{28} - Obey or suffer the consequences

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Shockwave led them to his laboratory, what a surprise. The spacious room was neatly organized and a large computer was in the center of it. There were several tables with various gadgets and tools that Wildbreak could only hope weren't torture weapons. Two other tables, which were slanted upwards slightly and looked like medberths, were in the far corner of the room. Wildbreak gulped as the silent scientist led them over to the tables and told them to stay there while he did something on a computer.

"Do you think he's going to do something bad to us...?" Cascade whispered, a hint of a whimper in his voice. He stuck close to his brother, afraid that something would happen even if he took one step away.

"I don't know... probably.. He's sick in the head.... who knows what he'll do to us.." Wildbreak mumbled back, watching Shockwave silently as the one-eyed mech typed something into a computer.

Shockwave finished typing and turned around, staring at the duo for a moment before snatching Wildbreak's wrist and dragging him over to one of the tables.

"Don't hurt him!" Cascade exclaimed, his optics wide with fear as he pulled his arms close to his chest.

"Neither of you will be harmed if you obey my commands." Shockwave muttered, shoving Wildbreak onto the table and putting restraints on his ankles and wrists. He turned on his heel and went to grab Cascade by the wrist when the smaller mech backed away. "Your behavior is illogical."

"Stay away from me, you creep!" Cascade shouted, trying to sound brave as he glared at Shockwave. The mech towered above him, his unblinking optic staring blankly at him with no emotion.

"You are making this harder than it needs to be." Shockwave said in a dangerous tone, holding a small remote in his hand. "Maybe this will change your mind." He pressed his thumb against the button on the remote, hearing electricity beginning to crackle behind him.

Wildbreak laid there for a moment, watching them closely, until he felt jolts of electricity electrocute him from the cuffs. He screamed in pain and convulsed on the table until Shockwave shut off the electricity, breathing heavily and feeling a tingling sensation throughout his frame.

"No! Stop it! I'll listen, I'll listen!" Cascade exclaimed, staring worriedly at his brother as little tears gathered in his optics. He flinched when Shockwave placed a firm, cold hand on his shoulder and pulled him over to the other table. He let the mech lock him in the restraints, his focus only on Wildbreak at the moment. He mouthed 'I'm sorry' to his brother, a hurt look in his optics.

Wildbreak just gave a weak smile and mouthed 'it's okay' back to Cascade, hoping that would soothe him somewhat. He returned his attention to Shockwave, who was busy examining something in his hand. He tilted his head, watching the mech as he walked over to him. He flinched when Shockwave placed something heavy on his chest, right over his spark. He heard it click into place and stared at it for a moment, unsure of what to do.

Shockwave put the same thing on Cascade, making sure it was secure before going back over to his computer and typing a few more things in.

Wildbreak narrowed his optics as he watched the one-eyed mech. "What are you doing to us?" He asked, a slight demanding tone in his voice.

"That is none of your concern." Shockwave simply replied, not looking away from the screen as he continued to type. "All I need you to do is answer me truthfully when I ask you questions. If you don't, I won't hesitate to electrocute you again."

Wildbreak huffed, biting his dermas as he glanced at Cascade. "Alright... sure.. listen to the psychopath....." he muttered under his breath, looking back at Shockwave.

Without looking at either of them, Shockwave pressed a button on the computer and both devices beeped. "Did either of you feel that?" He asked, glancing at them for a moment.

Both Wildbreak and Cascade shook their heads, though Wildbreak knew he felt something. Something in his chest, like where he shared his bond with his brother. He had felt a pang, but he couldn't tell if it was pain or fear.

Shockwave turned back towards the computer, typing in a few more things. This time, only Cascade's device beeped.

The pang Wildbreak had felt before was stronger now, almost painful. He was certain that it was coming through the bond, but he didn't know how. Cascade didn't look to be in pain, so where was it coming from?

Again, Shockwave asked the same question. And again, both Wildbreak and Cascade shook their heads. Shockwave was silent after that. If he had a face, a look of annoyance would be expressed on it at the moment.

After a few minutes, Wildbreak saw Shockwave push the button again. This time, a searing pain shot through every circuit in his body like he was on fire, though nothing was actually happening to him. He screamed in agony and struggled against the restraints, frantically trying to escape this torture.

Cascade stared at his brother with wide optics, wondering what was going on. "Wildbreak!" He yelled, trying to pull against his restraints as well. He looked helplessly at Shockwave as tears built in his optics again. "What are you doing to him?! Stop it!"

"Hm... so my hypothesis is true.." Shockwave murmured, ignoring Wildbreak's screams and pleas for mercy. He turned off the machine after a few minutes and turned to face them, sighing in dismay when he saw Wildbreak had passed out. "Your bond with him is stronger than I thought."

"My bond....? You mean... I did that to him..?" Cascade asked in horror, constantly glancing between Shockwave and Wildbreak.

"Essentially, Yes. I channeled a source of pain through that device on your chest and sent it through the bond that you share with him. Now I understand..." Shockwave said, glancing at Wildbreak for a moment. "I will return shortly. Don't even think about trying to escape." He said sternly, turning on his heel and leaving the room silently.

Cascade watched him leave and whimpered when he was gone, laying back against the table and staring at the ceiling. "I want to get out of here.... I wanna go home.." he sniffed, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I just want us to be safe... that's all...... please..."

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