Ch.2 From Maids to Lovers & Heroes

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Y/n's Pov

Almost home we just got to walk through the woods.

Me: "Hey Nabe."

Nabe: "Yes Y/n."

Me: "Do you think we would ever find those two?"

Nabe: "I'm not sure, even if we did ask wesker where they're at."

Nabe: "It's not a guarantee that they would be easily convinced them to join us"

Maybe Nabe is right, but I shouldn't be thinking negative.

But I don't what would cheer-.

3rd Person Pov

Y/n's thoughts were interupted by growling and he looked around to find nothing only to turn towards nabe to be frozen.

Y/n: "Are you okay Nabe?"

Nabe (whispering): "No, but you should look in front of us."

Then Y/n looks in front to see four wolves & a pup.

(A/n: I don't have names for these wolves including the pup too. Could you guys come up some names and I'll pick the top five names that have the most replies on.)

(A/n: But for now from left to right are Beta, delta, and omega 1 & 2)  

The wolves are just standing in their way, but little did Y/n & Nabe know that the five wolves were just looking for a new alpha.

Y/n (Are they hungry or did we step in their territory?)

As y/n & nabe tried to walk backwards the wolves started to growl at them, which made the two stop and stayed still.

Then the five wolves slowly began to surround them, while this was happening they began to sniff at y/n & nabe.

Next thing that happen, was the four wolves pounced on y/n knocking him to the ground and started to his lick face and same thing happened with the pup poucing on nabe, except she was still standing.

Y/n (Well, at least they're friendly to the both of us and I wonder if they would be friendly to the other two.)

After awhile the wolves got off of y/n and letting him get up, while nabe let the pup lay on top of her head.

Y/n: "Well, that was something."

Nabe: "Yeah it was."

Then they began to walk back to.


They finally made it back to the mansion and were greeted with yuri & roberta laying on the grass in the front of the mansion.

Roberta: "Hey, what took you two a long time to get back~" she teased them.

Y/n & Nabe were blushing badly after she said that.

Y/n (blushing): "We encountered-"

Roberta: "I just kidding." as she began to laugh.

After about good five minutes of laughing she began to calm down.

Roberta: "But on a serious note, you could of asked me to join you two~"

Nabe (blushing): "We didn't have sex, but if we were to I'm pretty sure wouldn't do it in front these wolves." as the wolves sat down on the grass.

Then yuri joined the conversation and asked.

Yuri: "I wanted to ask you two that question where did you two find those wolves?"

Y/n: "Well, we encountered them in the woods that we walk through just to get Neraka."

Yuri: "And why bring them here?"

Nabe & Y/n didn't really know how to answer that because they didn't even know why they were friendly to them in the first place.

Y/n: "We don't really know."

Y/n: "But, I have a guess and that they needed a alpha and picked me as their alpha."

Little did y/n know that he actually gave them the real answer.

Yuri: "That...might actually seem reasonable."

Y/n: "But, I never encountered a wolf in my whole life."

Yuri: "Are you sure that you never encountered one, even when you were little?"

Y/n got to thinking and doesn't remember a single time.

While Y/n was thinking, in the background we see roberta chasing the wolves while they are running away from her, but she caught up to them and started hugging them.

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm very sure." as he looked at roberta with confused look on his face.

Y/n (Whats up with her and hugging wolves?)

Yuri (Hmm that's interesting on how the wolves chose y/n, as he claims to never seen a wolf in his life.)

Y/n was about to go inside, but yuri grabbed his hand and whispered to him.

Yuri (whispering): "You know tonight we could do it~"

Y/n then grabbed her by the waist and whispered.

Y/n (whispering): "I might take that chance, sexy~" as he kissed her on the lips.

Then Y/n let go of yuri, who went inside blushing, while nabe & roberta saw the whole thing happen.

Y/n: "I know you two watched and wondering what we said to each other."

Nabe didn't want to know, while roberta knew exactly what he meant.

Roberta: "You naughty boy~ I might have to join to make it a threesome~" as Y/n went inside.

Nabe: "Roberta!!! how can you say that so casually in front of other people."

Roberta: "I tend to read "things" online, if you wanted the answer."

Nabe was blushing so bad that she had to look away.

Roberta: "Ahh did somebody lose the chance to do it~" she teased nabe again

Nabe (blushing): "No,(sigh) unless he asked me." as she admits it in defeat.

