left.

“Good to know…” Medusa muttered, opening her notebook as she began observing the wolves' actions. “So there’s no repercussions for wolves that go missing from the pack? Does that apply to rouges as well?” She asked, looking up at Barron.

The alpha shook his head. “No, rogues are banished from their pack; missing wolves are like lost souls trying to find their way home.”

Barron glanced down at the binder filled with the Candyland Wolves. “How many have been reunited with their packs?”

“A lot, but there’s still a lot of rogues and special cases that won't be accepted back into their packs.” Medusa flipped through the pages of the binder. “Not to mention all the pups whose parents died in Candyland.”

Barron scanned over the names. “Tonight we’ll look over the names and see which ones we can accept into the packs. Maybe some of the other alphas might want to let them join too.”

Medusa kissed his cheek. “You’re always so generous.”

“You think so?” Barron asked.

“I know so.” Medusa smiled.


“Dechen!!” Dayo called out, rushing over to the Asian wolf.

A bright smile formed across Dechen’s face as Dayo came to her side. “Hey, Dayo, is something wrong?”

“I wanted to apologize for not being able to talk to you for a while. Things have been so busy with everything happening with Julius and all.” Dayo sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. He looked down at the ground. “A girl like you doesn't deserve to be blocked out like that.”

“It’s alright, Dayo. I’m used to it.” Dechen shrugged.

“What?” Dayo glanced up at her. “What do you mean you're used to it?”

“There are times when I do meet a guy I really like,” Dechen walked over to the first aid kit and grabbed some wraps before returning back to her patient, “we’ll talk for a few days, be a little flirty, but then…” she sighed, wrapping a patient’s arm, “then they just disappear…”

Dayo whimpered, pulling her in for a hug. “You shouldn’t be used to that…” he muttered into her shoulder, “I promise you, from now on I’m gonna be more attentive, okay?”

“Dayo,” Dechen chuckled, lifting his head off her shoulder, “you don’t have to promise me anything. I already know you’ll be there.”

Dayo wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up as he spun her around. Dechen’s giggles filled the air, wrapping her arms around Dayo’s neck.

Soon, Dayo put her down, brushing back a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. “Ododo mi (my flower),” Dayo began, gazing softly into her coco brown eyes, “come back home with me.”

“Wh-What?” Dechen stammered.

“Come back to Yorubaland with me.” Dayo requested. “You’re gonna love Yorubaland! It’s gonna be great!”

“Dayo.” Dechen sighed, patting his chest. “I have to help my parents…”

“B.S,” Tenshi scoffed, approaching the two, “Dechen, now that I’m back you can stop being mini luna.” She leaned in and whispered. “And be an actual Luna with him.”

Dechen blushed, “I-I-I don’t know mom… don’t you and dad need help with the pack and all?”

“Nope,”  Ambrochi patted her shoulder, “the pack is all good.”

“Dayo! Over here! We found another one!” Enyo cheered, hugging their lost member of the pack.

Dayo smiled and waved goodbye to Dechan before walking over to his sister. 

“Is there anything I can do for you, mom and dad?” Dechen asked, her eyes darting between her parents and Dayo.

“Go to him.” Ambroico said.

“Dad, I can help out more… I don’t need to go.” She bit her lip, her eyes locking with Dayo’s.

“Just go to him, Dechen!” Tenshi laughed, shaking her daughter back and forth.

“Are you sure?” Dechen whimpered.

“Yes!” Ambrocio exclaimed. “You’ve been such a big help at the pack,” he stroked her cheek, “I want you to be happy…”

“I’m happy with you.” Dechen said, turning her head to see Dayo’s smiling face.

“But you're happier with him.” Tenshi winked, edging her towards Dayo. “We’ll be okay,” Tenshi kissed her cheek, “you’re gonna be a great Luna, Dechen.”

Dechen smiled, giving her parents one last hug before walking over to Dayo. “So… did you consider my offer Ododo mi (my flower)?” Dayo asked as hope began to follow his ebony eyes.

“Yes, I have,” Dechen smiled, holding onto his hand as she swung it softly, “and I would love to join you in Yorubaland.”

Dayo’s face gleamed with excitement as he picked her up by the waist, and spun her around. “You’re gonna love the pack, Ododo mi!”

Dechen smiled, hugging his back. “I’m gonna love being with you.” She whispered, hoping nobody heard her.

Unlucky for her, he heard her. He smiled, kissing the top of her head. “I’m gonna love being with you too, Dechen.”


