Ch.3 Unwanted Visitors

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Neraka Y/n's Pov

Damn, nabe sure did show off her power to everyone mainly to scare them, but Neraka for some reason wasn't afraid of her. 

I honestly think they're trying to stay away from everything and not be ruled by some corrupted person.

I should ask them while they're still gathered.

Y/n: "Neraka please forgive my curiosity why do you want nothing to deal with Yunaiteddo?"

They went silent after I asked that. Did something happened here before I arrived?

Y/n: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of asked that."

Random woman: "No no, it's just..."

Random guy: "We were people that everyone saw as crazy people for seeing through the corruption."

Random guy #2: "The way the main six ruled over the helpless."

Wait a minute, I never heard of six people ruling Yunaiteddo or did I just missed something huge.

Random woman #2: "They treated anybody without powers or special abilities like slaves."

Random guy #3: "I heard this rumor that women & children without any power or abilities were forced into things that they didn't like working all the time for businesses, being traded just for Yunaiteddo to get the needed materials for any projects, or sex trade."

Random woman #2: "No that isn't a rumor it's true because I seen a shop with workers that were too skinny and really dark bags under their eyes."

Holy crap!!! These people would of been treated like that and I'm glad these people didn't experience that, but to see other powerless people suffer like that.

It makes my hate towards Yunaiteddo burn even more.

Random guy #2: "We honestly want to form an alliance with Umbrella because they gave up some land to us, so that we can have a farm and maintain life outside of Yunaiteddo."

Y/n: "Then everyone would love to hear this."

Neraka: "What is it?"

Y/n: "I made an alliance with umbrella and if you guys want me to tell umbrella that neraka will be on their side, I will do it."

Everybody erupted in cheering knowing that I will tell wesker that and not have to worry about Yunaiteddo or anybody coming after their peaceful village.

3rd Person Pov

As Neraka was cheering, wesker appeared behind y/n & his lovers.

Wesker: "Did I miss something?" as y/n turned around to see who said that.

Y/n: "Nah, not much besides Neraka being made up of powerless people that would of been treated horribly by Yunaiteddo."

Once wesker heard that he tighten his fist.

Wesker: "That monster of a city is getting worst everytime I hear something new about it." as he still remembers what happened to his son.

Y/n: "Also, wesker."

Wesker: "Yes?"

Y/n: "Neraka would like to form an alliance with Umbrella."

Wesker was surprised because he thought if he asked them they would instantly say no and he would have to find another way to beat Yunaiteddo & the evil that corrupts this once peaceful world.

Wesker: "This is kind of hard to take in because I thought if I asked them they would say no and leaving me alone to fight in this three-way war."

Wesker: "Still thats good to hear that."

Wesker: "Neraka can I get your attention?"

Everyone from Neraka is looking at wesker.

Wesker: "I'm the leader of Umbrella and to tell you the goal of Umbrella."

Wesker: "The goal is very simple it's to live peacefully on this planet and destroy any evil that corrupts it and with your support it is possible to live peacefully." as everyone slowly started to clap

Wesker: "And one last thing, thank you to side with us in this three-way war even though we might have to rebuild the whole world after, so I'm grateful to have your support."

Everybody in Neraka erupted cheering again, but only to be stopped by the sound of three bullheads.

Wesker (I wondering if Yunaiteddo forgot somebody out here or their here to force this town to submit to them.)

Y/n (Yea more people that I hate, but on the bright side I can test out the golems and see how good they are defending places.)

Then yuri hid koneko & asia in the crowd of people.

The bullheads landed and these people came out of them.


(Spoiled brat #2)

(Team dumbass)

(Team Wannabe)

Y/n (Miyabi & her team look depress.)

Y/n (Same thing with yumi & her team, but why are they depressed?)

Ozpin, Sirezchs, & the four teams slowly approached towards wesker.

Ozpin: "Isn't this a nice day to meet up wesker."

Wesker: "It's a nice day alright, to kill you right now."

Then he slowly started walking towards ozpin, but to be blocked by Team CRDL and Crimson.

Wesker: "Out of the way you annoying brats."

As he was about to grab cardin's throat. He was stopped by nabe.

