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◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Medusa rolled to the side of her bed, her hands feeling a hard surface. She smiled. “Good morning, Barron,” she hugged him rightly, “last night was amazing~”

Barron smiled and wrapped his arms around her. “Only the best for you, my lovely Luna.”

“Mmm, say it again. I love being called Luna~”

Barron flipped her over, towering over her. “You’re my Luna~” he kissed her neck, “only mine…”

Medusa shot up from her bed. “Only yours Barron…” she said breathlessly, she covered her mouth at her words, “why was I dreaming about him?!”

Medusa slowly fell back on her bed, the words echoing in her head as the scene played in her mind over and over again, “only… his…? His… Luna?”

Medusa raked her hands down her face as she groaned loudly, “what are you doing to me, Barron!”


Alistair knocked on the door to the omega quarters. Yvette wearing a silk nightgown opened the door, her eyes puffy from crying. She rubbed her eyes and sniffled. “What do you want, Alistair?”

Alistair hugged her tightly. “Forget what I want… how are you feeling? You ran out so quickly yesterday I didn’t get to ask you how you felt. I heard when he told you and you have to know he’s wrong,” Alistair gripped her shoulder, “you’re my everything Yvette.”

“Don't lie to me…” Yvette looked down, “I know I’m nothing… I’m just some stupid omega.”

“I don't care! I still love you!” Alistair kissed her cheek, leading down to her neck, “I love you so much, Yvette, more than I love anyone ever.”

Yvette felt herself relax at his soft kisses. “Why do you do this to me?”

“Do what? Love you?”

“Yes,” Yvette whimpered, “I’m an omega, Alistair, and you’re a hunter. We wouldn't work.”

Alistair spotted Lilliana walking past, “Lily!” The omega stopped and walked towards Alistair and Yvette.

“What's up?”

“You're an omega and Benedict's a Delta. Are there any problems between you two?” Alistair asked.

Lilliana shook her head. “Nope. Sometimes I forgot the rank difference completely.”

Alistair extended his hand towards her. “See! Liliana is two ranks lower than Benedict and there are no problems between them!” he exclaimed.

“How do you do it?” Yvette questioned.

“What? Be together?” Lilliana laughed, she patted Yvette’s shoulder, “Yvette, stop focusing on rank. You see how happy me and Benedict are even though we’re ranks apart. I know you want that with Alistair. Just trust him, he’s one of the good ones. They don't come around that often.”

Yvette bit her lower lip softly. She gulped and abruptly hugged him, “I know I’m just an omega… but I promise I’ll try to make you happy.”

Alistair smiled and kissed her forehead, “Shona, you already make me happy, just by being here.”



Dr. Lycia sighed deeply, placing her clipboard down. “What do you want, Kwame?”

“I caught you something while hunting~” Kwame presented her the dead jackrabbit.

Dr. Lycia poked it with her pen. “It’s dead.”

“Well, duh, I hunted it.” Kwame rolled her eyes, “it’s what mates do for each other.”

“Um, no,” Dr. Lycia moved it away from her papers, “we are not mates, Kwame.”

Dr. Lycia walked out of her office and into one of her patient‘s rooms. The werewolf had an atrical arm in the place where his real arm should be. “How’s your arm feeling, Orion?”

Orion flexed his artificial fingers. “All good, doc. Thanks to you.” he smiled, winking at her

The doctor blushed. “It was really nothing,” Dr. Lycia rubbed the back of her neck nervously, “just a simple procedure.”

“Stop being so modest. You’re amazing at what you do.” Orion smiled, standing up and brushed strands of her black hair behind her ear, “are we still on for the arcade tonight?”

“Of course!” Dr. Lycia's eyes lit up with happiness, however a small glint seemed unhappy at her decision.

What’s wrong with you?! I don't want him! I want Kwame! Her inner self scolded.

“Well, I don't.” Dr. Lycia muttered.

“You okay?” Orion questioned.

