BTS x Reader - wheelchair/soulmate AU

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Here you go, Aejar823, I had to do some research so hopefully, this is what you wanted! Because there's nothing wrong with being different and that beauty can be found in all the simple little things ❤️

"Y/N, look at this one!" Jungkook exclaims as he points at a particular big and flat fish swimming around in the tank. I turn my head to see him beaming at me and I turn my wheelchair to the side before rolling over to him.

When I reach a particularly steep part of the floor that goes up, Jungkook hurries over with some concern. "Need my help or you want to do this alone?" he asks and I grin. "I won't say no to some help, please". He nods and comes behind me before pushing my chair forward until the climb is behind us.

"Thanks Kookie" I say, feel his lips on my head for a light kiss as he comes to stand besides me. "Anything for my favorite cupcake" he replies with his beautiful bunny smile.

We stare at the different creatures swimming and crawling in the fish tanks, tall blue walls towering over us and allowing us to be totally submerged by marine life.

Jungkook points at all the ones that catch his eyes and he even shows one that apparently looks like Jin, which makes me laugh so much he has to end up moving my chair to the side to free the path when I don't notice a cart coming through to bring in some supplies.

With him allowing me a little break of arm-work to stare around me and indulge my eyes, he pushes me around through the different corridors until we finally find the others a little further away. We had lost them a while ago and simply gave up trying to find them when we realized that we were wasting the experience that should be spent observing the fish. As much as we would've enjoyed this more as a full group, Jungkook made this very fun, his innocence and happiness making this as if we were meant to be only the two of us here today.

Namjoon notices us and points at Jungkook and I, five other pairs of eyes falling on us before they hurry over. Face smothered in kisses from my lovely soulmates, it's with a giggle that I push an unrelenting Taehyung away to allow me to gaze at him properly, his tall body massively bent forward to be at my level.

"We thought you disappeared into a different dimension, we couldn't find you anywhere" the man whines cutely and I pinch his cheek with a smile, loving the way he tilts his head into my touch, his smile making me want to bite on those cheeks.

"Are you hungry? We found the way leading to the cafeteria while walking around, but we can go back on our steps if you want, you didn't see everything" Jin asks and I look up to see Jungkook staring down at me from behind me.

"What do you think?" I ask, see his face twist in embarrassment when his stomach grumbles loudly. I giggle. "I think we can go eat now, I wouldn't want my soulmate falling of hunger" I say and proceed to roll my way forward, Jungkook taking the hint and going back to stand besides me while Yoongi takes the other side while the others chuckle.

"Enjoying the outing so far, doll?" Yoongi asks and I nod happily as we exit the path filled with fish tanks to enter a cemented one. "I am, we haven't done something like that in a while. What's the occasion though? You all have been awfully quiet about why it had to be today" I ask, a small thank you for Hoseok who opens the door and holds it for me.

"If we told you, love, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore" Jin says with a grin and I huff. "Knowing without knowing is making me too curious" I whine. "You'll have to be patient, baby, we're not done today, we have much more to do" Jimin chirps happily as he opens a door leading to the cafeteria.

I thank the latter as I roll through the doorway and enter the large room filled with couple and families. As we reach the different restaurants, I stop in front of a particular one and the others stop around me. "Anything that catches you eyes, sunshine?" Hoseok asks and I hum, eyes going over the menu.

"I'm not sure, I'm not that hungry. I could steal from your plates?" I ask, hear their chuckles before they nod happily. "We'll take a bit of everything then, make this into a small buffet" Namjoon says before going over the menu with the others.

They order a few favorites along with some side dishes for everyone and while we await, I look around the room, trying to spot a table suited for wheelchairs. After a moment, I frown and start making my way around to get a closer look, but I have to come to the disappointing reality that they don't have any wheelchair accessible tables.

Namjoon notices my staring and looks around too, Jimin and Hoseok doing the same, a frown quickly taking over their features. "Something the problem?" Yoongi asks when he sees me coming back with deception.