Dalaja giggled as her and Valentin walked back to the campsite. She clenched the jumbo sized panda bear stuffed animal in her arms, leaning against his shoulder. She sighed in delight. “The festival was amazing, Val!”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it, little one.” Valentin smiled, kissing her cheek.

“Valentin,” Dalaja glanced up at him, “there’s something I have to say…”

“You can tell me anything, little one.” Valentin kissed her hand.

“I...I u-um… I lov-”

“Dalaja!” Alistair’s voice interrupted as he stormed over to the pair. “Where have you been?! I was worried sick about you!”

He glared at Valentin, pulling his little sister to his side. “Oh... you were with him.”

“Yes, I was with him.” Dalaja stated, backing away from Alistair. “We went to a festival in Fleshie Town.”

“Did you now.” His glare never left Valentin. “You were supposed to be helping with the Candyland Wolves.”

“I told them to take a break, Alstair.” Barron patted his shoulder, spooking him slightly.

“Oh…” he muttered.

“Yeah, ‘oh’,” Barron laughed, “don’t worry about your sister. Valentin’s a great guy.”

Alistair and Barron watched from a distance as Valentin conversed with his ‘little one’. Alistair let out a shaky breath. “She gonna be okay?”

“Yvette says Valentin was the best big brother she could’ve asked for.” Barron smiled, ruffling his hair. “Don’t you worry about your sis... she’s gonna be just fine.”

With that, the Alpha walked off smiling as Yvette approached Alistair. “You okay, Alistair?” Yvette asked, rested her hand on his bicep.

“Yeah, Shona (darling),” he kissed her cheek, “I’m good.”

“Great, cause I’m beat.” Yvette yawned. “I’ve been helping my father reunite with lost wolves all day!”

“Mmm,” he pulled her in close, nibbling on her earlobe, “anyway I can help relieve the stress?”

“N-Not now, Al-Alistair!” Yvette stammered, her cheeks staining red. “I still have work to do.”

“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about our little marriage discussion.” Alstair intertwined his fingers with hers. “I know we’ve only been together for about a year now, but you’re the one I want to be with for the rest of my life.”

“I wanna marry you too, Alistair, but-”

“If you want to wait I understand, Shona.” He stroked her cheek softly. “I know deep down inside there’s a part of you thinking you may wake up one day and I’d be gone, but I assure you, Shona (darling), that will never happen.”

“I believe you, Alistair, I truly do, but… my birth parents were married and they ended hating each other… that won't happen to us, right?” Yvette questioned, resting her head on his chest.

“Of course not!” Alistair placed a soft kiss on her lips. “We will never end up like your birth parents.”

“Promise?” Yvette muttered.

“Promise.” Alistair smiled, kissing her cheek.

Meanwhile, Dalaja and Valentin were inside the tent, helping heal wounded pups when Valentin turned towards Dalaja and asked. “What were you gonna say back there?”

Dalaja froze, her cheeks flushing a deep red. “U-um… what?”

“You wanted to tell me something back there. What was it?” Valentin asked, wrapping up a little girl’s arm.

“O-Oh… something stu-stupid.” Dalaja looked down at her feet.

“Nothing you say is stupid, little one.” Valentin said, turning her face towards him. “Now what did you want to say?”

“I-I-I said it was stu-stupid…” Dalaja muttered.

Valentin cupped her face. “Nothing about you is stupid, little one.”

Dalaja melted at his touch, warmth flooded her body through his fingertips. She gasped slightly. His fingers were course yet soft to the touch. His auburn eyes shimmered in the string lights that lit the tent.

For years, Dalaja hadn’t known warmth, love… passion like this. She didn't know one person could cause her body to erupt in a fury of passion and heat. She hadn’t known that a man could care so much about her in so little time.

The sheer amount of passion Valentin had for her brought her almost to tears. For so long she was so lonely… so cold on those bitter winter nights. While everyone else had mates to keep them warm, Dalaja had to settle for blankets and heaters.

But that was no more.

Now that Valentin was here she no longer felt lonely. She no longer needed the abundant amount of heaters and blankets to keep her warm.

All she needed was him.

“I love you!” She blurted out, bringing silence to the room.

After a few moments of awkwards silence, Dalaja looked down at the ground, her cheeks redder than ever before. “Ye-Yeah… I-I-I lo-love you.”

“I love you too, Little One.” He smiled, placing a small kiss on her cheek. “I’ve loved you since the beginning.” He chuckled, resting his forehead on her forehead.