NO! I want Kwame! I wanna go to the arcade with her! Not you! 

“Right as rain!” Dr. Lycia smiled brightly.

“I’ll pick you up at 8pm, LyLy.” Orion kissed her forehead, “I can't wait.”

Kwame watched from the doorway as Dr. Lycia and Orion flirted with each other. A piece of Kwame's heart broke, for so long she knew that the doctor was hers, but now… as she watched the doctor flirt with another wolf, she felt her heart break down in a million pieces.

“LyLy…” Kwame whimpered, her eyes radiated sadness, “you're still mine… right?”

From the corner of her eye, Dr. Lycia could see the heart broken wolf. She couldn't help feeling heartbroken at the wolf's sad face.

I'm sorry, Kwame…


Medusa couldn't focus on her studies when Barron was constantly on her mind. Ever since she dreamt about him, the beautifully sculpted Alpha had filled her every thought.

Medusa groaned, running her fingers through her hair. “Dammit! Focus, Medusa!” she stared back down at her notes to see she was tracing her pencil over the notes where Barron was mentioned.

She threw her pencil towards the door in anger, “get out of my head!”

“Wow, if you hate those voices so much you could’ve just asked me to make the pain go away.” Barron chuckled, catching the pencil and the attention of Medusa.

“Bar-Barron!” she blurted out, her cheeks turning red, “wh-what are you doing her-here?”

“I wanted to check up on you,” Barron walked into the room, sitting on top of his desk, “also this is my office.”

“Th-That it is…” Medusa chuckled nervously.

“Are you feeling okay, Medusa?” Barron placed his hand on her forehead, “you’re acting funny.”

“Ev-Everything is fine!” Medusa laughed loudly.

“Okay…” Barron pulled out a box from his back pocket, “it’s been 6 months since you started your research so I got you a gift.” Barron opened the box to reveal a beautiful moon shaped necklace with a snake wrapped around the crescent moon.

“Barron…” Medusa looked up at him, “it’s… it’s beautiful…”

Barron came up behind her, putting it on her, “I knew you’d like this. The moment I saw it I thought of you.”

Barron noticed her unmarked neck, his breath hitched. “She’d look beautiful with my mark… I can see it now… biting into that sweet… succulent… lavender and lime smelling skin…” he found himself drooling slightly.


“What?” Barron was snapped out of his fantasy when he heard Medusa’s voice. He walked back in front of her.

Medusa brushed her fingers over the necklace, watching as it glowed at her touch. “It glows…?”

“Yeah, quite remarkable huh? It works on batteries.”

“That’s a lie and you know it.” his wolf laughed, “the necklace only glows when a Luna wears it.” his wolf jumped around in excitement “that proves she’s our luna!”

Barron chuckled. “Slow down, we still have a ways to go.”

“What?” Medusa tilted her head.

“Oh nothing, Medusa.” Barron smiled, kissing her forehead, “have you been having more headaches?”

“Yes,” Medusa groaned, rubbing her temple, “they’re happening more often now…”

“Don't worry, Medusa. We’ll find the Black Rose Society and take them out,” he smiled, stroking her cheek, “nobody is gonna touch what’s mine.” he whispered in her ear.

Medusa shivered, her cheeks turning even more red than they were before, “yo-yours?”

Barron chuckled and smiled before walking off without saying a word.

Medusa slumped down in Barron’s office chair, his smell of cedarwood and sage filling her senses. Mine… yours… Barron what are you doing to me?!

Before Barron could fully leave, Kwame marched into the room, forcing Barron back into the office.

“Barron! I need your approval to spy on the Doctor and Orion tonight!” Kwame ordered.

“Um, why?”

“Cause, Orion is bad news and LyLy is mine! I don't want that stupid mutt near my doctor!” Kwame growled, scrunching up her fist.

“You know she hates you right?”

“She may say that, but she really loves me.” Kwame said matter of factly.

“How are you so sure?” Medusa questioned.

