№41|I'm Nothing Like You

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№41|I’m Nothing Like You
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

As long as Barron had known Medusa, he had always wondered how Medusa’s notebook hadn’t run out of pages yet. He leaned over her shoulder, looking down at her notes. “How come it never runs out of pages?”

“Oh, I don’t know…” Medusa stroked the cover, “my mom’s notebook never ran out of pages either. Maybe it just runs in the family.”

“Are you ready for the trip?” Barron asked, kissing along her neck.

“Yes!” Medusa cheered. “Imagine all the research I can get!” Her eyes sparkled at the thought of adding more to her infinite paged notebook.

“Let me guess… you already have experiments lined up?” Barron chuckled, nuzzling her mark.

Medusa tilted her head to allow more access. “Yep! And questions!” Medusa gasped when Barron sucked on her mark. “Ba-Barron!” her cheeks flushed red.

“Yes?” He teased. “Did you need something, my love?”

“Come on, we can make out on the – ah! Barron! – on the plane…” a raspy moan interrupted her mid sentence, her chest heaving.

“But I want you now~” Barron purred, nibbling on her earlobe.

“And I want you on the plane, so you’re gonna be a good Alpha and listen to your Luna?” Medusa clenched his collar. “Are you a good Alpha, or do I have to punish you like last night?”

“I’ll be good.” Barron chuckled, kissing her cheek.

Medusa smiled, returning the kiss. “Oh!” Her eyes went wide. “Before I forget,” she pulled out 2 red silver bands from the desk drawer, handing them to Barron, “put these on your brother. I had Ayame make them for the mission. When your brother wears these he can’t lay a hand on any of us.”

“What if he does?” Barron questioned, sitting on top of the desk.

“If he lays a hand on us, the bands will send a shock wave through his body so powerful it’ll make him scream mercy.” She snickered wickedly.

“You’re so hot when you’re vicious.” Barron purred, leaning in for a kiss but was blocked by Medusa’s finger.

“Not till the plane.” Medusa cooed, getting up from her seat as she grabbed her travel bag. She giggled, winking at her mate before walking out the door.


Montego tapped his foot impatiently, gazing out the window longingly. “Do we have to go?” He muttered. Chelia patted his thigh.

“Yes, we do.” Chelia stroked his hand. “I know you don’t like dragons, but think of it this way. You can see the former Luna and Alpha again!”

“Yes, but he’ll be there.” Montego growled.

“Are you talking about Callihan?” Chelia asked.

“And his fucking brother too…” His growl only deepened as the thought of them on Chelia once more tainted his mind.

“Don't worry,” Chelia kissed his cheek, “I’m a strong fairy who can protect herself.”

“I know you are, Chelia, but when I think about that day I think about ripping out their throats… watching as the light just fades from their eyes as they beg for mercy…” he clenched the arm of the chair, “but they know jack asses like themselves will never get it…”

The group watched in shock and silence as Montego concluded his dark fantasy. “Um… Montego… you alright?” Alistair questioned.

“Ye-Yeah…” Montego shook his head, snapping out of his dark state, and slowly returning to his regular, happy go lucky self, “I’m sorry… they just make me so mad… if those overgrown lizards touch her I swear I’ll-”

“Montego,” Piper patted his shoulder, “it’s okay… you’ll get your revenge, I promise. Just relax. Your mate is fine.”

Montego nodded, pulling Chelia into his lap. He nuzzled against her mark. “Mine…”

“Yours.” Chelia giggled, resting her head on his chest.

Orion pushed Julius onto the plane. “You’re lucky the Luna gave you those bands. I suggested putting you in a dog crate and keep you under the cargo hold.”

“Oh how lucky I am.” Julius rolled his eyes. “Thank my lucky stars that the master spared me!” He mocked, scoffing slightly. “Let make one thing clear,” Julius grabbed the attention of every wolf on the plane, “I. Don't. Like. You.”

“Oh that was made the very moment you arrived.” Yvette scoffed, earning a glare from Julius.

“Look here, you Russian brute,” Julius clenched her shoulder. A sudden shock wave sounded through his body that sent him crashing down to the floor. “What the fuck?!”

“Awe,” Barron stood over his brother, a cocky smile gracing his lips, “did you think I’d let you anywhere near my pack without the necessary precautions?”

“Fuck… you…” Julius growled, glaring daggers at his younger brother. “How could you do this to your own brother?”

“Because you destroyed my pack, not once, but twice.” Barron replied, stepping over his brother and purposely stepping on his arm.

