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◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Lawrence watched as Ayame worked on yet another weapon. He leaned against the doorway and grinned. ”You look so cute when you fix things.”

Ayame fumbled with the weapon in her hands. “Law-Lawrence!” she blushed hard, “ho-how long have you be-been stand-standing there?”

Lawrence fully entered the room. “Only a few moments.” he came up behind Ayame, wrapping his arms around her waist, “so~ the full moon season starts soon.”

“I’m aware. It’s next saturday. At least, that’s when the full moon rises.” Ayame said, her focus staying on the weapon.

“So, are we going to mate this year?” Lawrence asked hopefully.

Ayame tapped her chin. “Hmm, I don't remember getting a betrothal gift, do you?” She smirked slyly at Lawrence.

Lawrence smiled. “Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk about.”

Lawrence let go of Ayame, pulling out a small rectangular box, “I got this for you this morning.”

Ayme opened it to see a bracelet with her name on it, “Lawrence it’s beautiful.”

“Only the best for you, my love.” Lawrence smiled, kissing her cheek.


Montego lay in bed, watching as Chelia slept soundly, her chest rising and falling. He played with her jet back hair, twirling it in her fingers. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Thank you, Montego.” Chelia smiled, her eyes still closed.

“You could have told me you were awake.” Montego muttered, kissing her lips.

“Nah, where’s the fun in that.” Chelia giggled, snuggling close to Montego.

“You know we have to get up soon right?” Montego informed her.

Chelia shook her head. “Can't we just stay in bed for a little while longer?”

“Come on. Barron said he wants to meet with us all at 10 am and it’s,” he looked at the clock, “9:45.”

“Fine…” Chelia rolled out of his arms, putting on one of Montego’s shirts that fitted like a dress.

“You look so hot with my shirt on.” Montego chuckled, watching as Chelia got dressed.

“Shut up,” Chelia put her hair up in a loose bun.

“Hey, Montego,” she looked at him through the reflection of the mirror, “you don't mind that your mate is a fairy right?”

“Of course not,” Montego tilted his head, “do you mind that I’m a wolf?”

“Nope,” Chelia smiled, “but it seems like I'm the only fairy in the pack.”

“Well that’s because most fairies and werewolves don't get along.” Montego shrugged, kissing her cheek, “but we get along just fine.”

“What’s with all the questions?” Montego looked up at her from her shoulder.

“Because the full moon is the Saturday after next and it does fall on our anniversary.” Chelia said, looking at Montego.

“Well I did already mark you, but we could always do a remarking.” Montego suggested.

“Remarking?” Chelia questioned.

“Yeah, it’s basically us mating and me marking you again. Werewolves who’ve mated already do it all the time, it strengthens their mating bond.” Montego explained.

Chelia looked down at the anklet bracelet on her ankle. “Remember when you gave me that?”

Montego laughed, “I was a nervous wreck.”

“It was so adorable,” Chelia kissed his cheek, “you were stuttering like crazy.”

Chelia hugged him tightly, “I love you Montego.”

Montego smiled, nuzzling his nose into her hair, “I love you to, Chelia. I’m never letting you go.”


Medusa rubbed her eyes, looking into the mirror. “What could be so special about my eyes…”

“They are beautiful.” Barron muttered under his breath, “even if they are clouded.”

Medusa blushed. “You think my eyes are beautiful?”

“Well yeah,” Barron stroked her cheek, “who wouldn't want such beautiful eyes like yours?”

Medusa felt her heart race a mile a minute as Barron chuckled softly. Medusa suddenly winced, holding her head. “Get out...get out…” she hit her head repeatedly.

“That’s only gonna cause more pain,” Barron kissed her forehead, making the pain go away.

“Thank you,” Medusa whispered.

Barron kissed her cheek, leaning in the whisper. “Anytime, Medusa.”

Medusa blushed deeper, “I-I-I…”

“You know I’ll always protect you, Medusa, right?” Barron asked, smiling at her.

“Barron… I…” her heart swooned, the determination and love in Barron’s eyes made her believe him, “yeah,” Medusa smiled, nodding, “I know.”

Barron lifted up her chin. “You’re special, Medusa. I knew it from the day we met in the alley.”

“Barron…” her eyes were locked in a trace of his coronbolt blue eyes.