“Because, our auras are in sync.” Kwame nodded proudly, “just like you and Barron’s auras are.”

“What does that even mean?” Medusa asked.

“When two people auras are in sync, their likes, dislikes, and personalities line up, making them perfect soulmates!” Kwame smiled widely, hearts filling her eyes, “that’s what me and LyLy are!!”

“Uh huh…” Barron smiled and nodded, “you can spy on them, just don't make it obvious.”

“Thanks Barron! I know in my heart me and LyLy are mates.” Kwame cheered, running out of the room.


“You want spy gear?” Ayame questioned, going through the weapons vault. Luckily these didn’t get stolen.

“Yes, I’m spying on LyLy and Orion,” she growled when she said his name, “ugh, Orion,” she scowled, “so I need the spy gear to spy on Orion and LyLy on their date.”

“Oooh~ someone’s jealous!” Ayame cooed, Lawrence chuckled.

“Yes, I am,” Kwame growled, “I don't want her hanging out with Orion. He’s bad news!”

“Kwame, I know you love the doctor but have you ever thought about her not loving you in return?” Lawrence questioned.

Kwame shook her head rapidly. “Look! I know that on the outside LyLy may seem like she doesn’t love me, but I know deep down she does!”

“She's not gonna like you spying on her.” Ayame sighed, shaking her head.

“I know, but I don't trust Orion. Trust me... she'll thank me later.” Kwame said, grabbing some binoculars and stuffing them into the duffle bag.

“I don't think so, Kwame. Girls don't like it when you spy on them… trust me.” Lawrence shivered, “Ayame almost killed me when I tried to spy on her in the bath.”

Kwame chuckled, “I'm doing this for her own good. I know the outside LyLy may want to go with Orion tonight, but the inside LyLy wants to go with me.”

“How do you know?”

Kwame inhaled sharply, “I just do, alright? It's hard to explain but I know the true LyLy wants to be with me. The Moon Goddess destined us to be together, just like you and Lawrence, and she's never wrong.”

Ayame smiled and patted the female Delta's shoulder, “I hope you're right about this, not just for my sake, but for yours and Lycia's.”

Kwame grabbed some more spy gear and smiled widely. “Thank you, Ayame. I promise, I know what I'm doing.”

“Kwame!” Lawrence called out before Kwame could leave, “go get her.”


“Medusa!” Kirkland shouted, getting Medusa's attention as she walked down the halls of the large compound.

“Hey, Kirkland, what's up?” Medusa smiled, clenching her notebook and recorder to her chest as her and Kirkland walked side by side.

“I wanted to apologize for my actions,” Kirkland rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “I should've gone back the moment you dropped your notebook and recorder.”

“Kirkland, you already apologized for that. What you should be apologizing for is hurting my friends.” Medusa crossed her arms over her chest.

“You can’t be serious, right?” Kirkland laughed, “I don't even see why you hang out with those idiots.”

“Those idiots are my friends.” Medusa hissed, as did her snakes, “what do you have against them?”

“Medusa, come on, they're weirdos. They're not true wolves.” Kirkland scoffed.

“True wolves?” Medusa glared at him, “and what makes you think they're not true wolves?”

“What kind of wolf would date a wolf of lower rank? What kind of wolf would date a human? What kind of wolf only has one mate? What kind of wolf dates their same gender? They do all of these things! They're not true wolves!”

Medusa felt her anger fuming. “You know Kirkland, maybe you're the one who isn't the true wolf.”

“Excuse me?”

“What kind of wolf rapes a woman? What kind of wolf turns in a innocent human for loving a wolf? What kind of wolf makes a fairy make a potion that would kill her? What kind of person steals a family sword? Oh wait! You! You're that wolf! If anyone isn't a true wolf, it's you.”

“Then who is, huh? Barron?” Kirkland rolled his eyes, “don't make me laugh.”

“Actually, yes, I do think he is a true wolf. I may have only been here for 6 months but over those 6 months I've gone to realize that Barron is what a true wolf is. A respectful, strong, honorable, wolf… more than you'll ever be.”

