BTS x Reader - bestfriend/panic

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For bonnehh_ ! I feel like this isn't exactly what you requested, but it might be, I'm not sure. I still hope you enjoy! Sorry if it took time, I had a whole chapter written but then decided that it was too tragic so I rewrote all of it, but it still ended up being disastrous... My bad 👀


"Can you believe that Y/N has been part of our lives for more than ten years now?" Jimin chirps from the table as he watches Jin and Yoongi prepare food for the evening the group is about to spend with her.

Jin turns from the oven with surprised eyes. "Really? Time has been passing by us way too fast if that's true" he replies before directing his attention back to the meal.

Yoongi hums with a smile. "She's always been there for us when things got hard, might as well say she's the reason our group still exists and perform to this day. Her happy-go-lucky nature is a real breath of fresh air, she hasn't changed at all".

"She really hasn't" Jin sighs in contentment, her smiling face flashing before his eyes the best motivation to keep him going.

"What are you guys talking about?" Namjoon asks as he enters the apartment with bags of snacks, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok following close behind, the latter closing the door. Jimin turns to them with a smile.

"We were talking about Y/N. I just realized that we've known her for ten years, she's done so much for us, always smiling and cheering for us. We're very lucky to have her" he says with pride.

Jungkook gasps. "Then we need to do something special for her! It's true that we wouldn't be where we are without her, she deserves to know how thankful we are, but not with words" he explains while staring at everyone in the room, grinning when they all nod.

"What would you do then, Kook?" Hoseok asks as he goes to sit next to Jimin while handing him the drink he requested. Jungkook's face falls a little. He turns to Taehyung. "Can't you guys think a little with me?" he mumbles as the older one wraps an arm around his shoulders.

"We can brainwash together, right guys?" Taehyung chirps, forcing everyone to take part to save his maknae. "We can, but let's not do this surprise today, she'll be coming over soon and we don't have time to do anything" Yoongi says, knowing that they'll be too excited to wait.

Everyone nods before going to take a seat at the table while the two oldests remain in the kitchen. "It has to be something precious that can be given to her only" Jungkook says and Hoseok turns to him with a raised eyebrow. "And where to you intend to find something like that?".

Namjoon leans back into his chair and crosses his legs. "We could confess to her?".

Everyone freezes and turn to him. "I mean... that would be unique, sure, but what if she doesn't like us? What if it makes things awkward between us?" Hoseok says with concern.

"I don't want things getting awkward" Jungkook mumbles as he looks at his hands. Taehyung grabs the latter's hand and squeezes it for comfort. "Things won't get awkward. Surely I'm not the only one having the feeling that she could see us as more than just friends" the man says, making everyone stare down in silence.

"I've had my doubts, but maybe we could be careful for now? Try and test the water, see if she responds or not... let's avoid losing her forever" Jin says as he mixes the sauce in with the fried veggies.

"I agree, I'd rather have her in my life than not at all, so let's be smart here, guys. I don't want her smile fading around us" Yoongi adds, a frown on his face at how things could go bad.

"Alright, let's not be too obvious either, please" Namjoon says before directing his eyes to Taehyung. "You got the movies right?". The latter's eyes brighten up and he nods while lifting the bag from the table. "Got all her favorites" he chirps happily.

Namjoon proceeds to lift the bags of snacks. "I also got all her favorites". The two of them grin at each other while the others smile. Tonight should be fun. And maybe a little more.

Your POV

"Y/N, take these boxes and put all your belongings in them" mom says and I tilt my head. "Why? Are we moving?" I ask, unaware of such information.

She nods. "We actually sold the house, we wanted to make this a surprise" she says and I frown. What kind of surprise is that? "Where are we going then? We're not going too far, are we?" I ask, not willing to get further away from the boys.

With them living in the street right next to ours, there's no way moving away is going to be a great surprise. Mom beams.

"We're moving to Canada! Your father got a wonderful job offer and they're offering a house! It's big and beautiful, you'll love it, we're leaving tomorrow morning" she says, wide smile on her face but I feel mine fall, my guts dropping to my feet and my soul dissipate.

"W-what?" I ask, not sure if I simply misheard her. "Canada, we're not staying in Korea" she repeats, eyes growing concerned over my lack of a smile.

I shake my head and look around me to see dad walking down the stairs with a few boxes piled in his arms. "It's a joke right? We're not really moving out of the country" I ask, feeling tears build up in my eyes.

