№64|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 8)

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№64|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 8)
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“Rufus… I’m sorry.” Kalypso muttered, resting her hand on his shoulder.

“For what?” Rufus scoffed, folding her arms over her chest.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you he marked me before you did.” Kalypso wrapped her arms around him. “Bryce is my past.” She kissed his cheek, slowly leading down his neck. “You’re my present and future.”

“Promise? Promise me that you don't like Bryce anymore.” Rufus whispered.

“You’re my one and only.” Kalypso reminded him, standing in front of him with a smile. “You’re mine and I’m yours.”

Rufus smiled, pulling her in for a kiss. “You’re the best, Kalypso.”

“I am, aren't I?” Kalypso smirked, wrapping her arms around his neck. “How special am I, Rufus?”

“You know how special you are to me, Kali.” Rufus purred, hoisting her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around him. “You’re my everything.”

“Your everything?” Kalypso teased, raking her fingers up and down his chest.

“Yes, my everything.” Rufus responded, nibbling at her lower lip. “My life, my love, my happiness.”

“Rufus…” Kalypso placed her finger on his lips. “You should know…”

“If it’s about Bryce, put him out of your mind.” Rufus grumbled, kissing her neck.

“You need to know about Bryce.” Kalypso whispered, halting the dragon’s movements.

“I said put him out of your mind, Kali.” Rufus repeated, earning a sigh from Kalypso as she pushed him away.

“I can’t put him out of my mind until you know the truth.” Kalypso explained, holding his hand as a memory began to form in front of them. “This… this was the day he died…”

“Big Sis Sienna! Big sis Cynthia!” the teenage Kalypso called out, rushing towards her ‘big sister’ even though none of the three were related. “Wait up!”

“Yes, Kalypso?” Sienna asked, walking in front of the young witch with Cynthia.

“I know you told me to stay in the potion room-”

“And why are you not there?” Cynthia interrupted.

“Well, there are some whispers going around the coven that you’ll be trying some new spells out soon on wolves-” Kalypso began to explain.

“Yes, we are. How does this concern you?” Cynthia asked, turning on her heels to face Kalypso.

“Well, wolves are very subjectable to magic. If you test on them too much they’ll send up dying.” Kalypso warned, earning a chuckle from the witches in front of her.

“And that’s a problem?” Sienna laughed, opening the door to the laboratory.

“Yes, they’re people too.” Kalypso reminded them, watching as the two witches oversaw the development of recent projects. “Sienna! Cynthia! Are you listening?”

“Totally,” Cynthia replied nonchalantly, scribbling notes down on her notepad as she examined the potion. “Add more dragon scales, we need this to burn through wolf fur, this can only burn through human skin.”

“I know you all hate wolves but they’re people just like you and me. We can’t just test on them like rats!” Kalypso exclaimed, trying to get their attention once more.

“Why do you care so much?” Sienna rolled her eyes, entered the viewing box, looking down at the first test subject. Pressing a button on the control panel, she spoke into the mike. “Start test phase 1.” She announced.

Kalypso whimpered as she watched the young wolf frantically scurrying to the corner, trying desperately to avoid the smoke that was filling the room.

“Can’t you at least numb him or something?” Kalypso asked, whipping her head towards her fellow witches with pleading eyes.

“He doesn't get that luxury.” Cynthia replied, sipping her ice tea.

“Why not?! He’s barely my age! He probably has a family, a pack, out there looking for him.” Kalypso rested her hand on the window, her heart breaking as yelps and cries of pain escaped the wolf’s mouth.

“There’s nobody looking for him.” Sienna scoffed, opening his file. “Subject number 9XBV is responding to smoke. Continue to phase 2.”

“Does he even have a name?” Kalypso whispered. Her eyes filled with fear and sadness as the smoke faded away, revealing a shivering fawn toned wolf.

“See for yourself.” Sienna tossed her the file.

“Looks like his name is Bryce Garcia. He was from the Vazenia Pack in South America.” Kalypso read, looking through his file. “He’s only 16…”

“So you two are the same age.” Cynthia observed.

