№42|Don't Eat The Orange Chicken

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№42|Don’t Eat The Orange Chicken
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Medusa skipped happily down the steps as she disembarked the plane. She placed sunglasses over her eyes to shield her from the bright sun. Smiling widely, she held her notebook and recorder to her chest. “It’s research time!”

“Is that all she ever thinks about?” Julius scoffed, sipping his coffee.

“What else is there to think about?” Medusa giggled, winking at Julius.

“Hmm… how about saving my parents?” Barron chuckled, kissing the top of her head.

“Oh, right!” Medusa’s lips formed into a small ‘o’ shape. “I can’t wait to meet them.”

“I’m sure they’ll love you, Medusa.” Barron smiled, capturing her hand in his as the group entered the Storm Region of the Dragon Islands.

Rooted on the western side of the Dragon Islands, the Storm Region was home to many storm and weather related dragons. This region was known for its medicinal plants, which is of great importance to the people of the Storm Region and its success. The region itself looked huge. With its oak wood rooftops, limestone walls, and aromatic flowers, the Storm Region had a mystical atmosphere.

“It’s nice to be home.” Rufus sighed in delight, taking in the fresh smells of his homeland.

“It doesn't look like people are happy we’re here.” Montego commented, noticing the lingering glares from the dragons.

“Some dragons aren’t as kind to wolves as others…” Rufus muttered, “don't worry. Dewei said that Irvam issued an order that none of the dragons could touch us without his permission.”

“Oh, so he’s saving us for himself? How touching...” Vanessa growled, snarling at one of the dragons when they stared at Malakai. “Why don’t you take a picture, honey. It will last longer.” She snapped, walking off with Malakai in hand.

“Are you sure this Dewei doesn't mind us staying with him?” Lawerence questioned. “To be honest I’m not too sure about him.”

“Dewei’s great.” Celaneo said, sipping her smoothie. “He’s Amelia’s boyfriend, and an amazing dragon. You don’t need to worry about him.”

“I think I remember Amelia telling me about him when I went to the stip club.” Montego mentioned, nodding in agreement with Celaneo. “He seems like a great guy.”

“He is letting us stay with him, so he can’t be that bad.” Piper shrugged.

“Piper’s right,” Ayame added, “if this dragon is letting wolves into his home, he must be good.”

As the wolves continued to stroll through the town, Barron noticed Medusa hanging back, crouched down and studying the writing on the cement.

“Medusa,” Barron crouched down beside her, “whatcha doing?”

“Figuring out what this says.” She replied, pointing her pencil towards the writing on the ground.

⳧ ௹ ₯ 🝳 🜾

Barron tilted his head. The language was like nothing he’d ever seen before. Which was odd because wolves were taught almost every language spoken and written.

Medusa looked up at Barron. “Do you know what it says?”

“Nope.” Barron shook his head. “Do you?”

“If I knew, why would I be asking you?” Medusa chuckled, rolling her eyes jokingly. “But I swear I’ve seen this language before… but where…?”

“Maybe it was in a book you read or something.” Barron shrugged.

“No… that’s not it…” Medusa muttered.

“If you want, we can ask Rufus later. This is his homeland, so maybe he’ll know.” Barron suggested, noticing Medusa kept staring at the writing. “Medusa?”

Medusa couldn’t take her eyes off the writing. The letters seemed to sparkle in the sunlight, giving it a rainbow glow. Something about it was just so enticing.

“Medusa.” Barron’s voice snapped her out of her trance. “Is everything alright?”

“What?” Medusa looked up at him, rubbing her temple. “Uh… yeah, I’m good, let’s catch up with the group.” She got off the ground to catch up.

Barron nodded, making a mental note to ask her about it later.

The group of wolves stopped in front of a small blue house with a white fence surrounding it.

“This him?” Kirkland asked. Rufus nodded.

“Yeah,” Rufus ran his fingers over the scorch mark on the fence, “I remember sending a lightning bolt down on him last time we fought.” Rufus chuckled. “I missed and ended up hitting the fence.”

“And Dewei still hasn’t got it fixed.” Amelia commented, coming out from the backyard.

“Amelia!” Celaneo cheered, tackling Amelia in a tight hug. “I missed you! You haven’t talked to me in days!”

“Celaneo, do you know what month it is?” Amelia chuckled as the wolves followed her to the backyard.

