№49|The Camp Part 1: Help Me Understand

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№49|The Camp Part 1: Help Me Understand
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆


Hours later, Montego, Yvette, and Tatiana returned to the house. 

“Put me down, Tatiana!” Montego yelled as Yvette opened the door to allow Tatiana carrying Montego over her shoulder to walk through. “I’m gonna kill him! I swear to the gods and goddesses that the dragon will pay!”

“And he wonders why I’m not putting him down.” Tatiana muttered, turning towards Montego. “You need to calm down. You’re not thinking straight.”

“The hell I’m not!” Montego shot back. “That dragon has some fucking nerve messsing with my mate!” 

Medusa and Barron walked down to the living to see the scene. “What happened?” Barron questioned, looking around for Chelia and Alistair. “Where Alistair and Chelia?”

“With those dragons!” Montego yelled, still slung over his sister’s shoulder. Tatiana turned him towards Barron. “Barron, you gotta let me go back there! They have Chelia-”

“And Alistair!” Yvette pipped in, earning an agreeing nod from Montego.

“No way. You’re too pissed right now. You need to chill.” Barron advised, earning a growl from Montego.

“Calm down?! What if Medusa was in Chelia’s situation? Wouldn’t you want to go in there and rip Callihan’s head off?” Montego questioned, glaring at Barron.

“Of course I would, but I’m not letting you go in there without a plan and a clear head.” Barron folded his arms over his chest. “In fact, you're not going in there at all. I’ll send Vanessa when she gets back to go break out Chelia and Alistair.”

“Till further notice, you’ll be staying here where I can keep and eye on you.” Barron came in close towards the delta. “Am I clear, delta?”

“Barron, I just can't stay here while Callihan does god knows what to Chelia! I can’t stand by while he-”

“Am. I. Clear. Delta?” Barron asked once more, his voice growing stern.

Montego sighed, looking away from the alpha. “Yes, alpha…”

“Thank you,” Barron pulled Montego off of his sister’s shoulder, pulling him in for a hug, “don’t worry, Chelia’s alright… she is a tough fairy to crack.”

“But she’s with those dragons…” Montego celnched his first, his eyes slowly glowing a bright yellow, “damn these dragons… none of them know anything about love and respect.”

Rufus scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Look, Montego, I don’t know who hurt you, but not all dragons are like that.”

“I will admit there are good dragons like you and Dewei, but Callihan and Viktor…” Montego’s eyes flashed yellow with deep anger, “those sons of bitches are the worst of all.”


“Are you sure these people are willing to help us, Rufus?” Lawrence asked Rufus as him, Ayame, Malakai, Vanessa, Rufus, and Kalypso walked through the forest.

“Yes, these are dragons who had to go into hiding after Irvam came into rule. If it involves taking down Irvam, they’ll help.” Rufus assured them, turning back to face Lawrence.

“What’s wrong?” Rufus questioned, examining Lawrence’s glare.

“Something smells… odd…” Lawrence sniffed the air. He shook his head, convincing himself he was going crazy.

Only, he wasn’t.

Kalypso intertwined her fingers with Rufus’, a wavering smile framing her lips. Rufus stroked her thumb with his. “Don’t tell me you're worried too?”

“Well…” Kalypso's voice weaned off.

“Kali! Trust me, these dragons are good people.” Rufus kissed her hand. “Plus, it might help for you to get adjusted to being around other dragons besides me and Dewei. You are gonna be my mate soon, after all.”

“How soon, hmm?” Vanessa playfully nudged him, earning a blush from both Rufus and Kalypso. “You know Kalypso’s been dying to have your mark, Rufus.”

“Vanessa!” Kalypso’s blush deppened.

“Come on, Vanessa, you know Rufus is too much of a chicken to mark her.” Malakai taunted.

Rufus rolled his eyes. “I hate you two.” He chuckled, stopping at a large stonehenge. Placing his hand on it, the stone began crumbling down, forming into a archy way and entering into the refugee camp.

Slowly entering the camp, the group of six was welcomed by daggers to the throat.

“Oh, what a warm welcome.” Ayame grit her teeth. 

