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This chap is in avni's pov and the incidents are taking place while Neil was on his way home or at his home.

"Avni you know how Neil is na, for him the law and orders come above everything. And for this instance I am gonna say that Neil is right."

"Even I didn't wanted you to get 123 involved in this case."
Kevin continued his blabber while I was staring at the spot Neil was standing just minutes ago, way too angry to allow some of his witful sayings in my brain.

"Very well, what's going between you and Neil ha, why are you taking Neil's side even you know how I work , methods don't bother me but results does bother me. "I whisper shouted right on Kevin's face.
Kevin's​ usual cool and calm face was getting distorted and at that moment I realised that maybe I said too much.

"You know what Avni, I don't know anything but as your friend and as an officer assigned to this case I am telling you that we are not dealing with some regular criminal, even you know Avni that the person we are dealing with is a very well known criminal who has destroyed life of many including.. yours...an...and..mine."

Kevin snatched my phone from hand and typed in a no on the dial pad and shoved it in my hand."And I need you to call that man that was standing right here moments ago and sort out whatever is going on between you two because believe me Avni Parikh I am in no mood to work with Tom and Jerry."

He made a180 degrees turn on his foot and went towards his car and drove off.

Argh what has gotten into him like seriously, I pressed the home button on my phone and shoved it into my pocket as I went towards Parikh mansion to take a long bath.

Ok maybe Kevin was right , maybe for once I should have told Neil about 123

No ,no way, I am well famous for my way of dealing with case.

His face flashed in front of my eyes when 123 referred to me being his girlfriend seriously I just cannot understand why he was so pissed back then. I am sure there is more to the reason behind him being so pissed off , more than him being angry on me.

I honked in front of the main gate for the guards but nobody came for a while.what the hell ,guards are upto some serious speech from me.

I parked my bike in front of the door and went towards gaurds cabin to shout out my frustration on him.
I stood up on my toes to peek into his cabin through glass  but to my surprise there was no one.

That is wierd I looked at the digital watch above window ,it read 8:30, guards change shifts at8:09 it's weird that they aren't here yet.
I shook my head at the irresponsibility of the guards and opened the gate myself and rode through the driveway.

I seriously need to have a world with them.
I went towards the entrance only  to find it wide open.
That's weird ,Ri is never comfortable with open doors, she always lock them.

No guards, No lock, something was definitely fishy, very fishy .

I pushed the door open silently not to alarm whoever was inside.
It was pitch dark inside ,I moved my hand to the waistband behind my back for gun but it wasn't there.
Yeah ofcourse I am so smart na , my inner self shouted at me, idiot you left it in the bag that was still on your bike. I was moving inside the house with no weapon with me to fight the unknown in the pitch dark,Wow just Wow.
I took side steps towards the kitchen and grabbed a chopping knife from the counter.
I stayed silent for a minute to hear  any sound  whatsoever but the house was as silent as a graveyard , not even a single sound coming from anywhere.

My inner self who used to come to my rescue at such moments came back , hello miss ACP there is definitely no one dumbo, I mentally cursed my inner self and asked her to shut up and decided to place back the knife and moved towards the other side of the room for the switchboards.
I strolled past the settee,and raised my hand towards the wall to find the boards just then I felt a sharp tug on my hairs and I was thrown on the ground by someone who I think was quite masculine.

I was still in daze when a sharp slap came and landed on my cheek and I came back on earth.
With a swift movement I extended one of my leg and moved it tangentially on the floor hoping it would collide with the leg of attacker and he would fall down because I could see nothing in this pitch darkness. To my relief he fell down and I immediately stood up grabbing the vase from the side table I smashed it at what felt like his head , with a crashing sound another hand came from behind me and choked me while pulling me back with another hand and before I could realise another man had already kicked me in my stomach and I was already  on the ground with some blood  coming out of my mouth . I spotted some blood on the ground , they gave me few minutes to gain back my equilibrium which meant they aren't here to kill me, but this is my house. Taking the opportunity of darkness I sneaked my hand in my boots , I stood up from the ground and was amazed why they are making this all easier for me, I stood up and tightened my Grip on my knives that I took out of my boots.

I noticed one of their leg moving towards me as now my eyes were accustomed to the darkness.
I flipped a knife in my fingers and stabbed him in the apex of his thigh.
And moved to the other man who already had his gun pointed at me, but till now I had realised that who ever had sent them here has clearly ordered them to not kill me. I grabbed his thick forearm and with a swift movement turned it behind his back and grabbed his gun from his hand  before breaking his neck . I wipped blood off my lip with the back of my hand .
I again turned towards the wall for the switchboards , I switched on the lights but as I turned backwards another surprise was waiting for me.

Another man hit me on my head with a what looked like a rod ,  my. Breathing accelerated and I was already on the ground . The man with the knife on his leg stood up and asked him to kill him to what the well built man replied to as she is mine and they moved out of the house while I moved around on the ground  still trying to stop them .
As they disappeared from my eye sight my head involuntary fell down on the ground as I was already seeing everyone in multiple of four..
My shaky hands went to my pocket and took out my phoneand pressed the home button , with my shaky breadth and shaky gaze I saw Neil's number which Kevin had typed out back in the day.
With loosing consciousness I called him even though I  fought real hard to remain conscious but looked like I had already fought alot, I fainted.
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