{22} - All too familiar

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"As long as they don't start racing or asking me to buff them, I think they'll be fine." Breakdown chuckled, rolling onto his side and pulling Knockout close to his chassis. He nuzzled him affectionately and hummed in content, curling around him protectively.

"Psh.. you big oaf..." Knockout snickered, snuggling up against Breakdown's warm frame and kissing his chin. He set the datapad he was holding down and wrapped his arms around his mate's waist. "You're so warm...." he purred, resting his cheek on Breakdown's chassis.

Breakdown smiled softly and peppered Knockout's helm and neckcables with kisses, humming in content. "Mmm... are you cold, love?"

Knockout chuckled and clung to Breakdown like a sloth. "I was, but now I'm warm." He mumbled, letting Breakdown kiss his neckcables for a moment more before tilting his mate's head up by his chin and kissing him passionately.

Breakdown was pleasantly surprised, melting into the kiss and bringing Knockout closer by his waist. "It's nice to have some time to ourselves for once...." he mumbled, pulling away for a moment before returning for another kiss.

"Very nice indeed...." Knockout murmured, squeaking in surprise when he felt Breakdown's fingers trailing down his back. "You sneaky little fragger...." he muttered, chuckling softly and rubbing the armor plating on Breakdown's hips.

"Guilty as charged..." Breakdown hummed playfully, kissing Knockout more passionately as he held him close.

-Meanwhile, out on the road-

"I thought your parents said no racing!" Smokescreen yelled as he zoomed after Wildbreak and Cascade, whom were proving to be faster than he expected.

"A little racing won't do any harm! Now keep up, slow poke!" Cascade yelled back, revving his engines and going faster. Wildbreak stayed close to him, almost passing him a few times.

"Oh you're on! Come on, Bee!" Smokescreen laughed, revving his engine and taking off after the brothers.

Bumblebee laughed as well, following Smokescreen as he tried to pass Wildbreak on his right. He suddenly slammed on his brakes when Wildbreak swerved off to the right, almost running him off the road.

Everyone slammed on their brakes and skidded to a stop to avoid crashing into each other in a big heap.

Cascade was the first to transform, giving his brother a strange look. "Why'd you stop? We were having so much fun!"

"I saw something in the road back there! I didn't know what it was!" Wildbreak exclaimed as he transformed, turning around and looking back at the road. "There!" He said, spotting an object in the road and walking towards it.

Bumblebee and Smokescreen transformed too, equally confused on what was going on.

Cascade tilted his head and followed his brother, pausing when Wildbreak paused and looking down at the object. "What is that?" He asked.

Once Wildbreak got a good look at what the object was, his optics widened in horror and he yanked Cascade backwards. "Back up! Back up!" He yelled, shoving his brother backwards and waving for the others to move back.

They all scrambled back as far as they could before an explosion ripped through the pavement, sending them flying. They crashed into a pile on the ground, smoke rising from their armor.

"What was that?!" Cascade yelled, his audio receptors ringing for a second. He groaned and pushed himself up, pulling himself out of the pile and laying on the ground for a moment.

"That was a mine...." Wildbreak mumbled, shaking his head and pushing himself up. "Everyone alright?"

"Yeah... aw man.. Bee's got a nasty cut on his leg!" Smokescreen said, helping Bumblebee sit up and looking over his leg.

"Hold on, I'll try and call my parents." Wildbreak said, going to press on his comn link when the approaching roar of a jet made him jump.

"Oh no....." Cascade mumbled, his optics widening in fear as he stared at the jet that was racing towards them.

::What? What's going on?:: Bumblebee buzzed, looking around and wincing in pain.

Wildbreak turned around and narrowed his optics, immediately recognizing the color scheme and snarling. "Starscream...." he muttered, widening his stance and pulling out one of his blasters.

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