"Sweety... look, come with us and if you really don't like it there... we'll find a way to make you come back, alright? Give it a try, a few months" mom tries while dad stops to listen to us, concern on his face as he sees the problem growing.

"But I don't want to go! My life is here!" I exclaim, not willing to leave Korea, I don't want to get away from the boys, I couldn't. Dad steps closer.

"Look honey, you don't have a job and apartments are expensive, follow us for now and we'll find a way, okay?" he tries but I quickly shake my head while stepping out of their arms reaching out to me, tears falling on my cheeks.

"You didn't even ask me first, if I had known, I would've gotten ready in time. I'd have a job and a place of my own! You didn't tell me!" I scream before throwing the boxes to the floor and running out of the house.

I can't believe they did that. Changing to a whole new country without even telling me first! Who does that?! How am I going to tell the guys? That tomorrow morning, I'll be on a plane, going away from them.

A whimper leaves my throat and my sight gets blurry, but I keep on running. I turn left to get to their street, but I step on a big rock and slip on it, my whole body falling down harshly on the  concrete sidewalk.

Why is nothing going well today? The burning pain spreading through my left elbow and knees brings my attention back to reality and I see wounds oozing blood. I sob and try to get back up, ignoring the pain as much as possible to get to their home.

I don't want to leave them. If I go, they'll just forget about me, they'll move on with their lives. They meet new people almost everyday, work with beautiful women, while I'm the best friend they met while going to school.

You can get over losing a best friend, especially since they're seven while I'm alone. Is it selfish of me to want to keep being a part of their lives when they're so busy already? I just can't see my life without them, I can't.

Reaching their building, I grab the key they gave me so I can get inside without trouble and get to the elevator, then pressing the button to their floor. As the doors close, I lean against the wall and look at my reflection on the doors.

If I smile, can I still act like everything is fine? My eyes are already red and getting puffy, trails of blood already drying on my skin, but the pain not going away, instead like a pounding that burns. Who am I kidding... I look everything but fine right now.

The ding from the doors opening gets me out of my thoughts and I get off the elevator, then walking to their door with a light limp to my steps. I don't look too good right now, that's for sure. I stand in front of the door, wondering if I should knock or turn back home, but the idea of leaving tomorrow without seeing them hurts me to no end.

Feeling the tears threaten to spill again, I stand there and try to wipe my face as much as possible, trying to gather some of my countenance to appear happy, but when I whimper, I know I failed miserably.

The door opens to a confused Yoongi and when our eyes meet, I watch as his eyes widen, take me in.

"Oh doll... come here" he whispers as he takes me in his arms, forcing my legs around his waist so he can scoop me up comfortably against his chest before he closes the door with one foot. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding onto him for dear life while he takes us deeper inside the apartment.

Feeling his warmth around me, I start crying even more, knowing that this is what I'm about to get away from, the warmth that I love so much, that only them can give me. Feet rush to us but I bury my head in his neck, not wishing the others to see my face right now.

"Y/N?! Is she crying?! What happened?!" I hear Jungkook scream before Taehyung and Jimin start panicking too. "She can cry?!" - "Who do I need to kill?".

"Jimin, of course she can cry. Taehyung, no one's dying. Not yet anyway. Yoongi, can you take her to the living room, please? She's bleeding" I hear Jin's voice take control of the situation.

Yoongi hums and I look up from behind his shoulder to see Namjoon and Hoseok staring at me with sad eyes, as if they're going to start crying too. Jungkook's eyes are already filled with tears while Jimin and Taehyung look both panicked and mad.

Yoongi makes me sit across his lap once he's taken a seat on the couch and keeps me close to his chest while Jin comes and slides down to his knees with a first aid box. He gently grabs my arm to take a look at my elbow first, a sigh leaving his lips as he gazes at me with soft eyes.

"Does it hurt a lot?" he asks, his voice like a murmur, as if scared to hurt me even more. I sniffle and shake my head. "Just a little" I mumble. He nods and proceeds to get some cleaning wipes and bandages ready before proceeding to clean my wounds, small hisses leaving my lips when it stings badly.

"What happened, pup?" I hear Namjoon ask me as a hand settles on my head, fingers starting to massage my scalp, taking my focus away from the pain. I look up to see him standing behind me, his second hand going to my cheeks to get rid of my tears.

