{23} - Lay off, Screamer!

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"Starscream?! Oh no.... no no no... we're so scrapped!" Cascade whimpered, quickly pulling out his gun and trying to steady his hands. He had never needed to use it against a real bot, only training targets. This wasn't what he had in mind at all.

"Calm down, 'Cas. It's just like what Breaky told you. Keep a firm grip and don't take your optic off of the target." Wildbreak mumbled, watching as Starscream got closer.

The seeker soon transformed, landing with a thud a few hundred feet away from the group. Smokescreen moved protectively in front of Bumblebee, pulling out his own gun and aiming it at Starscream.

"Well, well, well.... what do we have here?" Starscream chuckled, an evil sneer on his face as he gazed at the group. "Two Autobots and two Decepticon runaways, I see. Megatron would be most pleased that I found you and your brother, Cascade." He said, his wings flicking with interest.

"You stay away from us! We aren't Decepticons anymore!" Cascade yelled, narrowing his optics at Starscream.

"Lay off, Screamer! We have you outnumbered three to one." Smokescreen growled, staying close to Cascade and Wildbreak.

"Oh please, three younglings don't stand a chance against me." Starscream hissed, his scarlet red optics glowing with malice. He aimed his missile launchers at the group, preparing to fire when a blast struck him in the chest.

Cascade turned around to see Optimus running towards them, firing shots at Starscream with his gun. Starscream soon retreated once he saw Optimus, taking off into the sky and flying away.

Optimus slowed to a stop and watched Starscream leave before gazing at the group. "Is everyone alright?" He asked, kneeling down next to Bumblebee.

::Yeah, just a little cut. It's nothing, really.:: Bumblebee buzzed, looking up at Optimus.

"I'll have Ratchet patch it up once we return to base." Optimus said, calling for a groundbridge to base.

A few moments later, a groundbridge appeared nearby and Optimus helped Bumblebee stand. He led him through the portal, everyone else following close behind. Once everyone had passed through, the portal closed with a hiss.

-Autobot base-

While Ratchet was tending to Bumblebee, Smokescreen stood nearby and watched silently. Cascade and Wildbreak had gone to their parents room to see them. Hopefully they wouldn't find out they were racing.

Wildbreak approached the door first, going to give it a knock when he noticed it was cracked open. "Sire? Carrier?" He called softly, poking his head in and freezing at what he saw.

Breakdown and Knockout were making out on their berth, completely unaware of their sparklings' presence. It was Knockout who finally noticed, his entire frame going rigid as he pulled away from Breakdown.

Breakdown whined, trying to come back in for another kiss. "What's wrong, sweetspark....?" he mumbled, soon stopping what he was doing when Knockout turned his head. "Oh frag."

Both Cascade and Wildbreak were staring with wide optics at their parents, not sure what to think of it for a moment.

"Is.... is this a bad time..?"

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