№9|It's Always A Price With You Isn't It?

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№9|It’s Always A Price With You Isn't It?
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Dr. Lycia looked at the report in her hands and sighed. “Kwame,” she looked up from the report, “saying you ‘dying of my love for you’ is not a reason to come in.”

“Last time I checked, dying  is a very serious issue. You don't want me to die do you LyLy?” Kwame fake gasped, her hand on her heart.

“At times I do.” Dr. Lycia gave the wolf a deadpanned look.

“You don't mean that LyLy,” Kwame wrapped her arms around her, “you know you love me~”

“A-As i-if!” the doctor’s cheeks turned slightly red. Even a little thing like a blush gave Kwame and her wolf hope that the doctor would soon be hers, “I-I’d rat-rather date gravel!”

Kwame chuckled, pinching her cheeks. “You’re so cute when you're stubborn.”

Dr. Lycia puffed up her cheeks, “I am a doctor. I don't appreciate being called ‘cute’.”

“If you don't want me to call you cute, then why’d you puff up your cheeks? That makes you even cuter!” Kwame gushed, bringing the doctor in for a hug.

“I hate you!”

“You love me~”

If you were to ask the doctor if she loved Kwame she’d deny till days end, but deep down… Dr. Lycia really did love the wolf.

Of course I love you, Kwame! Dr. Lycia shook her head, “shut up…”

“What was that?”

I love you! I love you! I love you! Dr. Lycia growled, shaking her head even more, “be quiet…”

“Okay…” Kwame was a little suspicious but she knew Dr. Lycia would keep saying she was fine even though she clearly wasn’t, “I’m gonna get going, see you later my delicious doctor~”

Dr. Lycia watched as Kwame walked away, slumping down in her chair when she was finally gone. “Four simple words… I’ve done brain surgery on thousands of people but I can't say 4 simple words to a wolf…”

She looked up at the ceiling. “How could she love someone as pathetic as me…?”


It’s been over 4 months since Kirkland has tried to cause any trouble towards the little group of wolves. They thought they were safe, that was until Ayame was checking the weapons created to find something was wrong.

“NO!!!” She shouted on the top of her lungs.

Hearing it all the way from the courtyard, Lawrence quickly stopped play fighting with the other betas and ran towards the weapons room to see Ayame pulling out packing peanuts from a large crate, “it’s not in here!”

“What’s wrong, my love? I heard your scream all the way from the courtyard.” Lawrence sifted back into his human form, watching as Ayame frantically looked around.

“It’s gone!” Ayame opened up another crate, fighting though the packing peanuts to see it was empty, “all the weapons! They’re gone! And now I can't find my grandmother’s sword either!”

“Demon Claw is gone?” Alistair questioned, approaching the scene.

“Yes!” Ayame frantically began to pace, “grandmama is gonna kill me! She’ll have my head on the wall!”

“Ayame,” Lawrence caught her shoulder, rubbing them slightly, “breathe.”

“Breathe?! How do you expect me to breathe when my grandmama’s sword is gone-” Ayame was cut off by Lawrence’s kiss.

“Breathe in…”

Ayame breathed in deeply.

“...and breath out.”

Ayame exhaled deeply.

“Good,” Lawrence smiled, trying to ease his soon to be mate’s nerves, “we’ll find out what happened, okay? We’ll punish whoever took the weapons.”

“Oh, I know who took them.” Ayame growled,  clenching her fist. She marched out of the weapons vault, Alistair and Lawrence following her, and down to the courtyard to see Kirkland and his buddies talking.

Kirkland was about to take a sip of his drink but Ayame slapped it out of his hand. “Where is it, Kirkland?”

“I’m sorry, I don't know what you're referring to.” Kirkland smirked slightly.

Ayame was about to pounce on him but Lawrence held her back.

 “You know what she’s talking about,” Alistair glared at the beta, “where’s Demon Claw?”

“Demon Claw… Demon Claw…” Kirkland tapped his chin, “oh! You mean that sleek white katana?”

“Yes, the sleek white katana! Where is it?!” Ayame asked again, trying to escape Lawrence’s grasp.

“Hmm, I could tell you…” Kirkland’s signature smirk appeared, “for a price.”

“It’s always a price with you isn't it Kirkland?” Lawrence growled.

“You should know me by now to know there always is a price,” Kirkland winked, he turned towards Alistair, pointing his finger, “I want you to let me talk to Yvette.”