“You can’t do this to a 16 year old!” Kalypso solded, clenching the file in her fist.

“Kalypso.” Sienna rose from her seat, standing face to face with Kalypso, glaring at the witch. “When your parents died, who took you in?”

“You did, Sienna.”

“Who taught you everything you know about magic and potions?” She asked once more.

“You did, Sienna.”

“Who gave you food, water, and the clothes on your back?” Cynthia asked this time.

“You and Sienna did.” Kalypso’s gaze shifted towards the ground, bowing her head in shame.

“So what makes you think you have the right to come in here and judge my experiments?” Sienna’s glare on the young witch hardened.

“But, Sienna-”

“Stay in the potions room.” Sienna ordered, pointing towards the door.


“Potions room. Now!” Sienna roared, clenching Kalypso’s wrist as she threw her out the viewing box and slamming the door in her face.

“So Bryce was a test subject at the coven?” Rufus asked, earning a nod from Kalypso.

While he didn’t like seeing the formation of what would soon become Kalypso’s first relationship, he’d promise Kalypso he’d stay by her side. Cupping her hands in his, he kissed it softly as the memory continued.

The moon shone through the windows of the coven as Kalypso sneaked through the halls with a bag slung over her shoulder. She peaked around the corner, attempting to stay out of range of the security camera that were stationed all over the coven.

Once she reached the laboratory, she searched for the room holding Byrce. Following the sound of whimpers, it led her towards her target. She used her magic to phase through the door, inching towards the young wolf.

“Hey, I’m Kalypso.” She whispered, pulling out a blanket from her back. “I know you have fur but that smoke that sprayed on you cancels out your heat.”

Stumbling to his feet, he attempted to stand his ground. Groaning as he fell to the floor in defeat, he still mustered a small growl.

“I don't want to hurt you.” Kalypso said, laying the blanket over him. “See? It’s just a blanket.”

The young wolf purred, accepting the blanket’s warmth. Shifting back into his human form, his black eyes locked with her hazel ones. “Hi…” His eyes never left hers. “Where am I?”

“Black Rose Society Coven.” Kalypso replied, going into her purse to bring out a tuple wear with cookies inside. “Here,” she passed him the tuple wear, “eat up.”

He sniffed the cookie, raising an eyebrow at Kalypso. “What did you put in it?”

“It’s a chocolate chip cookie.” Kalypso replied with a chuckle. “It’s not poison.”

“With you witches you can never be sure.” Byrce replied wearily.

“I don't support what they’re doing to the wolves here.” Her hands coated in a soft green light, hovering it over Bryce’s wounds to heal them. “If they wanted to test new spells they should’ve done it on a dummy.”

Byrce scooted away from him, jerking his arm back. “Get away from me with that devil magic!”

“It’s not devil magic, it’s just magic.” Kalypso rolled her eyes jokingly, pulling his arm back towards her to continue healing.

“If this is some kind of trick to lower my defenses it wont work! I don't care how cute you are or how good those cookies taste, I’m not falling for it.” Bryce declared.

“This isn’t a trick. I’m just here to help.” Kalypso smiled, moving her hand up to his cheek, healing the scapes there.

Kalypso held her breath, gazing into his black eyes. Her heart broke at the fear and worry that filled the wolf’s eyes. Wanting every so desperately to take away the pain, she sighed, knowing that wasn’t possible.

“Di-Did you… Did you have a family?” Kalypso whispered.

Silence filled the room as the wolf peered into Kalypso’s soft hazel eyes. Completely mesmerized as the sparkled under the hue of Kalypso’s healing magic.

“Bryce.” She said, snapping the wolf out of his trance.


“Did you have a family? If so, I could call them. I’m sure-”

“They’re dead.” Bryce interrupted, averting his gaze.

“If you don't mind me asking,” she moved her hand down towards the nape of his neck, healing the large wound, “how did they… ya know.”

“Die?” Byrce asked.


“It happened when the witches raided the pack. My parents tried their hardest to get the Luna and Alpha out. Thankfully, they escaped. My parents, however, weren’t so lucky…” A somber glaze overtook his black eyes. “My mom went first… fireball straight through the chest. My father was forced to watch her suffer in her dying moments right before they slice his head clean off… I still remember it rolling off his head and landing beside my mother’s burnt body.”