I shake my head and smile. We'll make this work, it wouldn't be the first time anyway. The others don't let this go as easily though.

"There's a problem indeed" Namjoon says as he too comes back, a hand coming to settle on my head to gently ruffle my hair. "They don't have tables suited for our princess". Yoongi frowns and looks around, Namjoon's voice gathering our remaining soulmates to look like meerkats trying to discover a threat.

"It's fine, Joon, I can eat on my lap" I say but they all shake their heads. "If it's going to be like that, then we'll all eat on our laps, pup. The weather seems great, we could find someplace in a park outside?" Taehyung offers and we all stare at the windows to see the bright sun shining on the ground.

"What do you think, baby?" Jimin asks and I nod, enjoying the idea. It'll be better than sticking out like a sore thumb in here. The man turns to the counter. "Excuse me, we'll take it to go, please" he says, the lady making our plates sighing quietly before transferring the food to boxes.

"You guys go ahead and find us a spot, we'll join you soon" Jin says and we nod, Hoseok and Jungkook staying behind to help him while the rest of us head to the exit.

Suddenly filled with the desire to be treated like a king, Taehyung presses on the electric button that makes the two doors open very slowly. Taehyung doesn't allow us through until they are fully opened and ready for us. I shake my head with a grin until he allows me, the queen, to go first.

"The queen has seven soulmate kings?" Jimin asks with a smile but Taehyung quickly shake his head. "The queen has one alpha king, which is me. You are... the secondary kings, or more like... princes". Yoongi huffs his distaste for being a secondary role and decides that his younger soulmate will have to give up his place in the van.

"That's not fair, hyung! We already planned for me to sit next to her" the latter whines with a loud whimper. Yoongi shoots him a look of disappointment. "Well, the plan changed. I'll be seating with my doll instead" he says, his fingers going to cup my cheek gently. "What? No, if we're changing seats like that, then it should be me! You took the seat next to her last time, hyung" Jimin steps in and I sigh at the competition taking place. Yoongi turns his attention back to the younger ones and continues to complain.

I feel a head lower by mine and I twist my neck to see Namjoon staring at them, mouth near my ear. "Should we sneak away? I can get us out of here fast" he whispers and a wide smile plasters itself on my face. "I love speed, go go go" I whisper back, hear his chuckle before he stands behind me. "Hold on tight, princess, tell me if you want me to stop" he says and waits until I grip the arm rests before sprinting forward.

I can't keep in a scream of joy as the adrenaline of speed fills me in, Namjoon's laughter behind me as we hear the others scream while running after us. "You doing good, princess?" Namjoon asks as he slows down to cross the street safely. "You mean I'm doing wonderful!" I let out and he speeds up again at my words with a wide smile.

I look behind us to see grandpa Yoongi trying to follow behind a giggling Jimin and Taehyung as Namjoon takes us into the park. He slows down again when we enter the grass and we start looking around to find the perfect spot.

I point at a picnic table a little further away from us and Namjoon takes the hint, my chair turning to the right direction as he takes us there. It's right by a gigantic tree, so the shade it offers is going to be perfect in the hot weather.

Once at the end of the table, my chair turned so I can see everyone, Namjoon goes to take a seat at the bench by me and his hand comes to grab mine, our fingers intertwining as the trio comes to join us, Yoongi out of breath and not happy.

Taehyung and Jimin look satisfied as they look at my bright joyous face and they come and take a seat too in front of Namjoon. Yoongi huffs, still not having fully recovered and sits down on the grass next to me, his fingers going to pull out some wild flowers that he finds around him.

It doesn't take too long until we see Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook walking out of the building. Taehyung sends them a quick message saying where to find us, using the big tree as reference and they come over, a smile on their faces as they enjoy the weather.