Barron kissed her cheek, “you don't need to say anything now, I understand,” he chuckled softly, “you’re mine, Medusa.”

Medusa froze, the word ‘mine’ ringing in her head made her shiver with excitement and pleasure. It wasn’t until now that she thought what it truly meant to be with the white wolf.

She smiled slightly. For the first time she thought about what it would be like to wake up next to the alpha. What it would be like have the wolf protect her daily. To have somebody to call hers and somebody to call her ‘mine’.

“Medusa, Barron,” Montego knocked on the door, Medusa quickly backed away from Barron clearing her throat.

“Yes?” Medus fixed her hair, her cheeks still red.

“You wanted to meet with us today.” Vanessa chuckled, “but if you and Medusa are busy we can come back later.”

“Non-Nonsense!” Medusa waved her hands in front of her, “we weren't do-doing anything at all!”

Barron didn't say anything and just laughed softly at the researcher's reaction.

“It seems like everyone is here.” Barron said, sitting behind his desk, Medusa sitting on top of the desk.

Medusa eyed Yvette, “can you close the door, Yvette.”

“Yes, Luna.” Yvette said, closing the door.

Medusa blushed looking away from the group of wolves. Luna… the word echoed in her head. She shook her head. Maybe the internet was wrong. Maybe it doesn't mean female alpha.

“If you want, Luna, I can wait outside.” Yvette suggested. Medusa shook her head.

“You deserve to be in this room just as much as anyone here.” Medusa smiled, leading Yvette towards the couch, sitting her beside Alistair.

He smiled, resting his arm behind her shoulder.

“As you all know, there's a traitor in our midst.” Barron began to say, he scanned the room, eyeing each and everyone patreon that was present, “I don't know who it is, but I can say with full certainty that it isn't anyone in this room.”

Medusa smiled at Barron. He had so much trust in these wolves.

Barron returned the smile before focusing back on the matter at hand. “Now we know the wolf, whoever he-”

“Or she,” Medusa piped in.

“Or she is. However we do know they’re after Medusa’s eye.”

“Because she has the Eyes of Prophecy.” Vanessa added, Barron nodded.

“Which led to her having her unique and beautiful hair.” Barron smiled up at her, winking slightly.

Medusa blushed. “Y-yes. Apparently, I was bequeathed when I was little by the past holder. The people I hear when I have headaches want these eyes but they’re not getting them while I’m alive.”

“We need to start looking at every wolf that could be suspicious, that also includes the Willson Pack.” Barron said, his eyes shifting towards Yvette.

“Alpha, you know I would never hurt Luna.” Yvette said, fiddling with her fingers.

“I know you wouldn't, Yvette, but someone in your pack might want to.”

“This is retarded. We all know who it is!” Vanessa stood up proudly, “who’s the one man that has hurt all of our lives? The man who raped Yvette, who lost Medusa’s notes, the man who got Malakai arrested! And that’s just now! Who knows what he’ll do next.”

“He is on the top of my suspect list.” Barron muttered, folding his hands on his desk.

“He should be the only one on your list, Barron! Look what he’s done to Yvette, Malakai, and Medusa, for all we know one of us will be next!” Alistair scolded, standing up.

“We have no evidence tying him to Medusa’s eyes yet.” Barron leaned back in his chair, “trust me, nobody wants to kill this man more than I do, but if we don't have evidence, it won't hold up in court.”

“Fuck the evicence! He’s been after all of us! Shouldn’t that be even evidence for the court?” Malakai questioned.

Barron shook his head, “Kirkland would probably twist our words. We need to keep this out of Werewolf Court.”

Medusa’s interest peaked, “I’m sorry, werewolf court?”

“Werewolf court isn’t really a court like how fleshies do it… our court involves more fighting. Our disagreements end up either in death or ties.” Barron explained. Medusa pulled out her notebook, writing down notes on Werewolf Court.

“So “Werewolf Court” isn't an actual court, it’s just you wolves fighting out a disagreement?” Medusa tapped her pencil on her notebook, “didn’t your parents teach you wolves to solve your disagreements with words?”

“Some things you can’t solve by talking, Medusa.” Barron sighed, shaking his head.

“Like this.” Lawrence stated.

“Not like this,” Barron countered, “if we end up taking this to Werewolf Court we’d bring unwanted attention onto the pack. That’s the last thing we need, especially when there’s a traitor running around.”

