Chapter 2

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One block to the right two to the left and they saw the school and its many parking lots at the end of the street. The mixed forest that stretched along the whole left side of the school and the road that they were walking on. As they entered school yard Jaxson could make out the details in the slightest color difference of the schools white concrete. "Woah, does becoming a werewolf come with better vision" he whispered to Isaac so others around him would not hear. "I think so" Isaac said sounding confused. "Better hearing to" he added slowly As palm suddenly hit Jaxson in the chest making him stop. He turned to see Isaac with tilted head and a finger in the air. "Listen" he just said shortly. Jaxson listened after sound but did not hear anything. Just as he was about to ask Isaac what he heard he caught a swishing sound like arrows cutting through air and slammig into something. "I know that sound" Jaxson said, "It is my parents crossbows, and the arrows are their metal bolts that can break bones, even on a werewolf" he whispered the last bit to Isaac cause of the many people that where walking past them. "Tell me no more" Isaac said sarcastically. He turned and started walking upp the stairs to the school and Jaxson followed him.

Jaxson opened his locker and took out his Spanish folder, pen, book about mamals that they had got from Mr Matthews. Wonder what animal we will talk about today, he thought as he picked some other stuff out of his locker. As he made his way to the Spanish classroom he saw "the girl gang" outside the classroom, the gang consisted of Sophie Rhodes a blond girl with blue eyes and Sasha Roger, light brown haired with blue eyes, there where also three other Girls there. With them was Chase Carson a dark brown haired basketball player and Dustin D'Angelo the brown haired captain of the football team. The only problem was that they where blocking the entrence to the classroom. Isaac catched up to him before and stood at his side. Jaxson walked up to them with Isaac on his heels and cleared his throat to get their attention. Chase turned to look at him "What do you want?" Said Chase looking at him with cold gray eyes, Isaac nodded to the classroom door and said "We have Spanish, and it starts soon" as he looked back at Chase. "Well we don't" he retorted looking at Dustin and the girls who giggled they had also turned their attention to the two friends. Jaxson started talking and said "Please, we just want to get in". He stepped forward gently pushing Chase shoulder with his arm, "I said I dont care" Chase pushed Jaxson back and he fell hitting the ground and felt the pain rush through his tailbone. He felt the anger rushing inside him but before he got up steps where coming closer from his left, he looked up to see Samantha Denver a silky black haired girl with blue eyes and Alex Sharp a light brown haired girl with brown eyes. "Chase just let them in, we also have Spanish so move please" Alex said in a stern voice, she turned and smiled slightly at him and Isaac "Thanks" Jaxson said to him as he stood up and followed Isaac who walked in before him. He felt a hand grip his upper arm as he passed the gang and looked up to meet Chase's cold gray eyes, "Watch it Carter" he said and Jaxson felt a little spit land in his face. The hand let go and Jaxson walked through the door. Inside the classroom almost everyone where in their seats and Mrs Perez, their Spanish teacher was organizing her papers that lay on her desk. He looked up when he entered the room and looked at him and nodded. He smiled slightly back at her and walked past two rows of four tabels and sat down behind Isaac at the back row. Jaxson put his spanish folder and pen on his desk as Mrs Perez said "Class lets start todays lesson" with her Spanish accent. "Let's check the absence, Isaac Cantu, Jaxson Carter, Harmony Collins" She looked up to check after three. "Samantha Denver, Isaac Lance, Gabriel Lawson". "Zaire Sanchez and Alex Sharp" She looked up to check the last pair but frowned when he did not see Zaire sig beside Lawson. "Anyone know anything about Sanchez?" She said looking at Lawson and the empty seat. "Maybe he skiped school" a girls voice said from Jaxson's left, it was the brown haired chick Harmony Collins, almost every boy had an eye for her. Jaxson could not argue with that she was pretty but Jaxson did not really see anything in her. "He would never do that" Isaac Cantu said defensively. "Oh right, he is your boyfriend" She said and smacked her lips in a kissing sound. Some in the class giggled at the comment but Cantu rolled his eyes at her and looked down in his bench. "Quiet class" Mrs Perez interrupted. "So first I am going to hand out the new test, after that we are going through the things you need to know to the exam that we are going to have in two weeks on thursday. And that is about what we are doing this lesson" She said clapping her hands together looking out into the class. She walked over from the white board to the desk and took seven papers leaving one for Zaire still lying on the messy Oak desk. She started delivering the papers going down the corridor between the chairs and pupils. Jaxson felt his heart beating faster as Mrs Perez got closer with the papers, he wasn't sure at all how to spell some of the words and he didn't want get them wrong. Mrs Perez gave out her last paper to Jaxson who accepted it with a weak smile, Mrs Perez smiled back, turned around to go back to her desk. Jaxson switched focus to the paper on his desk, he wrote his name after the word nombre, then the date after the word fecha. He started writing the words beside the English translation. He was on the last word, it was the one that he and Isaac had been strugling with. Dam it! He thought, he couldn't for the life of him remember it. Eventually he gave up and wrote question mark beside ... which was the English traslation of the word.

After class ended he and Isaac met up in the corridor, Isaac looked at someone walking away from the classroom. It was Samantha Denver the girl that helped them before the class started. Jaxson elbowed him gently in the side and raised his eyebrows at her and looked back at Isaac throught his brownish red hair. Isaac just rolled his eyes at Jaxson who winked at him. Isaac whispered "You know I like her" to Jaxson. He smirked at him "Yeah, thats why I am mocking you" he said as they started walking down the corridor heading to the next class. They turned right at the second corridor going to the side, "Oh right, Its biology next. Mammals" Isaac said the last word in MR Thompson their biology teachers, Canadian accent. "Maybe he is going to talk about wolves" Jaxson said sacastically. Last lesson was about the Bobcat, Jaxson didn't listen very much then. At the end of the corridor there was a door, they opened it and inside there was a classroom with a lot of posters on the walls, mostly atonomy of different animals but there was also posters about how genes are built. "Well, welcome to biology" he said loud enough for Isaac who was walking in front of him could hear. He just turned his head and smiled at Jaxson.

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