Kirkland noticed the necklace around the researcher's neck. He lifted it with his fingers. “Ohhh, now I get it~”

“Get what?” Medusa questioned, moving his fingers away from her necklace.

“Gods, you don't see it do you?” Kirkland shook his head and sighed, “gods and goddesses you’re dumb.”

“What did you just call me?” Medusa scowled.

“Dumb.” Kirkland repeated.

Medusa backed him against the wall, “I’ve gone through 8 years of middle school, 4 years of high school, and many, many years of college to get my degree in mythical studies. I’ve gotten the highest test scores in my class every year so don't you dare say I’m dumb!”

Medusa’s hands wrapped around his neck, squeezing it tightly to the point where Kirkland’s vision began to fade.

“Medusa,” Barron rested his hand on her shoulder, “I know you want to hurt him. We all do, but we shouldn’t resort to violence. He’s not worth it.”

Medusa released her grip on Kirkland’s neck, dropping him to the floor. She smiled at Barron, walking off with him. “You’re right, Barron, he isn’t worth it.”

Barron wrapped his arm around Medusa’s waist, staring back at Kirkland with a smirk. “She’s all mine, Kirkland,” he kissed the top of Medusa’s head, “all mine.”


“Alright, so just swing your arm back some and release the ball.” Orion instructed as Dr. Lycia rolled the skee ball up the ramp, landing it in the meer 50 point slot.

“Here, like this.” Orion came up behind her, guiding her arm in the correct way to land it in the 1,000 point slot. Dr. Lycia smiled, leaning into his touch.

It’s rough… a little too rough… Kwame touch is better… more soft, more sensual. Dr. Lycia sighed in delightly, imagining the delta’s soft touches.

“You wanna try on your own?” Orion questioned, snapping her out of her little fantasy.

“Nah,” Dr. Lycia kept her eyes closed, feeling the roughness of Orion’ hand and imagining the softness of Kwame’s, “I like it when you do this.”

Soon, it wasn’t just his hand anymore, in her mind, Orion completely transformed into Kwame. “So just guide the ball up the ramp.” Kwame, or who she imagined was Kwame when in reality it was Orion, whispered. 

Her fingers wrapping slowly around her’s, “and let go~” she whispered again, this time it was more soft and sensual, making sure to pronounce every syllable that came off her dull chocolate brown lips.

The doctor felt like melting, her body felt like turning to puddy in Kwame’s hands as she let go of the ball, rolling it into the 5,000 slot. The loud winner alarm from the game machine made Dr. Lycia snap out of her fantasy once more.

She frowned slightly when she felt Orion behind her, she shook her head. That was just a fluke, Lycia, there’s no Kwame. Just enjoy your date with Orion, take a long shower, and go to bed.

Orion collected the tickets, walking around the arcade with Lycia. Lycia wasn’t paying attention when Orion began ranting about something going on with Kirkland. Her mind morphed Orion into Kwame once again.

“Why am I seeing you?” Lycia asked.

“You know why, LyLy.” Kwame smirked, leaning her head against her shoulder, “you just refuse to admit it.”

“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Lycia blushed.

“Oh really?” Kwame questioned, her smirk only growing, “so that entire thing at the skee ball game was just nothing?”

“I didn’t say it was nothing,” Lycia looked away from her, “I just… I don't know what to feel, Kwame.”

“You do know what you feel, LyLy, it’s just you can't say it. That’s okay, I never blamed you for that, I know you have a hard time conveying emotions.” Kwame smiled softly. “But I know this time you know how you feel.”

“I do… it’s just… I shouldn’t be feeling this way.”

“Why do you think that?” Kwame questioned.

“I’m a woman of science, a doctor, I shouldn’t be falling in love without the facts. The-There’s just no data to support it! No hard numbers!”