Julius got up from the floor, marching over to Medusa. “You made these devil handcuffs, didn’t you?!”

“Maybe~” Medusa cooed, a sly smirk gracing her lips.

“You’re one twisted chick,” Julius leaned in close, “I swear, once I get my hands on you-” before he could finish, another shock wave thundered through him.

Once the pain passed, Julius rubbed his temple. “I didn’t touch her!”

“You’re right,” Medusa waved her recorder in his face, “but I set up my recorder to shock you anytime I want, regardless of where your hands are.”

“How can you be mated to someone as crazy as her!” Julius scolded, falling into his seat on the jet.

“Yeah, she’s crazy,” Barron kissed her cheek, “but she’s the beautiful type of crazy.”

Medusa giggled and returned the kiss. “You’re pretty crazy beautiful too.”

Barron smiled, turning around and patting the door to the cockpit. “Let’s get this bird in the air, Rufus!” Barron called out as the jet revved up.

Inside the cockpit, Kalypso bounced in her seat as she watched as the clouds soared by.

Rufus chuckled. “Someone’s excited.”

“Even my broom could never get this high!” Kalypso cheered, pressing her face against the glass. “They look so fluffy!”

Rufus smiled, stroking her bicep. “This is why I love you, Kali.”

“It is?” Kali snorted. “Surely this can’t be my most redeeming qualities than this.”

“You do, but your sense of wonder was the reason why I feel for you in the first place.” Rufus leaned over, planting a kiss on her cheek. “If you think this is great, wait till we get to the Dragon Islands,” he kissed her hands, “I'm gonna take you to the stars and never bring you down.”


As the plane droned on, all the wolves on the plane fell asleep, save Julius and Kirkland. 

Julius watched as Kirkland stroked Piper’s hair. He scoffed, gaining Kirkland’s attention. “What happened to you? You used to be so tough, but the moment she walked in you’re softer than a marshmallow.”

“You’re just jealous.” Kirkland rolled his eyes. “You have no idea what it’s like to be with someone like Piper.”

“She’s just some chick… can’t be that special.” Julius walked over to Piper, examining her. “Gotta admit, she has a good rack.”

Kirkland growled. Julius laughed. “Don’t worry, she’s a little on the ugly side… so not my type.”

Kirkland’s growl only deepened. “Shut up… she’s beautiful.”

“Oh, sure she is,” Julius poured himself a drink, “I’m sure in that little rat mind of yours, Piper’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.”

Kirkland held Piper close. “Back off…”

“Come on, Kirkland,” Julius rolled his eyes, “there’s plenty of other women – other wolves – better than Piper. For god's sakes! How could you have her wrapped around your scrawny little finger.”

“So what if she does!” Kirkland scolded, glaring at Julius. “If it’s anyone who wants to be wrapped around, it’s her!”

“For once, Kirkland, be a man!” Julius slammed the empty glass down on the mini bar. “You can’t have her running your life.”

“Who says she’s ruining my life? If anything, she’s making it better!” Kirkland lifted her off his lap, placing her in the seat next to him. He rose from his seat, snarling at Julius. “You made my life worse.”

“I made you into a hunting machine!” Julius stated.

“You made me into a killer!” Kirkland shot back. “If it weren’t for her,” he gestured towards Piper, “I would be dead!”

“You wouldn’t be dead. You’d be a hunting machine, but not dead!” Julius sighed, shaking his head.

“No, Julius, I’d be dead! Barron would’ve ripped my head off long ago!” Kirkland scolded, pushing at his chest. “I thank my lucky stars that I found Piper, because if I didn’t, I’d end up just like you.”

“And that’s a problem?” Julius scoffed, grimacing at the wolf. “I’d rather be me than be like you.”

“Look at you, Julius, you’re worse than I was! You’ve caused more pain than I ever did, which is saying something because I used to hate all the wolves on this plane. Now I couldn’t ask for a better group of friends.” Kirkland sat back down, stroking Piper’s hair. “I couldn’t ask for a better mate than my little Aussie.”

“My little Aussie.” Julius mocked. “Give me a break! You don’t love her… the whole theory of mates being written in the stars is a whole bunch of junk!”

“What do you know? You’ve never had a mate!” Kirkland shook his head. “I used to be like you, Julius, hopping around from girl to girl and leaving in the morning before they wake up.”

“And wasn’t it great!” Julius’ eyes sparkled.

