Chapter 21

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Despite his dismay, Samuel ended up watching the barbie movies and he didn't want to accept it that he was waiting for Kennedy's messages.

He looked at his notifications and exhaled a breath. "I thought she said she would be messaging me..."

It was past noon. He had his lunch and Dean had already visited him. He would be coming later at night even when Samuel told him not to. Noah and David came by and they gave him chips which he had hidden to have them later. He looked at the time and it should be Kennedy's lunch hour yet she hadn't sent a single message which made him utterly anxious.

He wanted to know what she was doing in her new work.

He put down the phone and laid down and suddenly a message came with a ping. He immediately turned around and took his phone only to find it was a sim card company message. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

Why the heck he was acting like this way? He felt stupid and unable to hold his anxiousness, he ended up calling her.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Kennedy asked as soon as she picked it up and she sounded like she was running a marathon.

"Are you running or what?" He asked.

"Yeah. I am already tired by running all these errands from this building to the other one. I am currently taking the stairs with a big cart full of files and papers." She said, huffing but she chuckled at the same time.

"I see. They are making you run like a dog." He said.

"Yeah! I can't help but getting pissed at some peeps they are just... Oh! I have already reached. Will call you back later." And she cut the phone.

Samuel stayed silent for a moment and typed her a message. 'Did you have your lunch? It seems like you haven't.'

But he immediately erased it feeling weird to send that and typed another one.

'I wanted to tell you that I will kill you once I reach home for making me watch barbie movies. Be prepared.'

He wasn't expecting a message as he knew she wouldn't have time to type but she messaged him back after a minute or two. 'Spare me. I am already dying here.'

He replied, 'They say karma is a bitch. Today it got proven.' And he smirked at himself.

'But you still liked the movies, didn't you?' She was taking a little long to message him but he wasn't annoyed instead he was waiting for her message eagerly.

'Definitely not.' He sent.

'But I did all the efforts of searching on the web, making sure of the quality and then downloaded! At least give me some appreciation for all those hustles, will you?'

He rolled his eyes and typed. 'All you did was exhausting my net and clicked on a simple download button. Don't expect anything like I will be glad about that.'

'How unfair! Then how about I make you a really delicious soup and bring it?'

'Are we bribing now?' He asked in the message and he had no idea that a smile slowly crept on his lips.

'Doesn't hurt to try. Wink wink.' She sent and he chuckled.

"You certainly know how to talk your way out..." Samuel said to the phone and typed, 'Then be sure to make it really delicious or the deal is off. I will come for kill.'

'Aye. Aye.' She sent and Samuel put down the phone as a smile plastered on his face permanently. He had no idea why he was acting this way. All of his life, he had never needed to message anyone more than once or twice and making a conversation in the message was never his forte.

He had never tried to reach anyone either but today, he didn't want to restrict his desires to do whatever he pleased. He couldn't deny he was waiting for Kennedy to arrive. The soup was just an excuse.

All he wanted to see her and talk to her. He still wanted to fuck her though but more than that he felt like he was at peace whenever she was around. He didn't know why and he didn't care to find out why.

After a while Samuel had fallen asleep and he woke up around evening when the nurse came to check up on him. As he woke up, he saw there was no sign of Kennedy and it was almost 7 in the evening. He knew her working hours should have been ended around 5 and she would be going to his apartment to make the soup. She should have been here by now.

He looked in his phone and there was no message or call from her as he dialed her number. The call went to voice mail and he started to get worried.

He messaged, 'Where is my soup? I thought we had a deal...'

There was no reply or anything from her and now he has started to get worried. He tried to recall if he had asked her where did she work. But he remembered he was shouting at her that day when she got the job. Shit!

He called Noah since Noah's house wasn't too far from his apartment.

"Yo, bro..."

"Noah. Do you know where Kennedy works?"

"How would I know? You are the one who should know since you are the land lord not me." He said and Samuel immediately cut the call saying he would be calling him later.

He didn't have Sheila's number and he certainly didn't have Adam's number. He ran his hand through his hair. Why was she late? Was she okay? Did something happen?

So many bad thoughts lingered in his head and he couldn't think of anything about how to contact her.

Only one person came in his mind. Dean Johnson.

Samuel knew if he asked his brother, he could get any information about anyone. Samuel never needed that so he never used his powers.

His thumb lingered on Dean's number and as he was about to dial it, his door opened and Kennedy entered almost breathlessly.

"Why didn't you pick up the call?" Samuel asked as his eyes stayed on her angrily.

"Oh! You called?" She asked and it made him more mad however, he said, "I silenced it while messaging you and forgot to put the ringtone mode back."

He nodded and asked, "Why are you huffing? Were you running?"

"No. Well, they made me work till six and I went home immediately to make the soup." She said and came near him as she smiled. She put the bag and served him the soup.