Once they reach the table, they set everything down and I watch with amazed eyes as they empty the bags to show a large variety of different meals. "You weren't kidding, this is really like a buffet" I say with sparkling eyes, their chuckles widening my smile.

"Anything for our sunshine, we want to make sure you eat as much as possible" Hoseok says and I hum, my hands helping grab a few plates and utensils that I set on the nearest seats, which is Namjoon, Jimin and mine. "Thank you baby" Jimin says with a soft smile as he gives the remaining plates to Jin who sets up the rest of the table.

"Anything in particular you want first cupcake?" Jungkook asks and after looking around a little, I point to a few plates I'd like to have. They transfer them to my side and I grab my fork before getting a bit of everything into my plate, thankful for the drink Namjoon slides next to me as well.

We start eating with the usual chitchat, which is mostly about the creatures we saw earlier. The shark was glorious and when it swam by me, I swear we made eye contact. "It stopped a little when it stared at me, I think we became friends during those few seconds" I muse, eyes looking up in contentment as I remember the satisfaction I felt before it swam away.

"I guess it saw some-fin special about you" Jin says and then turns to me. "But don't trust sharks, they'll spill your sea-crets" he adds and bursts into laughter, proud of his puns.

I sigh as I shake my head. "Welcome to the shark side...".

The laughter increases and the park gets filled with the majestic windshield wiper sound that only Jin can mimic so naturally. We all laugh along with him when he hits the table and Jimin eventually falls off the bench backwards as he holds his stomach.

I myself can't stop laughing, the sight of this happy table doing wonders to my heart. From the first time I met my soulmates, from the first moment their eyes settled on my wheelchair, the smiles they sent me have always been natural, kind and warm. No disgust, no disappointment. Only questions as to how they can help me, things I'd rather not have them do to make me comfortable, to know their limits and mine. They've always been the sweetest.

Moving in with them after a year of courting was exciting and to see all the little ways they adapted their house to suit my needs to help me be as independent as possible was enough to have me crying right on the spot. The consideration they have for me is beyond this world.

Most people react towards people with disabilities with pity, as if my condition is ruining my life. It's not. It's different, but it can be just as beautiful. It's not because I can't run using two feet that I can't laugh, can't joke around, visit places and enjoy great food. The guys have never made me feel like my disability was something to be fixed. It's part of me and it's as simple as that.

We go through the food quickly after that, bellies and hearts filled to the brim and once the table is cleaned up, I offer to grab the bags to throw them in the trash, seeing it not too far from the table. "Thank you love, I'll go get the car with Taehyung so go wait for us by the sidewalk with the others, we won't be long" he says as I settle everything on my lap. I nod and smile before rolling over to the trash bin while Yoongi follows behind, his fingers busy fiddling with something behind his back.

"Everything okay, Yoon?" I ask as I stop by the bin to put the trash inside, then turning my attention to my nervous soulmate. "I am, I just... don't laugh okay? I haven't done that in a long time" he mumbles before showing me what was hidden behind him.

"Yoongi, that's lovely!" I coo as I look at the handmade flower crown in his hands. His adorable gummy smile comes in force, the sight almost blinding me as a light pink brushes over his cheeks. "You think so? I thought you'd look beautiful wearing it" he claims with satisfaction when it's my turn to blush.

He gently sets it on my head and the sudden loud cooing of many voices makes me look to the side to see Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok and Namjoon walking to us with wide sparkling eyes. "You look beautiful, baby!" Jimin exclaims as he hurries to get his phone out of his pocket.

"Looking like a queen, I might have to change my nickname for you" Namjoon contemplates with a smirk while Jimin shoos Yoongi out of the frame to take pictures of me. After a while, Jungkook can't help it and takes over the photoshoot, suddenly going into producer mode as he orders the guys around to clear the background for me. I can't help but giggle as they all hurry around to take thousands of pictures while I do my best to pause like the queen that I supposedly am.