“There is no traitor. It’s Kirkland. Ever since he arrived at the pack he’s caused nothing but trouble.” Dr. Lycia growled slightly.

“I’m with LyLy,” Kwame agreed, “Kirkland gives me a bad vibe. Plus, I don't like how he looks at LyLy.” she pulled Lycia in close.

Lycia blushed. “You mad woman. How many times do I have to tell you I’m my own woman.” she pouted, looking away from the cop.

Kwame snickered and smirked. “One day you’ll come to see that we belong together.”

“As if!” Dr. Lycia scoffed loudly.

“You’ll come around one day, LyLy.” Kwame winked.

“Moving away from that cute moment between loves,” Barron chuckled, “if it is Kirkland then we need to gather evidence that he is after Medusa’s eyes.”

“Why can't we just go to Werewolf Court so we can all rip his organs out one by one for even messing with the Luna?” Ayame growled.

“Evidence, Ayame. We need evidence.” Barron repeated, rolling his eyes, “Kirkland is head Beta of the Willson pack. I respect Declan too much to kill his brother without evidence.” Barron clutched the corner of his desk. The wood began to crack, “no matter how much of a dick Kirkland is.”

“While we gather said evidence, Medusa, you’ll be staying with me.” Barron smiled at the researcher.

“Excuse me?”

“Kirkland and his buddies are everywhere around the compound and I don't want them near you.” Barron stated, Medusa rolled her eyes.

“I can protect myself, thank you very much.” Medusa folded her arms over her chest.

“I know you can Medusa but I just want to make sure you're safe is all.” Barron assured her, ruffling her hair.

“Yeah whatever.” Medusa blushed slightly.

Barron faced the group “I know you’re all angry. So am I. But believe me… we’ll take him down.”


Later that day, Chelia sat in her workshop, making yet another potion. She was grateful that Barron made her the pack’s potion maker after her family shunned her for dating Montego.

As a fairy, making potions was as natural as breathing to her. Ever since she was little, she spent her days brewing potions in her room. To Chelia, the feeling of getting a potion just right was the best feeling in the whole world.

In fact, the reason her and Montego met was because of potions. Chelia chuckled softly, thinking back on that fond day.

Chelia placed a drop of rose water into the small cauldron, watching as a small puff of pink smoke erupted from it. She fanned her face and coughed slightly, peering inside the cauldron and smiling at the result.

She carried it over to a flower pot. She placed a few drops of the potion into the dirt, smiling brightly when a sunflower sprouted.

“Perfect.” she walked out into the front of the door, placing the sunflower of the cashier counter.

She wrote down the recipe in her potions book. The little bell on the door ringing chimed through her ears but her focus was still on her potion book. “Welcome to Shimmer and Shine Potions, fairy run since 1970, what can I get you-” she looked up, her eyes locking with the cool, golden toned man in front of her, “today…”

Montego was completely star struck, his heart pounding like a drum as he watched the fairy in awe. “Lawrence,” he patted the beta’s shoulder, “Lawrence! Lawrence! Lawrence!”

“What?” Lawrence laughed softly, catching Montego’s hand.

“Who… who… who that?”

“Why don't you go ask her?” Lawrence ushered him towards Chelia.

“Now, is there anything you’d like to ask this beautiful fairy?” Lawrence questioned.

Monetgo fumbled with his hands, “um…” he stammered, “n-na-name?”

“It’s Chelia,” she brushed back strands of her hair, giggling nervously, “Chelia GoodFairy.”

Montego froze, his cheeks turning red. “Her giggle is so adorable!”

“Why don't you tell her your name.” Lawrence suggested.

“Mont-Montego!” he practically yelled, making the fairy jump slightly.

Chelia chuckled and smiled up at the wolf, her wings fluttering in the sunlight. “What can I get you today, mister wolfie?”

“I like that nickname…” Montego rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“Our members have been running into a highly advanced version of poison ivy-”

“Ah,” Chelia nodded, pressing her lips together as she noticed Montego scratching his arm. Chelia caught it and rolled up his sleeve, “this isn't poison ivy, it’s Pokeroot.”


“Pokeroot. It’s harmful poison can only be contracted when eaten,” she looked up at Montego, “you wouldn't be stupid enough to eat it right?”

