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I parked my car outside Kevin's apartment , I really hope that I am at right address as I don't want to barge in someone's house and make them feel like I am a thief or something else.yeah ofciurse you are feeling why will they feel so ,well have you even seen it's location , it's so far away it took me 2 hours of drive in the outskirts just to reach here.
I opened the door of my car and moved my eyes everywhere I turned around and without even a second later I heard loud screeches of brake . I opened my eyes which closed as an respond .
""Dude for god sake drive slow . Just in case you haven't realised yet there are other people too on this planet too"" . I said to the man on black huge bike with huge black helmet on , I examined him from head to toe . His head was veiled by a black helmet , he was wearing black leather jacket along with pant and shoes , whoa is it just me or does this men actually look like a girl.
""Yeah people like you who roam around in the middle of nowhere calling a lady dude right.""
This man talks like a gir....
The person removed his helmet .
""Avni"" I heared a voice from behind I turned around to find Kevin
Why god why ,why me always.
Avni shoved me aside and went straight to Kevin while I followed ber silently.
We settled down, well it was Sir's orders that we do not do anything in office so here we are in this huge apartment of Kevin.
Just them a middle aged lady came from upstairs bringing some files
Wait isn't it shanta kaki.
She came near us and said in her usual high piche voice
Avi baby , tu yahi rukegi kya toh mai neela madam ko bata du
To which avni simply shook is head and asked her to leave as it was far away from city and it was already getting late.
What is Shanta kaki sound here. I asked unable to keep my curiousness inside me.
First you call my mother maa , and now my kaki is your kaki , wow.she rolled her eyes and so did I.
Kevin came to my rescue, neil this is avnis apartment shanta aunty comes here sometimes to keep a check on the house as avni can be quite messy sometimes.
Wait isn't it supposed to be Kevin's apartment, I looked towards avni, and she understanding my confusion said
I told you that it was her apartment so that you just don't go and spit out everything to neela ma.
So she doesn't know about this place
More or less no.
I stared at her to which she said.
Acp sahab, if your interrogation is over now can we do some work, in the kindest way possible with strong smell of sarcasm.

""So what info do we have till now.""
She turned towards us
""Well all I know is he lives somewhere in outskirts of goa. Not sure where, but somewhere there only.""

""And he is also financially weak now as his illegal businesses I aravali and and mumbai has also been put to an end.""kevin added.
""Well tracking him won't be a problem , isn't it Kevin""
""I don't know , I might try but I just can not assure you and this might even take time and.......""
""That's the only thing we don't have Kevin. How much time""
""5 to 6 days . Maybe. ""Kevin replied assumingly , I turned my eyes towards avni who seemed to be irritated by Kevin's answer and it was my alarm that she was getting into her acp mood from which everyone is afraid. So I decided to jump in.
That I guess will be sufficient , we will even need to trace steps of his people who are known to us. And while Kevin will be tracing him we'll trace his men so we can get to know what they are up to.
Avni glanced at me
""You know some of his people""

""Actually yeah I know some of his people as I traced them long back while I was working on the mumbai part of the case""

""Then I guess Kevin you should get to work meanwhile me and neil will trace his other people""

""Sounds like a plan"". I said

""Yeah , ""Kevin agreed with me
We discussed some more time and shared the information we had acquired while working on our cases and decided upon a plan of action.
So this was today's update it was not much of a neil but was an important chapter.
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Today's question
If you get to choose a thing to live with on an island what will you choose except gadget or food or water?????

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