case.. not with you.

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Aah officer , come in.
Commissioner   sir asked me to come in.
I entered and gave a salute . 
I registered two more frames standing there before I could have asked anything he himself started the intro session
"" Officer Neil meet officer Kevin and officer Avni parekh"" .
Both the frames swiftly turned around and  we shaked hands while sparing some confusing glances at each other , and it was my sign that even they were blank just like me
""Neil you must be knowing them from aravali case right.""
He asked me in more sort of an statement , 
""Three of you are best officers I have  , that's why I have assigned you three some tasks which are known to us only. You three might not know  but you were indirectly working on the same case , you two in aravali and neil here in mumbai , I hope they you guys have understood by now what I am talking about.""
Like seriously is some game show going on here where we are supposed to solve the riddles he gave us, I rolled my eyes in my thoughts.
""Yes I am talking about  Vidyut R.""
Everyone's eyes snapped at him with curiousness dripping out of everyone's eyes
""Aravali and mumbai were two of his main source of income which are now destroyed by you three, now I want you  three to work together in order to get Vidyut alive  or dead.
""What do you mean by that "", avni raised a question, seriously is she the same officer from whom everyone is scared I again rolled my eyes at the back of head. Woah I have been rotating my eyes a lot lately.
""I want my best brains to work together , you three are best in one thing or another , neil is great at planing and investigation , avni is great at fighting and execution of those plans whereas Kevin is the best tech guy I have ever known.""
""I am not working with any of them  . This is my case and I'll be working on it alone."" Aah this girl.
""Wait when did it became your case even I was working on it since several months."" I retorted.
""So what , your job was till here only"".
""You don't tell me what my job is .""
Why does this girl has to be so mad all the times cant she be the same avni who hugged my hands while sleeping.
""Actually I am the one who tell whose job is what", commissioner sir said in between mine and avni 's already heated conversation.
""Either you work together or don't work at all. The choice is upto you"".
She stood up and left the cabin leaving three of us alone , for what to chop off each other's head .
I turned my glared towards avni who was glaring at me with equal intensity.
Knowing the situation the only sensible person in the room took up the charge  .
Kevin came and stood in between us interrupting our glaring session
Okay so  I know how badly both of you want to work on this case and so do I .
So both of you kindly stop this cat fight of hours w e got to do lot of
Hey , oohk I know I am extremely late but I seriously have no exuses this time.
So here was the update
Today's question.
Name a thing which you always keep with yourself except for your laptop or celphone???????????
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