BTS x Reader - hurt/sick

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Here you go Aejar823  ! Because being taken care of by BTS is probably a little secret dream we all have!

As usual, the concert was a huge success and looking at the exalted expressions on ARMY'S faces as they leave is so satisfying. The staffs are tying things up so we can all get a good night's rest at home while BTS are relaxing for a while before getting changed.

Grabbing more water bottles, I hurry to where I know they're staying to unwind and make my way through many tired bodies. Once finally in front of the door, I hear their laughter before I even make a foot inside and I smile.

"Guys, ARMY was insane tonight, I'm still filled with so much energy" Jimin exclaims with a wide smile before their eyes all fall on me as I enter the room. Bright eyes on me, it doesn't take long before their sweaty bodies throw themselves at me and I hold my breath, getting ready for the sweat show that will take place.

Hoseok reaches me first and his arms take me in for a strong hug, excitement still going strong through his veins at the moment. I hug him back with one arm and wince internally at how wet his back his. That just proves to show how hard they worked.

"You guys did amazing once again, you did even better than last time" I praise them all as I meet eyes with each guys that now surround me. "It was, wasn't it?!" Taehyung chirps as he waits for his turn to hug me.

I pat Hoseok's back to allow the others some time as well and he gets the hint, pulling back with a light pout before his beaming smile comes back. Taehyung jumps forward and pulls me into his arms, heart still beating so fast and I chuckle.

"I brought you guys water, your heart's still beating so fast, you should rest" I say as I try to get the water bottles out from between Taehyung and I's chests. "That's not because of the concert" I hear a mumble but when I look around to see who could have said that, they all avoid my eyes.

Namjoon clears his throat and helps get the bottles to hand to each members, which I'm grateful for until I'm released. Bright doe eyes come into my range of view and I smile at the expectant look on his face. "You really think we did great? Not from ARMY's perspective but from yours?".

I tilt my head at that, but nod nonetheless. "I always think you guys are amazing, tonight's no exception. I'm prouder than any ARMY reunited together" I tell him, watch as a wide bunny smile appears on his lips, nose scrunching up in happiness before he pulls me with him to the couch where he makes me sit before snuggling into my side. 

You might wonder what's going on. Well, I'm BTS's manager. Have been for the past five years after the precedent one got sick and had to leave permanently. We developed a bond quite quickly and now they feel like family. I couldn't see my life without them and it would honestly break me to have to be apart from them. I still have yet to put a precise emotion on that.

I'm brought back to the present when Jin sits next to me, his arm wrapping around my shoulder as he pulls me into his side. "You should rest a little too, I know you've been running around helping the staff to get everything ready. You know that's not part of your tasks, right?" the latter says softly and I smile.

"I know, but I want to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible, if I can help around, then of course I'll do it" I retort before thanking Namjoon when he allows me to finish his water bottle, somehow noticing that I too am in great need of water. He smiles and ruffles my hair before turning around when the door opens.

"Y/N? Could we ask for your help please? We need to finish cleaning the stage and the staff responsible for that are nowhere to be found. We think they left already but we can't reach them". I sigh. That wouldn't be the first time staff run away in the middle of a concert, unable to deal with the pressure. That always leaves us with more to do at the end.

"I'm sorry, but our manager already has done a lot and it's not part of her tasks" Namjoon claims, already refusing for me but I force myself out of the arms holding me and stand next to him. Bringing a hand to his shoulder, he looks down at me with worry. "It's fine, Joonie, I'll go. I can't let them do this alone, I'll be back before you know it".

He sighs. "You're allowed to rest too-". I shush him with a finger on his lips, my eyes creasing at the small blush creeping on his cheeks at the contact. "I'll be back in the blink of an eye. Let me help one last time".

"If you're not back within ten minutes, I'm going to force you back myself" a voice suddenly says from the back and I turn around to see Yoongi with his eyes closed as he sleeps on a couch. He didn't waste any time, did he? I chuckle and nod. "Alright, but give me more like... twenty minutes" I counter.

He opens his eyes and glares at me. "Eleven minutes". I sigh. "Fifteen?". We hold a staring contest for a moment, the staff already long gone before Yoongi relents. "Fourteen minutes, last offer, take it or stay here".