“Talk? Ha!” Alistair snorted, “you’ll be lucky if you even breathe the same air as her. If you want to talk to her you’ll have to talk to the both of us.”

“I wasn’t finished, Alistair,” Kirkland glared at him, “I want to talk to her alone. We have some business to discuss.”

His finger moved towards Ayame, “I want to have dinner tonight with you.”

Lawrence growled at his request. Kirkland chuckled snarky. “What’s wrong, Lawrence? She’s not technically yours yet.”

Lawrence snarled, glaring daggers at him. “She's not going anywhere with you.”

“I'll do it.” Ayame stated.

“Perfect.” Kirkland smirked, winking at Ayame.

Lawrence pulled her over to the side. “What are you thinking, Ayame! You know how dangerous he is!”

“I’m aware, Lawrence, but if this is what it takes to get the sword back, so be it.” Ayame decided, nodding with vigor.


“Lawrence,” she laughed softly, her hand wrapping around his, “I'll be okay. I'm a strong hunter, just trust me, alright?”

Lawrence nodded, looking down at his feet. “Can you at least bring a knife to stab him with if he gets handsy?”

Ayame chuckled, kissing his cheek. “Of course I will.”

Lawrence caught a glimpse of Ayame's bracelet shining in the sun. He smiled softly, knowing deep down that she was his and he was hers forever.

They returned outside to see Alistair's black wolf snarling at Kirkland, who was standing away from him, a sly smirk on his face.

“Say it again! I fucking dare you!” Alistair scolded, digging his claws into the ground beneath him.

“What did you tell him?” Lawrence asked, glaring at Kirkland.

“All I said was that if he knew how hot Yvette sounded in bed, but oh wait,” he tapped his chin, his smirk only growing, “you two haven't done it yet have you?” he clicked his tongue, making a tsk sound, “she has a beautiful body under all those clothes ya know, but you've probably haven't seen that either, have you Alistair?”

The black wolf was about to pounce on Kirkland but Lawrence held out his hand, stopping the hunter.

“Kirkland, shut up. Cause if you don't he'll kill you, then I'll kill you.” Lawrence threatened.

“I bet you haven't even kissed her yet!” Kirkland laughed loudly.

“That's it!” Alistair morphed back into his human form, walking off momentarily and returning with a confused Yvette in hand.

“Alistair what are you-” before Yvette could finish, Alistair cupped her cheeks, kissing her passionately on the lips.

Yvette felt pleasure run through her veins, making the omega shiver slightly. Her cheeks flushed a deep red.

Alistair disconnected his lips from her, a thin trail of saliva connecting the two of them.

Alistair smiled and kissed her nose. “How's that for a kiss?”

Yvette couldn't respond, her mind was in a haze of confusion and heat. She nodded. Alistair kissed her cheek.

“You were saying, Kirkland?” Alistair smirked slyly.

Kirkland huffed and walked off. “Enjoy your happiness now because it won't last long!”


“You don't have to go, Yvette, I'm sure we can find another way to get the sword.” Alistair assured her.

“I know, but I want to do this for you,” Yvette held his hands in her, swinging them slightly, “you've done so much for me, let me pay you back.”

Alistair stroked her cheek. “You're too kind, Yvette.” he pulled out a box from his back pocket, “I got this for you.”

Yvette opened the box to see the word ‘Shona’ written in Hindi on it. “This is beautiful…” Yvette’s eyes sparkled.

Alistair smiled. “Do you remember what it means?”

“Uh...um…” Yvette looked down in shame, “no…”

“It’s okay,” Alistair kissed her cheek, “it means darling in Hindi.”

“Did you give me this now just because I’m going to talk with Kirkland?” Yvette smirked.

“Maybe…” Alistair muttered, looking away from the omega.

“Awe, someone’s getting jealous.” Yvette pinched his cheeks, “don't be, I told you time and time again Alistair,” Yvette clutched his hand softly, “I’m yours.”

“I know… it’s just my wolf doesn’t like you in a room with him alone… especially after everything that happened with him and you.” Alistair felt his anger bubbling up.

Yvette rested her hand on his cheek, “Alistair,” she smiled sweetly up at him, “this necklace… my love for you… us… here… right now,” she came in closer, “all show that I’m yours.”