I totally forget about Jin's words earlier until we hear his voice screaming at us to stop playing around and to get in the car. The guys and I share a look before bursting into laughter and I reach the path out of the grass before making my way to the car where Jin and Taehyung are waiting, frowns becoming delighted smiles when they see my flower crown.

"Pup, you look splendid" Taehyung chirps as he helps me situate myself by the van's door. Once close enough, I lock the wheels and sigh before looking up at the man in front of me. He smiles and cups my cheek before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"You ready pup?" he asks and I nod. Helping as much as I can by pushing up with my hands on the armrests, foot rests out of the way, Taehyung carefully transfers me into the huge van, careful about my head hitting the frame while Jin waits inside to gently grab my waist to slide me further inside until I'm on the seat. Sliding my legs to stand in front of me, I grab the seat belt and wrap it around me until I hear the clicking noise.

Jin kisses my cheek and steps back out of the car to get into the driver's seat. Against all odds, it's Hoseok who sits next to me in the car, Taehyung and Yoongi both whining like children before sitting at the back with a pout. Hoseok finds this very funny and so do I.

Once everyone is inside, my wheelchair in the trunk, we leave the lot and get on the highway to go I don't know where. "You'll find out when we'll be there, sunshine, not hints for you" Hoseok repeats again with an eternal smile, his hand on mine on my thigh.

I give him the best puppy eyes I can manage and see his eyes soften, mouth puckering as he turns to Namjoon who's eyeing our interaction with creased eyes. "Don't even think about it, Hobi, we promised to keep the surprise until the end" Jin warns the man, much to my disappointment.

"Sorry princess, but we promised we wouldn't say a thing" Namjoon adds with a soft smile. "But you're going to love it!" Jungkook chirps, Jimin and Taehyung humming along while Yoongi snores at the back.

"Yoon is sleeping again? He slept on the way to the aquarium too" I say in a giggle as I stare at the cute pout on his lips that part from time to time to allow a soft snore through. "You know how he is, following us around drains him, especially when he ran earlier, that was the cherry on the cake" Jimin says with a grin as he runs a hand through our sleeping soulmate's hair.

I nod, heart warming up at knowing that the sweet man still never refuses an outing with us because he wants to be part of the memories we make.

Soon, we reach a building I know well and the confusion on my face must be very funny because everyone except one start laughing. "Why are we at Tae and Jiminie's workplace?" I ask with round eyes as we park into the parking lot.

"Because we're going to give you a makeover" Taehyung says, evidence in his voice as Jimin starts waking up the sleeping grandpa. Hoseok steps out of the car to go get my wheelchair and in the meantime, I undo my seat belt and put one leg at the time towards the door as it opens to reveal Namjoon.

Hoseok gets the wheelchair ready, wheels locked and Namjoon proceeds to help me out of the car and unto the chair carefully until I'm comfortably seated. Yoongi steps out of the van with Jimin and after the doors are closed and locked, I follow behind Taehyung towards the door as he unlocks it.

Then comes the best part, because a series of stairs greet the entrance. "I'm cupcake's man of the day!" Jungkook exclaims, his words letting everyone know that no one else is allowed to take his place. I grin and once he crouches in front of me, I wrap my arms around his neck, his delightfully strong arms going to wrap around my back and under my knees to scoop me up in his arms.

"My knight in shining armor" I giggle, enjoying the happy pink that spreads on his cheeks as he makes us enter inside the building to climb up the stairs behind Taehyung and Jimin while Namjoon keeps the door open. Jin and Hoseok get the chair and get it up the stairs behind us, everyone seeming excited about what's to come, but mostly the two soulmates at the front of the line.

As we enter the room where Taehyung usually does celebrities' makeup and hairstyles, the latter motions for Jungkook to set me on the chair where he's going to work his magic.

"I don't want to let go of her though, can I sit on the chair instead and keep her on me?" Jungkook asks, wide and expectant doe eyes staring at his hyung, silently begging for a nod. Taehyung sighs and stares at me, my eyes not much different from my Kookie's.