I shake my head before accepting the offer. "Okay, but you better not get there before the fourteen minutes have passed!" I say before running to the door. "I'll see you guys later!" I exclaim before getting to the stage.

I certainly wasn't expecting to have to do that tonight, but what can you do? We have to do this if we want to go home. It wouldn't be professional to leave the place a mess. Reaching the area, my shoulders slump a little at all there's still to do. I can't possibly finish this in fourteen minutes.

"Y/N! Thank goodness you could come, here, you can start by sweeping the left side of the stage, any items you find, put them in this basket, I'll bring them back to the company tomorrow" the staff says as they hand me a broom and a basket. I nod and reach the other side. A few others are taking care of removing props, but other than that, the place is pretty empty. I can notice people walking through the rows of seats to make sure nothing out of place stands out.

Focusing on the task at hand, the light not doing much to show where I set foot as I follow trails of confetti, I quickly make myself a path to maximize the amount I get to clean as fast as possible, knowing that Yoongi will be here sooner than fourteen minutes, his arms ready to pull me back to the others against my will.

Noticing the unsteady floor under me, I frown, making note to tell someone later so they can take a look at this before someone gets hurt. Luckily, nothing happened while the guys were running around, that could've ended badly.

I keep walking around, more than half of my side now free of most confetti and then, a loud noise reaches my ears, confusing me before the floor swallows me up. Hitting metal bars on the way down, reaching the bottom is a painful experience that has me in complete darkness. I groan and let out a whine at the way my leg feels. Is it broken? I think it is.

"Y/N?!" I hear a shout before a face appears from the entrance above me. "Y/N, are you alright?!". That's Yoongi, I realize, his dark hear surrounding his scared face. I try to move but it only provokes a hurt whimper from leaving my mouth. "I think I broke my leg" I manage to say, head bumping into one of the many metal bars.

"Oh shit, you don't move okay? We'll get you out. I'll be right back" he claims before rushing away.

I can notice other staffs looking though the hole, but the pain quickly takes over most of my focus as it intensifies and starts spreading to my whole body.

Light eventually reaches me and I look to my left to see a door from under the scene open, revealing Yoongi and Namjoon entering inside, a flashlight in their hands until their eyes fall on me. They both swear as they run to me.

I sigh in relief, tears making way to my eyes as if I don't have to act strong anymore. I try to fight them back, but when Yoongi wraps his arms around my upper body so I can rest on his lap, they start flowing freely. The pain is really intense and not sobbing like a baby is hard work.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N, we should've insisted more to keep you in the room" he whispers as Namjoon takes a look at my legs, eyes of a leader trying to find the best way to proceed. I slowly shake my head. "It's not your fault, Yoongi. It's no one's fault. We couldn't possibly know this would happen" I tell him, hand going to cover his in a comforting manner. He brings his other hand on top of mine and squeezes, eyes focusing on my legs.

"Her leg's in a bad state but I can't tell if it's broken or not. We'll have to raise her without moving it as much as possible. An ambulance is on the way. Does it hurt a lot?" Namjoon then turns to me as he asks his question, eyes gazing deep into mine to make sure my next words are true.

I shoot him a crooked smile. "It hurts a lot. I'll have to say this is worse than when you hit me right in the face with that tennis ball". I see him hesitate between a small laugh and frowning even more, but my huffed laugh brings a little smile out of him.

"That must hurt a whole lot then" he whispers before sliding an arm under my bottom while the other goes to support my calves. Yoongi take the hint and also slides his arms around me so they can get me out of here.

"We'll go slowly, if we go that way we'll be able to avoid most metal bars" the leader says. Yoongi hums. "Got it".

They then proceed to slowly get us out from the dark space. "Where are the others?" I ask as we get closer to the door, my winces not going unnoticed but not much they can do except being careful.

"They're waiting for the ambulance. They'll lead them right here so they can take over, we'll set you on a warm blanket we brought since the floor is cold" Namjoon explains. Once past the door, I look to the side to notice the blanket that was quickly set down before they rushed to me, a few of the staffs standing around in concern.