Roberta: "So, you would of done it only if he asked you?"

Nabe (blushing): "Y-y-yeah" 

Roberta: "Then why not join us tonight~"

Nabe was thinking and for a long time she kept saying no to herself, until she saw this as a opportunity to lose her virginity and might not have another chance.

Nabe: "You know what, I will join."

Roberta just nodded and both went inside while the wolves stayed outside by the door.

But little did the two know that yuri was listening the whole time.

Yuri: "So...are you going to join us, Nabe?"

Nabe nodded and went into the kitchen to go cook something for dinner.

Yuri: "What changed her mind?"

Roberta: "Not a clue and there's no point in asking me."

Yuri: "I know, I was listening to your conversation."

Roberta just giggled and went into the dining area to set up the table.

Yuri (Huh, I would never excepted nabe to join us tonight.)

Later that night

After y/n was done eating dinner, he went to take a shower.

While the three maids used this time to changed into something more "appealing" to y/n.

Nabe: "Are you two sure that he would like this?"

Yuri: "Yes I'm very sure y/n would like these."

Roberta: "Why are you nervous~" 

Nabe: "Y-y-yes"

Roberta: "Don't be nervous about it, just think of him and all the nice things that he did to us." 

Nabe: "Okay."

Then they went into y/n's room until he gets there.

After around 30 minutes y/n gets out of the shower dries his hair off with his towel and puts on his boxers and black sweats. 

Then he leaves the bathroom walks up the stairs and walks past yuri & nabe's rooms and opens his door and turns on the light to see yuri, nabe, and roberta laying on his bed in sexy poses while wearing bikinis.

Yuri: "Hey handsome~"

Roberta: "Like what you see~"

Nabe was the only one blushing and she walked up to y/n brought him over to them. Then yuri & roberta pushed him down on his bed. 

Y/n only had one thing in his mind to know where this is going.

Y/n's mind:

A/n: 0:56-1:34 and this happen to be my inspiration for the lemon in the Angelo story.

After that the only thing you could hear is slapping and moaning all night.

The next day in Neraka

We see y/n and now his lovers just shopping for some stuff like food and etc.

Roberta: "So~ y/n did you enjoy that last night~"

Y/n puts both of his arms around yuri's & her waist.

Y/n: "Yes and I didn't know I was all of your first."

Yuri: "That's mainly the fact that we found no-one to be our master."

Nabe: "And waited until you were 18 and out of school." as she jumped on y/n's back

Y/n seemed to be surprised by this and knowing this just makes him smile while he knows he has brighter future ahead.

But his smile soon faded as he felt a certain redhead's power and her peerage entering the town.

Y/n: "Ah, Rias Gremory also known as the redhead bitch why come out here? To tell these kind people to worship you and both of your father & brother as powerful beings."

Yuri: "Rias Gremory, was she one of the many bullies that you had?"

Y/n: "Yep, and she thinks everyone without any power or special abilities is useless and needs her family protection."

Then Yuri looks at y/n.

Y/n: "Well, excepted for me because apparently I need someone from my family that has to have some unique power to them or me being powerless from a peaceful family."

Yuri wanted to say something, but didn't say anything and stayed silent.

Nabe: "Well, should we go see what the hell they want?"

Y/n, Yuri, & Roberta: "Yeah"

Then the four went where all the town's people are gathered at and to see what she had to say.

Rias: "Is this everyone from this town?"

Random guy: "Yes!" as he yelled from the back of the crowd.

Rias: "Okay good."

Random guy 2: "Hurry up and tell us why you & your friends are here!" as he yelled from the back.

Rias: "Okay okay listen up very carefully."

Y/n (Can you hurry the hell up I don't like hearing a Gremory talking.)

Rias: "I was sent here by my school to ask you to help join the fight against the evil that corrupts this once peaceful world."

Rias kept going on how Yunaiteddo is the only hope, along with the help of Atlas, of destroying the evil and she said something that nearly broke y/n's sanity.

Rias: "We also lost a fellow student to the evil corruption and he was the kind soul that brightens everyone's day at school." as y/n was laughing inside of his mind.

Rias: "Then one day he never showed up to school and never returned. Ever since that day my school has sent a search party to look for him."

Random woman: "What was his name?"

Rias: "His name was Y/n L/n." as she showed a picture of him to everyone.

Then it got quiet for awhile.

