{5} - Hide

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"Where is sire? Why isn't he hiding with us?" Cascade asked, glancing up at Knockout as he was being carried into a cave.

"Your sire is making sure we are safe. Don't worry, he'll be back soon." Knockout replied, swallowing the fear rising in his throat. He didn't know if Breakdown would be back soon or not. He couldn't bear to lose him again.

He walked deeper into the cave before stopping and setting Cascade down.

Cascade looked up at Knockout before looking around the cave, trying to adjust his vision to the darkness. "How long are we hiding?"

Knockout knelt down beside Cascade and sighed, his scarlet red optics glowing gently in the darkness. "Until Breakdown says it's safe." He replied, keeping an optic on the way back to the entrance. He was paranoid that the Autobots would find them and take Cascade.

Cascade sighed and plopped down on the ground, poking at Knockout's pede. "Okay..."

'Breakdown will be fine, he can handle those Autobots. It's three against one, how will he be able to defend himself?! Quit worrying, he's a full grown mech!' Knockout argued with his mind, shaking his head and blinking slowly. Breakdown would be fine and he knew it.

-Breakdown's POV-

Breakdown ducked behind a tree, turning his audio receptors up to maximum sensitivity. He could hear the leaves rustling in the wind and the small creatures scattering about, but the loudest thing he could hear was the sound of approaching pedesteps.

He held his hammer up, waiting for the perfect time to strike. As soon as he saw the flashy yellow paint of the Autobot scout, he swung his hammer and smacked the scout in the chest. He immediately rolled forward and ducked behind another tree as he was now under fire, the cannon on his shoulder powering up.

He now knew the Autobots he was facing: Bumblebee, whom he just crushed, Arcee, and Optimus. Arcee and Bumblebee were quick and nimble, but they would be down for the count with one well-placed hit. Optimus was the only one that worried him.

He leapt out from his cover, his shoulder cannon firing at Arcee as she darted off to his right. She managed to land a few kicks on his side before he grabbed her and threw her into a tree. He grunted when Optimus tackled him, falling on his back and kicking the Prime up and over him.

He got up and shook himself off, snarling at Optimus as he pushed himself to his pedes. "If it takes three Autobots just to scrap one Decepticon, you really must be weak!" He taunted, swinging his hammer and catching Optimus in the chest. He whipped around and punched Arcee before she could attack him from behind, his piercing yellow optic scanning the forest.

'Wait, where is Bumblebee?' He thought, his spark dropping when he realized where the scout must've gone. He hit Optimus with his hammer again and took off towards where Knockout and Cascade were hiding. There was no fraggin' way he was letting that scout take his sparkling.

No way. Not while he still had life in him.

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