“April, why-” her eyes went wide, her lips forming into an ‘o’ shape, “oooh…”

“Yeah,” her cheeks stained red, “me and Dewei have been busy.”

“Where is Dewei, anyways?” Rufus asked, searching around for the dragon.

Suddenly, a large blast of water came screeching towards Rufus, knocking him to the ground. Rufus laughed loudly. He looked up to see his best friend pinning him to the floor. Both of them were drenched.

“Rufus! How dare you leave without telling me!” Dewei scolded, helping him off the floor. “I was worried sick!”

“I guess I did forget to tell you…” Rufus chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

“You think!” Dewei slapped him upside the head. “Now,” Dewei rummaged through Rufus’ bag, “where are those brownies you promise me?”

“Brownies?” Chelia chuckled.

“Ever since Rufus sent over a box of strawberry brownies from the Whiteclad pack, Dewei has been obsessed with them.” Amelia explained, laughing as she watched Dewei devour the brownies.

“That’s why Rufus asked me to make those…” Malakai muttered.

“You made these?” Dewei’s eyes widened, glistening with excitement as he rushed over to Malakai, embracing him a bear hug. “You’re brilliant! I’m in love with these brownies! How much do you want for another 3 boxes?”

“No charge.” Malakai shook his head, smiling at the dragon. “Rufus is my friend, and since you’re his friend, you’re my friend too.”

“Come inside. I bet you’re all tired from the plane ride.” Amelia invited  as the group walked inside.

“How have you and Amelia been?” Rufus asked, sitting on the couch with Kalypso beside him.

“Great…” Amelia sighed, looking down at the newspaper to see a picture of Irvam on the throne. “Just peachy.”

Amelia was about to throw the newspaper away, but Dewei caught it before it could hit the trash. He growled, scrunching up the newspaper in his hands. “UGH!” Dewei threw the paper across the room.’

“What’s up with him?” Yvette whispered towards Amelia.

“That’s my throne!” Dewei growled, the water in a nearby glass bubbling up to the surface. “I’m supposed to be up there! Not him!”

“What?” Alistair questioned.

“Dewei is the real King of the Dragon Islands… not Irvam.” Amelia explained, gripping Dewei’s shoulders. “Calm down…” she stroked his cheek, “I know you're mad but we’ll get back in there… I promise.” She kissed his forehead.

“I know… but he just pisses me off…” Dewei’s eyes flashed a bright baby blue.

“I know, but getting angry won't help.” Amelia patted his chest.

“You’re a king?” Kirkland asked, his eyes widening slightly.

“Yeah,” Julius leaned against the wall, “and not a very good one.”

“You!” Dewei gripped Julius’ throat, slamming him against the wall. “You have some fucking nerve stepping into my house after everything you did to me – to Amelia!”

“Woah, woah, woah,” Barron stood up, “what did he do?”

“You wanna tell him or should I?” Dewei growled, his grip tightening around Julius’ neck.

“Why don’t you tell us since you’re choking Julius. Not that I mind, though.” Ayame shrugged.

“Me and Amelia were celebrating our anniversary, when out of nowhere this fucker,” Dewei slammed Julius’ head down on the kitchen island, “decided to barge in with his gang and begin raiding the palace!”

“Not my fault… your security… sucks…” even though his neck was being constricted, Julius found it in himself to laugh.

“And to make matters worse, Irvam and Julius gave me an ultimatum; give them the throne or they’d kill Amelia and all the dragons while I’m forced to watch.” Dewei’s claws dug into his neck. “Did you really think I wouldn’t kill you for forcing me and Amelia out of the palace? For making all of the dragons suffer under Irvam’s rule?!”

Water splashed on Julius. The wolf coughed hard just as another stream of water dropped on his head. “You’re gonna sit here and take every last droplet of this water until your lungs can't take it anymore!” Dewei snarled, sending more water down on Julius.

“Dewei!” Barron’s voice made the dragon glance up at him. “I know you hate him-”

“I despise this man!” Dewei shot back.

“...but you need to calm down. I know you want to kill him – believe me, everyone in this room wants to kill him – but we need him alive.”

Dewei released his grip on Julius, but not before whispering, “if you lay a hand on Amelia or any other dragons, best believe I will not hesitate to drown you.”

Julius scoffed, walking out onto the porch. “You dragons are so weird.”

