№65|Tick... Tock... Boom!

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№65|Tick… Tock… Boom!
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Whistling a small tune, Bryce flipped through the pages of his comic book as he lounged about in the viewing box inside the Memory Pool room. It was his job to make sure Medusa and her friends stayed inside the memory pool at all costs.

Chuckling softly, he flipped to the next page, “stupid Spiderman, you know only loud sounds damages Venom.”

A sudden rumble caused Bryce to fall out of his chair, his drink spilling everywhere. “God dammit. What was that?” He grumbled, rubbing his side as he got off the floor to see the memory pool was glowing a bright green and bubbling over. Soon, the water began to quickly fill the room before flooding out into the halls.

“Oh, shit…” Bryce’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Irvam!!” Bryce rushed through the halls, his calls echoing through the hallway. “Irvam!!”

The dragon in question leisurely sipped his ice tea in the courtyard as he and Julius relished in their newfound victory. “Ahh… ice tea always tastes so much better when you imprison people beforehand.” Irvam snickered, clinking glasses with Julius.

“I can’t believe they’ve been in there for two weeks now! I’m surprised they’re not dead yet!” Julius cackled, sipping his drink. “What did you do with those mutts my siblings call parents? Are they actually in prison?”

“Of course not!” Irvam laughed hard. “They’re still locked up in the basement. I told the wolves they were in prison to lower their spirits.”

“Well it worked, I haven’t seen my brother scared like that in a while. God, it felt good.” Julius smirked, raising his cup to his lips.

“Julius! Irvam!” Bryce called out, rushing into the courtyard out of breath.

Julius jumped up at the wolf’s calling, causing him to spill his drink all over himself. “God dammit, Bryce! What are you hollering about?!”

“The pool…” Bryce replied breathlessly. “It’s overflowing!”

“What are you talking about?” Irvam turned around to face the wolf as he pointed towards the giant wave of water that was flowing through the castle halls. “Oh… shit!”

“What’s wrong?” Julius turned around to see the impending wave coming her way, led by a very angry Vanguard.

“IRVAM!! JULIUS!!!” Medusa roared, her eyes glowing bright green as the water smothered the entire castle, swooping up everything in its past.


Thankfully, Medusa’s wave safely carried them all back to Dewei’s house, along with Enyo and Ulysses. Everyone was fine except for Medusa. She exerted all her power to not only get all of them out of the memory pool.

“Barron, I told you. I’m alright.” Enyo chuckled as her son examined her for wounds once more.

“I know… I just can’t believe you're here… I thought you went to prison!” Barron smiled, hugging his mother tightly. “I’m so sorry… I let Julius take over the pack not once, but twice.”

“Son, you don't need to apologize, I’m not mad at you for that.” Enyo stroked his cheeks. “I always knew you were the one destined to become alpha, not Julius. I love all my children but when Julius was born… there was something about him that gave me a bad feeling. I know this is horrible to say, but I knew he was going to become toxic. Growing up, Julius always had this evil streak in him. It scared me to my core, that’s why I didn’t want to have you and Vanessa for a while, I was worried you two would end up like Julius.”

“Now I don't need to worry.” She smiled, her thumb wiping away his tears. “Barron, you’ve become a wonderful, kind, strong, and fair Alpha. I’m so proud of you.”

A lump swelled in the Alpha’s chest, ever since his parents disappeared he had waited years to hear those words fall off his lips. Barron was rushed into the role of alpha he didn’t know what to do, how to act, or even where to start. He was so focused on getting the role of alpha away from Julius he never stopped to think about what would happen if he were to succeed.

Thinking back, he wished he had his parents there to guide him. To help him find his way with the pack, to be the shoulder to lean on all those nights he felt so alone in the world. He always believed that the missing piece inside him was due to the fact he didn’t have a mate. When Medusa arrived, that hole became smaller. While it was smaller, it was still there.

Gazing into his mother shimmering black eyes as they brimmed with tears, he knew his parents were the missing piece. They were the last piece that finished the puzzle. Not being able to contain himself, the alpha quickly shifted into his wolf form, licking his mother’s face all over.

Enyo laughed, falling back onto the couch. “Yes, yes, I missed you too pup.”