Piper sat on a stump as her and Giselle were talking over food, when Kirkland came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. “Hi~” he whispered, nuzzling his nose along her neck. “Why have you been avoiding me, my little Aussie?”

Giselle chuckled, picking up her plate as she stood up from the stump. “I’ll leave you two be. Seems like a little someone misses their mate.” She cooed as she walked off.

“I haven’t been avoiding you,” Piper laughed, kissing his cheek, “I’ve just been so busy…”

“Piper, this might be the last night you…” Kirkland kissed along her neck, “let’s make it one we’ll never forget.”

“I have a lot of work to do…” Piper bit her lip as she threw her head back, attempting to quiet her mewles of pleasure from Kirkland’s kisses.

“Your brother and Giselle have it under control.” Kirkland sighed in delightly, taking in her intoxicating scent of vanilla and cherries. “Gods why do you have to smell so damn delicious.”

“Because I’m just that sweet~” Piper teased, winking at the wolf. “I’ve grown a lot over the years, Kirk…” she turned around, straddling herself on her hips as her fingers trickled down his chest. “I see you have too~”

“What happened to you being busy?” Kirkland teased.

“I want to be busy with you.” She purred, her fingers walking up his chest. “If this is my last day here…” she gripped his collar, pulling him in for a sensual kiss, “I want you to make me yours.”


With that, Kirkland stood up from the stump and pulled Piper back towards the compound. Piper could feel the heat radiating off his hand, her body jolting with excitement at the thought of feeling more of him.

Kirkland couldn’t contain his excitement as he kicked open the door to their bedroom, slowly releasing her hand. In the dim lightning of the room Piper’s gaze almost seemed ethereal as her dark orbs reflected the yellow hues of the hotel lamp like bright stars’ in the dead of night. He leaned in for a kiss but was stopped by Piper’s finger, “wait here for one sec.” she whispered as she rushed to her bags, pulling out a sack of purple dust.

“What’s that?” Kirkland asked as she poured some dust on her hand as well as his. The two both watched in awe as the dust seeped into their skin, soon forming into a red string that connected the two of them.

The red string fluttered around his small pinky finger as a pride and deeper feeling constricted his heart. “When two people are connected by the string… they’re destined to be together for all eternity.” Piper smiled softly.

“It doesn't matter what some string says, no matter the time, place, or even world… I’ll always love you, Piper.” He muttered, as a small smirk wanted to pull at the corner of Kirkland’s lips at Piper’s blush, but instead he let the truth of his words hand in the air as he stepped closer to her. 

“I love you, Piper Campbell, forever and ever I will always love you,” he whispered, wrapping an arm around her waist, his other hand tilting her chin up.

A pregnant pause lingered between them as his mouth lowered to float over hers, in the heady way he had done years ago. Then, with a small, knowing smirk, he brought his lips down to crash against her in a searing kiss.

His lips were rough as he pulled Piper into him and the Australian wolf arched her back at the feeling of her body flushing against his.

He was good, oh so good. Was the only thought lacing though her mind as she felt him silently discard their coats onto the floor before breaking the kiss.

Piper bit her bottom lip to stifle a gasp as his hands were suddenly sliding under her shirt and pulling the garment up. His fingers brushing against the smooth expanse of her stomach sent electric sparks up her spine as the material was dragged up and over her head.

His lips swiftly found hers again as his large hands circled around her hips to cup her round bottom. A small moan worked its way up her throat as Kirkland gave her a rough squeeze but as soon as she opened her mouth his tongue pushed past her lips as he greedily devoured her.

Piper’s body was tingling. Fire raced along her nerves as Kirkland deepened the kiss as turned them around, pushing her against the wall. Her breast pillowed against his chest as he pinned her down with his weight.

Her body was melting. Her breasts were getting heavy with need, Piper couldn’t hold back from uttering another small whimper as her body moved against him, instinctually asking for more.

Kirkland smiled into her lips, his hands giving her bottom another squeeze as he rolled his hips into her. His leg pushing between her thighs so she could feel his clothed member hardening against her core. Piper whimpered again into Kirkland’s mouth at the evidence of his arousal.

She wanted him.

The thought fueled the burning desire within Kirkland. He rolled his hips into Piper’s aching core again as he deepened the kiss. Taking what he wanted, what he had to have, as passion and lust flared between them.

Piper was gasping. Fingers digging into Kirkland’s auburn hair as she fought between pushing the wolf away and pulling him closer.