Kirkland glared at him, scrunching his fist. “No, you idiot! There was no love there! Just… emptiness… but with her…” Kirkland gazed at Piper with kind eyes, “god damn… there’s just so much love when I’m with her…”

“What’s so special about sex with that woman.” Julius scoffed, squinting at Kirkland and Piper.

“It’s not just sex, Julius, it’s… ugh how do I describe this…” he rubbed his temple, “it’s like… I’m transported to a whole other world… a world where it’s just me and here… no problems, no struggles, just us…” Kirkland kissed her cheek, “it’s a world where all that matters is her… all that matters is us… it’s a world where I can just feel… just feel all the emotions she has, all the pleasure and ache her body has been through…”

Julius stood there confused. How could one woman cause him to feel all of this?

“Is it good?” Julius muttered under his breath.

“The sex?” Kirkland chuckled, nodding his head. “Best I ever had,” he sighed in delight, “having a mate will do that to ya… somehow they know every single one of your likes and dislike and you know all theirs… it’s crazy…”

“I will never understand that…” Julius sighed, shaking his head as he returned to his seat.

“You don’t have to,” Kirkland smiled at him, “nobody understands love… they enjoy it.”


Vanessa watched longingly as the stars lit up the night sky. She sighed softly, remembering the fun plane rides her family would take when they visited other packs.

Those were the good times. No drama, no virus, no dragons… just… family.

Vanessa jumped up slightly when she felt Malakai kiss along her shoulders. “Is everything alright? You look lonely…”

“What do you think my father will say when we see him again?” Vanessa whispered, looking down at her feet. “Do you think he’d be proud of me and Barron? Of how we handled the pack? Or ashamed at the fact we let my brother rule over it for a short period of time?”

“Vanessa,” Malakai wrapped his arms around her waist, “your father is gonna love to see the woman you turned into.”

“How do we know that?” Vanessa questioned, placing her hand on the window. “What if he’s ashamed of his pup…”

“That’s impossible. How could he ever be ashamed of a beautiful woman like you?” Malakai kissed along the delicate skin on her neck.

“I don’t know… what if I’m not his little pup anymore?” Vanessa whimpered.

“You’ll always be his little pup… it’s just… his little pup got bigger.” Malakai chuckled, tapping her nose. “Let’s get some rest,” he rested his head on her shoulder, “we have a big…” a yawn interrupted him, “day tomorrow…”

“Yeah,” Vanessa kissed his forehead, “big day tomorrow.”

Meanwhile, Alistair watched as Yvette’s chest rose and fell, her little little hands curling around Alistiar’s shirt, tugging on it slightly. Alistair opened one of his eyes, smiling at Yvette. “Something wrong, Shona?”

Yvette didn’t respond, her nose crinkled as her grip on his shirt grew tighter. Alistair furrowed his eyebrows in worry. “Shona, (darling), is everything alright?”

Yvette’s nails clawed into his shirt. “No… please…” she muttered as horrid dreams tainted her mind as she slept.

“Come here~” a mysterious voice echoed through the halls as Yvette ran down the endless hallway. She frequently looked back at the hazy visual of the man chasing her. “I’m not gonna hurt you, Yvette.”

His words said one thing, but his actions and silky tone told otherwise.

“Get away!” Yvette scolded, heaving as she turned the corner to see a single door ahead.

Looking back, she could see the mysterious man inching closer. “Be a good little wolf and come here.” His voice grew demanding as Yvette darted towards the door, pulling on the knob to get it open. It wouldn’t budge.

“Please… please… please!” Yvette begged as she tugged on the door, turning around to see the man as he pinned her to the door.

“Can you be a good little girl for me?” He whispered in her ear, his nails digging into her skin. “That’s what you’re gonna do for me… be a good little wolf girl and just lay there while I have my way with you.”

Yvette stammered for words, but when none came out, she rapidly shook her head. He clenched Yvette’s jaw. “You can scream, shake your head, beg me to stop, but I’m not gonna.” His grip grew stronger on the omega’s jaw as he slammed her head against the door. “Say you’ll be a good wolf.”

Yvette shook her head, earning another blow to the back of the head. “Say you’ll be good!” He dug his claws into her side. “Don’t make me hurt you even more.”

Yvette howled out in pain as he clawed at her stomach.

“I’ll be good! I swear!” Yvette shouted, shooting up from her chair. Sweat dripped down her face, her breathing labored. She raked her fingers through her pink and black hair. Her mind was still in a haze between the real and dream world.