Once back on the floor again, no more tension done on my leg, I let out a small shaky breath and close my eyes, hoping the pain would go away soon. A hand goes through my hair and I open my eyes to see Yoongi and Namjoon above me, worried eyes taking in my expression as both of their hands run against my scalp. I try to give them a smile, wanting to ease their worry a little when rushed feet take my attention.

"There! They got her out!" Jimin exclaims as the guys appear followed by paramedics. Yoongi and Namjoon step away to leave the professionals to do their things and I'm quickly taken outside and into the ambulance. Jin gets in with us while the others take the car, Taehyung offering to drive for the road to the hospital.

As we're on the way, Jin doesn't let go of my hand. His tight hold even though he smiles softly tells me just how bad he feels and I squeeze his hand back as tight as I can manage, eyes locking on his until his facade falls a little, teary eyes now looking into mine. I give him the warmest smile I can manage and bring my free hand to wipe his now wet cheek.

"I'll be fine, Jinnie. Don't worry too much".


The trip at the hospital wasn't a fun one, but hopefully, we determined that my leg is not broken, just a little twisted, so after a week of making sure it starts healing well, I'm finally allowed back home.

Except, I'm not allowed back home. The guys won't accept the thought of me living alone for the rest of my recovery and so, I'm to stay at their dorms with them. Bang PD has approved of their decision, his only warning to be careful and to not go walking all over town with linked arms.

The image it brings to mind makes us chuckle, although Taehyung pouts a little. This is something he's always wanted to do, apparently. It'll have to wait.

Since last time was actually the last concert of the current tour, we're all allowed a one month off work to relax and unwind from the tough year. The timing couldn't be better. Coming back from my apartment to get a bag of necessities, I'm now on the way back to their dorm with Hoseok and Jungkook, the latter driving while I sit at the front, Hoseok at the back in the middle with my bag by his side.

I look outside at the bright sun and sigh. Today would be the perfect day to go on a walk, but I can't walk on my leg for one more week. My new handy crutches at the back, it's going to prove a challenge to not do anything for a while.

"Where will I be sleeping?" I ask them after a while, see the blank look on Jungkook's face while Hoseok seems taken aback. I frown. "Guys? Am I going to have to sleep on the floor?".

"What? Of course not! We'll probably each take turns sleeping in the living room so you can have a bed each night" Hoseok counters with a shrug. "I can't possibly kick you out of your room to take your beds" I retort, not at all expecting for this to happen. Had I known, I would've insisted to stay at home, these boys need their beds the most to recover from the long tour.

"If you don't want to kick us out... you can always sleep in the same bed as us" Jungkook offers with smug. I scoff to hide my sudden embarrassment. "I would never dare" I say, hoping my voice doesn't betray me and my rapidly beating heart.

The maknae hums softly as we stop in front of the dorm's building. "We'll see then. You two can get out and start heading inside, I'll go park the car". At those words, Hoseok quickly gets out of the car and grabs my clutches as I open my door. He gives them to me and proceeds to grab my bag before helping me out of the car slowly.

Once the door closed behind me, Jungkook enters the parking lot and maneuvers the car easily so that it fits between two smaller ones. Hoseok leads me to the building's door and as soon as we enter the lobby, the elevator's doors open to reveal a very excited Taehyung and Jimin duo as they rush to me with wide smiles.

As much as their quick running has me hesitant on opening my arms for them, they slow down once in front of me and gently hug me one at a time, their arms supporting my body's weight to give some relief to my only leg allowed to force just yet.

"It's so great to see you again, outside of the hospital this time" Jimin says as he and Taehyung make me get in the elevator, each of them flanking my sides with Hoseok following behind. We keep the doors open a few more seconds when we see Jungkook run inside, his last sprint gaining in speed when he sees us already ready to go up.

With a huff, he gets in and the doors close. Hoseok presses the right button and we start going up. "I hope you didn't eat yet because Jin-hyung is making you a feast" Taehyung says with a grin, proud as if he's the one making the food.

Right on cue, my stomach takes that time to grumble loudly. They all chuckle. "Well, that answers my question" the boxy smile man says as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. I mumble under my breath, face red from the humiliation. "That sounded like a freaking orc" I whine quietly, eyes looking down to avoid the smirks sent my way.

When the doors open, Hoseok and Jungkook get out first, Jimin and Taehyung making me walk a little in front of them until we end up in front of their dorm. They open the doors and allow us inside where we can already find Namjoon and Yoongi cleaning up the place one last time.