“No,” Montego shook his head, “although the deers did taste weird last hunt…”

Lawrence slammed his palm on his forehead. “The deer must have eaten the Poke Root, and we must have gotten the poison from it!”

Montego whimpered slightly, “it’s not my fault… I didn’t know it was bad meat.”

Chelia giggled, her fingers trailing over the purple spots on his arm. “It’s treatable. A simple potion, really, but I don't have any space here. Can I borrow your… pack house… thingy…”

“It’s a compound, and yes, you can use it.” Lawrence nodded, taking off his shirt to shift.

The chocolate brown wolf looked at Montego with concern. “Aren’t you gonna shift?”

“I-I want t-to but I’m nervous!”

Lawrence sighed, shaking his head. “Seriously? Come on, you were never nervous before!”

“What if she doesn't like what she sees?!”

Lawrence laughed loudly. “Trust me, she likes what she sees.”

Montego gulped, talking off his shirt to shift, Chelia lips curved into a small smile and then into a smirk. God damn this wolf is sculpted like a model…

Her eyes scanned his body up and down with her eyes, taking in the wolf in front of her. She could’ve sworn she was drooling a little.

“She likes us! She likes us! She likes us!” his wolf sang, dancing circles in Montego’s head. “We have a mate! We have a mate!”

“Slow down. We don't have a mate yet.” Montego scolded but his words defied him when he felt his wolf come into the forefront, causing him to shift into a handsome golden tawny colored wolf.

He placed his front paws on the countertop, reaching Chelia’s face to lick it excitedly. “HAHA!! Okay! Okay! I see someone is excited.” Chelia laughed uncontrollably.

“More than excited! She smells like eucalyptus and peppermint! It’s intoxicating!” To say his wolf was ecstatic was an understatement.

Chelia sprouted her wings, flying alongside Lawrence and Montego as they ran through the woods. The smell of pinewood and fresh oak made Chelia sigh in relief.

Once landing, Chelia, Montego, and Lawrence entered the base. The wolves were shocked to see a fairy in the base. Most fairies wouldn't be caught dead near a wolf pack.

Montego noticed some of male wolves, heck even some females, staring at Chelia. Montego growled, wrapping his arm around her waist to hold her close. “Mine…” he snarled.

Chelia blushed slightly. “Wh-where is the potion room?”

“Right here,” Montego opened the door, revealing a beautiful potions room. 

Chelia’s eyes lit up. “It’s… beautiful!!! And it’s untouched! EEK! I can make anything here!” she hugged Montego tightly, “thank you so much, Montego!”

Montego hugged her back. “Anything for you, Chelia,” he took in her intoxicating scent and smiled, “anything you want, it’s yours…”

Chelia was snapped out of her fantasy when a large hand slammed down on the table, “I need you to do something for me.” The cold, monotone voice of Kirkland whispered into the fairy’s ear.

“W-What?” Chelia felt shivers roll down her spine.

“I need you to do something for me.” he repeated, slower this time, making sure to pronounce every syllable.

“Why should I help you?” Chelia scoffed, continuing to focus on her potion.

“Because,” Kirkland dug his nails into her side. Chelia whimpered in pain, “one simple phone call to the Fairy Council and you’ll be separated from your precious Montego and set up for execution.”

Chelia felt her heart break at the thought of being ripped away from her wolf’s arms.

“Now,” Kirkland dug his claws deeper into her side, “will you make the potion or do I have to call the Fairy Council?”

Chelia clenched the rim of her table. “What potion can I interest you in today?”

Kirkland smirked, loosening his grip, “that’s more like it.”

He grabbed a book off the high self. “Flip to the last chapter.” he ordered, the fairy stood still as Kirkland claws dug down her side. She wanted to scream, but Kirkland covered her mouth, “don't you dare scream. We can't have that Delta hearing you, now can we?”

Chelia shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. Kirkland chuckled darkly. “That’s what I thought. Now flip to the last chapter.”

Chelia flipped to the last chapter label Black Magic Potions. Kirkland flipped to the third page of the chapter and pointed to the potion named. Dark Angels Breath

“Make that for me.”

Chelia shook her head, “I-I-I can-can't! I don't wor-work in Black Magic Potions- AGH-” her scream was cut short by Kirkland’s hand. He muffled it when his claws dragged even deeper into her skin.

“Well today you do. I want this done by tonight or I’ll call the Fairy Council and tell them about your little wolf sex boy.”