“I-I’m… I’m so sorry…” she stroked his cheek, wiping away the tears that began to fall.

“Don't be… it’s those witches who should be sorry.” Bryce growled, clenching his fist.

“Not all witches are like that.” Kalypso muttered, laying beside Bryce.

“Oh really?” Bryce scoffed.

“Yeah, I don't go chopping off wolves heads!” Kalypso stated, smiling at Bryce.

“Yet.” He muttered.

“Hey!” She chuckled, punching him lightly. “Look, I may not be able to get you out of here but I promise I’ll try to make every day less painful than the last.”

Bryce smiled, nodding at the which. “Thank you, Kalypso.”

“So the dog wasn’t always such a jerk. What a shocker.” Rufus rolled his eyes in an annoying fashion.

“Rufus, stop it.” Kalypso rested her hand on his tricep.

Rufus sighed. “Sorry. I’ll stop.”

“Thank you.” Kalypso smiled softly as they focused back on the memory.

As the years passed, Kalypso and Bryce began to grow closer and closer.

Bryce circled around the room, anxiously waiting for his witch to arrive. It’d been a few years since he’d met Kalypso and with full honesty, Bryce knew she was the one. She wasn’t like most witches in the coven -- for starters she didn’t try to kill him or do lab tests on him -- she wasn’t afraid of him or his wolf side. Just thinking about the witch brought a slightly blush to his cheeks.

His heartbeat quickened as her smell of bergamot and manuka wafted through the air, alerting him of her presence as she entered the room.

“How are you today, Bryce?” She smiled, brushing strands of his hair behind his ear. “Did you miss me?”

“You know I did.” Bryce wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in close, kissing her forehead. “Sienna and Cynthia still giving you trouble?”

“Yeah, but nevermind me. The tests weren’t too hard, were they?” Kalypso asked, searching his body for wounds.

“If it means they take the pressure off you then I’ll gladly take any test they throw at me. No matter how much it hurts.” Bryce smiled, stroking her cheek. “They haven’t noticed the mark yet, have they?”

“No, they haven’t.” Kalypso chuckled. “I can’t believe we’re mated.”

“Neither can we.” Sienna’s angered voice echoed through the speakers. Quickly, Bryce and Kalypso turned towards the viewing box to see an angered Sienna and Cynthia.

“Sienna… Cynthia, I can explain-”

“The time for explaining is over, traitor.” Cynthia spat, extending her hand towards Kalypso to bind her in chains.

“Let her go!” Bryce scolded, attempting to rush towards her side but was sent flying by Sienna’s magic.

“How dare you bed with that dog?!” Sienna marched down into the room, stomping on Kalypso’s stomach. “I gave you everything and this is how you repay me?! By sleeping with the enemy!”

“Sienna… please! Just let me explain!”

“You even let that mutt mark you! How could you, Kalypso?!” Cynthia yanked her up by her hair, facing her towards Bryce. “What is so appealing to you about this wolf?!”

“We-We’re in love!” Kalypso replied, tears streaming down her face as she watched Bryce was binded as well.

“In love?” Sienna scoffed, walking over to the wolf. “The only thing we love is ourselves.” A sword appeared in her hand as she pulled Bryce’s head back.

“Sienna! Please, no!!” Kalypso pleaded.

“A dirty traitor like yourself doesn't deserve love!” With one hard swipe of her sword, Bryce’s head rolled to the floor. “Let this be a lesson for you, Kalypso,” she held up Bryce’s lifeless head, “this is what happens when you betray me.”

Rufus turned towards his mate, his mouth slightly opened wide. “Kalypso… I didn’t…”

“It’s fine… it was years ago.” Kalypso brushed his hand away as he tried to reach out for her. “I was in love with that Bryce, not the one that’s alive now. That Bryce… he’s rude, selfish, arrogant.”

“Maybe it’s a good thing that Bryce died.” Rufus wiped the tears that began to spill from her eyes.