“Promise me if he tries to touch you, punch him or scream.” Alistair kissed her lips, “you’re mine…”

“Alistair!” Yvette laughed, when Alistair suddenly pulled her in close, “I know I’m yours. Will it make you feel better if you stand by the door?”

“Yes.” Alistair nodded, Yvette hugged him tightly.

“My knight in furry armor.” Yvette muttered into his chest.

“Yeah,” Alistair stroked her hair, “I’m your knight in furry armor.”

“So,” Yvette looked up at him, “the full moon is soon… and well…” her cheeks turned red, “I was thinking… um…”

“You wanna mate, huh?” Alistair gripped her hips softly, “my, my, my, Yvette, someone is kinky. So how do you want this to go, hm? You want me to tie you to the bed? Hm?”

“Alistair! No! Well…” Yvette mumbled, “that does sound enticing,” she shook her head, “NO! I’m just scared of what will happen during the mating… they’re all watching…”

“Oh,” Alistair chuckled, “don't worry, I promise you they’ll be way more interested in their own matings than ours.”

“A-Are you sure?” Yvette stuttered.

Alistair nodded. “Yes, I’m sure, and if you get uncomfortable we can just do the mating back in my room,” Alistair kissed her nose, “the last thing I want for you is to be nervous on the Full Moon.”

“Thank you, Alistair.” Yvette smiled softly,

“You’re welcome,” he was about to give her a smile back but ended up growling when he felt Kirkland’s presence, “hello, Kirkland.”

“Awe, you can sense I was coming, how cute.” Kirkland placed his hand on his hips and rolled his eyes jokingly.

“I can smell you foul stench of cheap cologne from a mile away. I don't if it’s you or the cologne that drives the lady away,” Alistair sniffed him, “nope it’s just your horrible personality.”

“Ha, Ha,” Kirkland laughed sarcastically, he grabbed Yvette’s wrist. “Let’s go Yvette, we have a lot to discuss.”

Alistair caught on top Yvette’s other wrist, trying to stop her. Alistair’s eyes pleaded with hers to stay.

“I’ll be okay.” Yvette’s beautiful voice rang through his head, “just stay outside and I’ll scream if anything happens.”

Alistair let of her wrist slowly, watching as Yvette was dragged into the room and Kirkland closing the door behind him.

Alistair wanted to look through the window but Kirkland closed the blinds. Alistair glared at him. He stood in front of the door, waiting impatiently for the meeting to finish.

Yvette sat across from Kirkland, glaring at him. “What do you want?”

“I want to know why the hell you’ve been ignoring my request.”

“Oh? You wanna know why I’ve been ignoring the request for you to rape me? Oh yeah, it’s a fucking mystery!” Yvette scolded, drinking the tea Kirkland place out.

“I don't think you remember how hicarcy works in wolf packs,” Kirkland stood from his chair, “it goes Alpha, Beta, Delta, Hunter, and at the bottom there’s Omega,” he ruffled Yvette’s hair, “that’s you.”

His fingers gripped strands of her hair. “You’re supposed to follow orders from the higher ups.”

Yvette dug her nails into his wrist, forcing him to jerk back his hand from hair, “I don't have to follow any orders I’m not comfortable with.”

“Yvette, you don't matter, you’re just some Omega.” Kirkland scoffed, rolling his eyes.

“I do matter, just not to you apparently.” Yvette shot back.

“Who told you that? Your little wolf standing out there? He’ll eventually get sick of you and dump you like yesterday’s garbage.” Kirkland cackled, “and you’ll come running back to me in no time.”

“Alistair actually cares about me, unlike you who just used me for your pleasure and never gave a shit about mine. He respects me and likes me for who I am,” she rubbed her fingers over her new necklace, “he even gave me this.”

Kirkland lifted the necklace to read it, “Shona,” he read, scoffing as he let it go, “the fuck does that mean?”

“It means ‘darling’ in Hindi, it’s a beautiful language,” she rolled her eyes, “not like you would know anything about beauty.”

“Omegas don't have beauty, Yvette. Take off your rose colored glasses and come back into the real world.” Kirkland flicked her forehead. “Your little hunter may say you’re special but you’re not. You’re just a little omega, a speck of dust that’ll eventually make its way to the garbage.”

Yvette felt tears swell up in her eyes. “Shut up…” she shook her head, “shut up! Just shut up!” she yelled.

Alistair slammed his fist against the door, his anger was swelling up to the surface.

“It’s the truth and you know it!” Kirkland scolded.

