Chapter 1

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It was a dark night in the outskirts of the city .... in California. The fog lay like a layer of thick cream between the houses, the cold crawled like a thousand insects along your spine the second you stepped outside. The ground was covered in a layer of white frost that shone like crystals in the faded light of the three quarters of the moon. There was only one spot of light except the flickering street lights and the moon, it was from a window on the second floor in a house made out of white bricks and gray roof tiles. A 17 year old boy with golden a little curly hair, honey brown eyes and headphones was sitting on his bed. His name was Isaac Lance, and he was doing some kind of Spanish homework on his laptop. It was not going great for him, he was struggling with one word. He just could not spell it right it was ..... . In frustration he lay down on his back in his bed again and grunted in dissapointment as he changed his thoughts to a girl named Samantha in his school. Her black silky hair, brilliant blue eyes and spectacular skill with a bow and arrow. His thoughts were cut of by the sound of his Phone ringing, he picked it up and did not check who it was. He answered the phone and said "yeah, it is Isaac. Who is it?". A familiar voice said "It's Jaxs, what are you doing?" His friend Jaxson. "Studying" he replied. "For the spanish test? Me too, it's so boring. Why do we have to know this?" Jaxson complained. "Maybe we can study together, so we can help eachother?" Isaac wondered. "Sure, will you come over or will I?" His friend asked. "I will" Isaac said shortly "remember to open your window so I can get in". "Of course" a short replie came back just before the line was cut. Isaac stood up beside his bed, colected what he needed: phone, computer, notepad and a pencil. He carefully made his way out of his room and down the stairs trying not to wake his parents. He took a backpack from the hooks on the wall beside the door and put his stuff in it, carefully opening the door and locking it behind him. He felt the cold Night air blow across his face sending his hair whirling to the side of his head. Jaxson lived on the other side of the street so he just crossed it and went into his garden. He scanned the building untill he saw an open window on the second floor and a familiar face looking down at him gesturing for him to come. Before he prepared to jump he checked the streets and gardens for peapole but didn't see or hear anyone so he measured about 13 feet from where he stood. He backed up about 7 feet and started running to the wall then jumped from the ground heading straight for Jaxson window frame. He felt the cold metal against his hands when he landed on the frame on his feet and hands. "Nice jump Isaac" Jaxs said when he crawled in to his room. " takes some practise, but it is easy when you know how to". "When are you going to teach me this, I mean you have been a werewolf longer than me" Jaxson confirmed. "After school tomorow, what do you say?" Isaac wondered as he sat down on his friends bed and unpacked his bag. "Yeah sounds good. But where?" He asked with a confused look on his face. "We cant just practise jumping on top of houses annywhere, hunters are out and about all the time". Isaac looked up at Jaxson beside the window that he had jumped in from just a moment ago. "Oh, I know where I can teach you wolf stuff. Belive me. Anyway we where going to study for the Spanish test" he said and picked up his laptop and opened it. Jaxson joined him on the bed after he closed the window and took his computer from the bed.

A beam of sun light from the window stabbed Jaxson in his eye and he woke up, he looked to his right and Isaac was there sleeping with his laptop on his chest. "Isaac, wake up!" He said to his friend. Isaac grunted as he turned his head to the side and opened his eyes. "Good morning sunshine" Jaxson said mockingly. Isaac widened his eyes and looked at the wall behind Jaxson. "Shit! Its already 7.30, we must have fallen asleep" he said as he stood up and packed his bag, than looked back at Jaxson. "I got to go, I need to eat breakfast and take a shower before I go too school. Meet you outside at 8?" He asked. Jaxson looked at him and said "Well Then go before you won't make it, and about the time. I will be outside 7.59". Isaac nodded and jumped onto the window frame of the open window. He looked back with a smile at Jaxson before he jumped down onto the grass below. Jaxson walked up to the window in time to see Isaac cross the street and into his house. Jaxson closed the window just as someone opened the door. He turned around to see his mother Delilah Carter was standing in the doorway. "Up late?" she asked with a wondering tone. "Yeah, we were studying" Jaxson said as he scratched his brown/red hair and looked down onto the floor. "We?" she wondered. "Yeah, Isaac came over at 10 P.M" he responded. MrsCarter just raised her eyebrows and said "Okay. But you need to hurry" noding her head at the clock, it said 7.35. He nodded and followed his mother as she turned and went out in the white corridor and down the chestnut stairs to the kitchen. As they entered the kitchen his father Sebastian Carter was already sitting at the little table in the kitchen eating two sandwiches. "Good morning Jaxson, Delilah" he said looking up at them with that friendly smile that always warmed Jaxsons heart. Jaxson took a slice of bread from the cupboard above the sink, he also picked the ham and milk from the fridge. He took a glass and poured the milk in it and made his sandwich. He sat down beside his father and mother who also had been making breakfast. "Where are Rose, Felix and Oscar" Jaxson asked noding at the three empty chairs. "Oh Rose and Felix are already at school and Oscar is on his room playing with is toys" Delilah confirmed "and talking about school" She nodded at the clock, it was already 7.50, Jaxson stood up took his plate and put it on the counter beside the sink. "Thanks" he said as he headed up the stairs to his room to pack his bag.

He was outside one minute to eight as he had promised Isaac. It took about 20 seconds before Isaac opened the door and came out. "Good shower?" Jaxson asked reffering to Isaacs wet hair. "Yeah it was nice" he confirmed. "Well then, Spanish test I am really looking forward to doing you" Jax said sounding sarcastic. "Yeah, here we come" Isaac said as he joined Jaxson on the walk to school.

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