Y/n (I can't take this anymore.)

Y/n was about to say something until a random person started to laugh, which startled rias & her peerage.

Rias: "Whats so funny!?!" she yelled while the people are starting to laugh including y/n & his 3 lovers.

Akeno: "Tell us whats funny about that!" she even yelled and didn't even faze the people.

Even Kiba was "getting angry" at the crowd.

Koneko & Asia couldn't help themselves and giggled because they know that rias and the other four don't really care about y/n.

Koneko (Its funny and sad at time.)

Asia (Me & koneko are the few people that actually really cares for y/n, but it's also sad to think that y/n probably died.)

Koneko (Or worse he's corrupted by the evil of this world.)

But little did those two know that he was fine and in the crowd.

Y/n (Hey its koneko & asia and they're giggling along the crowd, but at the same time they look sad about something.)

Y/n: "Ladies can I ask something?" as yuri & the other two look at y/n.

Yuri, Nabe, & Roberta: "Whats that babe?"

Y/n: "Is it okay if I can have a harem?" as the three maids started to think about it.

After awhile they came up with a answer.

Yuri: "Yes, since we gave our first with you."

Nabe: "Honestly you satisfied us last night."

Roberta: "You also seem to know the blonde & white haired girls."

Y/n: "Yes because they seem sadden by the fact that I was nice to them and everyone else  treated them like celebrities, which they didn't like."

Yuri: "Then that would explain why they look sad."

Y/n: "Shall we rescue them?"

Nabe: "Would I be able to use my favorite sword?"

Y/n: "Yes you can."

Nabe (whispering): "Yes!" as she summoned alastor and sheaths it on her hip.

Y/n just chuckled at the way she tried her best to whisper. 

Y/n: "You two don't need ask, just use whatever to show rias & her peerage not mess with this town."

Yuri & Roberta: "Yes handsome~"

Then Nabe & Yuri went towards rias.

Nabe: "Hey, redhead bitch!" as she caught rias's attention.

Nabe: "You know why they are laughing because they know y/n l/n and the real reason."

Rias: "Ho-how dare you insult the Gremory Heiress and how would they know him, even though I just said his name today, Hm?" as she crossed her arms while staring at nabe.

Nabe (Ugh, is she always this stupid.)

Nabe: "Maybe he came to this town and told his story to everyone about your school."

Nabe: "Then left, so that nobody would find him again."

Then Yuri added

Yuri: "Or he never left this town and became our master & lover."

That made rias freeze in place then said.

Rias: "Could you repeat that again?"

Yuri: "(Sighs) Or he never left and became our master & lover."

Rias: "Why did you say our?"

Yuri: "He's the boyfriend of me, my friend Nabe here, and my other friend Roberta."

Yuri: "Do you have a problem with that?" as she slightly became angered.

Rias: "Yes and he should be at Yunaiteddo trying to finish school there."

Then y/n came out of nowhere laughing.

Y/n: "You know how make a good joke."

Rias: "Thank goodness your alright."

Akeno: "Y/n!!!"

Kiba: "Hey y/n."

Issei: "Yo, y/n buddy."

Y/n: "When did you four suddenly care for me."

Rias & Issei: "When you never showed up to school." as those two "tried" to hug y/n.

Y/n: "Back off" as he simply moved out the way.

Then rias & issei were confused after y/n side step.

Rias: "Y/n?"

Issei: "Why did you do that buddy?"


Y/n: "Or did you forget that you four FUCKEN BULLIED ME WITH NO HESITATION!!!" as everyone from Neraka went silent.

Rias: "Look we're-"

Y/n: "NO you listen to me you fucken spoiled brat I will never go back to that ungrateful school."

Issei: "That's it!!!" 

Then Issei charged at y/n with the red dragon emperor. Only for y/n's creation to show up in front of y/n.

Cavaliere blocked the attack from Issei and kicked him away. Then he went into a defensive stance with his left wing.

Y/n: "Issei, "The red dragon emperor", just give up you stand no chance against my creation."

Y/n: "I made him to protect the people of this nice town against people like you."

Issei slowly got back up and said.

Issei: "I will beat this thing and we're taking you back like it or not."

That made y/n laugh.

Issei: "What's so funny?"

Y/n: "You, Do you actually believe you can beat my creation. Haha thats like your dream of becoming the harem king coming true." as he continued to laugh.