Yvette pulled the door open, running out of the room, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Alistair growled and slammed Kirkland against the wall. “What the fuck did you tell her?!”

“All I told her was what needed to be heard,” Kirkland smirked, “she’s just a nobody.”

Alistair dropped him to the floor, “I’ll be back to deal with you later!” he yelled before rushing out to find Yvette.


Later that night, Aymae looked into the mirror, applying lipstick on her lips. She could see Lawrence’s scowling up at the ceiling from her reflection.

“You technically don't have to do this. I can just choke him until he fesses up.” Lawrence offered.

Ayame laughed softly. “As much as I would love for you to do that, you’d get in trouble with Barron. Remember he told us to wait.”

“I know but-” Lawrence sat up, taking in Ayame’s beautifulness. She wore a plain orange split short sleeve, a-line dress with a mid-calf split. Her chocolate brown hair was moved to the side with some of the hairs pinned back with a flower clip.

“How do I look?” Ayame asked, putting on little diamond earrings.

Lawrence's mouth was slightly agape in shock, his heart beated faster than a bullet train. She’s just… so beautiful…

“Lawrence!” Ayame snapped her fingers in front of his face, “hello!”

“What?” Lawrence blinked quickly, “you look beautiful…” he smiled, soon frowning, “it just sucks that you're all dressed up to go out with him instead of me.”

“Lawrence,” Ayame sat beside him, “how many dates have we been on? Hm?”

“A lot.”

“Exactly. This dinner is strictly business,” she smiled and leaned in, “and when I get back I can get the pleasure part from you~”

“Why wait?” Lawrence lowered her onto the bed, kissing along Ayame’s neck, taking in her smell of chamomile and ylang ylang. He sighed in delight, “gods and goddesses you smell wonderful.”

His fingers roamed under her dress, feeling around her hips. Ayame gasped when Lawrence gripped her waist, “Lawrence!” she threw her head back as he sucked her neck, leaving a few noticeable hickeys.

His hand moved upward towards her breast, giving them a gentle, but sensual, squeeze. His kisses left a hot trail as they moved from her neck to her chest. “You’re mine…” he muttered, kissing attop her ample breast, “only mine~”

She moaned, her cheeks flushing red, “all yours… I’m all yours Lawrence~”

Lawrence pulled down her dress and unhooked her bra as he engulfed one of her nipples in his mouth while his free hand messaged the neglected breast. Ayame moaned loudly, pleasure shaking through her body, “ah...Lawrence!”

Lawrence just smirked, he could never get enough of her moans. His lips popped off her nipple before kissing along her stomach, down to her hips. Before he could go any further, a knock at the door interrupted them. They both growled deeply.

“It’s me, Barron.” he spoke from the other side of the door.

“Go open the door.” Ayame said breathlessly.

Lawrence growled and shook his head, trying to continue his time with Ayame but Barron knocking was not giving up. “Lawrence, open the door! You can get back to Ayame in a second.” Barron said, knocking harder.

“Ugh,” Lawrence rolled on the other side of Ayame, he opened the door, “what do you want, Barron?”

“Look, I’m sorry I interrupted you and Ayame, but we need to talk.” Barron and Medusa walked inside.

Medusa closed her eyes when she noticed Ayame didn’t have a bra on, her top half was completely naked. She would’ve been completely naked if it weren’t for her underwear covering up her intimates.

“I-I’m so so-sorry Ayame! I didn’t know yo-you were get-getting dressed.” Medusa stammered, she nudged Barron, “cover your eyes, dumbass, it’s rude to walk in a woman while she’s naked.”

“Oh, Medusa, it’s fine, werewolves aren’t very concerned about privacy. We’re very open when it comes to sex and all the stuff.” Ayame shrugged, putting her bra back on as well as her dress.

“So… you guys just do it in public?” Medusa was dumbfounded.

“Sometimes, yeah.” Lawrence shrugged, “you fleshies may think it’s weird but to us wolves it’s normal.”

“Amazing,” she wrote the information down in her notebook before pulling out her recorder, “wolves apparently have sex in public as well as private. They’re very open about such actions.” she said into the recorder before placing it back into her bag.

“I don't know how you wolves do it, I always liked doing my sexual ventures in private thank you very much.” Medusa crossed her arms over her chest.

“I’m sure that will change soon,” Ayame and Lawrence whispered. Barron chuckled.

“Most likely.” Barron whispered back.