"Aw, just leave them, you can start with her hair, if it's too complicated with the makeup, we can adjust" Yoongi says to settle the situation, his eyes on his watch, time ticking by. Taehyung waves his hand at us and Jungkook giggles as he goes to sit on the chair, my body comfortably snuggled against his while Taehyung joins us to rise the chair up high enough so that he won't have to bend his back too much.

"I'm still not allowed to know the occasion?" I ask as I feel his fingers start running through my hair, the soothing feeling making my eyelids droop in seconds. "Nope" is all I'm replied and then begins the makeover.

Everyone taking a seat around the room, some gazing at me being dolled up while others read a book or scroll on their phone, I see Jimin sneak away to his section of the building where he keeps the clothes he rents for movies and the likes. He stays there quite a while before coming back to get my wheelchair and leaving to the other side again.

"Am I going to have to change too?" I ask, curious about what's happening later while Taehyung moves around, his fingers tilting my head left and right to not miss any strands of hair. "You will, what's the point of having a makeover if you go only halfway?" Jimin asks as he comes back with satisfied eyes.

I hum. "Fair enough. But am I really not allowed to see what I look like?" I ask, turn to Taehyung only to hear him hiss as he turns the chair around, apparently focused on the back of my head. "Sorry, princess, only once the final look is done" Namjoon explains from his seat on the expensive couch with a yet again dozing off Yoongi.

When my hair's done, Taehyung moves onto the makeup and with how I'm positioned in Jungkook's hold, the back of my head leaning on his shoulder, it doesn't take too long before I doze off too, the long day finally getting to me.


Jungkook stays in jubilation as he hears her breath evening out, arms going limp on his, lips into a pout. "She fell asleep" Taehyung muses with a soft smile, as pleased as his younger soulmate to see her finally resting. 

"That's good, she'll need the rest if she want to fully enjoy what we got ready for her" Jin says with a smile before standing up when Jimin motions for him to follow to the other side. "Let's start getting you all changed, the suits are ready" the latter says as he disappears behind the door with Jin.

"I'm really getting nervous" Hoseok lets out after a moment of silence, his eyes going over the girl of his dreams. "What if she hesitates?" he adds, suddenly worried that this might not work out. Namjoon chuckles and pats his head.

"You worry too much, but I understand. Anyone goes through that stress in such a circumstance, let's just be ourselves and make sure her night is enjoyable" he says, Hoseok nodding at his words before leaning against the tall man's shoulder, his hand going through Yoongi's hair. The sleeping man sighs and unconsciously leans into the touch, the two surrounding soulmates cooing at the cute man. 

When they hear the sound of a throat clearing, everyone looks up only to have their jaws hanging open at the sight. "Jin hyung, you look... wow" Jungkook gapes, Taehyung momentarily forgetting his task as he stares at the proud man who turns around to show his whole look. Jimin looks just as proud with his work before pointing at Hoseok.

"You're next, Hobi dear, come with me" he singsongs, Hoseok getting off the couch with excitement at experiencing Jimin's magic. Jin follows behind to hide in the other room, because Y/N is not supposed to see them before she herself gets changed.

Once Taehyung is done with the makeup and she's awake, he'll lead her with Jungkook to the other room where her wheelchair is waiting by the changing room with the dress and once she's changing, they'll hurry to join Jimin to finalize their own look. Y/N is not ready for the storm that will hit her.

One after the other, Yoongi eventually having to wake up to get to it too, they all get dressed and stay hidden in the staffs room, anxious jumpy feet hitting the floor as they wait for the minutes to tick by.

Your POV

With a soft nudge to my shoulder, I frown and finally open my eyes to see Taehyung nodding to himself in satisfaction. "Perfect, the most beautiful woman on the whole planet" he muses with creased eyes as I slowly get rid of the curtain of sleep still covering my mind.