“It’s the only welcome you trespassers will get.” The woman holding the dagger to Ayame’s neck hissed. 

“Unless you want your head rolling on the floor you’ll tell us why you’re here.” A deep voice behind Rufus growled.

Rufus laughed, prompting a confused look from the rest of the group. “Gerardo, don’t make me laugh. You can’t threaten anyone.”

Gerardo snorted in laughter, lowering the dagger, ordering his friends to do the same. He turned Rufus around, bringing him into a loving hug. “I missed you, idiot!” Gerardo slapped him upside the head. “What happened to, ‘I’m gonna send you mission reports, Gerardo?!’” He mocked.

Rufus rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, “sorry… I was busy.”

“Busy giving us a heart attack!” Gerardo’s mate, Nicole, rolled her eyes.

“Nicki!” Rufus cheered, hugging the woman. “How’s everything here at the camp?” Rufus questioned as the group ventured deeper into the camp.

“Good. We’ve let in a lot of dragons since you left. Everyone is doing their part to help take down Irvam.” Gerardo smiled, taking a look at his thriving little community.

“Rufus,” Kalypso caught up to him, standing by his side, “who are these people?”

“Kali, this is Gerardo and Nicole. They’re my closest friends, and they run the camp.” Rufus introduced.

“So you’re the lot of wolves I’ve heard about so much.” Nicole smiled, examining the group of wolves and their mates. “Look at that... they even have a witch and a warlock with them. How diverse.”

Gerardo patted Lawrence’s back. “Normally I wouldn’t trust wolves, but you must be good if Rufus is with you.”

“Thanks...?” Ayame chuckled.

“Anytime.” Nicole winked, linking arms with Vanessa and Ayame. “Let me show you around.”


“War?” Gerardo furrowed his eyebrows together as him and Rufus sat in Gerado’s tent. “Look, Rufus, I agreed to help you and the 5 you brought with you, but I never agreed to any wars.”

“Gerardo, we need your camp’s help taking out Irvam once and for all.” Rufus said, sighing softly. “You of all people know what terrible things Irvam can do if he’s in rule any longer.”

“Is this really about Irvam?” Gerardo scoffed at his friend.

“What else would it be about.” Rufus replied, rolling his eyes as he took a swig of his drink.

“Oh, I don't know,” Gerardo waltzed towards the tent’s entrance, moving the tarp to reveal Kalypso sparring with some of the dragons. “Her?”

Rufus choked on his drink. “Ih… u-um…”

“Don't lie to me, Rufus. She’s your mate, isn’t she?” Gerardo walked back towards Rufus, sitting beside him.

Rufus nodded, his cup never leaving his lips. Gerardo laughed at his friend's flustered expression. “A question then,” Gerardo slung his arm over Rufus’ shoulders, “why haven’t you marked her?!”

“Why is everyone in such a rush for me to mark her?” Rufus muttered, finally lowering his cup.

“Because, look at her!” Gerardo exclaimed, gesturing towards Kalypso as she pinned the dragons to the ground before hitting another with a fireball. “She’s perfect for you!”

“I know she is. She’s amazing.” Rufus smiled softly at the witch.

“So then why are you waiting?” Gerardo questioned once more.

“I want it to be special.” Rufus muttered a reply.

“You’re waiting for that stupid waterfall, aren’t you?” Gerardo raked his fingers down his face, groaning at his friend.

“I was…” Rufus sighed, shaking his head, “I went to go find the waterfall earlier this morning, but Irvam destroyed it…”

“I’m sorry…” Gerardo rubbed his shoulder, “but I’m sure there’s another way to make it special.”

“My parents said if I were to mark anyone, it’d be there… it can’t get more special than that.” Rufus hung his head low in shame. “Where are my parents, anyways?”

“They’re in the Fire Realm helping set up camp there.” Gerardo replied. “They miss you… we all do.”

“I know, I should’ve sent you updates.” Rufus nodded, looking up at Gerardo with sorrow filled eyes. “Thank you… for protecting my parents while I was gone.”

“Of course,” Gerardo pat his back, “now stop making that poor girl wait. She wants you, and you want her, so just go for it already!”

“It’s not as easy as you think.” Rufus shook his head. “I want to mark her, I do, but… with everything going on, I can’t find time.”

