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Back to Neil's POV.

I hurriedly opened my car door and drove out of the driveway.
I called back at avni's number but no one picked up the phone .

Waise toh she always keep saying something or other irritating me but now when I was in my car probably breaking several traffic rules just for her ,dieing to hear her voice , she isn't picking up the god damn phone.

What if she isn't at her home,well it's already 9 at night but I can't say anything with surety about this particular Parikh girl.
What if she was somewhere else,
Kevin , yeah I should call Kevin,

""Kevin, Neil here""


"Can you track avni's phone."

"Yeah but why"

"I can't tell you now but something is wrong just send me her location ASAP."

"Yeah ."

Phone went dead from the other end .

God knows what had happened with Avni, Ri ...... Ri what if she was with her.

I called Ali,

"Ali "

"Yes bhai ," came voice from other side

"Where is Ri"

"How could I know bhai"

"Because she is your freaking girlfriend now tell me where she is Ali" I shouted.

"Bhai calm down, she is probably at her office she had an online meeting with a client ."

"Good now I want you to go and pick up her yourself"

"Areee waah bhai , it's good that you started to take interest in my love story."

"Just keep your clap shut and go and pick up her up , I repeat yourself, now, like leave at this very moment."

"Bhai what's wrong."

"Can't you understand a single thing.GO"

"Don't worry bhai I am leaving now."

And the phone went dead.

I was still driving when a notification poped  on my screen as I opened it there was a location , location of Parikh mansion, so she is at home.

I stepped on the accelerator and drove through the lane breaking traffic signals , speed limit and what not.

With a sharp turn I drove into the road leading to the main door of parikh mansion.

The main door were open I can make it out from this far .
I accelerated a bit more and drive straight through the driveway.

Jumping out of the car I ran towards the main door ,my hairs was a mess, my shirt was half tucked in,  wearing shoes with open laces but I couldn't care less.

I shoved open the door and sprinted inside the Parikh mansion

As I entered I looked here and there frantically just when my eyes went behind the settee, There she was lying on the floor with  blood near her head and some blood near her lips.

She was lying there motionless, and I was standing there in front of her feeling like everything just broke down into several small pieces that it would be difficult to put them all in their right  place back again.
A friend demanded double update even though this isn't double update but it is second update in less than 24 hours.braintwisty
So acknowledge my work and vote and comment

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