Chapter 20

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Samuel woke up as he felt the illuminating light in his room a bit irritating his deep slumber. As he blinked open his eyes, he found white walls, the smell of bleach and a stiff bed which wasn't his.

He looked around and got confused to find himself in a hospital bed. A thin pipe was attached to his arm and he felt his head heavy. He groaned as he tried to sit. His body was heavy and he found Kennedy lying her head down around his feet. She sat on a chair but still was asleep.

What the hell had happened!

As he sat up, Kennedy woke up immediately. She was in her gown from the last night and had only a long shrug to hide her body. Why was she in that clothes?

She looked at him with worried filled eyes and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Fine. But care to explain what happened?" He asked with a straight face.

"You got unconscious!" She exclaimed, "And I was scared that you have died!"

He gave her a look. "Well, I am not dead yet."

He looked around and asked, "Did you just bring me to hospital?"

"Yes! I called Dean, Noah and Adam since I didn't know what to do. You weren't waking up." She said as he took a while to register her words.

"You called Dean and Noah!" He asked.

"Yes?" She blinked, trying to find his sudden outburst.

"You called DEAN and NOAH!" He hissed, "Why? I am pretty sure that I was just conscious because I hadn't eaten."

"Samuel! You weren't waking up!" Kennedy shouted.

"Yeah, that because I was taking a nap! I was tired!"

"You weren't even making any fucking sound!"

"That doesn't mean you have to call all of them!"

"So what do you expect me to do?" She stood up, fuming with anger and asked, "Whom should I call then? Because if you didn't know yet, I have no one here to ask what should I do and where should I go to admit you."

"You could have splashed some water! I would have woken up."

"I poured an entire jug of water yet you didn't wake up!" She huffed and Samuel stared at her. Really? Was he really unconscious like that! He certainly felt dizzy but he had no idea he would be gone like that.

"Oh! I wasn't?" He asked and it made Kennedy more pissed. He could see her face getting red. "I see... Then you did a good job." Honestly, he didn't know what to say her because he just lashed out on her without any reason.

Kennedy scoffed in anger and said, "You wake up and the first thing you do is screaming on me and now all you do is saying me 'you did a good job'!?"

He knew what she was implying... He was sorry but to say it to her made his ego a little hurt. "Thank you for calling Dean and Noah." He muttered as he avoided her eyes.

"Oh! I see... So you still wouldn't say sorry for screaming at me with no reason. Is that it?" She asked.

He clenched his fists and said, "Alright! Sorry! Okay!" He looked away and said, "I just don't like to involve them or burden them."

"Why not? They are your brother and your best friend." She said, "Involving them would only make them happy. They never once were burdened when I call them. They were worried, and Noah and Gwen stayed at our apartment. Even Adam and Sheila came with the twins to see if we needed them."

At that Samuel looked at her with wide eyes. "They all came?"

But why?

"Yeah! Why wouldn't they?" She asked back but Samuel didn't know what to answer. Why would they come because all he had done was to distancing himself from them.

"They all are your friends. Why wouldn't they come?" She asked and something in his heart cracked. Maybe those walls he had built over the years just cracked a little. He didn't know what he was feeling. Was it happiness, guilty, shock... Maybe all of them together. But more than that he felt glad to have them and it was a weird feeling. His face warmed up as well his ears.

His heart fluttered and without him realising he said, "Sorry for shouting at you."

Kennedy nodded and raised her nose in the air as if she had won this round against him. Taking a plate she said, "Alright! Eat some fruits while I go let the nurses know you have woken up."

"I am not hungry..."

"Just eat something or I will shove it in your mouth!" She shouted and it irritated him. She dared to shout at him! Lately she had been doing this a lot and strangely he wasn't that taken aback by it. He was annoyed that he wasn't annoyed at her the least.

He said raising a brow, "Shoving is my job not yours."

And Kennedy's face burnt red as he smirked.

She was about to say, "You...!" But was cut off as the nurse came. But he still felt her glares on him.

The nurse said, "Oh! Mr Johnson has woken up. Let me check his temperature."

They nodded as the nurse checked his temperature and everything to determine if he was okay now. She went away after giving him a medicine and said, "Please eat as you need a lot of proper nutrients. Your sugar level was low and you had exhausted yourself."

He nodded and soon Dean came.

He asked, "How do you feel now?"

"I am fine..." Samuel muttered as he was taking his meal while Kennedy sat on the chair beside his bed and was cutting the fruits.

"Good to hear. The doctors said they can discharge you tomorrow after some tests." Dean added, "I bought all the medicines already and take it without missing them."

He gave the packet to Kennedy and said, "Give him time to time."

She nodded as Samuel said, "I am not a child! I can take my medicines."

"Of course. Like you can make your own healthy food and like you didn't really get unconscious because you took good care of yourself..." Kennedy muttered as Samuel glared at her.

Dean watched them bickering for a while as he chuckled and Samuel asked, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing..." He said and before leaving he said, "I will come back to check on you later. Be sure to be a good boy, Sammy."

"No need to come back!" He shouted behind Dean but all Dean did was laughing at him.

Honestly, what was wrong with everyone! They were treating him like he couldn't take care of himself!

Kennedy stood up to leave as she said, "I will come after my office and don't forget to take the medicines!"

"I know alright!" He growled and asked, "Can you bring me my laptop while coming this way?"

"Nope! You need to take rest." She said as he huffed a frustrated breath.

"I will be bored to death!" He hissed and Kennedy gave him his phone.

"Don't worry. You can watch some videos to entertain yourself while you take rest. I even downloaded some cute barbie movies for you." She said smiling as he looked at her with quizzical brows.

There was a moment of silence as he tried to register her words. Was she taking him for a child or was she just teasing him?! Either way both made him annoyed.

"Barbie movies... Really?" He asked.

"Yeah!" She nodded and the corners of her lips twitched which told she was just teasing him. "It is not that bad you know? I used to watch them with my sister so I thought maybe you need some changes."


 "I will kill you once I get my hands on you..." He threatened her with a calm and collected voice as Kennedy burst into a laughter.

She said before leaving, "I will keep messaging you whenever I get the chance so you wouldn't be bored... Bye!"

As she left, Samuel muttered to himself, "I don't need her messages to save me from boredom..."

He scoffed and looked into his phone. As soon as she got into his folders, he cursed some colourful words. It seemed she wasn't bluffing when she said she had downloaded barbie movies and there were a bunch of them.

He clenched his fists and he knew she was enjoying his misery.

"I swear I will kill her once I reach home!"

(23rd Sept, 2022)
(Will edit later)

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