“Do it tonight. Spend the night at the camp and just get away from it all.” Gerardo chuckled. “I know the perfect spot for you two!”


“Sooo,” Vanessa and Ayame walked over to Kalypso as she sat on a stump, helping Nicole sharpen some weapons, “a little birdie told me some are still unmarked.”

“Yes, I am.” Kalypso nodded, glancing up at Vanessa. “What’s it to you?”

“Oh, nothing,” Ayame poked Kalypso’s arm, “just wondering how, oh how, Rufus has been holding back so long?”

Vanessa tapped her chin. “It really is a conundrum, Ayame. I mean, she is a cute little thing.” Vanessa wrapped her arms around Kalypso, gripping her hips. “She has great hips, that’s for sure.”

“Vanessa!” Kalypso shrieked, her cheeks flushing red. “Stop it!”

“Oh, come on. If you keep shrieking at a little touch like that, how will you even last a mating?” Nicole snickered, smirking at the witch.

“Isn’t it just like any other time you have sex?” Kalypso tilted her head.

Vanessa, Ayame, and Nicole scoffed. “No.” The trio laughed.

“It’s not?”

“No!” Vanessa pulled Kalypso in close. “It’s a lot more… intimate… it’s like your body and mind are being intertwined with your partner… it’s magical.”

Vanessa sighed in delight. “I remember when me and Malakai mated…” she spun around smiling, “it’s like the whole world faded away and it was just me and him.”

“That good, huh?” Kalypso muttered.

“You have no idea, Kalypso!” Ayame nudged her playfully. “The mating is like floating on air and never coming down.”

“Nicole…” Kalypso shifted beside the dragon.

Nicole smiled at her. “Yes?”

“Dragons… during the mating… they aren’t too rough, right?” Kalypso whispered.

Nicole giggled, winking at Kalypso, “not unless you want them to be.”

“Nicki!” Kalypso blushed madly.

“I know being submissive isn’t ideal in the 21st century, but when you are dominant all day long, sometimes you just wanna lay there and be little submissive.” Nicole shrugged.

“She has a point.” Ayame agreed.

“But dragons make it a priority to make sure their mate has the most pleasurable experience during the mating. If you don't want them to be rough, they won't be rough. You want them to dominate, they’ll dominate.” Nicole rubbed her shoulder. “Trust me, if this is about you and Rufus, you shouldn’t be thinking about anything else but that during the marking.”

“Yet you are, aren’t you, Kalypso?”

Kalypso shot up from the log at Bryce’s voice. She turned behind her to see Bryce leaning against a nearby tree. “Ever since I’ve come back, you can’t stop thinking about me.” Bryce waltzed towards her.

She scooted back, tripping against the log as she fell to the ground. Byrce stood over her. “Don't worry, love, they can’t see me. It’s only you and me, right now.”

“G-Get out.” Kalypso stuttered, scooting away from him. “Wh-Where’s Bryce?”

“I’m right here, Kali.” Bryce helped her off the floor. “I remember a forest just like this one back home.”

“Remember all those fun nights we had in the forest?” Bryce ran his fingers down her hips. “Does he know we were together? That I was this close to marking you?”

“No…” Kalypso whispered, pushing Bryce away. “You’re not the man I gave up my virginity to… where is that Bryce? The one that’s gentle… kind… the one that gave me hope.”

“New flash; he’s gone. He left when you let those witches cut off my head!” Bryce scolded, pushing on her chest.

“I said I was sorry!” Kalypso shot back. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It eats me up inside every single damn day!”

“Good!” Bryce growled. “It should eat it up inside you! You should feel pain, anguish, and sorrow for what you did! You could’ve stopped it, but you were weak! You were always weak!”

“I don't need you to remind me of how weak I felt that day! Do you think I didn’t want to say you?! I couldn’t! I tried! Believe me, Bryce, I tried to save you, but I was powerlesses!” Kalypso sobbed, falling to her knees.

“You were weak, Kalypso! You always have and always will be! Why do you think that little dragon bitch you years keeps putting off your mating?!” Bryce yanked Kalypso off the ground. “You know he’d never love, let alone mark, a weak little witch like you.”