I look around me to notice that there's only Jungkook and Taehyung remaining in the room. At seeing my confused face, Jungkook grins. "They're getting ready too, which is exactly what you'll do as well. We'll bring you to the changing room, Jimin got a dress ready for you. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask us, okay?" he says and I nod before allowing my arms to wrap around his neck again.

He stands up from the chair and follows Taehyung to the other side where Jimin awaits by my wheelchair. He beams at the sight of me and I swear I can see hearts shoot out of his eyes.

"Oh baby, you look... resplendent" he coos as he holds the chair in place while Jungkook sets me down slowly.  Once my feet rest on the foot rests, he opens the door to the cabin and my eyes fall right away on a beautiful dress of my favorite color, delicate and shining like the moon.

"Jiminie, I can't possibly wear that" I murmur as I roll over closer to stare at it. "Oh trust me, you can and you will, it's going to look perfect on you" he counters and I turn my wheelchair around to stair at him with teary eyes. Taehyung's eyes widen. "No no no, no crying yet, pup, not yet" he exclaims, his panic making me laugh as I nod, hands going to fan my eyes gently to avoid the tears from spilling.

"Alright, I'm going to stand right by the door in case you need me, okay baby?" Jimin asks and I nod before closing the door after a small smile to the trio. I lock my wheels and stare at the dress, a hand going to slide against the soft fabric. This is a dress of high quality, I can't believe I'm allowed to wear it.

Starting with my shirt, I slide it up above my head and fold it on the small table and then proceed with my pants. Scooting forward to the edge of my chair by using my arms, I slide down the zipper and get what I can down my waist before grabbing the waistband on each side and then push my body up and backwards by using the arm rests to get the pants down my bum. 

Once that part done, I lift one leg up, one after the other to fully remove the clothe. Then putting my attention on the dress, I delicately get if off the velvet hanger before finding the head hole. Getting it on and scooting around a little to sit on it, the length under my knees and not too loose that it would rise up to my face if there's wind, I can only hope I look as good as they expect because I have no way of seeing how I look like. 

"Are you okay, baby?" Jimin asks and I hum before unlocking my wheels and open the door only to have my jaw falling to the ground. Here they are, my seven beautiful soulmates, wearing magnificent suits, from black to gray to a beautiful blue, standing side by side in front of me as they themselves look mind-blown by my appearance.

"Love... you look absolutely gorgeous, there's no words enough to describe your beauty right now" Jin says, voice soft and shocked. I motion to all of them with a similar look on my face. "Have you seen yourselves? How do I get my heart to slow down? It's going to run away from me" I mumble, my words bringing a smile to their faces as I make my way out of the cabin.

"You're going to captivate everyone tonight, doll" Yoongi says as he comes over to push me towards a tall mirror. As soon as my eyes fall on my reflection, I gasp loudly and bring a hand to my face. The makeup isn't overdone, not quite a shock as if I can't recognize myself, but it's done so well, everything Taehyung did with the goal of enhancing my natural features. My hair is also done with the intent of putting the focus on my face, out of the way but done with details that only highly skilled fingers can achieve.

"Taehyung... how..." I mumble, not believing right now that he managed to keep the essence of who I am while still making me feel like a queen. The dress of a beautiful color somehow gives me a shape like I wouldn't believe possible on a wheelchair, no deep cleavage, just showing enough that it gets on the elegant side without making me uncomfortable. 

"Only the best for you, pup" Taehyung whispers, eyes teary as he inspects my reaction, takes in the stars in my eyes, the others all doing the same. I bite on my tongue and turn to them, heart bursting with love at the sight of their warm eyes gazing at me.

"What's the occasion, guys? Why are we all dressed like that?" I ask, even more confused than earlier. I'm not just curious now, this has never happened before. "Just a little longer before you find out, sunshine, wait just a little longer" Hoseok says with a tender smile.