“What did you say?” Medusa asked, looking up from her notebook and at Barron.

“Nothing Medusa,” Barron smiled, pulling her in close, “just some friendly werewolf banter.”

“Okay.” Medusa replied wearily.

“Anyways,” Barron sat down in the wheely chair, pulling Medusa onto his lap, “I heard you’re going to dinner with Kirkland, Ayame.”

“Yep,” Ayame groaned, “I need to get my sword back and the only way to do that is by going to dinner with this pervert.”

“I know and I wish there was a better way, but I need you to see if you can get any information out of Kirkland involving the people who are trying to get Medusa’s eyes.” Barron requested.

Ayame nodded, “you can count on me, Barron.”

Barron smiled and patted her shoulder, “I know I always can, and I’m sorry about your sword and the rest of the weapons. As soon as their alpha wakes up we can discuss with the Willson pack about getting some new weapons.”

“Thank you, Barron, but none of those weapons can’t replace my grandmama’s sword…”

“I know, I know,” Barron rubbed her shoulder, “I promise we’ll get it back one way or another.”

A knock on the door made them all turn towards it’s direction to see Kirkland in a suit and tie. “Ready to go, Ayame?”

Lawrence growled, holding Ayame close. Ayame kissed his cheek, seeming to calm down the beta long enough for him to let her go.

Kirkland eyed Medusa, “Medusa!” he kissed her hand, “it’s been so long since I’ve seen you.”

“You made me lose my research. If it weren’t for Barron all my research would be lost.” Medusa glared at him.

“I should’ve gone back the moment you dropped them. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? Please?” Kirkland flashed Medusa puppy dog eyes, whimpering slightly.

As intelligent and strong Medusa was, her one weakness was her big heart.

Medusa smiled softly. “Fine… just be more careful, okay?”

“I promise I will!” Kirkland hugged her, smiling widely, “why don't we go for another run tonight? When I get back from my dinner with Ayame.”

Medusa looked at Barron from the corner from her eyes. Barron had a lump in his chest. He didn’t like the fact that Kirkland was being all buddy-buddy with Medusa again. The past few months him and Medusa have been flirting back and forth and he was certain Medusa was his mate.

But if Kirkland came back into the picture, all his progress would have been for nothing!

“She’s busy later on tonight.” Barron abruptly said.

Medusa turned towards him, “I am?”

“Yes,” Barron pulled her in close, “I wanted to show you the pups tonight, for a lot of them it’s their first hunt. All the wolves are gonna come out to see it.”

“That would be good for my research to see how pups hunt since they aren’t fully developed… I have been basing my hunting material off of adult wolves so far.” Medusa muttered, nodding slightly.

She turned back towards Kirkland. “Sorry Kirkland, maybe we can reschedule?”

Kirkland growled slightly at the alpha. “Yeah, we can reschedule.”

He walked past Barron, bumping shoulders with him on purpose, “I saw what you did there, Barron. You may have won tonight, but remember… she’s not technically yours until she has your mark. Don't knock me out of the running just yet. That snake haired freak is very important to me and my friends in high places.”

Before he could walk off, Barron caught his wrist. “Tell you friends in high places that if they want Medusa, they’ll have to go through me first.” his claws seeped into the betas wrist.

Kirkland scoffed and escaped his hold. “Just meet me outside, Ayame.” he said before leaving the room in a huff.

Barron growled and punched the wall. Medusa walked up to him, “what did he say?”

Barron stared into her clouded grey eyes, they sparkled like diamonds in the moonlight. His anger went down in large levels, he smiled softly. “Just stupid stuff,” Barron kissed her forehead, she sighed softly in relife, “you were having headaches again, weren’t you?”

“Just small ones, nothing major.” Medusa lied, hoping Barron wouldn't tell but he did.

“Don't lie to me Medusa. How much does it hurt?” Barron questioned, stroking her hand.

“A lot, but when you kiss my forehead it helps.” she blushed, her cheeks flushing pink.

“That’s something you can put in your notes.” Barron noted. Medusa was confused.


“That werewolf kisses can heal the body and the soul.” Barron smiled widely.

Medusa blush only grew, “Th-The body, y-yes, the so-soul however still re-remains und-undetermined.” Medusa stammered, looking away from Barron.

Barron chuckled, turning his face back towards her, “I’m sure you’ll have some evidence that supports it soon enough, Medusa.”