Chelia bit her lips, “I’ll get it done…”

“Good,” Kirkland backed off of her, “I’ll see you tonight.”


Montego was out on the field, wrestling with other Delta’s when Kirkland walked onto the field. Montego’s friend, Benedict, sifted along with Montego. Benedict snarled at Kirkland. “Ugh… disgusting.”

“You really hate him, huh?” Montego chuckled slyly.

“He’s always around Lilliana and the other omegas. I don't like it.” Benedict growled, his eyes shifted to Lilliana who was serving drinks on the patio.

He smiled, Lilliana smiled back, moving strands of her golden hair behind her ear. Her eyes spotted Kirkland, she gulped and tried to go about her business.

Kirkland winked at the omega, giving her a sly smirk. The omega grimaced and walked off. Kirkland turned towards the omega’s mate. The dark skinned Delta was growling, his eyes flashing a deep green.

“Quit it with your growling, Benedict.” Kirkland rolled his eyes.

“I’ll stop growling when you and your buddies back off my mate and her friends.” Benedict’s anger was bubbling to the surface.

“You can't tell me what to do,” he flicked Benedict’s forehead, “Delta.”

Benedict grabbed his finger, crushing it in his hand. Kirkland winced, causing the Delta to smirk. “Oh? I’m sorry, did you need that finger?” His grip tightened, Kirkland yipped slightly. “Let’s see, there’s 10 fingers total, how many do you think he needs Montego?”

“Hm?” Montego tapped his chin, “I’ve seen people survive with only 9 fingers.”

Benedict snapped his fingers, letting Kirkland’s hand go. “Stay away from Lilliana and the other omegas or I’ll be forced to snap more of those fingers.”

“You’ll pay for that.” Kikrland mumbled under his breath before turning towards Montego.

“Montego!” he smiled, slinging his arms over Montego’s shoulder. Kirkland led Montego away from Benedict, “I was wondering if you wanted to go with me and my buddies to a strip club tonight.”

“I don't know, Kirkland… Barron doesn’t want me talking to you.” Montego's voice was weary.

“Come on, Montego, are you gonna always listen to Barron?”

“Yes, because he’s the alpha.” Montego said matter of factly.

“Montego,” Kirkland sighed deeply, “live a little, damn!”

Montego, forever the innocent, shrugged and nodded. “One night can't hurt.”

“That’s more like it!” Kirkland slapped his back making Montego jolt forward slightly, “be outside the compound by 8pm.”

Kirkland walked off, smiling slyly back at Montego. “This is gonna be a night to remember!”

Montego chuckles uncomfortably, “I’m sure it will be…”

Benedict crooked up one of his eyebrows. “You’re actually going with him? You know Chelia will physically murder you! Heck, I’m pretty sure the Alpha will kill you before Chelia has a chance.”

“I know it’s dangerous but if I get close to Kirkland, maybe I can get some info out of him.” Montego winked, chuckling softly.

“Montego,” Benedict shook his head, chuckling as he patted the Delta’s back, “you sly dog.”


Chelia raked back her hair, looking back at the instructions in the book, “...add one cup of dragon tears.” she picked up the cup of dragon tears, pouring it into the cauldron. She grimaced at the color, it was pitch black. The aoruma coming from the potion was toxic. A light fairy like herself couldn't take this.

She shook her head. “No! Come on, Chelia!” she mixed the potion, the smell coming from it was atrocious. “If I don't do this… the fairy council will have my head! God knows what would happen if they find Montego!”

No matter how pungant the smell that filled her lungs was, she pushed through it. She coughed hard, but didn’t notice. The blood that came from her cough was black. Oblivious, she continued to work on the dangerous potion.

It’s just one potion. Another cough interrupted her. It’s not like it’ll kill me.

Little did she know how wrong she was.


Montego stood outside, awaiting Kirkland’s arivial, when a black Mercedes Benz rolled up to the driveway. Kirkland rolled down the window. “Get in.”

Montego sweatdropped. “That’s not creepy at all.”

“I can't believe you, Montego! The alpha will have our heads when he hears about this! Plus, why pay ladies to strip their clothes when you have the most amazing woman at home who can do anything those strippers can do for free!” His wolf scolded, he didn’t like being away from Chelia, “and she doesn't even know you’re going!”