Nabe: "They aren't worth your time and we can kill them later." as she whispered that last part.

Then both of them went back to y/n, who was still thinking.

Y/n (I can't think of any reason why those two teams look so damn depressed, unless...)

Y/n (They actually cared about me, then why didn't they help me? I better ask later and try to rescue them now.)

Nabe stood beside y/n and he whispered in her ear.

Y/n (Whispering): "Hey nabe did you noticed the other two teams look depressed?"

Nabe (Whispering): "Yes and you want to rescue them."

Y/n (Whispering): "Yep and your allowed to use alastor."

Nabe had stars in her eyes, while she instantly summoned & sheath alastor on her back.

Then she stepped in front of y/n and got their attention, while y/n teleported back to the mansion to make the sure the golems are ready.

Nabe: "You know you guys sure know how to manipulate most of the world in saying that your city & school can end all the evil corrupts this world."

Sirezchs was about to say something, but nabe interrupted and said.

Nabe: "But, how true is it when you got some of your students that can't beat a maid who was barely trying in battle."

Wesker: "Tell her how two teams that go your school can beat her when she easily scared the Gremory heiress without moving a muscle."

Sirezchs: "I-I-I don't know how."

Nabe: "Let me tell you something why neglect y/n?"

Ozpin: "Thats simple-"

Nabe: "So, you do admit it and for what reason?"

Ozpin: "He was powerless, no special abilities nor was he ready for physical training, so we just let the other students bully him."

Sirezchs: "Plus, he was living alone in a apartment and we decided to tell his landlord to kick him out, so in return we would get the material that Atlas needed for a secret project."

Nabe & wesker were building up anger and those two were almost to let loose, until y/n showed up.

Y/n: "So, thats the real reason uh?"

Then everyone looked towards the trees. Sirezchs & Ozpin gulped because they went to get rias and her peerage back, while hoping to bring back y/n and now they just lost any hope of him going back.

Y/n: "Man you guys run a school and any powerless kid that you have in your school gets builled, but you guys know its happening and choose to ignore it." as he reveals himself from the trees

Sirezchs (sweating): "We were um... just joking, right Ozpin?"

Nabe (They just fucked up.)

Ozpin (sweating): "Yeah, we were kidding around and make sure everyone that bullied you stays after school for uh.....a months worth of extra homework."

Y/n: "How about....."

Ozpin & sirezchs were honestly hoping that he forgive them, but instead

Y/n: "No!!! Lets start off with I heard every single word that left both of your mouths."

Y/n: "I lost my WHOLE FUCKEN family to strays when I was younger. After that I dreamed of becoming a huntsmen to hunt the strays that killed my family, so I enrolled at Yunaiteddo high to try achive my dream."

Y/n: "But it turns out that enrolling at Yunaiteddo high was to big of a mistake. I got builled while the headmasters sat on their ass and did nothing, instead of suspending the bullies they just let it happen. While three teachers had to help get rid of the builles when it always too late for them to make it!"

As he got more angry, y/n didn't realize he summoned the golems behind Ozpin & them.

(Hunter the tree golem) A/n: Yeah the names I came up with the golems were random.

(Ted the fire golem)

(Zar the stone golem)

(Glacies the ice golem)

Y/n: "I still have the scars from the past, which they're stuck with me for the rest of my life. You two having the balls to find me and tell to go back to that hellhole, yeah no thanks I rather die by my own creations."

Then everyone seemed to be surprised with a talking golem.

Hunter: "So, it seems that my theory about you two headmasters is correct. To think that I was made to look like a monster, but that's not the case here because you two failed as headmasters and human beings."

Hunter: "Just to think me & my 3 comrades look like monsters, but in reality we act more human then anyone at your school."

Ted: "Tree friend is right we nice monsters and protect master & master's friends from mean people."

Zar didn't really need to say anything thats mainly because the other two said everything

Glacies: "..."

Nabe: "And to think golems are more nice than headmasters, hmm thats saying alot right there."

As ted, glacies, & zar started to move aggressively towards opzin & them (except miyabi & yumi's team). Then the three golems started to slowly lifting up their arms as they got closer. 