“How?” Kalypso sniffled.

“Traumatic experiences sometimes offer a learning experience, they allow us to grow more as a human.” Rufus explained, his words so poetic and soft as he kissed her cheeks. “If Bryce didn’t die, you would’ve never sided with the WhiteClad Pack in Werewolf Court. Then, we would not have ever met.”

“Kali,” he whispered, resting her forehead on hers, “if I never met you… I don’t know where my life be right now.”

“Rufus… I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you like I did Bryce.” Kalypso whimpered, cupping his cheeks as her tears continued to flow.

“Kalypso, you don't have to worry about that. I’m not leaving your side anytime soon.” Rufus promised, placing a small kiss on her lips.

“Promise?” She asked once more.

“Promise.” Rufus chuckled, tucking strands of her auburn hair behind her ear. A not formed in his chest as he watched one of his memories begin to form.

“What is this?” Kalypso asked, looking up at the dragon’s worried expression.

“My childhood.” Rufus replied, his breathing hitched slightly.

The sound of glasses clinking together echoed through the home as the teenage Rufus walked downstairs to see his father, Vulcan, cleaning up the mess of beer bottles the mother of his children left.

Vulcan looked up to meet eyes with his son. “Rufus, go to sleep. You and your sibling have school tomorrow.”

“Isn’t it mom’s turn to clean?” Rufus whispered, rubbing his eyes.

“It was,” he sighed, turning towards the drunk woman on the couch with beer dribbling down her lips, “she got drunk… again.”

“No surprise there.” Rufus muttered, helping him clean up. “She never does anything to help around here. All she does is drink and yell at us. Why are you even still with her?”

“Even though she’s a drunken mess, she’s still my wife. I promised her we’d be together through sickness and in health.” Vulcan walked over to his drunken wife, Helena, draping a blanket over her. “She’s just going through a lot right now.”

“Really, for 8 years?” Rufus scoffed. “Dad, she’s a drunk. She isn’t the woman you married.”

“I know it isn’t, but I still married her. She’s just going through a rough patch, that’s all.” Vulcan explained, grabbing the broom as he began to sweep.

“Dad, she’s abusive! You can’t love someone who does that to you!” Rufus exclaimed, causing Helena to groan in annoyance, stirring in her sleep.

“Keep your voice down, she’s trying to sleep.” Vulcan warned, placing his finger over his lips.

“I don't care!” He whispered harshly. “Dad, I love you and all but you have to leave her. Her being here isn’t helping anyone.”

“I can’t leave her, Rufus, she’s my wife. You’ll understand when you’re older.” Vulcan patted his shoulder. “Go to bed. Your uncles are coming over tomorrow.”

Rufus glared at his father, shaking his head. “Dad, I don't know how you do it. If it were me, I would’ve left her years ago.”

“Rufus, love isn’t easy -- especially with your mother -- but I’m not about to leave her on the streets.” Vulcan stated, dumping the bottles into the recycling bin.

“Someone like her belongs in the streets.” Rufus folded his arms over his chest, rolling his eyes. “You deserve better dad.”

“I know, but she’s your mom. She has the right to see you and your siblings.” Vulcan sighed, stroking his son’s shoulder. “Thank you for worrying about me but I’m alright. Go to bed, Rufus.” He smiled, kissing his forehead.

“But dad-”

“Rufus, please.” Vulcan patted his back. “Just go to bed.”

Rufus nodded sadly, making his way upstairs. Stopping at the staircase, he took one last look at his mother and father.

“Helena,” Vulcan whispered, shaking ehr slightly. “Come to bed.”

“Go away… Vulcan.” Helena slurred, pushing him away. “Go get me… a beer…”

“You drank them all.” Vulcan muttered.

“Go get more then.” Helena growled, turning her back on his as she drifted back to sleep.

Vulcan raked his fingers through his hair, making one final round around the house. Checking up on each and every one of his children, he smiled at their peaceful faces. “Good night, kids.” He whispered, blowing them a kiss before making his way up to Rufus' room where the young dragon slept with his youngest twin sister, Veronica and Valencia, beside him.