Thinking back to what happened, I feel my eyes overflow again. "My dad... he got a new job. We-we're moving" I whisper in a hiccup, their eyes trying to comprehend what's so bad about this.

"Where to, doll?" Yoongi asks and I turn my eyes to him, a deep whimper attacking my body before I hide in his neck again. "Canada" I finally let out.

Their breaths hitch in their throat and even Jin's hands freeze on leg. Yoongi's arms tighten around me, as if that would make me unable to go.

"W-what? That's a joke right?" Jimin asks, wide eyes on me as I shake my head. "When?" Hoseok whispers. "Tomorrow morning...".

The sound of something being thrown to the ground and breaking reaches my ears, causing me to flinch. Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon put a protective wall around me as we all look for the source of the noise to find Jungkook with the TV controller smashed on the floor. No one comments on the act, the six others too shocked by my statement to react normally.

"Can't you not go?" Jungkook asks me as he turns towards me with a deep frown, tears rolling down his cheeks, his hands in fists.

"Kookie-" Taehyung says, going to soothe the man but the latter just steps back in anger.

"What? Can't I be mad?! We learn that the girl we love is moving away to a whole new country and I'm supposed to be fine with it?!" he screams and it takes a moment for his words to pierce through my own sadness at seeing him in this state.

"You what?" I say, glassy eyes wide as I see them turn to each other in awkwardness. Jin proceeds to finish bandaging my knees and sits next to Yoongi and I, his hand going to take hold of mine.

"We wanted to wait before telling you, but if you're leaving... I guess this is our only chance, really" he whispers before looking up to stare into my eyes, a look of resolve on his face. "We're all in love with you".

My heart skips a beat and I stop breathing. I look at Yoongi but he's not looking at me anymore, his hands now shy and away from my body, worry spread all over his face.

Namjoon who's still behind me crouches to my side to take my other hand. "You've been with us for so long now, from even before we started the group, you've supported us through the good and the bad. We all care about you but it's so much more than just that, we don't know when the feelings started growing, but they're very present and I don't think we can restrain them for much longer" he tells me, eyes expecting rejection but also filled with hope.

I notice Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok now wrapping a sobbing Jungkook in their arms and my heart breaks at the sight. Slowly getting off Yoongi's lap and making my way to the group, Hoseok turns to me with sad eyes, hesitant as to how to act towards me.

I give him a smile a slide an hand up his arm, the act seeming to reassure him a little as he wraps an arm around my back to bring me closer to the middle of the group where Jungkook is still weeping.

Jimin and Taehyung raise their teary eyes to me and seeing so many tears from them pulls on my heartstrings, my own eyes not resisting much longer again. They open their arms and when I wrap them around Jungkook's tall body, which looks so small right now, they wrap them around the two of us, Hoseok closing the circle around us.

Once Jungkook registers my presence, it doesn't take long until he's the one wrapped around me and he holds me tight against him, his head on top of mine while I hug him back just as strong.

I look up to see Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi joining the hug, making us one big crying group with me right in the middle. This is where I belong, with them. I can't be away from them. I just can't, it would kill me.

"How about we start a movie for now, calm down a little? Jin hyung and I made dinner, your favorite, we can eat in the living room this time, it's nothing too messy" Yoongi says after a moment as breaths start to calm down, tears finally coming to a stop.

On cue, my stomach takes that moment to grumble and even Jungkook manages to laugh a little, red eyes on me as he pulls back to pat my belly gently. "We need to feed that monster now" he claims, his eyes willing to put the sadness aside for a moment to enjoy the night.

I wipe my face with my sleeve and nod, Jimin smiling as he grabs my hand to pull me with him to the living room where we sit side by side. Taehyung hurries to sit on my other side, the both of them laying their heads on my shoulders.

Jungkook sits at my feet between my legs and my hands quickly find their way to his hair, a habit we have whenever he feels sad, when I want to show him my love my own way. I think back to their confession. I've had feelings for them for the longest time now and to suddenly hear that they feel the same, I don't know how to approach the subject again.

Taehyung nudges my side softly until I turn to look at him and he grins. "I chose your favorite movies tonight, we can watch them all" he says proudly. I gasp, a smile spreading on my face. "Really?!". He nods happily and I turn when I see Namjoon sit next to Jungkook on the floor, his body turned so that he can lay his chin on my thigh, puppy eyes looking up at me.

