Ch.29 SJWS vs Joker

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Random Forrest, 3rd Person POV

Ruby: "Hey ted?" as he didn't even look at ruby and still kept walking.

When she got silence from him she looked towards him only to see him staring up at the sky. Then she got an idea to try get his attention.

Ruby: "Boop." as she booped his noise and got his attention, which he booped her back.

Ted: "Now that ted booped ruby back, what did ruby wanted to say to ted?"

Ruby then asked why ted was looking up at the sky, which he said that he's curious about what is in the sky and if angels exist. Ruby answer the second question by saying they exist, but they do stuff that don't make them real "angels" and told him that joker can prove why angels were never good once god died. Then lightning struck down right in front of them and revealing joker.

Joker: "I heard my name and who said it?" as ted pointed at ruby.

Joker: "I'm here ruby and what do you need?"

Ruby: "I-I-I was j-j-just telling t-t-ted that a-a-angels exist and h-h-how they do s-s-stuff that make n-n-not real angels." as she was scared since she never talked to joker before, meanwhile ted is observing on joker's outfit.

Ted (Purple... ooooh a pointy tail! Man ted wished he had pointy tail.)

Joker: "Oh? Is that all what you were telling him, eh?" as he nudged ruby's shoulder a couple of times while ruby blushed at what he meant.

Ruby (blushing): "Yes! that's all what I was telling him and please don't tell him anything about me liking him as more than fr-fr-friends." as she was whispering.

Joker: "Maybe not... or maybe I will." then he promised that to her that he won't tell ted anything.

Ruby: "Th-th-thanks-" as he interrupted her.

Joker: "But you must do me a favor."

Ruby: "W-w-w-what!?"

Joker: "Don't worry it's actually very simple: If ted somehow finds another girl that falls in love with him be open minded about it because I have a feeling that might happen sometime in the future but for now lets go to neraka and get something to eat."

Ruby: "Okay, b-b-but who's g-g-going to pay for me & ted?" as joker said that he's going to pay for them and whispered another thing to ruby.

Joker (whispering): "Don't worry I get the same reactions when I talk to others and I get it nobody would go near me since I scare people with my outfit." then he grabbed both ruby & ted as lightning struck down on them and disappeared.

Neraka, Joker's Pov

As lightning struck down behind an empty building, which I'm pretty sure has been abandoned for about a good month, and started walking to the restaurant that has coal just for ted. As we started getting to the restaurant that has coal as food we kept hearing what sounded like a mob protesting and once we saw the mob protesting in front of building.

I wonder what they're protesting for women's right or trans right. No no no I bet it's something offensive about how brie larson had to have a butt double for her shit movie, hehehehaaaaaa.

Ruby: "Um, what are they doing to the ice cream shop?"


Ruby: "Are you ok-"

Me: "MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as I quickly teleported in front of the building.

3rd Person POV

Random SJW: "Take down that sign it's offending me since I'm a transgender woman!" 

Karen: "Get your manager out here now I need to talk to him!"

Karen #2: "How come you served three other people before us!"

Another SJW: "Why are you do only two bathrooms and not three!" as the SJW & Transgender continued to protest until joker showed up in front of the building.

Joker: "Now what the fuck you weidos want!?"

Trans person: "Read that sign."

Joker: "Alright, If you were born with dick your not a chick and we don't serve weirdos, also fuck your feelings." as he started laughing hysterically.

Joker: "That's- *continues to laughing*" as the mob continued to stare at him.

Joker: "Feelings- *still laughing*"

Karen: "Are you done yet?" as he was slowly calming down from laughing.

Joker: "Okay and where was I... oh right, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS! Maybe if you two karens quit bitching around at other people on how they should do their job and maybe you'll get served. Bitch please there's only two genders and why would this owner build another restroom for some little pussy like you!" as he points towards the tranny with his tail.

Joker: "At-least I didn't bitch about pyra/mythra being in smash."

Random SJW: "Those two were disrespecting women by having big tits or not having a fat body."

Joker: "So what! People with a brain can tell that they're harmless and doesn't let that bother them. God you people are the most brain dead people in the world other than zombies and they at-least stay quiet since they're already dead and have no opinion."

Joker was about to go back to ruby & ted until one of the karen's kid said something.

Kid: "Fornite is better than smash, minecraft, Devil May Cry and the rest of the games. Plus dark souls is too easy compared to fornite."

Joker: "... Say that again you little shit!" as he quickly told ted to hide with ruby inside the ice cream shop and ted quickly nodded and grabbed ruby to hide inside.

Joker: "I was going easy on you weirdos, but that kid opened his mouth and talked shit about games that my master used to play, hehehehahahaha."

As he shot lightning on the ground where the mob was standing and started electrocuting them, until they all fell over.

Joker: "I think I may over did it, but no-one ever gave a shit about these people."

Random wolf faunus: "We told them not to do that and gave them a fair warning about you or any of the hero's generals." as she came out of the ice cream shop.

Joker: "Well... you guys did that and honestly I never cared for these people because all they do is just try to make other people miserable by complaining on twitter and canceling people who told them the truth."

Then he started scratching behind her ear, which she enjoyed the ear scratching and her tail wagging fast. Then went inside to get ted & ruby and once he came back to see that the same wolf faunus waiting for him.

Joker: "Are you planning to keep following me all day or-"

Wolf Faunus: "Maybe~"

Joker: "Hold up you two let me dig around to see if they have any extra money." as he took a tablet from the kid and quickly unlocked it to see if he had fornite, which he did and joker quickly deleted it and rest the whole tablet.

After a while of pick-pocketing the unconscious bodies joker found quiet a few items.

Joker: "Alright, I found a total of 200 pieces of jewelry and most of it was found in the purses, 10 tablets that are easy to rest, $500 dollars, and 40 phones that can also be easily rest. Now I better ask y/n's generals to clean up this mess." as he gave the $500 dollars to the wolf faunes, which she gave him a kiss on check on his mask and walked away.

Joker: "Now we can finally go to that restaurant and hopefully no more of those people to protest about something stupid."

Ruby (Did she give him a kiss on his mask?)

Ted's mind:

A Few Hours later, Weiss is walking ruby & ted back to y/n's mansion, since y/n want to talk to ted & ruby about something.

Ruby: "So... what is this about?"

(A/n: Here's how weiss looks, incase anybody forgot.)

Weiss: "I was just ordered to bring you two to y/n and he never told me anything else." as she said that in a stoic voice.

Ruby: "Oh okay..." as it started to rain.

Ruby: "Ah man, now I'll have to dry this off once we get inside." as she was pulled into ted's chest by ted himself.

Ted: "Don't worry ruby ted will keep you warm and dry from rain."

Then she hugged tightly around ted's stomach, until they arrived at the porch and went inside.

Weiss (stoic): "Now y/n is in the basement with yuri." as she went back outside.

Ted and ruby found the basement door and opened it and went down until they got to the last step to see only y/n.

Y/n: "Hey guys."

Ted & Ruby: "Hey master."

Y/n: "Now I'll get to the point how would you two like your own place?"

A/n: And done. 

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