Ulysses chuckled, he hadn’t seen his wife smile like that in such a long time. A tap on the shoulder made him turn around to face his daughter.

“Dad, this is Malakai Santos, he’s my mate.” Vanessa introduced, her fingers intertwined with that of the warlock’s.

“You have a mate?” Ulysses asked, his eyes widening slightly.

“Yes, don’t act so surprised.” Vanessa chuckled, nudging Malakai towards her father. “Say hi.” She whispered.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mister Whiteclad.” Malakai politely greeted, shaking his hand.

“Pleasure to meet you too, Malakai, I’m glad Vanessa found someone who can keep up with her.” He chuckled, smirking at his daughter.

“I can keep up with her, her stomach, however, is a whole other story.” Malakai laughed as Vanessa’s cheeks flushing pink.

“It’s not my fault everything you make is delicious,” Vanessa muttered.

“Oh, so you're a baker. No wonder Vanessa’s in love with you, she’s always had a huge sweet tooth.” Ulysses smiled, ruffling her hair. “You got anything I can try?”

“I think Malakai has some sweets in his bag upstairs, I’ll go get them,” Vanessa said, hurrying upstairs to retrieve the sweets.

Once Vanessa was out of eyeshot, Ulysses roughly gripped Malakai’s wrist, yanking him forward. “Look punk,” he whispered harshly, “you may have Vanessa fooled but not me. If I find out you did anything, anything, to hurt my little girl I will personally see to your demise.” His grip on the baker’s hand tightened, causing a small whimper to escape Malakai’s lips. “Trust me, kid, you don't want to mess with me. So, I advise you to keep Vanessa happy or there’ll be one less baker in Fleshie Town. Got it?”

Malakai nodded quickly, shaking in his boots, “y-yes!”

“Yes, what?” Ulysses asked once more.

“Ye-Yes, sir!” He gulped, wincing as his grip hardened.

Looking up from Malakai, he saw his daughter coming back downstairs. Quickly releasing Malakai’s hand, the warlock sighed in relief. He shook out his hand, hoping to relieve the pain.

“Everything okay?” Vanessa asked, holding tuple wear of doughnuts.

“Everything’s great,” Ulysses slung his arm over Malakai, “right Malakai?”

“Y-Yep! Right as rain.” Malakai chuckled nervously.

“Okay…” Vanessa muttered, opening the tuple wear. “Dad, Malakai’s pastries are really special.”

“Special how?” Ulysses questioned, raising an eyebrow at the warlock.

“Can I see your hand?” Malaka requested, Ulysses held out his hand for him to take.

Using his magic, a tiny laser sliced a cut into his palm. “What the heck, Mal-” before Ulysses could continue, Malaki stuffed the doughnut into his mouth.

The former alpha watched in awe as the wound healed almost instantly, along with the other wounds he got from being locked up. “Woah… no wonder Barron let you stay in the pack! That’s amazing!”

“See, Dad, I told you Malakai was great.” Vanessa smiled, kissing her mate’s cheek.

A sudden groan from the snake-haired woman on the couch brought all eyes on her. Barron, still in his wolf form, walked over to his mate’s side. It’s been hours since they arrived home and Medusa still hasn’t woken up, worrying Barron till day’s end.

He nudged her cheek with his muzzle in hopes of waking up the sleeping vanguard.

“Bar…” she muttered, slowly raising her hand to feel her alpha’s sleek white fur, “Barron…?”

“Hey,” he whispered, shifting back into his human form, “you had me worried there for a sec.”

“Sorry about that… you’re worried enough… you shouldn’t have to worry… about me.” Her eyelids slowly began to sink as she took in Barron’s expression. She chuckled softly, gazing into his soft blue eyes. “You’re eyes… are so pretty…”

At times, she was envious of her mate’s eyes. While she did have eyes, they were of no use due to the fact that she was blind. Thanks to her snakes, she was able to see through their eyes but it wasn’t the same. Since the day she laid eyes on Barron, his blue eyes were by far the most beautiful ones she’d witness.

“You have pretty eyes too, Medusa,” Barron replied, stroking her hair. The soft hiss of her snakes filled the room. “Even if they are clouded they’re still beautiful to me.”

Medusa smiled, sighing softly. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Barron asked.