“Fuck the facts! Fuck the numbers! LyLy, love is what you feel in your heart! It’s when your heart skips a beat when they walk into the room. It’s when your heart jumps for joy when you make them laugh, gigle, or smile at something silly or funny you did. It’s when your heart breaks down when they cry so you know it’s your job to make them feel better. It’s when your heart is pulling you towards them with every fiber in your being! That, that LyLy, that’s love!”

Kwame stroked her cheek, staring lovingly into Dr. Lycia’s eyes. “Just say it.”

“Say what?” Dr. Lycia said, her cheeks turning red.

“You know what.” Kwame rolled her eyes.

“No, Kwame, I don't.” Dr. Lycia shut her eyes tightly, shaking her head rapidly, “I can't read your mind!”

“You don't have to read my mind, you already know what it is you want to say but you're not.” Kwame simplified.

“What do you want me to say Kwame! Huh?” Dr. Lycia glared at her but Kwame just smiled and stood quiet, “that it’s amazing how you put up with me? That I wonder every single day how someone like you can love me after all the times I’ve pushed you away? That everytime I go on a date I see your face when I look at them? That I envision a future where me and you are together?”

“As amazing as those things are, that’s not it. Maybe if you stop using your head and use your heart you might find the answer, LyLy.” Kwame suggested.

Dr. Lycia flung her hands in the air, “I don't get it, Kwame! What the hell do you want me to say?!”

“It’s something that you’ve known all this time but could never say.” Kwame hinted.

“What? That I’m in love with you?! That I love you so damn much but my stubborn ass keeps saying I don't! If thats it then fine, I love you, Kwamez I love you so fucking much it hurts sometimes!”

The doctor covered her mouth, her eyes going wide as Kwame faded back to Orion. He stared at her in silence. “What did you say?”

“I love her…” Dr. Lycia said, dropping her hand, “that’s why I kept seeing her on all those dates… I think I love her…”

“You think?” Kwame chuckled coming out from behind a video game booth, “after that entire speech it sounds like you know you love me.”

Dr. Lycia turned towards her, “Kwame… you heard me? I thought that rant was in my head…”

“No, you were muttering the entire thing out loud.” Kwame stood in front of her, “so… is there anything you want to tell me? The actual me and not the inside your head.”

“I… I um…” she looked down, “Iloveyou.” she said quickly.

“What was that?” Kwame asked slyly.

“I love you.” she said more quietly this time.

“Come again?”

“Dammit, Kwame, I love you!”

“That’s my girl,” Kwame slung her arm over her shoulder, she tapped the doctor’s nose, “took ya long enough.”

“Sh-Shut up…” Dr. Lycia muttered, blushing slightly.

Kwame chuckled, knowing that was Lycia’s way of saying ‘i love you’ without actually saying it, “I love you too, LyLy.” she turned back towards Orion, “I’ll be taking LyLy now if you don't mind. Bye bye, Orion.” she slyly bidded farewell to the wolf, walking off with Lycia.

“Wait a minute, were you spying on me?!” Dr. Lycia scolded.


“Ugh the nerve!” Dr. Lycia removed Kwame’s arm from her shoulder, “how dare you spy on me!”

“Don't be mad LyLy!” Kwame called out into the night, chasing her into the night.

Dr. Lycia laughed, looking back at the Delta who tried to catch up with her. Yeah… I really do love you, Kwame.


HA! I TOLD YOU AFTER CHAPTER 9 THERE WOULDN'T BE A LONG CHAPTER! This one is one 3440 words compared to the 6,000 word chapters that chapter 8 and 9 were.

Anyways! What did you think of this chapter? I know the title kinda gives it away 😅.

Nevertheless, I love Dr. Lycia and Kwame together! They're so cute!! I love me a good LGBTQ+ couple.

If you can see the pattern of the chapters you probably know which couple the next chapter is gonna be about. If you don't that's okay too, you'll just have to wait till Wednesday.

Till Wednesday, stay safe and keep those Coronavirus test negative!

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