№40|How Much I Love You

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№40|How Much I Love You
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“How long are you keeping her for, Doctor?” Orion asked, sitting beside Celaneo’s bed in the hospital. He turned towards Dr. Lycia with pleading eyes.

“Not long, just overnight so we can observe her for concussion.” Dr. Lycia replied, looking over Celaneo’s chart.

“Seriously, I’m fine, it’s just a couple of scraps and bruises.” Celaneo said, flashing a fake smile to mask the main her body felt.

“Celaneo, you’re not okay.” Orion stroked her cheek. “It nearly scared me half to death when he started choking you.” His eyes drifted towards the burn marks peppered across her neck, whimpering slightly, he bowed his head in shame.

“Orion,” Celaneo lifted his head, “I’m still here, sweetie.” She smiled softly, kissing his cheek. “To be honest, it could’ve gone a lot worse.”

“Worse than him almost burning a hole through your neck!?” Orion exclaimed, his eyes going wide.

“Yes. I could've been kidnapped and forced to stay in the aura state forever and who knows what he would have done to me. Or, something could have happened to my body. Or-” before Celaneo could continue, Orion stopped her with a kiss.

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Orion laughed, resting his head on Celaneo’s forehead. “Seeing you on the brink of death was already terrifying enough, I don’t need to be thinking about all the other dangerous stuff that could have happened.”

Celaneo chuckled, rubbing his bicep, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s alright.” Orion sighed in relief. “I’m just happy you're not dead.”

Celaneo frowned, “did you know he has nymphs there too?” she clenched the sheets, “when he was choking me I could see across the hall there was a nymph… she was so scared… so broken…”

Orion whimpered at the sight of Celaneo’s tears trickling down her ebony cheeks. “I wanted to just run over and help but his grip was just too strong…” she slammed her fist into the bed. “I can’t have her stay there! I have to help her!”

“Celaneo… I don’t want you going back there.” Orion’s onyx eyes began to brim with fear.

“I’ll be okay, I want to go.” Celaneo nodded with vigor and determination.

“Then I’m coming with you.” Orion stated.

“Orion, you don’t have to.” Celaneo said, patting his chest. “You have enough to worry about, I don’t need to be added to the list.”

“Celaneo,” he cupped her hands in his, “I’ve waited years to find my mate,” he kissed her forehead, “I’m not letting you go anytime soon.”

“I’m never gonna get used to being a mate.” Celaneo laughed, shaking her head. “I can never understand why you’re so protective of me.”

“It’s not my fault me and my wolf love you so much.” Orion rolled over to the side of the bed, wrapping his arms around his mate.

“Am I just that loveable?” Celaneo teased, turning around to face him.

“You have no idea what you mean to me,” Orion stroked her cheek, “Celaneo, I love you.”

“I love you too, Orion.” Celaneo wrapped her arms around his neck. “Don't worry, your mate isn’t leaving you anytime soon.”

“Good.” Orion nuzzled his face into her soft hair. “You’re mine… all mine.”

“All yours, Orion, all yours.” Celaneo smiled, snuggling close to his chest.


Kalypso sturried in bed, awoken by the sound of draws being closed and clothes being thrown. She felt around on the other side of the bed, whimpering when she couldn’t feel her dragon beside her.

“Rufus… where are you?” she groaned, sitting up as she rubbed her eyes. Opening them slightly, she feasted her eyes on the strange sight of Rufus packing his clothes into a duffle bag.

“Where are you going?” She questioned, yawning slightly.

“Oh, Kalypso, I thought you were asleep.” Rufus halted his movements, turning towards the witch.

“I couldn’t feel you next to me so I woke up,” she walked over to Rufus, wrapping her arms around him, resting her head on his back. “Where are you going?”

“Barron wants me to go with them to the Dragon Islands.” Rufus sighed, turning towards Kalypso. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Y-Your lea-leaving me?” Kalypso stuttered, shaking her head. “N-NO! I’m coming with!”

“No, no, no, no way.” Rufus shook his head, placing a pair of jeans in the duffle bag. “Kalypso, do you know what month it is?”

“Almost April, why?” Kalypso asked, shrugging her shoulders.

“Because, April is the beginning of mating season, if we leave tomorrow we’ll get there by April 1st, and I am not having you around a bunch of un-mated dragons.” Rufus scrunched his fist.

“Rufus,” Kalypso laughed, “I’ve dealt with dragons before, they’re not so bad.”

“Not like the dragons on the Dragon Island,” Rufus stroked her cheek, “they’re crazy.”

“Rufus, I know you’re dragon’s protective and all but you have to know your mate’s a strong witch.” Kalypso winked, pulling out a pink duffle bag from under the bed. “I can protect myself.” She leaned in, wrapping her arms around his neck. “If you want~ we can mate now.”

