№43|Costume Time!

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№43|Costume Time!
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Julius couldn’t contain his laughter as the wolves entered Dewei’s house. “You idiots!” He snorted. “I was gonna tell you before you left, but why spoil my fun!”

Barron rolled his eyes. “Can you not be such an ass for once?”

“I could… but then again, I like being an ass. It suits me.” Julius rocked back and forth on the porch swing, sipping his drink. “Oh!” He pulled out a red envelope. “This came while you were out.”

He tossed the envelope to Barron. “It’s from the King~” he cooed, smirking at Dewei as he watched the dragon’s anger begin to bubble.

Barron opened the letter and began to read. “Dear Barron and friends, I hope you enjoyed the food! I bet it had some interesting effects.” Barron scrunched up the letter in his hands as he continued reading, “I heard you’re lodging with the former King of the Dragon Islands.”

Dewei growled, his eyes flashing a bright blue as Barron continued. “I’m glad you’re here I’m sure your parents are too. So to celebrate you being here, I’m inviting you to our annual Dragon Season Costume Party tomorrow night! Just as a little ‘welcome to the island’ party.”

Vanessa snatched the letter out of her brother’s hands. “Why would he invite us to a costume party?”

“Who cares. It’ll give us a chance to get an inside look of the palace and find our parents.” Barron stated, walking inside with the rest of the wolves. “First thing tomorrow, we find some costumes.” A sly smirked framed Barron’s lips. “We’re gonna crash a party.”


The next night, everyone was getting ready for the costume party. Barron glared at his brother. “What are you supposed to be?”

“A devil.” Julius winked, adjusting the devil mask over his face.

“Oh, how fitting. You’re both so evil.” Barron chuckled, rolling his eyes.

“What are you supposed to be?” Julius scoffed.

“I’m a knight.” Barron stood up broadly, whipping his cape at Julius. He looked around for Medusa. “Ooh, Medusa!” He called out. “Where’s my fair maiden?”

“Yeah, change of plans.” Medusa walked out of her room wearing a lab coat and steampunk goggles. “I’m a mad scientist! MAHAH!!” Medusa cackled as lightning flashed behind her. “Thanks, Rufus.” She whispered, giving Rufus a thumbs up.

“Awe,” Barron cooed, pulling her in by her waist, “you’re so adorable.”

“I wasn’t trying to be!” Medusa pouted, folding her arms over her chest.

“I thought you were gonna be a princess? You know… knight… fair maiden.” Barron chuckled, kissing her nose.

“Princesses have been done to death.” Medusa rolled her eyes. “It’s fitting that I’m a scientist.”

“That it is.” Barron kissed her hand. “I’ll still protect you, my fair scientist.”

Medusa giggled and lifted him off the floor. ”Good.”

Julius turned towards Lawrence and Ayame. Ayame wore a hooded dress with front slits and attached studded arm wraps, a faux leather waist cincher with grommet details,  and mini shorts with a matching face mask.

“You supposed to be some wannabe mortal kombat character?” Julius scoffed, pouring himself a drink.

“No,” Ayame snarled, turning towards Julius, “me and Lawrence are assassins!”

Lawrence came up behind Julius, holding a dagger to his neck. “You keep running that mouth of yours and you’ll be my first kill of the night.”

He wore a long zipper-front vest that featured red trim and a hood that shadeded his face. A white collared shirt with billowing sleeves fit under the vest, and holding both pieces together were a red cummerbund with a detailed faux leather and silver belt. He also wore a faux suede cape with a harness, and faux leather gauntlet.

“Oh please. Those daggers aren’t real.” Julius rolled his eyes, soon eating his words when Ayame threw one of the daggers. It scraped the side of his cheek.

“Every weapon I make is real.” Ayame winked, tapping his cheek with the dagger.

Julius gulped slightly. “Okay then…” he turned towards Montego and Chelia. “You know, it's a costume party. You're supposed to be dressed up as someone other than yourself.”

He scanned Chelia’s fairy costume up and down. “How original…”

“I’m dressed up as a fairy because I loved my kind.” Chelia tapped Julius’ nose with her wand. “You should learn to appreciate your fellow wolves more.”

“Appreciate you all?” Julius glared at Montego and Chelia. “Never.”

“And you wonder why the Luna and Alpha banished you from the pack.” Montego scoffed, Chelia fixing his bow tie.

“What are you supposed to be?” Julius questioned, glancing up and down at delta.

“I’m 007.” He formed his finger into a gun. “Super spy! Pew pew!” 

Julius sighed, shaking his head. “You’re mated to that thing? Really Chelia.”