Issei: "I will beat it and take your three maids and make them mine." as he grinned.

Y/n: "I like to see you try it then." as Cavailere's sword began to glow with electricity.

Issei then transformed into this.

Issei: "How you like this y/n."

Y/n didn't say anything, but cavaliere said.

Cavaliere: "Weakling..."

Issei (angry): "Did you just call me weak!!!"

Then he proceed to charge at cavaliere without thinking and only for cavaliere to slash Issei in the stomach, which reverted Issei out of the armor.

Issei (bleeding): "How (cough) was (cough) that (cough) possible and what (cough) did you (cough) do?!?"

Y/n: "Oh please, you were too damn stupid all because of your pervertness to even listen to my advice."

Y/n: "Do you want to know why cavaliere won?"

Issei didn't say anything.

Y/n: "That's because the fact that you barely train with the red emperor and when you do train it's mainly only to achieve YOUR goal."

Akeno: "ENOUGH y/n!!!" as she told asia to heal up issei.

Y/n: "Oh look, it's the lightning slut."

Y/n: "Yeah I forgot mention something how is your mother doing?"

That angered akeno and retaliated with her shooting lightning towards y/n only for nabe block the lightning with alastor.

Nabe: "That was a pitful lightning attack."

Akeno (angry): "You corrupted him with your body!"

Nabe just face palmed and sighed.

Nabe: "I never corrupted him. I merely treated him with respect and he was fine after having sex with me & my two other friends." as she just angered akeno even more.

Akeno shot even more lightning towards nabe and for her to block again with no effort.

Akeno (still angered): "I was going to take his first whether he liked it or not!" as she shot more lightning.

Nabe threw alastor like a boomerang towards akeno.

Akeno just dodged the sword.

Akeno: "What was that suppose to do." as she looked back to see nabe gone.

Akeno (sill angered): "Grr, come on out and show yourself."

Nabe: "Then what?" as she appeared behind akeno.

Akeno then jumped away from nabe.

Akeno (angered): "To Kill you!"

She shot the ground underneath nabe only to explode.

Akeno (panting): ""

Nabe: "Was that it?"

Akeno was shocked to see nabe unfazed by the explosion and to say anything.

Nabe: "Well, if you done attacking." as she started to fly in the sky.

Nabe: "Its my turn." as she teleported both of them away from the the town and letting her lightning aura flowed though her body while the sky looked like this.

Nabe: "You brought this upon yourself." as both of her hands have lightning spheres as half the size of a car.

Akeno: "Please have mercy." as she begged.

Nabe: "Did you stop when y/n asked you to stop?" as akeno puts her head down in defeat.

Nabe: "Yeah, thats what I thought."

Nabe: "Divine Wrath." as the two lightning spheres went flying towards akeno and exploding  below her leaving a huge crater while it knocked her out cold.

Then the sky cleared up and nabe teleported back with akeno's body causing kiba & rias to step back.

Nabe: "Anyone else." as everyone except for y/n, neraka, and other two maids were frightened to even fight.

Y/n: "Thanks nabe."

Nabe: "It was my pleasure to do so." as she threw akeno at rias and walked beside y/n.

Yuri: "Now you see she was using 10% of her power."

That frightened rias even more.

Yuri: "Also hand over the blonde & white haired girl and don't make this any harder than it is now."

Rias: "No!!! I won't do it."

Yuri just sighs as she didn't want to resort to tranquilizing from roberta and put in a ear piece.

Yuri: "Plan B"

Rias: "What are you-" as she was hit with tranquilizer dart on the shoulder.

Kiba: "Pres-" as he was shot in the shoulder with the same thing.

Roberta (ear piece): "I know you didn't want that, but she refused."

Yuri (ear piece): "It's fine and its not like she would of easily hand those two over."

Yuri walked towards asia & koneko, who were scared.

Yuri: "You two don't need to be scared." she said in a calm tone.

Then they slowly appoarched yuri.

Asia: "Is it true that y/n is here?" she asked in a scared tone.

Yuri: "It's true and it was his idea to rescue you two." as she smiled knowing that these two would start crying.

Asia & koneko began to cry on yuri's shoulder knowing that y/n really cared for them.

They kept crying for awhile while neraka made those four the town's heroes.

A/n: And done. Damn over 3,000 words and fun fact I worked on this while I was sick and now I'm feeling better. Nothing else to say, peace.

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