"I got your favorite snacks as well, all of them" he says cutely, as if on a competition with Taehyung, but the two of them seem like a proud team, claiming that this will make the movie night perfect.

"Thank you guys, I appreciate it" I say sincerely. They hum and we turn our attention to Hoseok coming in with a plate of my favorite food. "Guys" I whine, moved as I accept it, their creased eyes satisfied by my expression.

"Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung worked all day on this" Jimin says as he looks at me from my shoulder and I hear the two oldests groan at that. "That makes us sound as if we failed many times, Jiminie" Jin complains while I giggle.

"No one said that, Jinnie, does that mean you really messed up many times?" I ask with a smile, see how Yoongi's face falls with a sigh. "You really like the worst food to make, doll" he claims, which makes me laugh again.

"You guys are the best, really" I coo, watch with joy the blush that spreads to their cheeks, the situation forgotten just enough to allow us to enjoy the time we can spend with each other.

With Yoongi and Jin taking a seat at the extremities of the couch once we all have our plates while Hoseok sits next to Jungkook, the latter's sides flanked just like mine, Taehyung hands me his food and hurries to the TV to grab a random movie, too scared that someone will take his place next to me to really care about what's going to appear on the screen.

In the meantime, Hoseok grabs the broken TV controller and hands it to Jungkook who hangs his head in shame as he accepts the victim of his anger. "I'm sorry, controller, I didn't mean to hurt you" he whispers sadly.

I hand Taehyung his plate back while trying to keep in my laugh, my body shaking which causes Jimin to start laughing as well because he's still leaning on me.

Since Jungkook broke the controller, he's responsible of getting up to pause the movie every time someone asks for a toilet break or anything like that, which is a rule since it's not the first time this happens. What is the first time today is that it's not Namjoon who broke it. 

The movie starts and it's very much enjoyable. Except for Jungkook as we all make him stop the movie often to go the bathroom, to get a glass of water, then to the bathroom again, sometimes just to annoy the maknae.

"Guys! Stop doing this on purpose!" Jungkook eventually whines as he pulls my legs over his shoulders like a cape, his arms locked around my ankles. What I don't expect next is for him to pull on them until I'm literally sitting on his shoulders.

Hoseok grabs my plate just in time with a giggle when I scream, Jungkook's body getting up from the floor and bringing me with him. I grab a handful of his hair, heart beating too fast to enjoy the first seconds as I fear for my life.

"Y/N, you'll tear off my hair, take my hand instead!" he exclaims in pain as he lets go of of leg to offer me said hand, which I tightly grab with a huff.

"Warn me the next time you do that, Jungkook!" I scream, half mad, half amused as he laughs out loud. He brings us to the kitchen while I hear from behind us the sound of plates being piled on each other with feet following behind us.

Jungkook stops in front of a cupboard and points to the one I need to open to grab the bags of snacks Namjoon got. "Why'd you hide them so high up, Joon?" I ask as I grab the bag and close the cupboard, Jungkook then asking me to get the bowls in the shelves over the sink.

"Because I didn't want everyone eating their way through them before you got here, that would've ruined everything" Namjoon explains as he grabs the bags and bowls from my hands to set them on the counter.

I hum in amusement and watch from the ceiling as all the tall men walk around us, now looking so small as I tower over them. "This is so satisfying, I'm no longer the smallest" I claim with a proud pause, which I regret when I start losing my balance.

Jungkook and I scream when my butt slides backward until two arms steady me before grabbing me and setting me back on the floor safely. I turn and pout when I see Hoseok shake his head at me. "Being tall is too dangerous for you, it's better if you stay small" he claims, ignoring my frown as he pulls me back to the living room with him.

Jungkook whines but gets forced to help bring all the plates back to the living room for putting me in danger while everyone takes back their previous position, me being again between Jimin and Taehyung, their heads in their rightful place on my shoulders.

As we continue the movie, Jungkook now back between my legs with a promise of no pulling anymore stunts for the night, a comfortable atmosphere setting around us, my phone suddenly starts ringing. With a groan, I get it out of my pocket before seeing that mom is trying to call me.

I sigh and set it down on my lap, waiting as the call gets taken to the voicemail.

"If we ask you to stay, would you stay?" Taehyung asks, his voice murmuring in my ear, his eyes staring at the phone's screen going dark.

"I want to, Tae, I just don't have enough time to get a job and a place. I wish my parents told me sooner before making their decisions, that would've given me enough time to react" I respond, voice filled with regrets.