“I think it’s adorable he’s a super spy,” she wrapped her arms around him, “pretty hot actually.”

“You think so?” Montego hooked his arms around her waist, pulling her in close. “You like your super spy wolf~”

“Mmhm,” Chelia nodded. She dramatically fell into his arms, “oh Mister Aetós! Save me!”

Montego laughed, placing a small kiss on her ruby red lips. “Your wish is my command, Miss Goodfairy.”

“Weirdos.” Julius muttered, turning towards Yvette as she softly stroked the blue bird on her finger. “Wow, really getting into the whole snow white thing huh…”

Yvette glared at Julius. “You should be more kind towards nature. Celaneo says without nature we’d all be dead.”

Julius snatched the bird away from Yvette. “What’s so precious about this little creature?” His grip tightened around the bird. “It can barely defend itself!”

Yvette snatched the bird back. “How dare you! It’s a baby! Babies don’t defend themselves!” She stroked the baby bird’s feathers before releasing it out the window and into the wild. “Bye…” she smiled, waving the bird off.

“You idiot,” Julius shook his head in shame, “why didn’t you kill it? Could’ve had a snack.”

“You would eat a baby bird?” Alistair grimaced at Julius in disgust. “Wolves don’t eat babies. It’s in the Wolf Code.”

“That old thing?” Julius raked his fingers through his hair. “Nobody abides by that old ass book anymore.”

“Actually, everyone in the pack does,” Alistair rose from his seat, “everyone that is in affiliation with our pack must abide by the Wolf Code. It’s one of Barron’s rules for affiliation.” He pushed on Julius’ chest, pushing him back slightly. “You’re the only one who doesn't abide by it.”

“Because it’s dumb.” Julius shot back. He flicked Alistair’s forehead and soon received a nasty shock. Julius growled, slowly turning around to face Medusa to see her giggling as she waved her recorder in her hands.

“Must you use that devil object!” Julius scolded, groaning as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Maybe if you weren’t such an arrogant ass and learned to keep your hands at your side.” Medusa smirked, tapping the corner of the recorder on Julius’ chest.

“Was he always like this?” Malakai questioned. He wore a Harry Potter costume.

“Yes.” Vanessa replied behind the bathroom door. “He’s always been an ignorant, pompous, son of a bitch!”

“Vanessa!” Julius fake gasped. “How dare you say such rude things about your brother!”

“Fuck you!” Vanessa snarled, slumping down against the bathroom door.

“Such harsh words.” Julius shook his head, clicking his tongue. “Ya gonna come out the bathroom?”

“Never!” Vanessa yelled, folding her arms over her chest.

“Vanessa, honey,” Malakai knocked on the door, “come out of the bathroom.”

“No!” Vanessa pouted. “I look stupid!”

“I’m sure your costume is pretty.” Malakai assured her, smiling at the door.

“Oh trust me. It’s something.” Julius snickered.

“Screw you Julius!” Vanessa yelled, pounding on the door.

“What did you do?” Malakai glared at Julius.

“I didn’t do anything,” he smirked, turning towards the door, “come on out Vanessa!”

Vanessa stood up off the bathroom floor, opening the door slightly. The first thing Malakai noticed was fluffy bunny ears sticking out the doorway.

“Oh no…” Malakai muttered, he turned toward Julius, “you didn’t…”

“I did!” Julius smirk only grew as he pulled Vanessa out from the bathroom to reveal her in a pink playboy bunny costume. She wore a sexy bunny costume featuring satin bodysuit with cotton tail, V-neckline, high-leg, cuff-links, collar with bow, ribbon accessory, and matching ear headband. “Come on! Doesn't she look great!”

“I fucking hate you!” Vanessa growled covering her face with her hands.

Malakai couldn’t help but stare at his girlfriend. He knew she hated being vulnerable, and putting her in the playboy bunny suit was the worst possible costume for a person like her. However, he couldn’t deny how hot she looked.

“Malakai!” Barron slapped him upside the head. “Stop staring at her! God damn, didn't your parents teach you that staring was rude!”

“S-Sorry!” Malakai quickly looked away, his cheeks flushing red.

Vanessa stomped over to Julius, pounding her clenched fist on his chest. “Stupid perv, stupid perv, stupid perv!” She pouted, quickly wrapping her coat around her.

“Nope, nope, nope!” Julius removed Vanessa’s coat. “A part of the deal was that you wouldn’t cover up the costume.”

“Dammit!” Vanessa growled, plopping down on the couch next to Malakai. She elbowed him in the side. “Stop staring! You’re supposed to be wearing this!”