When they got close enough and slammed their arms to only get Team CRDL injured badly, While nabe handled team crimson and wesker taking on the two headmasters.

Ted: "Ted hates mean people." as he grabbed cardin by the neck.

Ted: "Since, Ted's master said that you & your team were mean to master. I'll kill you since your leader." 

As he slowly crushed cardin's body with his hand. Then cardin's body snap and leaving guts & blood all over the ground. After that the other 2 golems did the same thing with the rest of RDL.

Nabe's Pov

Wow, I'll give them some credit for making me dodge without effort.

Me: "Are you girls even trying to kill me?" as I dodged bullets from eye patch.

Tanned girl: "Stop blocking!" as I blocked with alastor.

Me: "And let you win this fight." 

Me (Maybe I should end this now.)

Then I quickly turned around & blocked the green hair girl.

Me: "What did you think that attack would work?" as I got annoyed and dodge more bullets.

Me: "You know thats getting annoying eye patch." as I shot three lightning bolts towards her.

As eye patch dodged two of the three lightning bolts, but she failed to dodged the 3rd one and electrocuting her until she was knocked out cold.

 Then dolls came flying towards me, but I just let the dolls land on me only for them to get elctrocuted.

I threw alastor like a boomerang towards the others and teleported up in the sky.

Tanned girl: "Where she go?"

Blondie with sword: "Maybe she teleported behind something."

Tanned girl: "Then were would she teleport behind then?"

Green hair (stoic): "I don't know."

Blondie: "I'll send out my dolls to search for her."

Me: "Or I could be up in the sky." as I yelled that.

Then they looked up and tried to get me.

Tanned girl: "Why can't I move my legs?" as the others tried moving their legs.

Me: "Thats because I casted a magnet spell while you girls wondered were I teleported to."

Me: "Since, you four are stuck I might as well finish this."

Me: "Lightning Inferno!" as a lightning wall surrounded the four girls and electrocuted them until they were knocked out cold.

I teleported back down on the ground and gathered the unconscious bodies.

Me: "You five failed to even hurt me. Thats a shame." as wesker brought both knocked out headmasters.

Me: "Did they give you more of a challenge?"

Wesker: "They did and I better get more training."

Me: "Wait why?"

Wesker: "Well, lets say I barely had enough energy to bring them here."

Me: "Yeah that be good." as he sat down on Ozpin's back

Meanwhile with hunter, Hunter's Pov

Why are these two teams not fighting me? Is it because they don't want to fight me.

Me: "I must ask why are you not fighting me?"

They didn't say anything, until the white hair one walked up to me and said.

White hair: "We...don' fight." as she started to cry along with the other nine females.

Me: "Come here." as I kneel down to hug them.

At first they were hesitant, but the white hair hugged first then all of them joined after.

As I continued to hug them I asked them something.

Me: "Do you girls actually care for my master?"

White hair: "Y-y-yes we d-d-do."

Dark gray hair (still crying): "In (sniff) fact (sniff), as (sniff) more than (sniff) friends."

Me: "So, you love him." as they stopped and blushed.

All ten girls: "Y-y-yes we do."

Then I let go of them.

Me: "One more thing."

Them: "What is it?"

Me: "Were you blackmailed or something when my master was getting bullied?"

They just nodded.

Me: "Thanks for answering my question."

As I wiped their tears away and told them to cheer up

Me: "Then follow me to go see my master."

3rd Person Pov

As hunter was bring back miyabi, yumi & their teams. Four figures saw everything that happend.

???: "So, he hates Yunaiteddo too."

???: "I wonder if I can form an alliance with him?" as ??? disappeared back to the mountains.

Outside of Neraka

??? #2: "Sis what do you think of that cutie?"

??? #3: "Can you not flirt with every guy we come across."

??? #2: "It's like saying that I should stop eating pizza & strawberry sundaes."

??? #3: "Ugh, and to answer your question yes he's very handsome."

As those two started walking back into the forest.

??? #4: "He hates ozpin he's a perfect ally."

??? #4: "And he looks handsome too. I wonder if he's single."

A/n: And done. I got nothing really to say, but I'm going to bed.

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