“Sorry about my brother,” Barron sighed, shaking his head, “he’s… he’s something else.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Dewei growled at the door, “he should be sorry.”

“Anyways,” Amelia smiled, trying to lighten the mood, “how about we go get something to eat? There’s a new Chinese place I’ve been wanting to try.”

“Great idea.” Kalypso agreed, locking arms with Amelia as the girls walked upstairs. “Now, I heard you’re a mate. Got any tips?”

Amelia snickered, smirking at the witch.  “You must be Kalypso. I’m glad Rufus found a mate... if it’s one thing you need to be prepared for, it’s the season.”

“Oh, trust me… I’m ready. He’s the one who’s been putting it off till we got here…” Kalypso folded her arms over her chest, pouting slightly. “He wants to do it at some waterfall…”

Amelia placed her hand on her heart. “The waterfall is special, trust me. You’ll enjoy it.”

“Is it bad that he’s putting it off? Like is there something wrong with me?” Kalypso whimpered.

Amelia shook her head. “Kalypso, you’re a great woman. Rufus just really wants it to be perfect.”

“You sure?” Kalypso muttered.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Amelia patted her back, opening the door to one of the guest rooms. “Get to unpacking, then we can get a bite to eat.”

Meanwhile, inside Ayame and Lawrence’s room, Ayame laid back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. It’s been only 2 days since they left the pack, but Ayame was worried about Baylen.

Ayame bit her lip. “Do you think she’s doing okay?” 

“She’s fine. She’s with my parents.” Lawrence assured her, laying down next to her. “You know, if you told me years ago I’d be lying next to the finest wolf on the planet talk about our kid, I’d think you were crazy.”

Ayame rolled over towards him. “We’ll, I guess my name is crazy then.”

“I don’t think you’re crazy, Crumpet, I think you’re amazing.” Lawrence kissed her nose.

“Oh, I know I’m crazy.” Ayame stated matter of factly.

“Is that so?” Lawrence chuckled.

“Yep,” Ayame curled up on his chest, “and you’re crazy too.”

“I am?” Lawrence questioned.

“Yeah, but crazy loves crazy. That’s why we work.” Ayame wrapped her arms around him. “That’s why I love you, Lawrencez Because you’re crazy… just like me.”


A couple hours later, the group was off to the new chinese restaurant, Shanghai Sun. Once inside, the group noticed the place was rather busy.

“Food must be good if they’re this busy.” Medusa shrugged as they sat down at the table, looking over the menu.

“Whatcha thinking about getting?” She asked, leaning over towards Barron.

“Orange chicken.” Barron licked his lips, his eyes flashing cobalt blue.

“You alright?” Medusa questioned, raising her eyebrow in suspicion of her boyfriend.

“Ye-yeah.” Barron shook his head, the blue in his eyes fading away. “It sounds… so good…”

“Right?” Lawrence and Ayame were practically drooling over the thought of the food. In fact, all the wolves were.

“What’s up with the wolves?” Malakai whispered towards Medusa as they began to order.

Medusa shrugged, turning back towards the waitress.

“So what can I get for you today?” She smiled brightly.

“Orange chicken.” The wolves answered a little too quickly.

The waitress smirked slightly as she wrote down the orders before walking off. “Are you okay?” Malakai asked,placing his hand on Vanessa’s forehead.

“Yeah, I’m fine. She just needs to get back with that orange chicken.” Vanesa said, looking around for the waitress.

“You do know it’s just orange chicken, right?” Chelia chuckled, sipping her drink.

“Yeah, but this one sounds delicious.” Yvette could smell the food from the kitchen, fueling her desires.

“Right…” Kalypso muttered, squinting at the wolves. She watched as they began devouring the orange chicken once it was brought out.

“Really going to town on that… huh.” Celaneo chuckled nervously. Something about Orion seemed different.

“You gotta try this, Celaneo.” Orion fed her a piece of orange chicken.

“It’s good. Not amazing, but yeah it’s good.” Celaneo shrugged. “Is there something about it I’m not tasting?”

“Uh, yeah, the fact it tastes amazing!” Montego added before stuffing more orange chicken in his mouth. “Here, try some.” He shoved the fork into Chelia’s mouth.

“Mmm… tasty.” She muttered through her food ridden mouth. She swallowed the chicken, noticing the yellow that swimmed behind Montego’s hazel eyes. “Are you sure you're okay, Montego?”