“Sh-Shut up.” Medusa muttered, puffing up her rosey colored cheeks.

Barron chuckled even more and kissed Medusa’s cheek. “You’re so cute when you're stubborn.”

He sighed softly and stared into her eyes once more. You’re gonna be an amazing Luna.


The car ride to the restaurant was silent between the two wolves. Ayame stared off into the distance, dreaming about her beta who was waiting for her back home.

Kirkland scoffed. “What’s so special about him?”

“Excuse me?” Ayame asked, turning towards him.

“That beta,” Kirkland’s eyes shifted between her and the road, “what’s so special about him? Does he have a big dong or something? Cause I can assure you mine is bigger.”

Ayame laughed mockingly. “No, he respects me, he cares for me, he knows me inside and out, he loves me, he’s always there when I need him. Oh and yeah,” she smirked slyly at Kirkland, “he does have a big dong.”

“If it’s sex you want, Ayame, I’m sure we can arrange something,” his hands roamed up her thighs.

Ayame pulled back his fingers in a painful fashion. “Don't you touch me, you pig!” she spat, throwing his hands back at him.

“Come on, Ayame. A beautiful indian girl like you shouldn’t be with Lawrence, you should be with someone who’s strong and can protect you.” Kirkland puffed out his chest.

Ayame laughed loudly, “1) Lawrence is stronger than you and you know it. 2) I don't need anyone to protect me, I’m not so damsel in need of saving!”

“You women are all so troublesome these days.” Kirkland groaned, shaking his head.

“Yeah, a woman who doesn’t need a man to protect her, what a shocker.” Ayame rolled her eyes, going back to her day dreams of Lawrence.

Once they arrived at the restaurant, Ayame noticed all of Kirklands buddies gathered around the table, making crude sexual jokes towards the busty waitress.

“Boys! Look who came to join us!” Kirkland pushed Ayame forward. 

His buddies ooh and ahhed, Ayame growled at them. “Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even breath in my direction. I just want to get this done and leave.”

As Kirkland and his buddies chatted over a number of topics with Ayame impatiently waited for dinner to be over. She traced her fingers along the rim of her wine glass, noticing one of Kirklands buddies was younger than the rest and seemed very uncomfortable.

Ayame tilted her head slightly. “He looks like he’s 19, maybe 20, awe… he’s still a pup.”

“What’s wrong with him?” her wolf asked, “he doesn’t seem to enjoy this like the others do.”

Once Kirkland and his friends went off to get drinks from the bar, Ayame scooted closer towards the boy. He quickly looked away from her. “S-sorry! I know you don't want me to talk to you…”

“Actually, I wanted to ask you a question.” Ayame tilted her head, “why are you here? You look like you wanna run out of here.”

“I do…” the boy hung his head low, “I thought hanging out with Kirkland would make me cool but I was wrong… it’s just weird. He said he would help me find a mate but all I’ve been doing is grunt work...”

“Awe,” Ayame ruffled his hair, “what’s your name, pup?”

“Collin.” he said, barely a whisper, “Collin Vasquez…”

“I know you! You’re the little omega!” Ayame sipped her wine, “I heard we inducted a rouge I just didn’t know it was you!”

“Yeah… that’s me.” Collin looked down at his fiddling fingers in shame, “I’m sorry for disturbing you, huntress…”

“No, no, no, you weren’t a disturbance,” Ayame smiled, rubbing his shoulder, “you remind me of my brother when he was little.”

“Hunter Alistair?”

“Yes, but you don't need to call us Hunter and Huntress. Our names are fine.” Ayame chuckled, taking another swing of her wine.

“Tell you what, Collin, maybe I can help you find your mate. I did help Alistair find Yvette.” Ayame said proudly.

“I thought they met when Yvette was taking out the garbage?”

Ayame sweatdropped. “Never mind that. Why don't you tell me how you envision your perfect mate.”

Collin stared at his water, “I don't really care about the race… I’m sure she’ll be perfect. I bet she’ll have green eyes and scarlet hair… yeah… long scarlet hair. Maybe a little freckle or two on her cheeks… oh! And she’ll have the cutest laugh and she’ll be so strong… but kind as well.”

“Hmm…” Ayame stroked her chin, smirking slightly, “I’m sure the Moon Goddess will be sending her your way soon enough.”

“You think so?” Collin asked, hope filling his little brown eyes.

“I know so.” Ayame patted his shoulder.