"Hi guys" I say as the door closes behind me, catching the three men's attention, which causes them to rush to the entrance. "Finally, we thought you maybe got lost, that's why we sent these two downstairs" Yoongi complains with a badly hidden smile as he pushes everyone out of the way to make me step inside, a hand on the small of my back, the other ready to support me should I need it.

Jungkook scoffs. "I wouldn't get lost! I know this city like my pocket. You'd have to be worried if it was Taehyung driving". The latter turns to the youngest with a frown. "I don't get lost when I drive". Jimin sends him a look. "That's because you always use a GPS". Lost for words, Taehyung turns to me for help but I just shrug my shoulders before looking away. "I take no part in this competition" I say.

Yoongi laughs before pointing at the couch. "You can sit there, I'll help Jin with lunch. You're hungry I hope?". Hoseok laughs and claps his hands at that. "Hyung, if you heard her stomach earlier, you'd think she's ready to eat an elephant, we have to feed her fast before she eats one of us!" he exclaims, betraying me already.

I glare at him, but Namjoon's face takes my attention first. He looks pensive. "I mean... I wouldn't mind". My eyes widen and so does Jin's as he hurries over with a spatula. "That's no words for a leader! Watch your mouth in front of her!" the oldest shrieks while the others only laugh.

"It was a joke, hyung, stop!" Namjoon chuckles while defending himself from the cook. In the meantime, I decide to act like I didn't hear what he said. All while trying to hide a raging blush on my cheeks. Just what is going through that man's mind?!

Lucky for me, the maknae line proves to be a good distraction when they jump on the couch by my sides, TV controller grabbed to try and find something to watch while food gets ready. Taehyung manages to scoot behind me and wraps himself around me like he would to a teddy bear, the feeling comfortable if not for the eyes the others send me. That must make them uncomfortable.

"Tae, I think it would be better if we sit normally, no?" I whisper but he vigorously shakes his head that is set on my shoulder, his soft hair tickling my ear. "No, like this is perfect" he counters. I shoot Jimin and Jungkook a look meant to show how sorry I am, that I tried, but what I get back isn't what I expected.

Jungkook lies his head down on my lap and Jimin intertwines our fingers together. "Guys..?" I let out, wondering what this is all supposed to mean. Because my mind is currently raising my expectations and if they prove wrong, the fall with hurt.

Jungkook slides a finger on my lips and gently shushes me. "Just relax, Y/N, it's fine" he says, as if he can see right through my mind. Jimin takes my hand to his mouth where he leaves a soft kiss. "Just let us take care of you, you don't need to do anything" he whispers before looking up at me through his lashes.

Then Taehyung nuzzles his nose into my neck, the ultimate combo to make my breath hitch in my throat. "We'll take good care of you" he whispers, his voice giving life to chills all over my body.


It's been a few days of being here already and from the first night, Namjoon has left me his room after deciding to sleep with Jin, the two of them not minding the sharing of a bed. The others complained a little, wishing it would be their bedroom instead, but Namjoon kept his decision firmly, saying that it would be the best choice since it's the further away from the kitchen and living room, that way if they wake up first, I wouldn't be woken up too easily.

They all have been oddly close to me, skin touching and my hands almost always being held by someone. Although I don't hate their attention, I do hate not knowing what this means. My heart is enjoying this very much, but my head tells me that I'm going to get hurt. It's been hard, jumping from one thought to the other and it's been taking a lot of my energy recently.

I open my eyes feeling sluggish, skin burning and I sigh. Great, just great. First, my leg, now this. A damn fever. Clothes sticking to my skin and sweat hardly hidden as I feel my neck and forehead damp, getting out of bed reveals a struggle.

I need water. A huge glass of water. Getting my clutches, I sense that I'm playing a dangerous game when my body tilts to the right instantly, balance being almost nonexistent, so I opt for only one clutch while resting my other side on the wall, thinking it might help me not fall.

Looking at the time on my phone before I leave, I notice that it's still very early, almost 5:00. I'll have to be quiet, maybe find some medicine before going back to bed. I don't want to bother them, it's nothing I haven't had to deal with before.