Montego licked his lips as he gave a lingering glare at Chelia. “Aren’t you just a little slice from heaven.” He purred, hooking her waist as he pulled him in close.

“Montego?” She whispered, “what’s wrong-” before she could continue, Montego captured her lips in his.

“Shh…” he whispered, his fingers tracing her lips, “don’t talk honey, the only word I wanna hear you say is my name.”

“Mo-Montego!” She stammered, her cheeks staining red.

“Just like that,” his kisses trailed down the side of her neck, “say it again.”

His lips curled around the mark on her neck, sucking on her soft skin. Chelia bit her lip, shaking her head. “Mo-Montego!” She pushed him away. “What’s got-gotten into you?”

“Who cares,” a steam of yellow swirled in his eyes. He leaned in, nibbling on her earlobe, “but don’t you want me in you?”

“Montego!” Her cheeks stained red.

“Barron,” Medusa attempted to say through Barron’s abundance of kisses, “I need you,” she was cut off again, “to stop!” She pushed him away, gripping his shoulder.

“Medusa,” Barron rolled his eyes, “let me just love you,” his fingers trailed down to the scales on her hips. Her snakes hissed pleasurably. Medusa growled slightly.

“Damn you, Barron…” she bit her lips, shaking her head. “You need to snap out of this!” She gasped rather loudly when his lips found the scales peppered along her neckline.

“You like that?” His fingers found their way up her shirt, walking along the scales on her stomach, “gods you’re beautiful…”

“Barron!” Medusa scolded, cupping his face. “What… what is this…?”

“Love.” He whispered tenderly. “This, Medusa,” he placed a small kiss on her lips, “this is love.”

Vanessa growled as she gripped locks of Malakai’s chestnut hair. “God you're so hot.” She raked her nails down his chest, eliciting a pleasurable groan from the warlock beneath her. “You’re mine… all mine…”

“I know I’m all yours, but Vanessa, this isn’t you!” Malakai tried to back away from Vanessa, but her grip on his shirt was too strong.

“No, I don’t think you really know.” Vanessa gripped his thighs. “You’re mine.” She growled in his ear.

“Vanessa… please…” Malakai whimpered, “not here… I know you wolves love doing stuff in public but this isn’t my Vanessa… my little truffle.”

Her eyes flashed between velvet and black, shaking her head, it fazed back to velvet. She kissed along his neck. “Don’t you like it when I’m like this? Rough, dominant, in control.” She purred.

“You know I do, but now's not the time, there’s something wrong… you’re not… you.” Malakai gulped, resting his forehead on Vanessa’s. “Where are you my truffle?”

“I think there was something in the orange chicken.” Celaneo guessed, trying to hold back Orion from kissing her.

“You think?!” Chelia scolded.

“I might know a way to break it.” Kalypso said, attempting to separate Alistair and Yvette.

“I’m open to anything if it can stop Barron. I mean, I love his kisses but not like this!” Medusa said, placing her hand on his mouth.

“Punch him.” Dewei stated, trying to break up Lawrence and Ayame.

“Punch her?” Malakai practically shrieked. “I don’t hit women!”

“Look, I know it’s awkward, but it’s the only way!” Rufus said, getting in between Kirkland and Piper. “Right now their minds are in a haze of pleasure. We need them to feel pain so their body can return to its natural state.”

Malakai whimpered, closing his eyes. “Sorry Vanessa.” He said, punching her straight in the chest. He opened one of his eyes, only to be greeted by a punch back.

“What the fuck is your problem, Malakai?!” Vanessa scolded, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine.

“Welcome back, tuffle…” Malakai smiled, falling into her lap.

Montego groaned, holding his head. “Chelia… I thought I said I wouldn't be your magic dummy anymore…”

“Sorry,” Chelia chuckled nervously, putting her wand away, “I know I hate when I use magic on you.”

“It’s alright. Just warn me when you’re about to cast a spell on me.” Montego chuckled, kissing her cheek.

“Medusa…” Barron groaned, holding his stomach, “why did you hit me with a stone shot…?”

“It was the only way to wake you up.” Medusa laughed, kissing his nose. “Come one, let’s get home. It’s been a long day.”


WELCOME TO 2021!! WERE FINALLY IN THE NEW YEAR!! With a new year comes a new update!! I hope y'all like it. I mean. Who doesn't love orange chicken?

Anyways! I'll see y'all Monday!

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