BTS x Reader - Soulmate/Royalty

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Here you go SophiaRoseSyne ! I hope this can be a semblance of what you asked for because it was not easy to start, but it was fun! Enjoy!

"Did the potential soulmate run away yet again?" Father asks as we arrive into the empty waiting room. The butler looks down in shame as he nods his head. "Yes, Your Majesty. When he learned it was for... the young Princess, he got scared and turned around".

Thank goodness, I think to myself as I fake a pout. Father turns to me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, Darling, I'm sure we'll find your soulmate soon" he says, his thumb going to stroke my cheek before he leaves the room.

I bow until he gets out of view and then turn to the butler. "Thank you for your hard work and sorry for the trouble" I say with a bow again, causing the man to panic. "Your Highness, please, do not lower yourself in front of me, it's nothing. Is there anything I can do for Your Highness?". I shake my head and turn towards the door. "No. I'll be in my room".

He bows as I leave to walk through the empty and sparkling clean corridors leading to my quarters. I look at the time on my watch and look around me, finding the surroundings empty. I grab the hem of my dress and start running. I'm late!

Turning a corner, I almost bump into someone, but I don't waste time, apologizing quickly as I keep going forward. Almost there, just a little more!

I stop in front of my door, panting and head inside, closing it behind me. I rush to my computer and open it to see the notification for BTS going live. I sigh in relief, they seem to only be presenting themselves and waiting for more people to arrive still.

I've been waiting for this live for a week now when it appeared on their schedule. Apparently, something special is supposed to be revealed today and I can't wait to find out. A new song? Could it possibly be about their next comeback?

Heart beating fast, not just from running but also from expectations, I gaze at their handsome faces, dreaming that they could possibly be my soulmates. Now that would be the dream. I don't want to be with someone scared of me and I'm sure BTS would be able to handle my title. They're Princes themselves, it would be perfect!

But sadly, I know that's only a dream. A futile one at that. Billions of ARMY'S hope for their soulmates to be someone of BTS or even all of them. I'm no different. The only thing that makes me different from most ARMY is that I can't say it. Father doesn't know and it needs to stay that way.

I look down at my wrist, the black flower that graces my skin so alone. I wish my soulmate's mark could find its place next to mine, but I need to see them in person for that to happen. Only once our eyes cross can the mark appear and the bonding begin.

But Father wants someone of high rank for me, so he's been searching for particular titles. What if my soulmate is a normal person? What if he has an office job or maybe even jobless! Am I not allowed to meet the one meant for me if he's not of a rich family?

Hoseok's scream takes me out of my thoughts and I gasp. I can't believe I didn't focus on the live!

"So, ARMY, we have something very important to tell you. You know how one needs to be 20 years old for the mark to appear? Jungkookie's birthday was recently too. We..." Jin stops there, suddenly looking nervous and the others all smile at him.

I'm on the edge of my seat, my brain now trying to think of thousand theories, but only one makes sense. I grab my BT21 keyboard and type a message for the guys.

IMNOTPRINCESS: Are you all soulmates? If so, congratulations! That's really great news!

I set my keyboard down, not thinking that they'll see it, but when Yoongi's eyes widen, his fingers reaching the screen to scroll up and a smile appears on his face, my heart skips a beat. He points at the screen and they all bend forward, a bright smile taking place on their faces.

"IMNOTPRINCESS... Yes, you are right! We're sorry for hiding it for so long, but we wanted to make sure we were all ready to tell you all! The seven of us are soulmates. With Kookie joining us with the mark that looks just like ours, we thought it was the perfect time to tell you" Namjoon says and I proceed to scream my life away from the depths of my room. He said my name out loud AND proceeded to confirm my theory! Just how better can this day get?!

"You want to see it? Of course! Here it is-" just as they're about to reveal their marks, beautiful I'm sure, my door opens and I slap my laptop shut in a hurry. "Darling, I heard screaming, are you okay?!" Father exclaims as he enters the room with a butler and I give him a nervous smile. "Yeah... I thought I felt a spider on me but it was just my hair" I let out, hear his sigh as he steps closer.