"Let's get back to the car, we have somewhere to be, princess" Namjoon says and I nod, the same thing as when we arrived happening, my wheelchair taken care of while a pair of strong arms scoop me up, this time Jin asking to be the man, his look needing to be completed with a queen in his arms.

I smile and giggle with each steps done down the stairs, Jin being remarkably cheesy as he compliments me like he's never done before until we reach the car, Yoongi then opening the door and sitting besides me when I'm comfortably seated inside, everyone following in so we can get to that mysterious location that has them getting more nervous by the seconds.

Seeing them become fidgety and anxious slowly transfers to me and I look outside to look at the sun going down, darkness already starting to envelop us. I didn't know my makeover had taken so long.

We drive through a fancy park until we reach a large building I've never seen before and when Jin parks in front of the door, a valet comes quickly to accept the keys. The guys help me out of the car and unto my wheelchair and we make our way inside, all of them around me. I can notice the eyes turning to us, wide and amazed, phones taken out to take pictures as if we're celebrities.

It's all very flattering, but after a moment, I start getting uncomfortable. Namjoon and Jin move to stand in front of me to keep me out of view and Jimin takes over pushing my wheelchair since I don't really know where we're going.

We're led through a few corridors until we reach a beautifully decorated private room with a large table, candles spread around with tall windows giving view on a garden you only see in movies.

The woman leading us to the room excuses herself and leaves with a promise of coming back very soon. I gaze around me, voice caught in my throat at the overwhelming surprise. Wide eyes taking in everything, I understand now why we look as fancy as we do. Anything less would have been absolutely inappropriate here.

"Guys... if we wait any longer, I swear I'm going to be sick" Hoseok mumbles and I turn around in worry for my soulmate. "Are you not feeling well, Hobi?" I ask with a frown, not ready to make him endure this if it makes him that anxious. But as I take in all of their faces, I can see the tension on their features, bodies standing straight and shoulders heavy with pressure.

"Guys if this is making you feel bad in any way... we can leave" I mumble, feeling bad that this surprise is taking so much out of them. I roll my chair over to them, ready to take the lead to leave the room but Namjoon stops me gently.

"No, no, it's alright, princess. We just..." he stops and shares a look with the others, hesitation before they nod slowly. He sighs. "We wanted to wait until after dinner, enjoy the night and take our time, but it really is nerve-wrecking and I don't think we can make it that far".

I frown, not understanding where this is going. They all step closer and smile at me, a genuine smile filled with love. "We know that with being soulmates and all, especially having seven of us, this might be a little unconventional but..." Jin says before breathing in and out.

Jungkook steps forward a little, him being in the middle of the group and I watch with wide eyes as they all drop to one knee. "We really want to cherish you until the end of times, we want everyone to know that you are ours just as much as we are yours" the youngest says before getting a little black box out of a hidden pocket.

I bring a hand to my mouth, heart beating madly at the sight in front of me. This can't be real.

"Y/N, would you do us the honor of being our wife? Will you marry us?" Jimin asks, voice trembling as the box opens to reveal a beautiful ring.

Feeling my eyes fill with tears, I nod quickly. "Yes, I will. Of course I will" I murmur, see the pure relief wash over their fear. How much I'd love to get up and jump in their arms right now. As if reading my mind, Jungkook steps closer and makes me wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me up, an arm going under my bum to support my body while my legs dangle on each of his sides.

Unable to resist it, he kisses me softly, his lips on mine taking me into a loving dance that settles my heart into contentment. The others join around us, heads going to rest on my shoulders while arms sneak around me from all sides, kisses left on any available skin, mouth taken a few times, the feeling of their lips making me fall deeper for them every time.

"I love you so much, all of you" I whisper, tears flowing freely on my cheeks as I relish in the feeling of our bond.

"We love you too, Y/N, forever and ever".

I hope this chapter was what you wanted, I hope it was sweet and fluffy enough, be safe ❤️

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