Covering the three with a blanket, he quietly made his way out of the room. The floorboards, however, weren’t in his favor as they creaked while he walked.

Rufus sat up slightly. “Dad…” he yawned, reaching out for his father. “I love you…”

“I love you too, Rufus.” He smiled, kissing his forehead along with the twins’. “Sweet dreams, children.”

“Your father seems like such a nice man.” Kalypso smiled sweetly.

“He is, he was just with the wrong woman for the majority of his life.” Rufus sighed, focusing back on the memory.

“I don't understand this Rufus...” his younger brother, Gregory, groaned, hitting his face into the textbook repeatedly. 

“Is Gregory mad again?” Veronica asked, all the siblings were working on their homework.

“When is he not mad.” Simon, the second oldest, chuckled, twirling his pencil in his hand.

“You try figuring out The Scarlet Letter!” Gregory scolded, flinging his arms in the air.

“What’s the Scarlet Letter? Is it a red letter?” Valencia questioned, looking down at her multiplication and division homework.

“No, Val, it’s not.” Flora, the eldest daughter, replied as she cut up carrots to help her father prepare dinner.

“It’s a very good book, Gregory.” Vulcan said, stirring the soup in the pot as Flora added in the carrots.

“Greg,” Rufus chuckled, turning towards his brother. “The main character slept with someone outside her marriage, so as punishment she has to wear a letter ‘A’ for an adultress.”

“What’s an adultress?” Valencia asked.

“Someone who cheats on their husband.” Rufus summarized.

“So basically this girl cheated on her husband?” Gregory asked, looking up from the book.

“There’s more to it but that’s the gist of it.” Rufus smiled, ruffling his hair. Yawning slightly, he turned towards the twin sister. “Do you need any help?”

“A little… but you look tired.” Veronica muttered.

“I’m alright, Veronica.” Rufus assured her, kissing her cheek. “What’s up?”

“Well… they’re having us do long division and I don't know how that works.” Veronica frowned, tapping her pencil on the worksheet.

“Alright, lets see what we got here.” Rufus said, scooting closer towards his little sister. “So 5 divided by 1723, alright, first things first. What multiple of 5 gets us closer to 17?”

“Uh… 5 times 3 is 15 so 15?”

“Good, so put 3 on the top.” Rufus instristed, watching as Veronic wrote the number three on top.

“What’s 17-15?”

“2.” Veronica replied, writing the number 2.

“Okay now bring down that 2.” Rufus' finger trailed down the paper as Veronic wrote another 2 beside the other 2.

“So what number gets us closer to 22?”

“Um… 5 times 4 is 20, so 4?” She whispered, writing 20 under the 22. “So 22 - 20 is 2… now I bring down the three?”

“Yeah.” Rufus nodded.

“Okay… 23 - 20 is 3… so the answer is 344 + 3?” Veronica asked, looking up at Rufus.

“No, it’s 344 with a remainder  of 3. Remainder is basically your leftovers. Kinda like how you eat all your food but your remainder is all your veggies.”

Veronica blushed in embarrassment, looking away from her older brother

A sudden knock on the door made Rufus turn towards it. “I got it.” He called out, opening the door to reveal his uncles and their mates.

“Rufus!” His Aunt Charlotte cheered, hugging the young dragon. “Look at you! You’re so big!”

“I just saw you a couple weeks ago, Aunty Charlotte.” Rufus chuckled, finally being freed from his aunt’s hug.

“Honey, you just can’t smother him like that.” His Uncle Jeffrey reminded her.

“Vulcan, how have you and the kids been? Did you get the lasagna I sent over? I know you haven’t had time to cook and all. If you need some help, I don't mind coming over and-”

“Winter.” Vulcan chuckled, patting her shoulder. “You and my brother, Finnegan, are so worried about me. There’s no need.”

“Little bro.” Finnegan came up behind him, ruffling his hair. “It’s my job as your big brother to worry. You’re parenting these children all on your own. Don't you want a mate to help carry the load?”

“I have a mate, Finn.” Vulcan reminded them as he poured the soup into the bowls.