“If we’ve never met in the alley, I never would’ve gotten so much research, I never would’ve gotten to go on so many adventures, I never would’ve gotten to experience love like this.” She sat up slowly, her lips connecting with his for a loving kiss. Resting her forehead on his, she couldn’t help but smile. “So thank you, Barron. I could’ve never done this without you.”


The sound of light hissing filled the darkroom as Irvam stirred awake. The only thing the room held was a large table with a single light overhead, beaming down on none other than Medusa.

His eyes widened, tugging on the restraints that bound him to the chair.

“Resistance is futile, Irvam.” Medusa’s voice grew monotone.

“Where the hell am I?!” Julius scolded, waking up from his slumber.

“Why hello brother,” Barron smirked, coming out from the shadows, circling around his chair. “Don't you just look so pretty all tied up for little ole me?”

“Can one of you tell us why we are here?” Xavier asked, struggling against the binds.

“To do to you what you did to us,” Lawrence replied, stalking towards his father. He grips his hair harshly, pulling back his head. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to see you suffer, Xavier?”

Xavier just laughed, “like you could do anything to us.”

“Yeah, what are a bunch of puts like yourself gonna do to us?” Zephron scoffed, rolling his eyes.

“There’s a lot we can do, there’s a lot we already have done,” Kirkland replied, gripping Zephron’s shoulder. “There’s so much more that needs to be done though.”

“Like what?” Bryce asked, looking up to see a furious Rufus and Kalypso.

“If you remember correctly, Julius implanted a bomb in my stomach when I went with him to dinner.” Medusa reminded them, glaring at Julius.

“Yeah, so what? The stupid doctors got it out before I could explode you.” Julius grumbled. “Damn doctors…”

“Yes, it’s so sad I’m not dead.” Medusa rolled her eyes. “But it doesn't matter, because thanks to the brilliance that is Ayame and Alistair’s weapon-making skills we were able to recreate those bombs! While you boys were knocked out we had Malakai use his magic to phase them into you.”

“Wait… what?” Irvam’s face grew pale, fear growing in his eyes.

“Oh? Barron, you smell that?” Medusa sniffed the air.

“Yeah, I do.” Barron gripping Irvam’s neck. “That the smell of fear coming from a little bitch.”

“You and my brother have some nerve for trying to take my pack, my parents, and my mate.” Barron roughly released his neck. “You deserve everything that’s coming towards you.”

“You’re not actually gonna blow us up… are you?” Xavier gulped, a lump in his chest.

“What do you think, pop?” Lawrence grinned viciously, laughing at Xavier’s sudden silence.

“See, blowing you up would be too easy.” Medusa began, looking up at her snakes. “Oh, babies~” she cooed, watching as two of her snakes slithered down her hair, down her arm, and onto the table. Growing in size, they slithered along with the table.

“My babies are very special.” She cooed, walking around the table. “This is Ellie and Jelly,” she pointed to the snakes, “not only can all my snakes turn people to stone. Ellie and Jelly’s poison is highly toxic and very deadly.”

“So,” Barron continued, running his fingers over Jelly’s scales as he contorted his body around Irvam’s body, “we’re gonna let Medusa’s snakes have a little fun with you, then we’ll see what we do from there. Have fun.”

With that, Medusa and the WhiteClad pack left the room, allowing Medusa’s snakes to work their magic.

“Wow…” Kalypso muttered in shock as the snakes made quick work of the men, filling them with poison before turning them to stone. “That… that’s amazing.”

“Malakai, Chelia, Kalypso. Shields up.” Medusa ordered as shields surrounded them

“3… 2… 1!” With a single push of a button, the men in the room all exploded, bits of stone flying everywhere.

Medusa smirked, her hand tightly wound with Barron. “Let this be an example. Let this be a warning. You mess with me -- with my pack -- you’re never gonna win.”


EEK!! I forgot to update yesterday but it's okay because today is chapter 65 and that means the next chapter is the Epilogue! We're officially only one more update away from finishing Wereology!!

Im so glad you all have been here on this journey and stood beside me despite my slip ups. Like not updating on certain days and sometimes saying he instead of she or vice versa.

Anyways! Stick around for Wednesday for the final update of Wereology!

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