{16} - The truth comes out

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-The next day-

"You think things are going okay?" Cascade asked, breaking the silence between him and Wildbreak that had lasted a few minutes.

Wildbreak looked up from picking at his chest armor and sighed, propping his head up on the arm of the chair he was sitting in. "I dunno, Cas'. You can never be so sure when you're dealin' with ol Megs." He replied, looking at his brother.

Cascade nodded slightly, leaning back in his chair a bit. He tapped his fingers on his knee for a moment, thinking about something. "Do you think Lord Megatron has something to do with Knockout and Breakdown forgetting you?"

Wildbreak stiffened slightly when Cascade said that, but brushed it off as nothing. He shrugged, crossing one of his legs over the other. "Not entirely sure. It does seem like something he would do, doesn't it?"

"I... I don't know.. I mean.... he's pretty mean but.. you don't think he would make someone forget their own sparkling like that, do you?" Cascade said, tilting his head slightly.

"Cas', I've been around a lot longer than you have. Not that I'm an expert or anything, but I'm almost one hundred percent sure he would do something like that. But, I have no proof of it. I can't remember anything from that far back, so it's not like I can prove that he had something to do with it. I think we should just leave it to our parents to take care of."

Cascade sighed, slumping forward slightly and staring at the floor. "Okay..." he mumbled, his mind still burning with questions.

-Meanwhile, on the observation deck-

"What information do you have on the mech you found in that pod?" Megatron rumbled, looming over Breakdown and Knockout menacingly.

Knockout glanced at Breakdown, who nodded, and gulped nervously, standing up straight and looking Megatron in the optics. "My liege, all that we discovered about him is his basic information. Nothing of utmost importance."

"Tell me what you found." Megatron pressed, narrowing his scarlet red optics at the medic. "Everything."

Knockout nodded nervously, shuffling a bit closer to Breakdown for comfort. "Y-Yes... Lord Megatron." He stammered, forcing himself to smile somewhat. He took in a deep breath and sighed, telling himself it would be alright. "His name is Wildbreak. He is a Decepticon, but his function is unknown. Most of the information like date of birth was either classified or unknown, so there wasn't much to work with."

Megatron seemed to stiffen when Knockout mentioned the name 'Wildbreak', which made Breakdown raise an optic ridge in interest. "You said his name was Wildbreak, correct?"

"Correct, my liege."

"Hm... so it seems things from the past can resurface after all."

"What do you mean, Lord Megatron?" Breakdown asked, though he had a bad feeling he knew where this was going.

"Don't you remember him?" Megatron asked, an eerily charming tone to his voice. He seemed too calm about this, and it was freaking Breakdown out. "Your firstborn sparkling? Does that ring a bell?"

Fear turned to anger and Knockout glared at Megatron, clenching his hands into fists. "Of course it does." He growled, his optics brightening with rage.

"Then I suppose you remember what happened, don't you?" Megatron continued, taking a step closer to the pair and letting a wide grin spread across his face.

"You fragger!" Breakdown snarled, ready to go at Megatron before Knockout held him back.

"What are you talking about?" Knockout asked, though he froze when the answer hit him like a tidal wave. He went rigid, visibly paling in front of the warlord.

"Knockout—" Breakdown began, but was immediately cut off.

"You made us forget about him, didn't you?! You made him forget about us! You fragging tore us apart so that we would come with you on your damn ship, didn't you?!" Knockout snarled, practically shaking with anger. "You left him for scrap on Cybertron!"

Megatron chuckled darkly, folding his hands behind his back as he gazed at the furious medic. "What a resilient memory you have, Doctor. I'm surprised that you were even able to figure it out after all this time." He said, a toothy grin still on his face. "I did what I needed to in order to make you two comply. I needed you on board my warship, and that wouldn't happen if you still had Wildbreak in your possession."

"What the Frag did you do to us, you sick bastard?!" Breakdown snarled, his optic narrowed and glowing brightly.

Megatron merely laughed at the insult, completely ignoring the fact that they both looked like they were going to explode. "It was simple, really. Shockwave wiped both of your minds of any memory of Wildbreak. He did the same to that wretched sparkling, completely ripping both of you from his memories. He didn't even cry out your names when he woke up."

That was it.

Breakdown changed his right hand into a hammer and smacked Megatron's helm, tackling him as he stumbled and throwing him into a nearby control panel. A few Vehicons dove out of the way of the flying metal mass of their leader, ducking when he crashed into the control panel and destroyed it.

Before Megatron came to his senses, Breakdown grabbed Knockout and quickly led him down the corridor back towards the Medbay.

"What are you doing?! We're going to be scrapped!" Knockout exclaimed, though he held onto Breakdown's hand tightly.

"We're getting out of here, away from him. I can't take it anymore." Breakdown growled, reaching the Medbay in no time and opening the door.

Both Wildbreak and Cascade looked up when the door opened, seeing their parents in the doorway. They both looked beyond pissed, which frightened them.

"W-What's happening?" Cascade stammered, standing up from his chair and glancing nervously at Wildbreak.

"Tell you later, but we have to go. Grab what's important and put it in your subspace. Meet us at the groundbridge controls." Breakdown replied, letting go of Knockout's hand and starting to run down the corridor towards the groundbridge control panel.

"What the hell is going on?!" Wildbreak exclaimed, standing near Cascade protectively.

"You heard your sire! Get your things and let's go! Lord Megatron is going to scrap us if we stay any longer!" Knockout answered quickly, darting off to their berthroom to grab a few things.

Wildbreak gripped Cascade by the shoulders and nudged him towards the berthroom so they could grab a couple things.

"Wildbreak, I'm scared!" Cascade whimpered, stumbling a bit as he frantically grabbed a few things that were important and put them in his subspace.

"We'll be fine, Cas'. I won't let anything happen to us, neither will Sire or Carrier. Just hurry up and come on." Wildbreak soothed, rubbing Cascade's helm for a moment before grabbing a few of their datapads and such to store in his subspace.

Cascade nodded slightly, taking a deep breath and getting a few more things before darting out of the berthroom. He waited for Wildbreak and Knockout before running out of the Medbay, making his way towards Breakdown.

Breakdown had just opened the portal and was anxiously waiting for them, constantly looking over his shoulder for any Vehicons coming to stop them.

Knockout let Cascade and Wildbreak go through first before following them. Breakdown checked one last time before running into the portal as well, it disappearing with a hiss as soon as he went through to the other side.

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