Rufus bit his lip softly, “as tempting as that sounds,” he scanned her up and down, “and believe me, it’s tempting… I want our mating to be special, not because of some mission.”

“If your so worried about me going without being mated, why not mate with me now…” she glanced up at Rufus, trailing her fingers down his chest, “I can feel the tension, Rufus,” she kissed along his jawline, leading down to his neck, “let me relieve that stress for you.”

“Kalypso,” Rufus growled, “don’t do this.”

“Don’t you want me?” she questioned, her fingers tracing along his scales. “I know you’re dragon does~”

As right as Kalypso was, Rufus promised himself their mating would be special. Kalypso deserved better than some rushed mating. Much to his displeasure, he pushed Kalypso back, clenching her shoulder, “Kali, I love you more than life itself but it’s 72 hours till mating season and it’s hard enough to control myself around you.”

“Is it now?” Kalypso smirked, waltzing towards the bed. She twirled the hem of her silk nightgown in her nimble fingers, “tell me, Rufus,” she moved back her hair, revealing her unmarked neck, “how hard is it to control yourself around me?”

“Kalypso… stop it.” He backed away from the bed, clenching the rim of the desk. “Seriously… Kalypso, I’m begging you to stop.”

She crooked her finger upwards, using her magic to pull Rufus towards her. “Make me yours.” She purred, her fingers gripping his scales.

The dragon roared out at the pleasure, he pinned Kalypso to the bed, “Kali, I need you to stop.” he heaved heavily, his eyes flashing a deep storm blue.

Kalypso groaned, pouting as she folded her arms over her chest like a child. “You say you love me, you say you don’t want me to go unmated to the Dragon Islands, and yet you don’t want to mate with me?”

“I want you so badly, Kalypso-”

“Then take me!” Kalypso exclaimed. “I’m right here! I’m all yours and I want everyone to know it, so just take me goddammit!”

“It’s not as simple as you think, Kali. When dragons mate, the dragon and their mate become spiritually connected. Their souls become intertwined for all eternity.” Rufus explained.

“That’s beautiful, Rufus.” Kalypso’s eyes sparkled in the moonlight. “If that’s the case, don’t you want us to be intertwined?”

“I do, I really do, but I made this promise to my dad and stepmom that if I would mark my mate it would be at this one particular spot in the Dragon Islands.” Rufus stroked her cheek. “It’s this beautiful spot in the Storm Region-”

“Storm Region?” Kalypso tilted her head.

“Yeah, the Dragon Islands is split up into different regions depending on the element. Anyways, like I was saying, there’s this beautiful spot in the Storm Region. It’s a little lake but it’s very special to storm dragons.” Rufus continued to explain.

“What makes it so special?” Kalypso asked.

“It’s said that the energy from the plants and the water allow those who are true mate’s souls to be together for all eternity after death.” Rufus explained, tracing along the side of Kalypso’s neck. “They say the first storm dragon had his mating there and he went on to become the most beloved and strongest Dragon King.”

“Doesn't the mating already intertwine our souls?” Kalypso questioned.

“Yes but this is special because even after we're dead, we’ll be able to find each other in whatever universe we end up afterwards.” Rufus gripped her hips. “Even in death you’ll still be all mines~”

“I don’t want to wait till we get to the Dragon Islands,” Kalypso whined, “I want to mate now.”

“You heard our mate.” his dragon jumped for joy. “We gotta mate now! Forget the lake, she’s practically begging for us to take her!”

“I guess I can give you a little bit of a preview.” Rufus cooed, kissing along her neck as his hand began to message her chest.

“Ruf-Rufus!” She gasped, arching her back so his large hands could grab more of her ample chest. Her cheeks flushed red, mewled in pleasure as he nipped at the nape of her neck.

He smirked, his hands removing themselves from Kalypso’s body. Rufus rolled to the other side of the bed, wrapping his arms around her waist, “just a little preview of what’s to come.” he whispered tenderly in the witch’s ear.

“Screw you!” Kalypso groaned, earning a laugh from the dragon behind her.


Lawrence opened the door to his room to see Ayame holding Baylen in her arms. She held her finger up to her lips, “she got scared because the big British wolf wasn’t here when she woke up.”

“Awe,” Lawrence crouched down beside Baylen, “did you miss me, poppet?”

“Poppet?” Ayame chuckled.

“Yeah, it’s kind of what we call kids back home.” Lawrence stroked Baylen’s hair. “She’s my little poppet.”

“Did you talk to your parents?” Ayame glanced down at him. “Did they say they’d watch Baylen while we are gone?”

“Yes, and they would love to have our daughter over.” Lawrence smiled, his eyes going wide at his words. “I-I-I know we hav-haven’t discussed it yet, but I really wa-want to adopt her.”