“That drunken mess you call a wife?” Jeffery scoffed, carrying the bowls of soup over to the table.

“Yes, and she’s not a drunk. She just drinks… a lot.” Vulcan muttered, placing a bowl of soup down in front of Simon.

“See! Even they think mom's drunk!” Simon exclaimed, gesturing towards his aunts and uncles.

“Simon, don’t say that about you…” before he could continue, he was interrupted by a hard cough, “don't say that about your mom.”

“Are you alright dad?” Rufus asked, watching as his father gazed down at his hand he coughed in. Drops of blood splattered on his palm. Shit… Vulcan quickly wiped it on his black apron.

“Daddy?” Valencia asked, causing the dragon to look up at his daughter.

Flashing her a reassuring smile, he stroked her cheek. “Daddy’s fine. Eat up, Val.”

Charlotte pulled him to the side. “How long have you been coughing?”

“I’m fine, Char.” Vulcan muttered his reply as he walked back towards his family.

“Where is the drunk anyways?” Winter asked, sitting beside Simon.

“I’m not sure. Let me call her.” Vulcan pulled out his phone, dialing Helena’s number.

“What do you want, Vulcan?” Helena growled, slurring over the phone.

“Where are you? I made some soup. Come home before it gets cold.” Vulcan said, serving some soup to his brothers.

“I don't want your retarded soup. When will you realize I don't need you -- hell, I don't love you.”

“Helena, you don't mean that…” Vulcan whimpered.

“Yeah,” she took a large swig of her beer “I do mean it!”

“Helena… we have children to think about.” Vulcan whispered. “Just come back home.”

“Ugh! I never wanted those slimy brats!” Helena groaned, slamming her empty bottle on the bar counter. “Do whatever you want with them… they’re your problem now. I’ll be back tonight for my stuff.”

With that, Helena hung up. Silence filled the room as all eyes landed on Vulcan. “What’s wrong, dad?” Flora asked, approaching her father.

“Your mom won't be joining us tonight.” Vulcan replied, attempting to hide the sadness creeping into his eyes.

“Why not?” Gregory asked.

“She’s… she’s going away with some friends for a while.” Vulcan lied, trying to assure his kids all was fine.

“Dad.” Rufus locked eyes with his father. “Where’s mom?”

“She won't be joining us, Rufus!” Vulcan scolded, rising from his seat as he stormed off towards his room.

“Rufus, stay with your siblings.” Winter ordered, earning a nod from Rufus as his aunts and uncles went after his father.

All the siblings huddle near their father’s room, listening in to the conversation behind closed doors.

Burying his head into his hands, soft softs could be heard coming from the dragon. “I gave that woman everything… I was there to hold her hair every time she threw up. I was there for every hangover, every argument. And this is how he repays me?!”

“Vulcan, we warned you this would happen if you stayed with Helena.” Winter sat beside him, rubbing his shoulder. “Maybe it’s a good thing that she left.”

“How?! She’s my wife for crying out loud!”

“Vulcan, you were suffering with her. You need real love, a real mate. Not some drunk like Helena.” Jeffery stated, smiling at his brother. “You know she was horrible, she had her fun, now it’s time you get your fun.”

“Our vows… did they mean anything to her?” He whimpered, looking up at the wedding photo that rested on his dresser.

“Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.” Finnegan shrugged, sitting beside him. “But I’m glad her horrible attitude didn’t break your wonderful spirit.”

“Clearly she didn’t think it was that wonderful.” A hard cough escaped his lips, blood splattering onto his hands.

“How long have you been sick?” Jeffery asked worryingly.

“A-A couple of weeks… lately it’s becoming harder to breathe.” Vulcan replied breathlessly.

“There has been a bad sickness going around the village, maybe you should see a doctor.” Charlotte suggested.

Vulcan shook his head. “That’s too expensive, I don't have insurance. The kids do, but I don't.”

“Vulcan, I’ve seen this virus kill many dragons. I won't have my brother be added to the list.” Finnegan stated, glaring at his brother. “Go see a doctor.”

“I can’t Finn… I don't have the money.” Vulcan’s breathing became labored. “I need… to lay down…”

Laying down on his bed, his breathing began to quicken.