"You could stay with us" Jimin blurts out from my other shoulder and I turn my head towards him. "You're all very busy, I can't possibly do that" I say, jaw hanging open.

"No, he's right, Y/N, we wouldn't mind having you over. Whether you get a place of your own or not, you'll always have a home with us" Namjoon adds as he turns towards me and when I hear the others sound their approval, I feel hope seep within myself.

Could I really do that? I'm an adult after all, it's not like I really need to follow my parents around at all cost.

"I'd get a job, make sure I'm not a weight" I try, see Yoongi smile at my words. "And I'd clean behind me, make sure I'm not making a mess of the place" I add, this time Jin giggling at my words.

"You could do anything you want, muffin, we wouldn't mind at all" Jimin chirps happily when he sees that I'm not against the offer.

"Then... that means I could also love you all?" I blurt out, see their bodies freeze before eyes fall on me. "Say what now?" Yoongi lets out, not believing his ears at the moment. I meet his eyes.

"You guys said that you had feelings for me... if I say that it's the same for me, has been for the past seven years... would I be allowed to love you openly?" I say, see their eyes widen, cheeks becoming a light tint of pink.

"Do you really mean it?" Hoseok asks as he stands up to pull me on my feet, a giddy look in his eyes. I suddenly grow shy of how they all stare at me, movie now forgotten. I nod slowly and grin when Hoseok wraps his arms under my arms before lifting me up to make us spin around with a laugh. "You can't change your mind, okay?" he says without stopping and I laugh. "I wouldn't even dream of it".

He puts me back down in satisfaction and Yoongi clings on me next. "I didn't want to believe that it was possible... part of me thought you'd only ever see us as friends" he murmurs as he sets his head on mine. I hug him back with a shake of my hand. "It's impossible, you're all so wonderful, I'd be blind to not fall in love with you" I reply, his arms tightening around me in response.

The maknae line then steals me from the older man to tuck me in the middle of their hug, a few kisses on my head as they can't resist it. "We're never letting go of you now" Taehyung murmurs in satisfaction. "Anyone trying to take you from us will have to deal with us" Jimin adds and I giggle. "Even if that person is my dad?". "Nobody gets in our way, not even your dad" Jungkook confirms, his words making me grin.

I turn my heard to the side to see Namjoon standing aside with bright eyes. He opens his arms for me and I switch to his as he locks me in a bear hug, an amazing feeling as he hums into my hair. "You know, you really don't have to find another place, we'd love having you here with us" he says and I hum, knowing that he means it, that they all feel the same.

"Let's go one day at the time and see what happens" I respond as a new pair of arms pull me into another chest, this time Jin clinging on me. "We'll be sure to take care of you and love you just like you deserve. We'll make it so that you don't want to leave us" he whispers in my ears, such softness to his voice as I smile. "I believe you" I whisper back.

All's well until my phone starts ringing again. I sigh. "I should take it this time" I mumble, hear his hum as he releases me, my phone handed to me by Jimin.

It's mom again. Getting ready for a scolding, I purse my lips and accept the call.

"Y/N! Thank goodness you answered this time! Are you safe? Where are you? You didn't go anywhere weird, did you?" she asks in a hurry and I look at the seven pairs of eyes staring at me.

"If by weird... you refer to the guys, then yes, that's exactly where I am" I reply, see the frowns and grins mix on their faces while I swallow a laugh.

Mom sighs of relief. "No, I'm glad if you're with them, I trust them. I... I made the boxes for you, I know it's a lot to take in, I didn't think about your friends when we made that decision, we should've told you beforehand, I'm sorry, sweety" she apologizes and I smile softly.

"It's okay mom... but I have something to ask you" I say, anxiousness starting to climb within me, my hands becoming sweaty and heart beating faster.

Mom hesitates before replying. "What is it?". I breathe in and out slowly. "I... I want to stay here. With them. You said yourself that you trust them. They said I can. I don't want to move to Canada" I say, the silence on the other side making me jittery on my feet.

"You're an adult... so yes, it's fine. If that's something you want, I trust them to take care of you. But if you ever change your mind, or just want to visit us, please let us know, we'll take care of the plane ticket" she says and I let my body fall on the couch in relief.

"Thank you, mom, really" I whisper, a wide smile taking place on my lips". "Of course, I'll come bring your belongings later" she says before ending the call.

With bright eyes, I look up a the group and scream.



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