Montego approached the car, sitting in the front passenger seat as Kirkland drove off. “So glad you made it, Montego.” Kirkland smiled, his eyes sifting between the road and the wolves in his car.

“Surprised he didn’t get caught by his fly girl,” one of Kirklands buddies snorted.

Montego glared at him. “She isn’t a fly, she’s a fairy.”

“Alright, chill.” he muttered, rolling his eyes.

“I’m sure Chelia was preoccupied,” Kirkland smirked slightly, “you need to live a little, Montego. You shouldn’t be tied down by one girl your entire life.”

“I’m not tied down,” Montego tapped his lip, deep in thought, “although she is into a little bit in bondage, so I guess that counts as tied down.”

“No,” Kirkland laughed, “that’s not what I meant. You don't want to be confined to one girl your entire life, Montego.”

“I don't think of it as confined because that makes it sound forced when it isn’t. When I met Chelia, I felt this explosion of happiness shoot off inside of me. Almost like my entire body was being pulled towards her. Being able to be with her for the rest of my life isn’t a curse, it’s a blessing.”

“Wuss!” Kirkland scoffed, “I could never be tied down by anyone, let alone a fairy.”

“What’s wrong with a fairy?” Montego asked, Kirkland could sense the Delta was offended, but he couldn't care less.

“Come on, Montego. She’s a fairy. It’s worse than dating a fleshie.”

“What did he just say about our mate?!” his wolf’s anger began to bubble. So did Montego’s, but the human half seemed to have more control.

“I know you’re mad, I am too, but we can't attack him… yet.” Montego snarled in response.

“...I mean sure the fairy has a good rack but those wings must be a bothersome. Just like that researcher’s snake hair, it’s just a turn off!”

“How dare he insult the Luna!” his wolf was about to pounce but Montego stopped him.

“Breathe, alright? I know he’s a pest but he knows something about the people who want Medusa’s eyes and we need that information. After that we can rip him apart for insulting our mate and the Luna.” 

“I don't know what Barron sees in her, hell, I don't think she can see. She’s blind!” Kirkland laughed along with his buddies, Montego however was simmering with anger.

Kirkland stopped the car in front of a chinese restaurant named Kung Pow Chow! 

“Ooo! Chinese food!” Montego’s eyes lit up.

“It’s not for you!” Kirkland scolded, ordering the food in the drive thru window, “can I get one order of the chowmein and one order of beef and broccoli, some rangoons, a couple of spring rolls, and don't forget the fortune cookies.”

“That’ll be 12.40 Jems. Please drive up to the next window.”

“Are you gonna eat all of that?” Montego chuckle. “Didn’t you just hunt?”

“Yes I did, but I’m still pretty hungry. I’m sure she is too.” he muttered the last part, but Montego heard him.

He decided not to question it, letting Kirkland drive off to the strip club.

Once they arrived, Kirkland seemed more than eager to leave the car and rush inside.

“What’s up with him?” Montego asked Kirkland’s friends.

“He’s just excited,” they responded, Montego opened the door, entering inside.

Loud pop music blasted through the speakers as women in minimal clothing danced along long sliver poles.

Montego sat down at the table with Kirkland and his friends. The group began chatting over how hot the woman looked. Montego, however, felt extremely uncomfortable. His parents always taught him it was rude to stare, especially at women with little to no clothes on.

He tried his best to avoid eye contact with the strippers, and even when he accidently made eye contact with them, he would see Chelia instead of the stripper. As hot as it would be to see Chelia dancing like that, it only made him feel guilty for not telling her about coming here.

Maybe I should see how she’s doing. He pulled out his phone, dialing Chelia’s number but she didn’t answer. She was probably asleep.

As the night droned on, one by one, Kirklands friends went off with different strippers to ‘private rooms’. Kirkland sighed, shaking his head. “Will you stop looking so tense?! You need to relax,” he whistled loudly, “Amelie!”

The girl in question rolled her eyes, facing Kirkland. She had winter wheat skin with freckles across her cheeks, green eyes, and auburn hair pinned up into two buns.

“What do you want, Kirkland? Look, she’s busy right now but as soon as she is done I know she’ll rush out to see you.” Amelie said, her hands on her hips, “I’m not stripping for you, I have standards.”