I quietly and slowly open my door and start walk down the corridor, my body sliding against the wall, my right arm holding the clutch as it helps me go a little faster without looking like a hurt penguin. I reach the kitchen just has a dizzy spell takes over me and I lean against the counter, clutch falling from my hand and hitting the ground loudly. I wince, knowing this most definitely woke someone up.

Looking down, I try to bend to get it back but my out of breath body decides to simply give up and let me fall down on the floor. This is ridiculous. How more pathetic can I be? My body feels weak and my arms won't respond at all at the moment.

A light humming voice gets down the corridor and I sigh. I try to get up at least in a seated position, but my arms won't move. I feel like I'm dying, head and thoughts a blur, but the cold of the ceramic floor transferring to my skin as it absorbs my heat feels nice.

You know what, I think I might just stay here after all. It feels good. A gasp reaches my ears and I know whoever woke up just found me in my pathetic state. "Y/N?! Are you okay?" the whispering voice panics before getting closer and I force an eye open to find Hoseok crouching besides me, anxious eyes looking at me, registering the sweat spread over my skin, my labored breath, nothing to show that I'm doing good.

"Hyung!" he shouts, the need to be quiet completely gone as he gently scoops me up to set me on his lap as he sits against the wall, his arms around me.

Many feet rush out of the rooms and to the kitchen. "What's wrong?!" Jin says before seeing me in Hoseok's arms, the latter trying to stay calm but getting distressed over the way I'm breathing, if you can call it that at all. It's like a frog trying to claim a female, but instead scaring her to death. Very charming.

Many bodies surround us on the floor and a cold hand sets on my forehead. I sigh at the feeling, anything cold being truly wonderful at the moment. I tilt my head to follow the touch, not wanting it to go away.

"She's burning... Namjoon, go get the thermometer in the bathroom, it should be under the sink in the blue pouch. Yoongi, look into the cupboards for some medicine, I'm sure we have something for fevers, the strong kind. If not, we'll have to go buy some" Jin says, caring mode taking over while the others stay around me, hands hovering over me without touching, not sure what to do.

The sound of water running reaches my ears and I'm reminded of why I came here in the first place. "Water... can I have water please?" I manage to whisper, thankful when Taehyung rushes to his feet to get to it.

Jimin takes my hand, worried eyes looking into mine. "Anything else you need? Anything at all, we'll do our best to help you" he says, tone almost begging me to find something to get him busy.

"Jiminie, you can wipe her skin with this towel, leave the other one on her forehead and change it when it gets warmer, we need to lower her temperature" Jin says before handing him the towels. Jimin thanks him and proceeds to gently clean my skin, the cold feeling making me jerk away before relaxing at the relief it brings me.

"We don't have medicine for fevers, what we have wouldn't help either, I'll go get some" Yoongi claims before rushing to the front door. "I'll come with you, hyung! We'll be back as soon as possible, Y/N, just hold on a bit longer, okay?" Jungkook says before running after the older man.

Taehyung comes back with a cold glass of water, a few ice cubes in there and Hoseok helps me sit up so I can drink it. They both help me hold my glass to my mouth, worried that I'll drop it and hurt myself even more, which probably would happen.

"I'm sorry, I'm supposed to get better, yet here I am ruining your rest" I murmur after moving my face away from the glass.

"Don't say that, Y/N, it's not your fault. We've already slept plenty, you didn't ruin anything" Jin reassures me as he crouches next to me, his hand grabbing the towel on my neck to make sure it's not too warm.

Namjoon takes that moment to come back, annoyance on his face. "It's not there, hyung, I can't find it" he huffs, clearly mad at himself for not being of much help. Jin sighs. "I'll go take a look myself. Maybe I moved it around the last time. Can you change the towel on her neck please? Rinse it and make sure to drain it well before setting it there again".

The leader nods and does as told, thumb carefully caressing my cheek before moving to the sink in a hurry. Hoseok's fingers moving in soothing circles on my thigh and arm, the only thing he can do as he serves as a personal couch.

I can't help but chuckle a little at the frantic situation. "I think she's in a worse state than we though hyung, she's starting to laugh" Jimin whines as he stares at me like I'm growing a second head. The later comes back with the towel and crouches next to me while I shake my head, my breathing a little easier as the fresh feeling takes over my skin for a moment.