“Shut up…” Kalypso shook her head.

“You know I’m right! You know the only one who ever loved you was me… well… the old me. But he’s gone now and he’s never coming back.” Bryce clenched her wrist. “You feel that?” His grip became harder. “That loneliness in your heart? The feeling of regret and sorrow?”

Kalypso bit her lip as tears streamed down her cheeks, nodding slightly. “You better get used to that feeling, sweetie, cause from this moment on that’s all you’ll ever feel.”

Kalypso dropped to her knees once more, sobbing into her hands as Bryce faded away. “Kali…?” Rufus’ soft voice made her flinch slightly. She looked up at the dragon that crouched beside her. “Hi… why are you crying?”

Kalypso gazed into his storm blue eyes as they swilled with fear and concern over his mate. She shook her head as more tears streamed down her soft cheeks. “Stop it! Stop looking at me like that!”

“Kali, what are you talking about?” Rufus whispered, stroking her cheek. “Why don’t we talk, okay?”

“N-No!” Kalypso pushed Rufus away. “I don't wanna talk… I want you to leave!”

“Leave?” Rufus inched in closer, resting his hand on her shoulder. “Don't you remember what I told you, Kali? I’m not leaving you anytime soon.” He kissed the top of her head. “Just tell me what’s wrong.”

“You wouldn’t understand…” Kalypso muttered.

“Then help me to.” Rufus’ eyes pleaded with hers. He lifted her up off the ground, taking her hand in his. “I want to understand all of you, Kalypso. I want to know every little thing about you. I wanna know why you like chocolate chips to be arranged into a little star on your pancakes. I wanna know why you cry a little every time you watch the movie ‘Sleeping Beauty’. I wanna know how you grew up to be such a beautiful woman.”

“Why…” Kalypso muttered as she and Rufus began their journey deeper into the forest.

“Why what?”

“Why do you want to know more about me… I’m weak… I’m powerless.” Kalypso lowered her gaze towards the ground, whimpering slightly.

“Why are you lying?” Rufus scoffed, earning a confused look from Kalypso.

Rufus patted a nearby rock, ushering Kalypso to sit beside him. “You know you’re not weak,” he kissed her cheeks, “not powerless,” his kisses trailed down her neck, “and not stupid.”

His fingers wrapped slowly around her waist. “Do you know why I kept waiting for a mate?” He whispered tenderly.

Kalypso shook her head.

“Because I needed someone strong, powerful, beautiful, generous, kind…” his free hand kneaded through licious auburn hair. “I needed you.”

Kalypso smiled slightly at the storm dragon. “I needed you, too. I still need you.”

Rufus stood up from the rock, extending his hand. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?” Kalypso questioned, taking his hand in hers, following him into the forest.

“Don’t ask questions, my love,” he turned back towards Kalypso, kissing her hand, “just enjoy it. You need it.”

Rufus stopped in front of a curtain of vines, moving them to reveal a beautiful anemone mistral flower field. Kalypso gasped, covering her mouth in shock. “It’s beautiful…”

“Come on.” Rufus led her deeper into the field, lowering the two of them down to the ground gently. “I want to mate with you... now.”

Kalypso’s eyes sparkled, placing a small kiss on Rufus’ nose. “I love you, Rufus, I want to be yours… forever.” Rufus wrapped his arms around her waist, lowering her down to the soft grass. “I want to be all yours, Rufus… make everyone know I’m yours.”


For a moment and an eternity, all Kalypso knew was the gentle pressure of Rufus’ lips against hers. Her world narrowed to this one instance; the soft texture of his lips, the most, warmth, the tender force, then the slow drag as he gently pulled away.

Kalypso wasn’t sure when she’d closed her eyes or when she stopped breathing. Willing herself to breathe less, she passed out from the dizzying effect. She looked up at her dragon’s unguarded expression. 

She could feel something chaotic tickling in the back of her mind, mirrored in the controlled tension she saw in his muscles around his jaw and eyes. She stared into his storm blue eyes, transfixed by Rufus, as he whispered her name. “Kalypso…”

She wasn’t sure when the thought had crossed her mind… she certainly had never given it permission, but suddenly she was arching up, stretching to slant her lips against his in a loving fashion.