“1) You know I only like seeing her strip. And 2) I didn’t call you over here for me, it’s for him, it’s his first time at a strip club.” Kirkland motioned towards Montego.

Amelie chuckled, smiling softly at Montego. “You’re such an adorable little wolf,” she grabbed his hand, leading him into one of the private rooms.

She closed the door behind her before pushing Montego down on the velvet couch. Amelie peered into the Delta’s frantic chocolate brown eyes and sighed.

“What’s wrong? I know it’s your first time but just relax,” her fingers trailed down his chest, unbuttoning his shirt, “I do great with first timers,” she straddled on top of his midsection, leaning in to whisper, “just let me take all your troubles away~”

“N-NO!” Montego pushed her off of him, “look! I’m really flattered but I just don't feel comfortable doing this.”

“Why not? Look if you’re worried about me, don't be, I do this everyday.” Amelie rolled her eyes, sitting beside Montego.

“It’s not that, it’s just… I have a girlfriend and when you were on me all I saw was my girlfriend and now I feel guilty…” Montego whimpered.

“Awe,” Amelie gushed, ruffling Montego’s hair, “that’s why you're so nervous? You’re worried your girlfriend is going to get mad at you?”

Montego nodded, dropping his head in shame. “She’s gonna kill me…”

“What does she look like?” Amelie questioned.

Montego pulled out his phone to show Amelie his home screen, which was Chelia with a cute dog filter on MythChat. The caption below the picture read, ‘my one and only’.

(MythChat is basically their version of Snapchat)

“She’s beautiful!” Amelia smiled, going through the pictures and videos Montego had of her on MythChat. She clicked on one of the videos.

In the video, Chelia slept soundly on Montego’s shoulder. Montego turned on the doggy filter, smiling widely at how cute she looked. “So adorable!” Montego on the screen whispered.

Chelia stirred in his arms, “Montego…”

Montego smiled, stroking her hair, kissing the top of her head, “I love you, Chelia.”

“She’s your mate isn’t she?” Amelie chuckled, “she’s a very lucky girl.”

“She said I’m her knight in furry armor.” Montego blushed, smiling cheekily.

“You know, I’m a mate too.” Amelie said matter of factly.

“Seriously?” Montego was sincerely shocked.

“Yeah,” she tilted her head to the side to reveal the daisy encircled by little water droplets, “his name is Dewei. He’s a water dragon, and just the sweetest man!”

“Doesn’t he get jealous about you working here?” Montego asked. Amelie poured two glasses of champagne.

“In the beginning, yes,” Amelie took a sip of her champagne, “I mean, I understood where he was coming from. Dragons are raised to be protective of their mate so it would only be natural for him to be protective of his mate.”

She chuckled, stirring her glass. The first night he crashed into the club and held me all night. He growled at any man or woman who came close to me, saying I was his and his alone.”

“Dragons are pretty possessive.” Montego noted.

“Yeah, but he makes up for it in cuteness. Oh and the sex, the damn sex with man, oooh!” she fanned herself, “I thought sex with humans was good but it was nothing compared to being with Dewei!”

“That good?”

“You don't even know, Montego!” Amelie swooned, her hands on her cheeks, “he’s perfect!”

“Sounds like a lucky fella.” Montego chuckled, taking a sip of the champagne.

“But enough about me, why are you here if you have that beautiful fairy waiting for you at home?” Amelie questioned.

“Our pack is investigating Kirkland and his buddies because someone is trying to kill our Luna.” Montego quickly covered his mouth, “oh no! I wasn’t supposed to tell you that!”

“It’s alright,” Amelie giggled, “if it’s any reassurance, I know Kirkland comes here every night to be with this Nyph girl. That’s why he brings chinese food.”

“Maybe that’s his favorite stripper.” Montego shrugged.

“No,” Amelie shook his head, “she’ll do some stripping but it’s mostly them talking over chinese food.”

“Hm…” Montego was about to say something else when Montego’s phone rang, he picked it up, “hey Alpha what’s up?”

“WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!!” Barron's loud voice boomed through the phone.

“With Kirkland...is everything alright?” 


Montego whimpered, “Ye-Yes Alpha….”

“Get to the hospital now and I’ll decide your punishment later!”

“Ok-Okay, Alpha… I deserve any punishment you deem worthy.”

“Just get to the hospital!”