When finally, she was dizzy and panting for air, Kirkland turned his attention to her throat. Pressing slow, he opened mouthed kisses down her neck. Piper gasped and withered against him in delight as he nipped at the bruise on her throat.

“You’ll only think of me,” he whispered into her jugular, as she nipped at her soft flesh again. Once of his large hands moving from her chin to mold her breast through her breast before sneaking behind to unbuckle the garment.

“That’s all I ever do.” She breathlessly replied as the fabric slid easily off Piper’s shoulders, skimming against her over sensitive nipples as it dropped to the floor.

Kirkland pulled back slightly. His eyes moved slowly over her flushed form and he felt a smug satisfaction as he watched Piper’s erratic breathing and the red blush staining her cheeks.

She could see the red string wrapped around their small fingers but it didn’t matter… The attraction she felt was enough to assure her that Kirkland was not only her mate but her soulmate. She felt the overwhelming desire to touch and be touched by the man above her.

His eyes moved lower to land on her breasts. Her chest was still fluttering as she attempted to catch her breath. Her nipples hard from her own arousal. With a small groan, Kirkland leaned down and gently pulled one of the buds into his mouth, skillfully swirling his tongue around one of the sensitive nubs.

Piper’s head fell back and a deep throaty moan bubbled up her throat as his teeth skimmed over one of her nipples. She was heating up. Heat curling in her core, begging for release as he gently sucked on her teat before releasing it was a soft smack. His other hand was messaging the flesh of her other breath as he kissed between her globes of flesh to gently pull the other nipple into his mouth. 

Piper couldn’t contain herself as she withered against Kirkland’s weight. Just as his mouth on her was driving her crazy as she wiggled her body to try and release some of the pruning pressure overflowing from her core. Her sex unconsciously pushed against his hard memeber that was straining against Kirkland’s pants.

Kirkland nipped at the underside of the Australian wolf’s breast. “You’re so impatient,” he whispered before returning to take her nipple into his mouth again, sucking and swirling his tongue around the hard numb. Piper’s head fell back and she whimpered, but the wolf ignored her as he continued to lavish her body.

She didn’t know how much more she could take as her back arched off the wall and wetness started to pool in her underwear.

She needed more, “Kirk, please.” she begged, dragging her names through his auburn hair as he nipped at her collarbone.

“It’s Kirkland.” He growled as he moved up to lick her jugular, grinding her clothed sex into his hard bulge.

“Kirkland, please, I need you,” she whimpered.

Her request must have pleased him as Kirkland steeped back and discarded his shirt. Moving closer again, he leaned down and hoisted her up. Her legs instinctually wrapped around his waist as he carried her over to the bed and laid her down, quickly covering her body with his own.

“I want you. I want all of you, Piper,” he breathed, leaning down and giving her a small, gentle kiss.

Her body was tingling. He could already feel the pre-cum beginning to wet his boxers. Kirkland bit back a grunt as a delicate hand reached down between them wanting to release him from the constricting material.

Growling, Kirkland caught her wrist in a vice like rip. “No. Tonight it’s only about you,” he muttered, his eyes blazing as he laced their fingers together.

Piper whimpered softly at the dark undertones lacing through Kirkland’s voice but silently nodded her consent.

At her silent acceptance, he released her hand and leaned down in a demanding kiss that left stars in Piper’s eyes as his other hand slid between her breasts, twisting one of her nipples, before moving lower to her pants. With skilled fingers, he unbuttoned the top of her jeans. Sitting back, he helped her slide the restrictive material and underwear down and off her long legs in one go.

She was bare to him, her body aching as his eyes stared down at her, heat licking along her skin as his gaze lingered on her sex. Piper could feel herself blush as the feeling of moisture dripped from her core. Kirkland must have seen it too as he was leaning over her then, one finger slipping between her thighs to glide up her slick lower lips. A low moan lodged instier in her throat as Piper closed her eyes at the feeling of light pressure pushing against her core. Her juices coating his finger in need.

She wanted more, and her hips bucked into his finger to try and release some of the mounting pressure he was creating.

She’s so wet. Kirkland’s dick throbbed painfully, yearning to be buried inside her. He inhaled as she watched, transfixed as her juices ran down his finger as he gently pressed a second digit to her core. She wiggled again and Kirkland couldn’t stop a small smile from pulling at the coroner of his lips as he slipped his fingers inside her wet cave.

Her insides immediately clamped down greedily on his digits as Piper’s head fell back with a low, lustful moan.