Rufus froze against her mouth for a single heartbeat, before he caused her world to explode with sensation. He was pushing her back into the grass below, his lips moving in a delightful direction, his body suddenly against every inch of her in a blazing heat. 

She felt her witch magic surge forward at the fizz of his dragon power so close to her skin, but the feeling was lost on her as Kalypso’s eyes had snapped shut in a sudden onslaught.

Her dragon switched needy lips for the tension of teeth against her bottom lip, and unthinkingly she let her lips part to follow the motion. A second later, his tongue was dipping between her lips to drag along her own tongue. Her body was responding as if programmed by him: her tongue twined against his, her hips curled slightly upward, and from some unknown place in the back of her throat – she moaned.

The sound was quiet, but it seemed to please her dragon because she could feel the smile of his against hers. Still caging both of her wrist with his hands, he abandoned her lips in favor of trailing moist, forceful kisses down the column of her neck.

She was thankfully breathing again, but in ragged pants that seemed to catch one wordless sound every time he discovered a partially sensitive spot. The juncture between her neck and her shoulder, right above her collar bone, served as one such spot, and when he kissed it she was surprised to fine she could still speak some words:

“A-Ah! Oh gods! Rufus...” the moan was dragged from her throat breathlessly, and something told her that he liked it that way. So very many ways he must have heard his name said throughout the years, and that was definitely his favorite.

A flare of frustration soon followed the knowledge, and then the thought was chased from her mind completely by the sharp bite of teeth at that same spot.

“Try again, Kalypso.” She shuddered against the slightly deeper tone in which he pronounced her name. Had that slowly growing itch between her legs always been there? How did he expect her to form words when all she wanted was more of the insatiable friction?!

Another nip to the same spot, and she was sure she could have a bruise. “Kalypso,” he drew her name out, as if savoring it, “say my name.”

She fought to comply with his request, but her tongue was no good with words in this state. Were her lessons as a witch all for nothing? He breathed against her shoulder, ripping another sound from her throat. “You sly dragon-”

She didn’t get any forth before his teeth were against her again, turning the remaining syllables into a punctuated moan. Oh, he quite liked that sound, she was somehow sure of it. But the song of annoyance was there again.

“Say my name, Kalypso. Just my name.” And then his breath was against her shoulder again, followed by his tender lips.


Something rubles from his chest, she could feel it against her skin all along her body. Her dragon kissed her lips again in praise, but when he wanted to leave she drew her tongue along his lower lips in a plea to stay.

The quest must have been heard, for her growled and pressed down against her again, delving into her mouth while their lips explored a heated ebb and flow.

He finally ended the kiss with a quiet pop, then departed to keep exploring down below her chin. Why did he want her to keep saying his name? She thought he liked her ‘sly dragon’ nickname she bequeathed onto him.

She felt his teeth against her again on the top edge of one of her breasts, drawing another soft moan from her throat in both surprised and unnamable heat.

Abandoning that though, Kalypso realized in a rush that she was still wearing clothing. And though she had her shirt buttoned up to the collar as high as it would go, the shirt still dripped rather deeply into her cleavage in this position.

The pressure on her wrist disappeared as Rufus rep-purposed his fingers to work on the buttons of her shirt while his lips explored that plane of her skin above her breast.

“Let me know if you want me to stop.” Rufus whispered. With her now-free hands, Kalypso reached for his chin and guided his seeking lips back up to her face.

Digging her fingers into his wild blond locks, she kissed his lips, his nose, his cheeks, his ears. His skin tasted salty and spicy at the same time, a combination of sweat and magic. He groaned as she nibbled gently on the edge of his ear, and her heart fluttered knowing she could draw such a sound from her dragon.

One of his hands immediately went to her cloth covered breast, and her breath caught again on his name in her throat. “Ru-Rufus.”

A grin passed briefly over the dragon's expression, before he pulled away slightly to sit against her hips. The added pressure against her core felt delectable, but the rest of her shivered at the sudden departure of his heat.

The night air was thick with the sounds of their heaving breathing and rapid heartbeats, but Kalypso was confused with his sudden withdrawal.