“If you… wanna help… help with the kids… I know Rufus thinks… he can handle it… but he can’t do it… alone.” Vulcan coughed once more, shooting up before slowly coming back down. “I don't want them to worry about me…”

“Just get some rest, Vulcan.” Winter stroked his hair, kissing his forehead. “You children are in good hands with us.”

“Your dad was really sick, huh?” Kalypso observed, looking down as her hands to see his hold on them tightened.

“It only got worse…” Rufus muttered as the memory continued.

“Hey dad,” Rufus yawned, returning home from his second job to see his sibling all sitting around their bed ridden father, “how are you feeling today?”

“A little better… son… how about you?” Vulcan smiled. “Val tells me you… took on another job. You didn't… have to do that…”

“Dad, it’s alright. You shouldn’t be working right now, you need rest.” Rufus smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Don't worry about us, our aunt and uncles have been a huge help here. Uncle Finn said he found a doctor to help you.”

“No doctors… they cost too much…” Vulcan coughed, spitting out blood.

“This doctor is free, Vulcan.” Finnegan said, walking into the room with a woman behind him. “Vulcan, this is Belladonna.”

Vulcan’s lidded eyes locked with Belladonna’s blue eyes. Smiling softly he sighed in delight as her vanilla scent filled the room.

“Hello Vulcan.” Her voice was smoother than velvet. “Your brother tells me you caught the nasty bug that’s going around the village.”

“Yeah…” Vulcan whispered, his breathing labored. “You smell nice.”

“Why thank you.” Belladonna smiled, stroking his hair. “Don't worry, Vulcan, leave everything to me. I’ll make you feel all better.”

As the weeks progressed, Belladonna not only helped Vulcan get better, she became part of the family.

Rufus and his siblings entered the house as they returned from school to see Belladonna mixing salad. “Welcome home, kids. Your dad’s resting so I’m making dinner. We’re having spaghetti and some light salad.”

“Yay! Bella’s cooking!” Valencia and Veronica cheered, rushing towards Belladonna with wide smiles. “Bella! Bella! Look!” Valencia showed her her math test with a 98% written on it. “Me and Veronica both got 98%!”

“Way to go, twins!” Belladonna cheered, giving them both high fives. “Why don't you go up to your room, I saw some stuff in town today I’d know would look great on you.”

“Gregory, how did that report on the Scarlet Letter go? Did us reading it together work?” Belladonna asked, turning towards Gregory.

“Yeah! It really did! The teacher said he loved the report! Thanks again, Bella.” Gregory smiled as him and Simon sat down on the couch, eating the cookies Belladonna placed out.

“Simon, what did that girl think of the flowers? Weren’t the gardenias a better choice.” Belladonna chuckled, sitting on the arm of the couch.

“Totally! Ruby really loved them. We’re going out for dinner tomorrow.” Simon gave her a thumbs up.

“Flora, the dress I gave you. Did he like it?” Bella questioned, turning towards Flora.

“Yeah… Jake really likes the dress. He said I looked beautiful. Thanks Bella!” Flora giggled, her cheeks flushing red.

“Why don't you all get ready for dinner.” Bella suggested, watching as the kids hurried towards their rooms. Rufus, however, stayed put on the couch.

“Rufus, I wanted to talk to you about your father.” Belladonna sake down beside the young dragon. “Rufus, me and your father have grown close over the weeks I’ve been taking care of him… he’s not like a lot of my patients. He’s sweet, an amazing father, a gentle, patient man. I know I haven’t gain your trust yet-”

“You have.” Rufus cut her off. “Seeing how you helped my father and my siblings. I think that makes you worthy of my trust.”

“I’m glad I’ve gained your trust, Rufus. With that being said… I was hoping to get your ble-”

“You have my blessing to be with my father.” Rufus nodded, resting her head on Belladonna’s shoulder. “Please… treat him right.”

Bella kissed his forehead. “Don't worry, Rufus, I’ll treat him right. I’ll treat all of you right.”


Only 2 more chapters till Wereology is finished!!! Keep up them reads!!

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