"That's good then if it's nothing. I know we couldn't celebrate your birthday when it happened, but I'm here to ask you for what you want. I thought maybe an opera-"

I groan at that. "No, please! I'd rather see something like BTS instead of an opera again" I whine before slapping my mouth shut with my hand. Father tilts his head at that. "BTS? That group that's been becoming more and more popular? Do you like them?" he asks and his expression is so neutral, I can't tell if I should be honest or not.

Eventually, I nod a little, willing to risk it. "I do". He stares at me a bit longer before turning around and leaving the room. Confused, I stare at the butler running after him before closing the door.

"He didn't say anything, is that a good thing or a bad thing?!" I cry out before turning back to my laptop in a hurry. I open it and refresh the page, hoping I haven't missed much and luckily, they're talking about how the bond happened after the appearance of the marks.

I sigh and snuggle into my chair while looking at their happy faces. What I wouldn't do to be the reason of those wide and sparkling smiles.


The next two weeks go by with so many of the same articles about BTS that I don't really bother going on my secret account anymore. They haven't scheduled another live yet, but I'm hopeful that they'll come back soon.

They can't live without ARMY after all, we might not be their soulmates, but we're still very dependent on the other. They help us and we help them.

Father hasn't said a word about me liking BTS, much to my relief, but also disappointment. I wish I could know what his opinion is, but whenever I try to ask the question, he changes the subject quickly with more mentions of possible soulmates that are going to come to meet me.

"Any friends you'd like to invite for your birthday?" Father asks me as we walk yet again to the meeting room, which hopefully, might be empty again. I turn to him. "Father... you know I don't have friends". His jaw drops and he shoots me a sorry look. "Forgive me, Darling. I..."

He doesn't complete his sentence, but I don't hold it against him. Father is really busy, so obviously he wouldn't know if I have friends or not. I do have friends. Fellow ARMY'S who I talk to from time to time. But none of them know of my real identity. They'd probably freak out more about that than about BTS being soulmates.

The doors to the meeting room opens and yet again, it's empty. As much as I'm happy to not have to meet strangers forced to come over, it still stings. Am I really that scary? Unwanted? You'd think that with a title like mine, people would be begging to be my soulmate, but it's quite the opposite really. People flee responsibility nowadays and mine comes with a lot.

"I don't really know who to get anymore" Father murmurs under his breath as he gazes at the empty couches. I don't respond, knowing it wouldn't do anything. He'll probably lower his criteria a little and start again.

He turns to me. "Tomorrow, I want you to dress comfortably, you'll be going somewhere" he says and I look up anxiously. "Alone? Where to?" I ask but he doesn't respond, instead going away.

I sigh and turn to my room, deciding that it would be better to get to sleep now instead of wandering about without anything to do.

Reaching my room, I open the door and don't bother turning on the light. I get out of my dress and wear something light before getting to bed with my phone that awaits on my charger. I proceed to look through my notifications, searching for anything BTS could've posted, but there's nothing. I guess they'll be keeping low profile after their grand reveal.

I talk a little with my friends, laughing when they all call me Princess in a joking manner. If only they knew. I wish them goodnight and good day, some of them only waking up or in the middle of the day and after covering myself with my fluffy blanket, I close my eyes.

Please let me dream of BTS. Please let me dream of BTS. Please let me dream of BTS.


I did not dream of BTS.

Well, sort of.

I dreamed of Father wearing a costume of Namjoon. NAMJOON.

It was horrifying.

I don't think I'll ever be able to see the two of them and not get flashbacks of this nightmare. Shaking my head as fast as possible to push it out of existence and instead earning myself a gratifying headache, I make my way out of bed to get dressed.

Remembering Father's words about dressing comfortably, I wonder what could be happening today. He's rarely ever made that request to me, the few times happening because we were climbing a mountain in secret. Father wanted to flee his responsibilities for a day and got majorly scolded by his secretary. 