"I'm not getting crazy if that's what you're scared of" I let out with a smile. "What's so funny then? Because I certainly don't find this funny" Taehyung mumbles, voice serious and deep.

"You all look like your wife's dying. It's a bit weird to imagine, but whoever ends up being loved by you in the future will be immensely lucky" I explain, the words hurting me more than I let on, but I mean every one of them. Those guys are truly wonderful, going out of their way like that to care for me.

"You really think so?" Hoseok asks, his face above mine as he stares into my eyes. I nod. "Then-" he starts but Jin comes back with a thermometer, body hurrying over and gently taking hold of my jaw to turn my face towards his.

"Open your mouth and keep this under your tongue, you need to keep it there for a while" he says and I do as told, not missing the way Hoseok purses his lips. "Later, hyung, let's wait until everyone's here and she feels better" Jimin tells him, as if he knows what's on Hoseok's mind. The latter nods and they focus back on my health.

Now that was weird. Jin takes the thermometer back and hums, relief flashing through his eyes. "It's not as bad as I thought. You should get better quickly with the medicine, Yoongi and Jungkook should be back soon" he tells me, his hand going to run through my hair gently as he smiles.

The guys all sigh in relief, tension lowering without disappearing completely. The front door opens at that moment and the two men run in with a bag in hand. "We got a few things, the pharmacist lives right next to the clinic so he was nice enough to come in and help us" Yoongi says, eyes looking at me and relaxing a little when he sees me smiling at him. A tired smile, but a smile nonetheless.

Jungkook comes to sit next to Jimin and Yoongi comes with a few pills in hand, eyes softening when he sees my expression change at the sight. Taehyung hands him my glass of water and the older man crouches in front of me.

"I know that's a lot, but you'll feel a lot better once you take them" he says and once I nod reluctantly, he helps me take one after the other, swallowing only once at a time until all of them are gone from his palm. He cups my cheek and smiles. "Good job, love".

My heart skips a beat at his words and he himself looks taken aback at the words that just left his mouth. I need to get rid of the tension, I don't want this to turn awkward. I decide to do what I do best - laughing it off.

So I do, much to his confusion, I giggle. "You shouldn't call me like that, Yoongi, keep those words for the one you love" I tell him, eyes hardly expressing the amusement I'm trying to show him, but my smile doesn't last long when he frowns.

"That's exactly what I'm doing, keeping those words for the one I love" he says and I keep staring at him, head filling with confusion. Hoseok moves us a little so I can see him better. "So... what I meant to say earlier, Y/N... is that..." he stops again, eyes going over everyone around us to get their approval.

"We all love you" Yoongi says. My jaw drops open and my body heat increases again, this time not for the same reason. I gape like a fish, eyes going to meet each pair of eyes that are fixed on me.

"It's true, Y/N. It's been a few years now, but we all have feelings for you. We didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but we also couldn't refrain ourselves anymore, so when you got hurt, we thought taking you here would be the best opportunity to get closer to you" Namjoon bashfully explains, cheeks tinted red but eyes holding anxiety.

"I... you... me?" I let out, knowing my words don't make sense but Taehyung nods. "We, you, yes". I blink before looking down at Hoseok's hand now holding mine.

"You don't have to accept us, Y/N, we just really wanted to tell you" Jin says, probably taking my reaction as discomfort, but I look up quickly to meet his eyes. "I... I actually have feelings for you as well. I didn't know how to deal with your closeness since the beginning of the week, but I guess it makes sense now" I say, see the way their eyes brighten.

"You don't mean only one of us right? You like us all?" Jungkook asks, both expectant and wary. I nod slowly. "I wasn't sure of what my feelings were, but being here has opened my eyes... imagining you with other girls..." I shake my head at the thought, barely restraining a grimace from spreading on my face. 

Hoseok chuckles and pulls me deeper into his chest for a hug. "There could never be anyone else to replace you, never" he whispers sweetly into my hear and I smile.

Yoongi grabs my hand and softly slides his thumb across the skin and he looks up to meet my eyes. "Will you be ours? Only ours?".

I blush wildly, but I know there's only one answer possible.

"I will, yours only".


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