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Yuri's Lab, 3rd Person Pov

Ted: "Ted don't know if ruby and ted are ready for that." as ruby said that she's still learning as a maid.

Yuri: "So, what's left for you to learn as a maid, ruby?"

Ruby: "I still don't know how to cook and bake stuff... maybe-" as yuri interrupted her.

Yuri: "Hold up, I'll get something for that." then she went back up to get something.

Then ted & ruby noticed kiba on another table and started questioning y/n.

Ruby: "Y/n?" as he answered with yes.

Ruby: "Are you going to- um turn him into what blake, weiss and cinder are?"

Y/n answered with a aura sphere was in his left hand and said "demonic creation". Once he said that, the sphere turned into a demonic color and placed it in kiba's body. Then a flame pillar engulfed kiba's body and removed the knight piece. Once the flame pillar started, yuri came back down with a couple of books and gave them to ruby.

Yuri: "These books should help you with cooking and baking." 

Ruby: "Thanks? But are you going to need these?" as yuri says those mean nothing to her since she's already used those books long before she met y/n.

While ruby gave yuri a hug, the flame pillar was slowly fading away until it faded completely to reveal the new kiba.

Kiba: "Lord y/n." as he bowed and sounding demonic.

Ruby: "S-S-So... that's k-k-kiba?"

Ted: "Pointy tails."

Y/n answered ruby by just saying yes, while ted started examining kiba's demonic form and once he was done examining ted concluded that kiba is pointy.

Y/n: "Alright, you can stop bowing." as he stopped bowing.

Then y/n told kiba that was he free to do whatever he wants, which he just nodded and teleported away via fire pillar.

Ted: "Ted wished he could do that."

Y/n: "So... do you two feel confident to move into your own place or-"

Ted: "Can ted, ruby and master see the house first?"

As he said sure and they started walking up the stairs to go find ted & ruby's new place.

Meanwhile in Neraka

We see Glacies with Ddraig floating next to his right shoulder and Zar cleaning up joker's mess. 

Zar: "D-D-Ddraig right?"

Ddraig: "Yes?"

Zar: "D-D-Do you mind I-I-If you tell u-u-us what your p-p-prievous life was l-l-like?"

Ddraig: "Okay, what do you want to hear first?"

Zar: "T-T-The beginning I g-g-guess."

Ddraig took a deep breath and exhaled. Then said that he was a very powerful dragon and had the whole world in his hand, but at the time he didn't know that either mundus or argosax was planning something against him.

Zar: "W-W-Wait... wh-wh-who are th-th-those two?"

Ddraig: "Those two names are partially responsible for why I'm in this gauntlet form and they didn't like me for having the human world to myself." while Zar & Glacies carried the weirdos' unconscious bodies to umbrella as zombie fodder.

As Ddraig was about to continue to tell about his past life, a red portal appeared in front of them and dropped all the unconscious bodies on the ground.

Zar: "Is r-r-red a-a-a bad s-s-sign, Ddraig?"

Ddraig: "Yes... except for me."

Then a horde of demons came charging out of it, which glacies created an ice wall surrounding both him & zar. Zar thanked him for doing that and Ddraig asked zar if he can try to transfer most of his power to him.

Zar: "W-W-Will I r-r-regain it b-b-back?"

Ddraig: "Yes."

Zar: "O-O-Okay." Then Ddraig told him to crush a rock in his hand and place in front of glacies.

Zar quickly found a rock underneath him and crushed it. Then glacies created a ice ball and smashed it on the crushed rock, which caused everything around them to freeze minus the portal.

Ddraig: "There... that should buy us some time." as he started siphoning zar's power through his aura and once he was done siphoning he noticed that zar was gone.

Ddraig: "Hey zar? Did I overdid it?" as he sounded concern for zar.

A random voice: "No, I'm just smaller than glacies." as he looked down at glacies' foot to see a smaller version of zar.

Ddraig: "So... are you talking through the flower?"

Smol Zar: "Yes and it's pretty easy to talk without being nervous." as Ddraig sighed in relieve.

Then glacies picked up zar and placed him on his other shoulder.

Smol Zar: "I'm on top of the world!" as he said that proudly tone.

Ddraig then started floating above zar's head.

Ddraig: "Now I hope that was enough time to charge up for a powerful shot." as the green gem was starting to glow.

Random voice: "So this is how they're protected by other creatures doing the heavy lifting, pathetic!" as the ice wall was starting to melt down quickly.

Ddraig (Shit! I don't think we'll have enough time now-wait I think I got it.)

Then he was about to ask glacies create another barrier as the ice wall quickly turned melted and revealing Lucifer's wife and a couple of demons with red & blue masks on both sides of her.

(A/n: These two are probably the ONLY reason why I would play the dmc reboot again.)

Ddraig: "Well, it's been a honor with you two, we're fucked!!!" as both of the demons started charging towards them and went into a portal that was big enough for them.

Ddraig (I had a good run and now I get away from this world.)

Smol Zar: "I-I-I don't want to d-d-die." as he sounded scared, while Ddraig tried to comfort him by rubbing his head.

Then the red masked demon reappeared right behind Ddraig and quickly went for the kill, only for another ice wall froze one of it's blades. 

Smol Zar/Ddraig: "That was close. " as they turned towards glacies, which he quickly froze everything around him again.

Smol Zar: "Thank you glacies." as he gave glacies a hug, which he hugged backed.

Glacies was about to let go of zar until he saw the other masked demon appearing above Ddraig, which he grabbed him quickly and used his ice body to take the incoming attack. The red masked demon used both of it's swords to stab glacies in the back through his chest as zar saw the blade near his face. Then glacies noticed that and pushed himself back into the ice wall.

Ddraig: "Glacies is your blood water?" as he looked down at his chest and saw water pouring out.

Ddraig also noticed a black mark inside of glacies and quickly asked him if he encountered anyone hold a katana with a red handle and red sheath. Glacies didn't say anything or moved a muscle. Then it got cloudy and snow started falling and eventually it turned into a blizzard as ddraig & zar didn't see glacies anymore. 

Smol Zar: "I-I-I'm scared and c-c-cold." as Ddraig told zar to try and put him on his arm.

Smol Zar: "O-O-Okay." Then he managed to get ddraig on his arm and he started telling zar to put him near the ground to see where they are.

Ddraig: "Now try your best to hold still, even though your freezing." as zar said okay and he slowly started to warm up the green gem to melt the ground.

After a while Ddraig found out that they're near the mansion and needed to keep going straight.

Meanwhile in Neraka

Lucifer's wife: "Well well, it looks like they took off without saying good-bye, hehe~"

As she was about to go back to the underworld the blizzard stopped, but the air was still cold.

Lucifer's wife: "Alright, lets try to-" as she noticed glacies standing still. 

Then she unfroze the two masked demons and ordered them to kill glacies, which they obeyed and started running towards him. Once they were close to him, they took no chances and quickly stabbed him with both swords only to reveal that it was a ice sculpture of him.

Lucifer's wife: "Wait! Where is he!!!" once she said that both masked demons were sent flying back towards from the ice sculpture breaking to reveal a more intimidating ice creature.

Ice creature: *Roars loudly* as it transformed both of it's arms into sharp blades.

Lucifer's wife: "Come on, lets hope your more of a challenge then most of this world." as both masked demons stood on both sides of her with their swords ready.

A/n: And done

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