It never happened again. I settle for a simple T-shirt and some jeans, the constricting feeling a little weird as I usually wear dresses, a favorite of Father. After I finish getting dressed, I make my way out of my room and to the dining hall where food should already be ready for my arrival.

To my surprise, when I get there, I see Father already seated. That's rare. "Good morning, Darling. Come sit with me" he says as he pats the chair next to him. I smile and do as told, sitting by his side and looking at the table. My favorite food spread all over the surface.

"Father..." I whisper, moved by the sweet thought. "Happy belated birthday, Darling, I'm sorry I couldn't do this sooner" he says sadly but I shake my head quickly, a happy smile taking over my face. "Thank you, Father" I reply, see him nod, relieved before we dig in.

The food is good, as always, but this morning, it tastes even better. It tastes better because Father is here with me. I'm not eating alone. It's a nice feeling.

"So, you're going to have to leave early. With some research, we found out that... to enjoy the whole experience, you can't arrive too late, but you still have a few hours before it's time to go" he says and I frown, wondering where it is I could be going.

He smiles my way. "You'll understand when you'll get there. A bag will be given to you before leaving, but you can only open it once you're on site. Promise?". Giving him the weird eye, I nod. "Promise".


Now in the car, I take off my mask and stare at the bag I was given by Father's secretary. Just what could be inside? My fingers are itching to take a look inside, but I promised, so I need to resist.

But he didn't say anything about not trying to guess from the outside. So slowly and carefully patting the bag and testing the shapes, I try to find out exactly what could be inside, but that's no use. Something soft all around it makes it impossible to tell what's in the middle.

As we get through the city, I look outside and notice the huge ads on the tall buildings to see that BTS is having a concert today. I almost choke on my saliva and allow my jaw to drop wide open. WHAT?! I didn't know! Since when was that scheduled?! Why wasn't I aware?

I take my phone, which I was exceptionally allowed to bring with me and open twitter to contact my fellow ARMY friends. After asking some questions around, I find out that the concert was pretty much last minute.

BTS having to get ready for a new concert in such a short time right after telling the world that they're soulmates, that seems like a lot going on. Were they forced to do that to soothe ARMY? Were they not supposed to tell us and were punished? I hope not, the thought of them getting scolded for not wanting to hide anymore breaks my heart. It took bravery to tell all of us.

Still wondering where exactly it is that I'm being sent too, when we reach closer to the renovated coliseum that is the pride of our city, when I see the banners of BTS's show, when I see ARMY'S walking there with all their goodies, boards ready to get the members' attention, my heart skips a beat.

I look forward at the driver. He looks through the middle mirror and gives me a wink. No.

Impossible. Father did not-

"AM I GOING TO A BTS CONCERT?!" I scream, inner fan girl needing to get out at this too big of a surprise. The driver starts to laugh and parks to the side with the other cars. The driver turns to me with a smile.

"Don't forget to wear your mask, Your Highness. Enjoy the night. Your Majesty sends you lots of love. I'll be right here once the event is over".

Not able to resist it, I jump forward and hug the driver, stunning him immensely before I grab my bag and hurry outside to join my fellow friends. I don't know them, but they're already family. My mask now in place, I look around me with stars in my eyes.

I can't believe it. I'm really allowed to go to a BTS concert. I thought Father would be mad! Remembering my bag, I open it and I scream again as I jump, needing to get it all out.

IT'S A GOODIES BAG. I have a BTS T-Shirt, little stickers, a BTS water bottle, my ticket is in there as well, an ARMY-bomb, food, water, everything I need for a concert, it's there. "Father, I love you" I say with a wide smile on my face.

When I hear BTS's voice, I turn around to find a huge screen displaying MVs and small videos made to accompany us through the wait. Once today ends, I can finally die happy.

I follow the line to the coliseum, which is still very far and I take place where I am, knowing that it will be many, many hours before I can make it there.

Getting to know my line neighbors is very fun and hours go by singing along BTS, all of us having the time of our life already and the real deal hasn't even started yet. When I show my shirt to my new friends, I somehow end up being sent to a toilet cabin to change while they keep my place, their wide smiles greeting me back when I step out of it.