Kirkland paused for a moment to allow her to adjust before beginning to pump in and out of her in slow strokes. His other hand, trailing along her chest, rolled one of her nipples between his fingertips.

With a silent exhale he let his heated hand slide his hand further down over the perfect globes to draw circles on her stomach. Piper let out a small whimper as the fingers inside of her curled in tandem. Her eyes fluttered open to gaze lustfully at her partner. “Kirkland!”

His only reply was a small smile before Kirkland leaned down to take her tit back into his skilled mouth as he curled his fingers inside of her again. Piper’s body shook, her core twisting at each pump of his, begging for something only he could give her. “Kirkland,” she begged again as her body began to buck beneath him. Her back arched at the familiar feeling of her walls twitching.

She was close.

Kirkland curled his fingers inside of her one more time, bringing the Australian wolf over the edge as her inside pulsed and fluttered around him. Her eyes closed in bliss as her head fell back and a low keening noise slipped past her lips. Kirkland allowed his own eyes to close for a moment as he felt the soft flutters of her walls wrap around his fingers before pulling them out.

Piper whined as he extracted himself. Her eyes fluttering open to see the wet strings of her arousal clinging to his fingers. A deep blush ran across her face at the sight and Piper turned her head away in embarrassment.

Kirkland chuckled. “You’re too cute,” he smirked, wiping his fingers against the sheet covers and leaning back over to kiss Piper’s red cheek before pulling back and standing up.

“It’s embarrassing,” she mumbled, as she watched Kirkland grab a small square pack from his bag and discarded his clothes.

Kirkland shook his head. “No it’s not. You’re beautiful,” he said, coming back to rest above her and kissing her lips softly.

His member was throbbing painfully as it brushed against her stomach, pre-cum leaking from the tip. Kirkland bit back a curse as he leaned back on his hunches and gave himself on pump to ease the painful tension swelling in his cock. He needed her.

Taking the backet between his teeth, Kirkland went to tear the condom out when a delicate hand wrapped around his arm.

“No,” she breathed, a deep flush spreading all the way from her neck. “Please, tonight, I want to feel all of you,” she whispered. 

Kirkland stared at the deep blush staining across Piper’s cheek, taking in her dark eyes that were, although embarrassed, shimmered with determination and emotion he didn’t want to name. A smile pulled at his lips. “As you wish,” he breathed, pulling Piper’s hips closer, letting the condom fall onto the bed.

Sliding between her folds, Kirkland grunted as he saturated his length in her dampness before guiding himself into her opening. Piper moaned at the feel of him pushing into her. Her insides stretched to accommodate him as he penetrated her.

Kirkland’s groan mixed with Piper’s moan was like a song as his cock pushed deeper into her. It was so good. So incredibly good. He didn’t know if he could ever use a condom again after this. Her sex was so wet and tight it was almost mind numbing as it gripped around his cock. Kirkland had to pause to catch his breath, otherwise he was sure he would come with seconds.

Closing his eyes, Kirkland concentrated on regaining his contro. When he felt her wet cunt squeeze experimentally around his girth, Kirkland couldn’t help gasping as she moved against him, impatient to feel her lover fill her up. Kirkland grinded his teeth as he pushed into her in warning before he began to thrust in and out of the hazel eyed woman in slow strokes that gradually grew faster as he slid in and out of her tight, wet, sex.

She’s so warm and so tight. Kirkland thought as her insides milked his member. Her sweet moans encouraged him to move faster as her fingers ghosted down his back and dug into his hair. Her breath came in short gasps and moans as he forced himself deeper, touching her womb.

“Kirk – Ahh!” Piper gasped as her inner walls suddenly tensed around Kirkland’s shaft as he surged down into her again and again.

And with a high pitched keen, Piper’s walls finally tightened around Kirkland’s cock. Her back arching off the bed as her body convulsed and her mind went blank as her orgasm crashed over her.

Kirkland quickened his pace as he continued through each narrowing of her walls as his cock began to ache and swell with his with his own release curling in his loins.

With a few final, short thrusts Kirkland spilled himself into her. Rocking his hips into her supple body as he allowed his seed to seep deep into her womb. Groaning through his teeth, Kirkland slowly pulled out and watched entranced as his cum leaked out of her and dripped onto the sheets below.

Slowly, Piper crawled on top of his chest, curling up on top of him. “Kirkland…” Piper twirled stands of his hair in her fingers, “I love you.”

Kirkland smiled, planting a small kiss on her lips, “I love you too, Piper, I’ll always love you.”

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