"Do you want me to feed you?" She asked as she placed the bed table before him and took the bowl in her hands. She was smelling like the roses; fresh, sweet and wild. Her hair was loosened and it seemed like she had dried it in a hurry. Some of her hair strands were still sticking together.

"No thanks." He said taking the bowl from her hands. As he touched her hands, something sparked in him. He felt like he hadn't touched her for over a year.

She took the chair and sat on it but his eyes were glued to her. She was wearing a v-neck t-shirt from which her neck was visible and he recalled he had left a bite there not long ago. It seemed really empty without his bites and suddenly he felt like snuggling to her neck.

Kennedy must have sensed him staring at her long as she raised a questioning brow and asked, "What?"

He immediately moved his eyes away and said, "Nothing."

He had his soup quietly for the next minutes and thinking why he was acting weird lately. Was this due to his fever?

It could be.

"So, where did you get this job again? I forgot the name." He asked. It was a good thing to divert himself from this foreign feelings of him.

"The Techno Mart." She said.

"The one which it at St. Street?" He asked as she nodded.

"Wow! You do know every companies out there." She said as he scoffed.

"Perks of being the son of a technology company's owner." He said, "And also because all of my brothers have some sort of technology or software companies under them."

"You have other brothers?" She asked as Samuel raised his brows. He realised he had never said her anything about himself. She knew about Dean and his father but not all of them.

"I have four brothers and an elder sister." He said making Kennedy look at him with surprised eyes.

"Woah! That means you are six siblings?" She was still trying to register it. "That's a lot to handle! I mean, I was finding it hard to handle only two."

He chuckled. "Well, you are right. That's a lot of siblings and it certainly is annoying to handle them." His voice suddenly became bitter as he mentioned them and he noticed Kennedy didn't ask him further. He knew because he had always been so bitter when mentioning them.

He had to respect her for her coping mechanisms and her intense patience. She had never asked him because he would find it irritating but she had told him almost everything about herself.

"Have you heard of Richard Johnson?" He asked.

She was trying to remember and she shook her head.

"He is the heir of the Johnson groups currently after my dad and he is my elder brother. Well, step-brother."

She nodded and asked, "Step brother?"

He nodded. "My mom was the second wife of my dad while my dad had to marry Richard's mother due to family alliance. But even after getting three sons, Richard, Nicolas and Patrick he married my mom and had us, Dean and me."

She looked at him as if she was hearing some in testing fairytales.

He continued, "Because my step mother was from the royal bloodline and had a large business coming down to her through generations, Richard and his brothers, Nicolas Johnson and Patrick Johnson got most of the shares in the whole business."

Samuel had always seen how differently Dean and he was treated due to that. Although the other family branches would dare to treat him and Dean poorly, it hurt when your own family treats you like a shit.

"Our mother never had anything such as that so my dad had helped my mom creating a business of her own. Later it got bigger because our mother worked so hard however, because it was all dad's investment, my step mother and her family claimed that it was in fact their money so, the heir of my mother's company should be Richard and not Dean."

Kennedy gasped. "What! That's so unfair!"

Samuel scoffed. "It is. She is still trying to get her hands on it but my mother had already written her wills before dying so, they can't snatch it away."

Kennedy released a sigh and said, "Thank god. I thought she has already taken it."

"No. But my dad has his shares as well and he wants to distribute it among us. And I know our step mother is trying so damn hard to give it to her sons." Samuel said.

"Wow! Rich people certainly has rich problems." She commented and Samuel laughed. He had always been bitter about this whole thing but finally there was someone who just made fun of it.

He nodded. "Guess we have..."

"So, why are you so distant with Dean then?" She asked him out of the blue and it made Samuel to look at her with a gap in his mouth. She immediately corrected herself, "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to ask you but you don't have to answer that to me."

Samuel thought for a moment. Her question was legit. Why the heck he was distancing himself from Dean?

"No, it is okay." He said and looked at his hands which laid on his laps. "To be honest, I don't know. Maybe I am just a selfish brat like he said."

Kennedy didn't say anything as he said, "I was so torn and I don't know... I felt suffocated there. I hate them amd because of my hatred, I started to hate Dean as well thinking he was just like them."

"I guess, you both are right." She said and Samuel looked at her with a questioning gaze.

She said, "Dean is just trying to get everything that both of you owns. It is your right to have the shares. And you were just suffocated so you wanted to leave. So, I think both of you are right in your own ways."

She stood up from her seat and stretched her hand to reach his hand. She squished his hand, giving him a strange calmness. Her smile was so tender and her hands were so soft that he somehow felt everything he had been fighting for worth it.

She gave him a different kind of courage and Samuel ended up telling her everything. It wasn't like she can help him but she did help him releasing the years of torments in a second.

The cracked wall in his cold heart got shattered to dust as he couldn't look away from her.

Samuel's hand sneaked out and wrapped around her waist. He yanked her toward him as she stumbled and fell on his chest.

And it was a perfect chance to give her empty neck a decorated hickey.

24th Sept, 2022
(Will edit later)

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