“I know but…” Malakai’s eyes couldn’t help but wander down her body, “damn you're so hot…”

“Perv…” Vanessa puffed up her scarlet flushed cheeks. “The moment we get back you’re wearing this.” She pushed her fingers on his forehead.

“I am?” Malakai chuckled.

“Yes.” Vanessa nodded. “If I'm gonna be forced to wear this now, you’re gonna be forced to do it later.” Vanessa pulled him down by his collar, “and we're gonna have some fun~”

Malakai smiled. He loved when Vanessa was dominant. Something about her top personality was so appealing to him. Malakai blushed when he felt her fingers trace along his mark.

“You know that lightning bolt won't protect you from me, Harry Potter~” she cooed, flashing Malakai a sly wink.

Julius laughed as he sipped his drink. “Man she looks dumb.”

“You know she hates looking like those girls.” Kirkland glared at Julius. He and Piper were dressed up as the zombie version of Bonnie and Clyde. “Not even I went that far.”

Julius rolled his eyes as he brushed up against Kirkland’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go eat some brains.”

“Why don’t you roll over and die.” Piper shot back, sticking up the middle finger at him.

Julius gagged at the couple. “You two make me sick.”

“Oh, shut up.” Kirkland turned away from Julius and towards Piper. “You look stunning, Bonnie.”

“Not to bad yourself, Clyde.” Piper fixed the hat atop Kirkland head. “Hey if I kiss you, is that necrophilia?”

“Hmm… seeing as we’re both still alive and only dressed up as zombies, I will say no.” Kirkland chuckled, planting a small kiss on her lips. “For a zombie, you taste pretty good.”

Piper laughed, patting his chest. “I wish I could say the same for you. Did you just finish hunting or something?”

“Yeah. Orion and I went before getting ready.” Kirkland chuckled, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

“Catch anything good?” Piper questioned.

“The animals here are different... makes it harder to hunt…” Orion muttered. He was dressed up as the Joker. “We had to bring Rufus along to tell us what was safe to eat…”

“Awee,” Celaneo wrapped her arms around Orion, “don’t be sad, Mister J.” She cooed, sounding like the woman she was dressed up as; Harley Quinn.

“You sound so cute like that.” Orion chuckled, kissing her cheek.

“You want me to call you that more often,” she leaned in close, “Mister J~”

“Gods could be she anymore perfect!” Orion cheered, pulling Celaneo down into his lap.

Rufus patted Orion’s shoulder. He and Kalypso were dressed up as police officers. “I probably should've warned you about the different animals here.”

Medusa’s head piped up. “New animals?” Like a tick going off in her head, Medusa pulled out her notebook. “I didn’t think they’d be any new animals!”

Medusa ushered Rufus towards a chair, sitting him down as she eagerly looked towards him for answers. “So, tell me all about it.”

“We’re gonna be late if we don’t leave.” Julius warned, earning a shock from Medusa.

“It can wait.” Medusa said, her eyes never leaving her notebook. She glanced up at the corner, noticing one of the letters that was on the sidewalk when they first got there.

Medusa traced her fingers over it as it shimmered in the moonlight. Energy flowed through her fingertips as her fingers soaked in every curve of the symbol. Her clouded eyes shimmered as they locked onto the symbol. Her snakes hissed softly, just as entranced as their owner was.

“Medusa,” Barron rested his head on her shoulder, “everything alright?”

“Hm?” She snapped out of her thoughts, quickly looking up at Barron and back at the symbol to see it was gone. She furrowed her eyebrows, flipping through the pages to find the symbol again, but it had disappeared. “Wha… where did it go?”

“Where did what go?” Barron questioned, his fingers threading through her snake hair.

“The symbol…” muttered Medusa as she sighed in defeat, “it’s gone…”

“Sorry, honey. Maybe you’ll find it later.” Barron kissed her cheek, smiling softly at his mate.

“I guess so,” Medusa closed her notebook, she smiled up at her wolf, “ready to go?”

“Yep, it’s time to crash a party!” Barron cheered. Medusa tucked her notebook under her arm before running off with Barron, completely oblivious to the glowing symbols on the cover that soon faded away.


Happy Monday everyone!! Here's a cute little update for y'all. Mostly just a filler except the last part.

Sooo the symbols Medusa is seeing. What do y'all think they are? Hm?

Oh the scene with Vanessa came from the scene from Legally Blonde when Elle come to a party thinking it's a costume party and dresses up as a bunny lol.

Anyways! I'll see y'all on Wednesday!

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