{15} - Remember us..?

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Knockout's head shot up when he heard a low groan, his gaze immediately landing on Wildbreak. He quickly set down what he was working on and ran over to the medberth, grabbing Breakdown by the arm as he passed him and dragging him as well.

"Is he wakin' up?" Breakdown asked, looking down at Wildbreak worriedly for a moment before looking up at Knockout.

"I think so. When should we tell Cascade he can come out?" Knockout asked, staring at Wildbreak for a moment and watching for any further signs of him coming back to consciousness.

"I think we should wait until he wakes up and takes in what's going on. We don't want him to be confused and scared." Breakdown replied, sighing gently.

They both went silent when Wildbreak groaned again, watching him carefully as if something bad was going to happen.

After a few seconds, Wildbreak's optics flickered online and he slowly sat up, rubbing his helm. "Ugh... what happened....?" He mumbled, blinking a few times before looking around. He froze when he saw Breakdown and Knockout, his optics widening slightly in fear. "W-Who are you...?! Where am I..?!"

Knockout stepped in to calm him, his spark aching to see his sparkling acting so frightened of him and Breakdown. "It's alright, we won't hurt you. My name is Knockout, and this is Breakdown, my sparkmate." He said, feeling strange that he was introducing himself to Wildbreak like they had never met before.

"Knockout.... Breakdown......" Wildbreak mumbled, going silent. It hit him in a rush of thoughts and emotions, overwhelming him completely for a moment. His parents.... his parents were here! They were right here in front of him! He started tearing up slightly as he looked at Knockout, trembling slightly. "C-carrier...?"

Knockout was overjoyed to hear that. Wildbreak remembered them! Tears began to gather in his optics as well as he gazed at his oldest sparkling. "Yes, Wildbreak. It's me." He said softly with a smile.

"Oh my god.... and sire too...?" Wildbreak asked, his excitement growing as he turned to Breakdown.

Breakdown nodded slowly, getting emotional as well and wiping tears from his optic. "We're here, bud. It's been so long..."

Wildbreak couldn't hold it in anymore and basically tackled both of his parents in a hug, holding them close and crying. "I thought I lost you!" He sobbed into Knockout's shoulder.

"Shhh... we thought we lost you too... But everything's okay now." Knockout soothed, blinking tears out of his optics and smiling brightly. "We have one more thing to tell you."

Wildbreak sniffed, rubbing his optics and letting go of Knockout and Breakdown. "What is it?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly with emotion.

"You're a big brother, now."

Wildbreak froze again, staring at Knockout in disbelief. He just couldn't process the fact that he was a big brother! "Really?!"

Knockout nodded. "Really." He said with a smile, looking up at Breakdown. "Go get him, sweetspark."

Breakdown nodded, smiling at Wildbreak as he passed him and walked over to the door to their berthroom.

Cascade was just about to go into recharge when the door to the berthroom slid open, startling him. He shook his head and rubbed his optics, looking up to see Breakdown in the doorway. "What is it? Is the mech okay?" He asked, a hint of concern lacing his voice once again.

Breakdown couldn't help but smile brightly. "Yeah. He's alright, kiddo. Knockout and I want you to meet him." He said, gesturing for Cascade to follow him.

Cascade was a bit confused at first, but got up and followed Breakdown anyways. He walked into the Medbay and raised an optic ridge when he saw Knockout talking to the mech. And he was.... crying? "What's going on?" He asked, walking over to Knockout and the mech with Breakdown.

Wildbreak turned to face Cascade and squeaked in surprise, his optics lighting up with joy. "Oh my Primus... he looks just like me!" He exclaimed, pretty much jumping for joy.

Cascade tilted his head in confusion at the mech's happiness, looking at Knockout and giving him a 'What is he talking about' kind of look.

Knockout stifled a chuckle and cleared his throat slightly, placing a hand on Wildbreak's shoulder. "Cascade, this is Wildbreak. He's your older brother."

Cascade almost passed out when he heard those words leave Knockout's mouth. "Older brother?! I didn't know I had an older brother!" He exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Oh my gosh.. oh my gosh.." he giggled, extremely happy at the moment.

"I'm glad he's happy." Knockout mumbled to Breakdown, who nodded in agreement.

Once Cascade finished his little happy outburst and calmed himself down, he looked at Wildbreak for a moment before looking back to his parents. "How come he never lived with us on the Nemesis while I was growing up?"

"That's a long story, kiddo. We're still trying to figure out the details, but all we can tell you now is that he is staying here with us." Breakdown said, smiling proudly at his sons.

"Yay!" Cascade exclaimed, running forwards and hugging his brother around the waist. "We're gonna have so much fun, I just know it!"

Wildbreak grinned and chuckled in amusement, hugging Cascade back. "Of course! You have to fill me in on what's been happening all this time!"

"Oh I will! A ton of cool stuff has happened!" Cascade replied, already chatting away with Wildbreak like they had never been separated in their lives.

"I'm so happy, Breakdown. My spark feels full again." Knockout said, hugging Breakdown close and kissing him on the cheek.

"I am too, sweetspark. Now we can finally be one happy family." Breakdown smiled, kissing Knockout on the helm while listening to Cascade and Wildbreak excitedly talk about pretty much everything.

But one thing still lingered in the back of his mind.

Who, or what, made them forget about Wildbreak? How could he have been erased from their memories like that, like he never even existed?

Breakdown was going to figure it out, no matter what it took.

He needed answers.

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