Kirkland came back with drinks in hand, “Collin,” he slammed down the beet in front of the omega, “drink up, we’re all gonna ride the mechanical bull later.”

“Um… I… uh…” Collin starred at the beer and back at Ayame.

“Kirkland, he’s underage. He can't drink. You know wolves can drink till they are 21. He’s barely 20.” Ayame scolded, moving the beer away from Collin.

“You’ll thank me later,” she whispered, “if the alpha finds out you’ve been drinking when you're not of age you’ll be a rogue again.”

“Thanks.” Collin whispered back.

Collin and Ayame watched as Kirkland and his friends got drunk, soon pulling the two towards the mechanical bull, “Collin!” Kikrland slung his arm over the omega, “get on! It’ll be great.” 

“I don't know…”

“Come on… don't me a wuss!” Kirkland pushed him onto the bull, he looked at the control panel, “easy… medium… hard…” he looked at the last button, “so insane you might as well throw yourself out the window.”

Kirkland smirked and pushed the last button, watching as the mechanical bull jerked Collin back and forth.

“AHH!” Collin yelled, trying to hold on for dear life.

Kirkland and his buddies laughed loudly at the omega’s embarrassment. Ayame glared at them. “You animals! What’s wrong with you! He’s barely a pup!” Ayame abruptly stopped the bull, throwing Collin into the mattress under it.

Collin was extremely dizzy. When he looked up, he saw a blurry figure of a beautiful girl with peach skin and long scarlet hair. “You did really good.” she smiled softly, brushing strands of her red locks behind her ear.

Once his vision returned to normal, Collin looked at the beautiful girl above her. Locking his black eyes with her shimmering emerald eyes. “Hello…” Collin smiled weakly.

“Hi,” she giggled, making Collin heart flutter, “I’m Josephine.” she extended her hand for Collin to shake.

“Collin.” He shook her hand, Josephine helped her up.

Ayame smiled. “Awe, he found his perfect mate.”

“Come on, I’ll make you feel all better, wolfie.” The Scarlet haired girl tapped his nose.

“You smell like tangerine and bergamot.” Collin laughed goofingly.

“I’m sure I do, Collin.” Josephine smiled, tapping his nose. She led him back towards the table.

“Ugh, look at that wuss, he’s completely under her spell.” Kirkland groaned in disgust.

“It’s not a spell, Kirkland. He’s in love. I’m sure you don't know what that feels like.” Ayame scoffed, drinking her wine.

She looked at her watch. “Oh, it’s 10:00, and that’s the end of my time,” she held out her hand, “sword please.”

“I don't have your sword.” Kirkland laughed, “the Sister does, she said that sword is pretty rare and it’ll help with our plan.”

“The Sister?” Ayame questioned, taking advantage of Kirkland drunk truthfulness.

“The Sister from the Black Rose Society.” Kirkland took a massive swig of his beer, “duh…” he was woozy and dizzy, “they’re the people who want Medusa’s eyes.”

“I see.” Ayame nodded, she grabbed her coat, “thanks for the date night, Kikrland, It was very helpful.”

Ayame walked towards Collin who was so entranced by Josephine as she talked about her night, “Collin, I’m gonna get going, do you and Josephine want to come back to the compound with me?”

“I’ll meet you there…” Collin said, his eyes locked onto Josephine’s beautiful green orbs.

Ayame laughed, “have fun, Collin, remember, you're still a pup so be back by midnight. That’s your curfew.”

“Will do, Ayame.”


Ayame burst through the doors of Barron office, “The Black Rose Society.” she said breathlessly, “they’re the people who want Medusa’s eyes… they’re the ones Kirkland is working with…” Ayame smirked, “we got him, Alpha, we finally got him.”


Okay. So I know I said last time I wouldn't have any long chapters but I guess this one is long too... Okay okay so after this one they aren't as long! I promise!

Anyways! Idk if you hate long chapters or not but sometimes I loose track of the word count of the chapter and I just keep writing! Again I'm sorry.

Lol, silly me! Regardless, what did you think of the chapter? Good? Bad? Meh? I'm not rushing it am I?

I like Ayame and Lawrence, they're super cute and Ayame is so cool! Also! We're on 310 reads!!! HECK YEAH!!! Dude we're only on chapter 9 and we have over 300 reads?! Holy cow!

Thanks for all the reads and please continue reading!! Our next update is on Monday!

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