“Lawrence, I do too but being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility… If we agree to adopt her, none of us can leave her. Her parents left her once, she can’t go through that again.” Ayame told him, she gripped his shoulder. “I know I haven’t been good to you… I’ve cheated on you twice-”

“That’s in the past.” Lawrence interrupted, he kissed her hands. “You’re my present and future, Ayame, and I hope I’m yours.”

“Of course you are, Lawrence, I just need to make sure you’re ready for fatherhood.” Ayame questioned, stroking Baylen’s soft scarlet hair.

“Is this about me being ready for fatherhood, or you being ready for motherhood?” Lawrence raised his eyebrow in question.

“Lawrence, I’ve cheated on you twice… I’ve been loyal to you ever since, but what if I can’t be loyal to her?” Ayame whimpered.

“Ayame,” Lawrence kissed her cheek, “why are you doubting yourself before you even began?”

“Lawrence, look at my track record. I’ve cheated on you twice, why are you even still with-”

“This is why!” Lawrence exclaimed, gesturing towards Ayame as she held Balyin in her arms. “You, right here, right now… this is why I’m still with you. One look at you, Ayame, and you got me spiraling down the rabbit hole of love.”

Ayame smiled softly, tears trickling down her cheek, she wrapped her arms around her, “I know I’m not the best mate… but I’ll try my best to make you happy.”

“You already make me happy, Crumpet,” he kissed her nose, “you make me happy every single day of my life.”


A loud knock on Lawrence’s door woke up the child in Ayame’s arms to stir awake. She rubbed her eyes, walking towards the door. She curled her small fingers around the doorknob, cracking the door open.

“Hello?” she whispered, peeking her head out the door to see a couple standing there.

The woman had beautiful gingerbread toned skin, shiny black hair cut into a pixie cut, and kind winter grey eyes.

“You must be, Baylen!” she swooped up the little girl in her arms.

Panic filled the eyes of Baylen as she squirmed in her arms, “Ay-Ayame!!” Baylen shouted, causing Ayame to shoot up out of bed, snatching Baylen out of her arms.

“Back off!! My pup! Mine!!” Ayame snarled, her eyes flashing a deep orange.

“Ayame, it’s me, Robin.” Robin chuckled, getting up off the floor.

Ayame’s eyes faded back to normal, her gaze shifted towards the man beside Robin. “Grant!” she cheered, hugging the man tightly. “Oh my gods, I’m so sorry!”

Grant had scruffy silver hair with pecan toned skin, and soft nomad eyes. “Sorry we didn’t call you once we got here, Ayame. We called Barron but he sounded grumpy and tired.”

“Yeah, we’re getting ready to head out soon.” Lawrence yawned, getting out of bed. “Thank you for watching Baylen for us.”

“Of course,” Robin tried to reach out for Baylen but the small child shivered and leaned closer towards Ayame, “oh… okay…”

“She’s just scared, Candyland messed her up pretty good.” Lawrence stroked Baylen’s hair. “Baylen, that’s Robin, she’s my mom… and your grandma.”

“Grandma?” Baylen whimpered, looking up at Robin and Grant.

“Hi.” Grant waved at the pup. “I’m your Grandpa Grant. I’m Lawrence’s stepdad.”

“What happened to your dad?” Baylen asked, turning towards Lawrence.

He shook his head, “we don’t talk about him. Far as I know, Grant has been my father… not that scum…” Lawrence growled.

Ayame watched as anger fueled the beta’s soul, she never asked about Lawrence’s biological father… maybe it was time she did.

“An-Anyways!” Robin smiled, holding Balyen in her arms. “Can you shift for me, poppet?”

“That’s what Lawrence calls me.” Baylen giggled when Robin tapped her nose.

“Who do you think taught him that?” Robin kissed Lawrence’s cheek. “He is my little poppet.”

“Mom…” Lawrence groaned slightly, gaining a chuckle from Ayame.

“So poppet, can you shift?” Robin asked again, walking into the room as she laid Baylen down on the bed.

“U-Um…” Baylen stammered, hiding behind her scarlet hair. She whimpered, closing her eyes as she shifted into a beautiful teak wood toned wolf pup.

“She’s adorable!” Grant cheered, swooping up Baylen in his arms. “She looks just like your brothers, Lawrence!”

“Brothers?” Ayame turned towards Lawrence. “You never told me you had brothers.”

“We don’t talk about them either… they scum… just like him.” Lawrence clenched his fist, his claws digging into his palm.

Ayame rested her hand on his, smiling up at him, “we should finish packing.” she said, quickly switching subjects.

“You’re right crumpet,” he kissed her nose, “I can’t wait till we get to the Dragon Islands.”

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