Chapter 2

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"You two seem.. h...uman." The figure choked. They struggled over to Lapis and reached up to touch her hair. "Humans come now with blue hair?" They stepped back from Peridot and Lapis, sizing them up and grinning widely. "Ah, call me Molly!" The figure exclaimed. She she stood up straight although it seemed to take extreme effort. "Of course, that isn't my real name! It's the updated version because my true name is out of date and unusable. I've been down here a long, long time, you know!" Lapis stepped forward, trying to be hospitable, but stay safe at the same time. "Who are you? Why are you here? What is your real name?" Molly laughed at that. "Oh, you modern humans! So curious! I was too, when I was still human! How long ago that was! Very well, I will answer your questions.

"Who am I? A mistake, dear. Merely another fallen human. I am lucky though! I was allowed to stay here, in this bleak place. I ended my curiosity when I arrived here, and with it my humanity. I am human no longer.

"Why am I here? Why, I fell! Ah haha, you didn't think you were the first ones with that idea! I wasn't either, but I stopped. I was the only one to stop here. They were all silly, reckless, and vein... I miss them. But they did something stupid, and now they are trapped somewhere horrible because of it. And here I am...

"And what is my real name? Well, you won't understand it, but its Molukizimadatchiyarika. See? You don't understand it. It means 'thine is broken, thine is blessed.' But it doesn't really have meaning anymore."

Molly (Molukizimadatchiyarika) smiled at the stunned pair. "Well, more questions later! For now I have questions for you! Will you be going further? What are your names? Are you human?" Peridot answered eagerly, "We will be going further! I'm Peridot, she's Lapis, and yeah, we're human." Molly smiled. "Humans are wonderful, no? So curious. Sometimes I wish I were a human. I used to be, you know. Oh how I miss it. Curiosity and love, wonder and beauty! Clearly, I have no species now!" 

A second figure, similar looking to Molly, stepped out from behind another rock. Peridot shrieked and jumped behind Lapis, who didn't move at all. The new figure laughed lightly, "Oh, you, with your need for difference." Molly turned to him, annoyed. "You know that's not true, Derek." Derek scoffed, "You with your 'I don't have a species'. Everyone has a species. You just wanna be special--you're human." Peridot and Lapis stepped away from the odd argument, but Molukiz--Molly stopped them. "Wait! Humans. Take this, you'll.... you'll need it." She handed Peridot and Lapis a small bag. It felt as though there were a few stones inside. Peridot went to open it, but Molly stopped her. "No! Wait, not yet. You must wait for the right time. They are not a tool. They are offerings. Offer them to the right people." Molly and Derek waved goodbye, and Peri and Lapi began walking towards the giant waterfall that they could see in the distance.

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