Montego hung up the phone, shivering slightly, “I have to go Amelie. The Alpha is mad and my mate is in the hospital. It was nice talking to you!” Montego waved goodbye before shifting and darting out of the club.


Before entering the fleshie hospital, Montego shifted back into his human form. He raced inside and to the front desk, “I'm looking for Chelia Goodfairy.”

“3rd floor.” the lady behind the desk said, popping some bubblegum.

Montego didn’t have time to wait for the elevator. He climbed up the stairs and to the third floor to see the Alpha and his friends waiting for him.

“You have some nerve, Montego.” Barron’s voice was deep and rough, “how dare you be out with that man, knowing what he’s done to us!”

“Al-Alpha I can exp-explain!” Montego stammered.

“Humor me.” Barron glared at him.

“I thought if I hung out with him I could find out some information from him….” Montego whimpered, “I should have told you Alpha, I’m sorry…”

“Do you know why she’s in the hospital?” Barron pinched the bridge of his nose.


“Kirkland made her make a Black Magic potion called Dark Angel’s Breath because if she didn’t he’d call the fairy council and report her for dating you. You’re supposed to wear a hazmat suit when you make the potion so your skin won't be exposed to it. Not only was her body exposed to it, she inhaled the toxic fumes of the potion. Her lungs are now filled with toxic particles and thank god the hospital has her on a ventilator cause if she wasn’t, she’d be dead!”

Montego began to fume with anger, his eyes glowing red. “He made her do what?!”

“Look, I know you’re mad-”

“I’m furious!”

“...but we can’t show your wolf side right now,” Barron motioned towards the camera on the top right corner of the room, “we’re in a fleshie hospital. The moment we show our wolf side it’s the slammer for all eternity.”

Montego gulped, his anger receding slowly. He looked up at Barron, shame filling the Delta’s eyes, “I’m sorry, Barron…”

Barron could see the fear in Montego’s eyes, so he brought him in for a hug. “Just tell me next time when you want to be some super spy.” Barron chuckled, ruffling Montego’s hair. Times like these is when Barron felt like a big brother towards Montego rather than an Alpha.

Montego smiled, the fear in his eyes receding, “I will.”

He turned back towards Chelia, walking into the room. He whimpered, crouching down beside her bed. “Hi,” he whispered.

“Hi.” her voice sounded like Darth Vador thanks to the ventilator. She smiled weakly at him. “Where did you go? I was worried when you didn’t come to bed…”

“I was out with Kirkland…”

“Kirkland?” fear coated the fairy’s black irses, soon turning into rage, “that damn mutt...is the reason why I’m on this ventilator.”

“I went with him and his buddies to a strip club-”

“A what?” she glared at the wolf, her stare burning a path through his soul.

“I didn’t touch anything I swear!” Montego held his hands up in surrender, “there was this one girl that did try to come on me but I explained that I had a girlfriend and we talked about you the entire time.”

Chelia smiled, “Montego,” she stroked his cheek, “if you want to go to strip clubs that’s fine with me, heck I’d probably even join you, I’m not mad because I know 1) you’re gonna come back to me at the end of the day and 2) I’m way hotter than those strippers.”

“Yeah,” Montego kissed her check, “you’re way hotter.”

Montego held her hand in his. “Why did you make that potion? You know what black magic does to you…”

“He’d report me to the council if I didn’t,” tears streamed down her cheeks, “Montego, I can't lose you.”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Montego sat beside her on the bed, holding her close, “no stupid fairies are taking you away from me, that I can assure you. You’re my fairy, got that?” Montego stroked her hair. “And I’m not letting leave anytime soon.”

Chelia smiled, snuggling close to his chest, “I wasn’t planning on it, Montego,” she yawned, closing her eyes as she rested on his smooth chest, “I’m all… yours.”


Omg!! This has to be one of the longest chapters so far! Trust me. All the other chapters I'll be posting will not be this long. LMAO! Anyways! What did u think of the chapter.

Not gonna lie, this is one of my favorite chapters in the entire book. And let me tell u on google docs I'm on chapter 26 but one chapter 8 on wattpad 🤣🤣

I just love writing about Chelia and Montego! They're adorable!! Like I love writing about the little innocent Montego 🥰

Nevertheless, this book is on chapter 8 and we got 284 reads so far!! Like wtf?! How?!

Anyways! See u later! Next update is on Friday!

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