“Yvette.” Alistair rested his hand on her shoulder, causing the omega to practically jump out of her skin.

Yvette whipped her head towards his, her blue eyes still clouded with pain and anguish. “Yvette, calm down.” Alistair’s smooth voice instructed, placing his other hand on her shoulder, gaining her full attention.

“Al-Alistair…” her body shook under his touch.

“Shona, calm down.” Alistair stroked her cheek, his soft fingertips cool to the touch. “It’s alright… it’s alright,” he pulled her shivering body in close, “I’m here… it’s okay… we’re okay.”

Out of all the months he knew Yvette, he’d never seen her this scared. Even though Yvette was a skittish wolf to begin with, the cold-hearted fear that clouded Yvette’s blue eyes was something Alistair had never seen before.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” Alistair whispered after a few minutes of silence.

She shook her head, letting out a shaky breath. “I-I-I don’t even know what tha-that was!” She gripped the side of her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Why is this happening…”

“Yvette…” Alistair grabbed her wrist, slowly moving them away from her head, “it was one bad dream. Let’s just talk about it… okay?”

“I don’t want to talk… I just wanna forget it ever happened!” Yvette’s breathing began to labor once more. “I’ve had nightmares before… but not like this… this was too real…”

“Talking about it will help.” Alistair said, wrapping his arms around her. “I promise you, it will.”

“Alistair! Just fucking drop it!” Yvette snapped, her eyes flashing a bright pink. “I don’t want to talk about it! I just wanna forget!”

Alistair was taken aback. He’d seen her mad… but never at him. He sighed, cupping her hands in his. “Yvette, just calm down.” His voice barely a whisper. “I’m just worried about you… that’s all.”

Yvette bit her lip, looking down in shame. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

“Don’t be sorry… you were just angry and afraid,” Alistair kissed her forehead, “can we please talk? I’m worried…” an orange hue swimmed behind his hazel eyes, “we’re worried…”

Yvette whimpered, hugging her mate. “I know you both are worried about me, but I don’t want to relive that…” Yvette snuggled up close.

“Just listen to our mate.” Her wolf pleaded. “He wants to help.”

Alistair stroked her hair. “Let me help you… please…”

“I was running from someone…” Yvette’s blue eyes began to cloud with fear, “I was in some endless hallway… I couldn’t get the final door open so he slammed me against it. He said I had to be a good girl and stop running and just lay there while he has my way with me.”

Alistair kissed the top of her head. “It was only a bad dream, Shona, it’ll pass.”

“I don’t think it will… this has happened before, each night it’s longer and longer…” Yvette sniffled. Alistair backed up, clenching her shoulders.

“How long has this been happening?” Alistair irquired, his voice growing serious.

“About 3 days now…” Yvette muttered, “the first time all I could hear was his voice, the second time I saw the man… now there’s this…”

Alistair growled, his chest rumbling at the thought of his mate suffering as she slept. Yvette placed her hand on his chest. “It’s alright.”

“You have to promise me if you have more dreams like this, you’ll tell me.” Alistair kissed her nose. “It hurts me to see you like this.”

“I know,” Yvette sighed, nodding slightly, “I promise I’ll tell you.” Yvette climbed into his lap, smiling up at the Hunter. “I’m glad we found each other, Alistair.”

“We’re always gonna find each other, Yvette.” He lifted up her chin. “Remember what I told you in Mindscape?” He placed a soft kiss on her dull pink lips. “You’re my destiny, Yvette.”



This is the last update on 2020 our next update will be on Friday of 2021!!

Oh! Guess what! Thanks to a friend on discord named Sam helped me with a blurb for my next book.

The next book is about the Queen of Hearts, or as she's named on the book; Queenie Hearts. The book is gonna be called A Sea Of Bloody Hearts. And it's a murder mystery on a cruise.

Here's the description;

When the line has been drawn between destined love and family ties, there is bond to be blood.
Miriana has her whole life planned out for her as one of the heirs to her family fortune. That includes her love life. Set to marry the very powerful and dangerous Soren, she must decide whether to follow her heart or her family's wishes. However when her headstrong sister Queenie notices something off with her perfect engagement, her time on her family cruise ship turns into a battlefield for her heart. Will Miriana get her happily ever after or be trapped forever in a sea of bloody hearts?

Isn't Sam amazing?! She really knows how to make a blurb! Isn't it cool?!

Anyways! I'll see y'all in 2021!

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