Rufus flickered his eyes down and back up to hers again, and she quickly brought her hands up to her face in embarrassment. He’d finished unbuttoning her shirt, and now she laid pinned beneath him, a straight line of ebony skin revealed all the way from her neck to where he was sitting over her underwear.

Is he asking for permission? Flickering her eyes back to his blackened gaze, she knew that answer was definitive; “yes” she nodded with a whisper. Kalypso couldn’t help but hesitate. She trusted him wholly, but she was raised a witch. Witches believed in the concept of ‘savings oneself’. Her body had never been actually looked at by any man, beside Bryce, before. And here Rufus was, poised above her, still completely clothed.

Her thoughts came to a screeching halt when Rufus placed his hands again in hers. Filled with heat, her hands lit up in response to his touch. Kalypso gasped lightly, the feeling of her witch magic combining and reacting to his dragon magic was still new and exhilarating.

Her dragon gently tugged on her hands, urging her to sit up. She complied, and he shifted off of her so she could tuck her legs safely underneath her. Sitting across from him with her shirt hanging open but still covering her breasts to preserve some semblance of modesty, she couldn’t help but be confused.

That is, until he gently guided her hands to the collar of his own shirt.

Elizabeth’s flushed darkened another shade as she ducked her head to hide her head in her bangs. Her dragon let go of her wrist and placed his own hands on the ground, leaning back slightly in a completely relaxed manner. Her heart wanted to burst from her chest and begin to soar.

Earlier he had been so closed off to her, but here, now, he was completely open. When she had asked about the mating earlier, he was closed off. She flicked her gaze up to the scales on his forehead. Those are new… Kalypso gulped, he was asking to see her, well, naked, and he was willing to open up first if it made her more comfortable.

And, well, really, she was curious. She’d seen him shirtless before during battle and training, but those more anxious situations were hardly the proper context for her noticing her partner’s body. Now he was offering her the opportunity to do some exploration of her own, and she was far too eager to pass it up.

She began to fumble with the red tie against his collar, and Rufus chuckled quietly to himself. It was a dark, promising sound, but he still waited patiently as she worked methodically to undress him, nibbling her lip and shifting her legs against her core to ease some of the tension that was still simmering in her veins.

First, the loose tie was unknotted, carefully slid out of his shirt collar, and dropped over the edge of the bed. Then the buttons of his black vest were undone. Kalypso swallowed thickly as she eased the crisp fabric over his shoulders and off his arms, but her dragon made no comment as he moved his arms out of the vest and left her toss to the side.

She briefly made contact with the storm blue gaze, reading equal parts tension and hunger as he wet his lips and couldn’t help but burn a littler hotter in memory of the taste of those lips. The witch quickly averted her gaze to her task and began to work on the buttons of his remaining white shirt, slowly revealing the skin underneath.

Hands shaking, she released the last button above his hips. She could feel the warmth radiating from his skin, but she held on the edge of his now open shirt and raised her gaze to him, asking for permission. Rufus blinked as if surprised, then smirked darkly and minutely nodded. Permission granted, Kalypso reached higher up on his shirt to pull it out and back over his shoulders.

First, she just stared, eating her fill of the muscular planes revealed to her in full. His skin was darker than hers by a shade, but still pale in contrast to the scales winding like fire over his right shoulder and left hip bone.

Holding her breath, she hesitantly reached forward to graze her fingers above his pec. The skin tensed underneath her, but Rufus remained stony still, hands fisted in the flowers.

Kalypso exhaled in a rush. So finally touching him had no dire consequences: no explosions, no reality ripping at the seams, and he was staying right here where he was instead of running away.

It seemed a little silly to be concerned in the first place, but considering their experiences minutes ago, the thought had still been there. Kalypso turned back to the skin of his chest, tracing her fingers through the warm creases of muscle and around the corners of scales on his shoulder.

His skin twitched and tensed against her minstations, but she got the distinct feeling that he was allowing her to explore while stifling his reactions. After the sounds he had just drawn from her? That wouldn't do.

Watching him for any indication she should stop, she seated her palm against his waist and slowly leaned forward. With aching caution, she pressed a gentle kiss to the space beneath his collar bone. His breath hitched, but the reaction was far too minimal for her satisfaction.

