{6} - A world of pain

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-Knockout's POV-

Knockout tensed up when he heard light pedesteps approaching their position, pulling Cascade closer to him. "Shh..." he whispered, pressing his frame against the wall of the cave and staring at the entrance of the cave.

Cascade clung to Knockout's arm, his different colored optics wide with fear. His carrier was never scared like this. He wasn't scared of anything! Just like his sire! But why was he scared now?

The flashy yellow paint of Bumblebee appeared in the entrance of the cave, his round blue optic scanning the area. He transformed his forearms into his weapons, aiming them in front of him as he walked along.

Knockout took a deep breath, keeping Cascade hidden behind his leg. Bumblebee was right on top of them, it wouldn't be long until they were found. What then? 'Breakdown please hurry...' he thought, staying completely still.

-Breakdown's POV-

It took Breakdown way too long to reach the cave. His side was ailing him from when Arcee kicked him, but that didn't matter. He was about to storm into the cave after Bumblebee when Optimus came out of nowhere and tackled him. "Get the frag off of me!" He snarled, kicking the Prime in the abdomen and pushing himself to his pedes.

Arcee darted in undetected and slashed at Breakdown's leg with her blades, causing him to yelp and swing at her with his hammer. She grunted when he managed to land a blow on her, sending her across the clearing.

Breakdown growled in pain, feeling energon seeping out of the gash in his leg. But he couldn't give up. He smacked Optimus with his hammer, making sure he was down before limping into the cave to look for that blasted scout. His optic scanned the dark interior of the cave, looking for a hint of yellow paint. He heard someone shriek and his spark stopped. "Cas!" He yelled, limping as fast as he could towards the source of the sound.

Knockout hissed, pressing his buzz saw close to Bumblebee's face. He grunted when the scout kicked his knee backwards and caused him to stumble. When he regained his balance, he immediately knew something was wrong. 'Where's Cascade?!' He thought, frantically looking around for his sparkling. He heard Breakdown yell and snapped his head up, his worry growing when he saw that he was limping heavily. "Breakdown! I don't know where Cascade is!" He exclaimed, rushing to Breakdown's side to help him.

"Frag... you need to go look for him. Optimus and Arcee are right on my tailpipe..." Breakdown huffed, wincing when he put weight on his leg. "You can't let them take him."

"But you're injured! There's no way you'll be able to face both of them!" Knockout said, gripping Breakdown's shoulders and looking into his optic. "I can't lose you again..."

"You aren't going to lose me again. I'll be fine." Breakdown mumbled, bending down and kissing Knockout's helm. "Now go find him before that scout takes him away from us."

Knockout sighed, looking at the ground before looking back up at Breakdown. "Okay.... I love you.." he murmured, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before taking off down the cave pathway.

Breakdown watched him leave, sighing heavily. "I love you too...." he whispered, tensing up when he heard more pedesteps. His optic narrowed and he growled, widening his stance and ignoring the pain shooting up his leg.

Knockout was on the verge of a panic attack. How could Cascade just disappear like that?! Did he run away or did Bumblebee take him? Either way, he was scared out of his mind and desperately wanted to find him before it was too late. "Cascade! Cas, where are you?!"

"Carrier!" Cascade shriek echoed off the walls.

"I'm coming, Cas! Don't worry!" Knockout yelled, rubbing through the cave tunnels and searching endlessly for any sign of Cascade. He skidded to a stop when he heard a groundbridge portal, knowing that it wasn't for them. "No!" He exclaimed, his optics widening when he saw Bumblebee holding Cascade as he leapt through the portal.

His head perked up when he heard the labored breathing of Breakdown as he came up behind him. He turned around with a look of defeat and shock on his face. "Breakdown..." he mumbled, scanning the navy blue mech over. He was more damaged from when he last saw him, which wasn't good at all.

"Where's.... Where's Cascade...?" Breakdown said, bending over and groaning in pain. He breathed heavily and looked up at Knockout, his one optic filled with fear. "Where is he...?"

Knockout fought back tears and hugged Breakdown tightly, being careful of his wounds. "They took him.... I couldn't stop Bumblebee.." he muttered, burying his head into Breakdown's shoulder.

Breakdown let his shoulders sag in exhaustion and he growled lowly. "We're going to get him back.... and I'm going scrap anyone who gets in my way.."

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