I admit it, it feels really good to spend time in person with ARMY. They're all so amazing and positive people, it warms my heart.

When the time comes to start walking forward, it's with excitement that we get closer and closer to the ticket stand, my eyes fixed on the seven beautiful faces on the screen, mind not quite registering just yet that I'm about to see them in real life. This is an incredible feeling and my heart beats so fast I could start flying if it had wings.

"Ticket" I hear and when I hand the man mine, his eyes widen. He turns to someone on the side, a security man and points at me. Oh crap. Is this ticket illegal? Did Father not buy a legit one? Clutching my bag to my chest, I stare at them as the man walks closer.

"Your Highne- Miss, please follow me" he says and I relax instantly. So this man was simply waiting for me. Under curious and jealous stares, I'm lead past a long line of girls waiting to reach the coliseum.

Entering inside the concert room is breathtaking. The open air coliseum is gigantic and the scene in the middle made specifically for today's event contrasts greatly with the old style of the building. We walk down the many steps until we reach the bottom, huge screens spread all around us so that every ARMY can see the boys even if they're not that close to the scene.

I can already imagine BTS's songs reaching the outskirts of town, everyone going to enjoy the wonders that their music are and I get more and more excited. The back of the scene is closed off, probably where everyone, staff and the members alike can breathe before it happens.

The man makes me sit on the first row right in front of the scene and I can only thank Father in my mind, because this seat is perfect. I'm going to have the best view in the whole world.

But as ARMY start getting inside, so does the tension of anticipation. The energy buzzing around the room reaches the scene and so, me by the same occasion. I feel so restless and I'm not the one performing, so imagine the boys!

When the room gets filled and the sun now out of sight, the darkness slowly surrounding us as the coliseum's lights turn off as well, the last rays of the sun shining through the clouds, when a music starts to welcome the boys as they enter the scene, the screams that fill the building hit straight through me.

"Hello ARMY!" Namjoon shouts, the happiest smile on his face as they run around the scene, their eyes taking in the sight of so many of us coming to see them.

Feeling the heat of the moment overwhelm me and knowing that all eyes are going to be on them anyway, I remove my mask to allow the fresh air to reach my face and I spend the next two hours singing and jumping with BTS, letting their energy and love flow through me, eyes filling with tears many times when they themselves get overwhelmed by all the love they're getting.

I followed them from the very beginning, so to see how far they've come makes me so proud of them, through all the hardships they had to endure, they strove and never gave up.

And as it nears the end, when Hoseok moves to the front of the scene and crouches, when his eyes meet mine, it's as if time stops. Eyes widening, the music doesn't reach my ears anymore, all that matters is him. Not J-Hope from BTS, but Jung Hoseok.

Feeling a burning sensation on my arm, it's the only thing allowing eye contact to break as I look down to see a new mark on my arm, just under mine.

What? That can't be possible. I look up again to see him with wide eyes as he too stares at the new mark on his arm and it's suddenly chaos around the place. Obviously, the cameras had to zoom on him when he crouched, so the sight of the new mark didn't go unnoticed.

I quickly put on my mask and try to make myself smaller, hoping that ARMY wouldn't have noticed me. I grab my old shirt and wrap it around my arm, thinking it might be better than to leave it exposed to curious eyes.

Hoseok is my soulmate. Hoseok has already 6 soulmates, which means that the others are also my soulmates. Feeling a growing headache take me over, I grab my bag and stumble my way up the stairs and to the outside.

Out of breath, as if someone keeps pressing on my lungs, I slide my back down the building and clutch my bag to my chest as I try to get my bearings back. I heard of things like that happening when the connection doesn't complete as soon as it starts and when screams reach my ears, Hoseok's name being shouted all around, I figure he must not be in a better state than I am.

The concert ends and after a while of grabbing my head, hoping the headache would go away, a hand touches my shoulder. I look up to see a staff staring at me before taking a look at my wrist, noticing the new mark on it. She helps me up and leads me to the back of the coliseum before ARMY starts getting out, some crying, others hoping he doesn't overdo it and that he rests well while they figure out who's the new soulmate.