Kalypso kissed the spot more, darting her tongue out to sample the salty, musky tang that was sweat and skin and power. She kissed and licked across the other side, inhaling deeply a scent that was distinctly Rufus but also something more. She shifted her legs underneath her again, seeking relief for the ache that had settled there with the headly scent, while drifting lower to gently kiss his nipple. 

In a flash of frustration, the witch nipped her dragon’s pec. A deep growl vibrated the skin next to her lips, and she couldn’t help but be pleased. She shifted her hand to knead against his abdominals while drifting upward again to nip the juncture of his neck and shoulder as he had done to her, and was swearded again by a growl that sounded like her name.


She hummed, oddly pleased with herself, and gently pressed him down towards the ground to allow herself greater access to further explore the dragon. Her knight complied with the nenberbal request, leaning back onto the ground and propping himself up on his elbows. 

Kalypso bent lower against him, determined to find every place on his body that might elect similar sounds. The dip between his hip bone and abdominals made him twitch and growl some more. The edge of his belly button yielded a breathy gasp. And the cerner of the twisting black fire spread across his downward-leading trail of fine blonde hair bore hiss of air between clenched teeth.

Sensing his struggle to keep quiet against the onslaught of pleasure, Kalypso lingered in these spots with little kisses and sibbles while working with shaky hands to undo the button and zippers of his pants.

It took quite a bit of finagling for her trembling fingers to work the pants open, but when the task was done, the princess halted all other motion. Casting her gaze up at the planes of his chest, Kalypso tugged lightly on the edge of Rufus’ pants.

The dragon faintly bobbed his flushed face in permission, the look on his face was a mixture of lust, disbelief, and worship. Turning back to her task, Kalypso wiggled her legs into the waistband and cautiously tugged the pants down and off his legs.

Once the pants were dropped in a heap on the ground, the witch paused her endeavor again to observe Rufus. Was it funny that she now knew that he wore boxers instead of briefs? The black fabric of his underwear was crinkled in various places – the winkly hem ending somewhere high on his muscular thighs.

A significant bulge at the apex of those thighs was particularly interesting, as the loose material hinted at something she was only familiar about in theory. Of course, she’d been taught the bare necessities of such things, but it was hardly a well-explored topic for a witch’s studies.

Kalypso found herself holding her breath again as she tentatively reached to gently grasp what was hidden below her badric. The moment she grabbed it, Rufus fisted his hand into the ground and gasped wordlessly.

It was incredibly warm. And stiff, but not immalleable. It was also larger than what it was last time they made love, though she didn’t really know what to expect in the first place when it came to the mating.

She encircled her fingers around the considerable girth and moved her fingers up and down the length of it once to get a sense of exactly how long, and was rewarded by a strangled sound coming from her dragon’s throat.

She cast her gaze up at him again in response, and noticed his very kissable lips were parted slightly in desperate pants. Rufus moved to grasp the hand grabbing him and tugged gently to encourage her to release him, which she did immediately.

Then he placed the same hand against the waistband of his boxers before replacing his arm back underneath him.

Even though she’d seen him naked tons of times before… this time was different. This was their mating, the night of love the two would remember for years to come.

“Kali,” Rufus whispered, stroking her cheek, “don't worry, it’ll be okay.”

“W-What if I mess it up?” Kalypso whimpered.

“You won't. I trust you.” Rufus placed a small kiss on her lips, resting his head on hers, “I trust you with my life. So please, let me into yours.”

Kalypso smiled at his loving words, returning the kiss. “I’m ready, Rufus” she nodded surly, “make me yours.”

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this, Kali, I promise you… you’ll never forget this.”



ITS OFFICIAL Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are now the President and Vice President of the USA!! I'm so happy!!!

Also! Its update day!! So we have a new chapter for Wereology!

Oh! I want to give an update on the status of A Sea Of Bloody Hearts. I've been making the cast like art and here the MC

Isn't it cool! She'll be playing the MC, Quincy "Queenie" Hearts! I hope you all read A Sea Of Bloody Hearts once Wereology is finished!!

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