{20} - Was this the right choice?

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Once Wildbreak and Cascade were settled in their room, Knockout and Breakdown went to their own room and closed the door.

They both just laid on the berth for a moment in silence before Breakdown sighed heavily.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" The navy blue bruiser mumbled, rolling onto his side so that he was facing Knockout. "First the whole thing with Megatron making us forget Wildbreak, and now running to the Autobots for safety!"

"It's only for their safety, dear. You know that. The Autobots are our best chance of survival against Megatron. Besides, haven't you always wanted to pound his helm in since day one?" Knockout asked, chuckling slightly as he snuggled up against Breakdown's warm chassis.

"Mm, I forgot about that. I guess if we join the Autobots, I'll be able to do that without getting punished." Breakdown chuckled, wrapping an arm around Knockout and sighing. "I just never thought it would come to this."

"Neither did I, but look where we are. Our sparklings are growing up to be fine mechs and soon enough, they might even find their own sparkmate." Knockout replied, tracing Breakdown's chassis with the tip of his finger for a moment.

"That might never even happen unless Cybertron is revived."

"It will happen, I just know it."

-Meanwhile, Cascade and Wildbreak's room-

"How's your leg?" Cascade asked, laying down on his stomach next to Wildbreak and looking up at him.

"It feels better, that's for sure. I'm glad our carrier is a medic." Wildbreak replied, fiddling with a loose piece of armor on his arm. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Cascade sat up and crossed his legs, propping himself up with his arms. "Sure. What is it?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Do you think that joining the Autobots is the right thing to do? I mean, they hurt us too..." Wildbreak mumbled, his gaze flicking up to meet Cascade's.

Cascade paused and thought about it for a moment, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "In my opinion, yes. They are much better than the Decepticons, and at least Optimus won't kick our afts if we screw something up. Plus, they're fighting to save Cybertron. If we help them, maybe Cybertron can be saved!"

Wildbreak chuckled, sitting up slightly and propping himself up with one arm. "Do you even know what Cybertron looked like in its golden age? I don't think you were born on Cybertron, right?"

Cascade sighed, sullenly shaking his head. "No... but Breakdown showed me pictures when I was older. Cybertron was so beautiful... why did Megatron destroy it?" He asked, scooting closer to his brother and listening closely.

"Megatron wanted to rule Cybertron as a sort of dictator, at least that's what Knockout told me. When Optimus and the Autobots rose up and stood against him, he decided that if he couldn't have Cybertron, no one could. Our parents joined him because they thought it was the right cause. They were pretty much forced to stay once they realized their mistake and.... they were forced to leave their old life behind.... That meant leaving me behind as well."

Cascade felt sorry that Wildbreak had to go through that. He sighed and laid down next to his brother, snuggling up against him to provide comfort. "I'm sorry you had to go through that.... I didn't even know about it.."

"Hey... don't get down on yourself. It's not your fault, you weren't even alive yet. Look on the bright side, we're all back together and that's what matters." Wildbreak said, smiling softly as he wrapped an arm around Cascade's shoulders. "I love you, little bro."

Cascade chuckled and rolled his optics playfully. "Fine.... I love you too, big bro." He grinned, his spark filling with happiness.

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