Once back inside the coliseum, this time through the back, I'm lead to a smaller empty room and made to sit on a chair while I'm given a cold bottle of water to try and ease the headache that I'm visibly stuck in. She then leaves me alone and I wince when my head throbs as if a drill is digging in my skull.

"She's here" I hear, and then a door closes.

Hands grab mine, the touch being so warm and comforting, something about them inciting me to open my eyes and stare at the owner. So I do, looking up to see Hoseok's face right in front of mine as he crouches again in front of me.

It's instantly that the headache goes away. "So we had yet again another soulmate" he whispers, eyes shining as he stares at me, thumbs stroking the skin of my hands.

"I... am I really..?" I ask, not quite ready to believe this. It must be a dream, I'll wake up and everything will be gone, over. I should've known me being allowed to go to a BTS concert would be too good to be true. He chuckles and nods, his eyes pointing at my mark and then at his. They look the same, although I don't have the six others yet.

"You can remove your mask, Princess" a voice says and I turn to see Namjoon staring at me with a smile. Just like earlier, the feeling of a burn on my arm as all I can see is him, his dimples and warm eyes looking into mine makes me forget about the others and it takes a moment before his sentence can make sense in my mind. "So you know who I am" I finally say as I remove my mask, knowing I don't have to be scared of being recognized.

"I knew as soon as I saw your face" Hoseok admits with a shy eye smile, which makes me curious. "We actually really admire you. Although you're still young, what you've achieve so far follows you, Your Highness". Eyes wide, I turn to Jimin, surprise momentarily put aside as the bond takes place, our marks stamping on each other's skin. To see his pretty face, crescent eyes stare at me sends me straight to the moon. 

"You... admire me?" I repeat, not quite believing this again. "You mean, you're not scared of me? Of being my soulmate?" I ask, my words met by a scoff. "Scared? Why would we be scared of our own soulmate?".

I turn around to see Yoongi crouching to be at my height, just like Hoseok. As we make eye contact, he takes one of my hands from Hoseok's hold and intertwines our fingers as the burning feeling takes over on my wrist, allowing for one more mark to take place. His beautiful face surrounded by long black hair is a sight I'll remember until the day I die, his feline eyes making me feel all warm inside.

"Father has searched for my soulmate for a while now, but I have yet to meet a single one of them since they always run away before I get there" I whisper, almost regretting the words when he frowns. "Well it's their loss. I for one am more than happy to have such a wonderful woman as my soulmate" he says, gummy smile coming back in force.

I stare deep into his gaze, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. Wonderful woman. Not Princess, but woman. My own person.

"IMNOTPRINCESS, that's you, isn't it?" a new voice chirps in and I turn to meet eyes with Taehyung. Lost into his bright eyes, amazement in his orbs as he steps closer, barely registering the burn on my wrist. This man is godly. He exudes as much sexiness as cuteness and I don't know what to do with that.

"How do you know?". He grins but someone else responds for him.

"That video. You did a cover of Butterfly once. We recognized you right away". Seokjin steps forward by Taehyung and smiles widely when our eyes meet. I always knew that man was handsome, but to see him up close like that... nothing could ever have made me ready for this.

But then I process his words and become a blushing mess. "Y-y-you saw that?!" I scream, eyes wide as they giggle.

A hand reaches my face, stroking my cheek before gently grabbing my chin to make me turn to the side. I meet Jungkook's eyes as he grins at me, the last mark finally taking place on my wrist as the bond finalizes. "We did, so many times. We love it, always amazed us to know that the Princess, Y/N, supported us".

Y/N. Now I haven't heard my name like that in a long time. "Can you say that again?" I whisper, see confusion go through his eyes. "Repeat what?" he asks softly. "My name".

They all share a look before smiling at me. "Y/N. Our dear soulmate, Y/N. We'll repeat it as many times as you want if that's what you wish" he says with warm eyes, all of them nodding at his words.


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