Chapter 18

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Using the words shocked or frightened would be a huge understatement for how Peter was feeling at that moment. "Y-you just came out of my back." Was a Peter could fathom.

"No, Really? I was sure I came out of you right nipple." The creature responded, it's voice thick with sarcasm.

"W-What are you?" Peter asked, trying to back away from it. "I'm Venom, or should we are Venom." Venom smiled, showing more of his menacing teeth. "Nope only you." Peter snapped back, finally out of his shock.

"What are you doing inside of me?" Peter asked. "I'm here to help you until you get back on your feet, I mean, with that illness and all. Why, I've already been out twice."

"Wait, you're using my body to fight until I get better?" Peter questioned, not quite believing what he was hearing. "Yes! I've been getting rid of the scum that walk the streets!" Venom said joyously.

"What way have you been getting rid of this 'scum'?" Peter cocked an eyebrows. "I've taken them off the streets, permanently." Peter's eyes widen.

"I know what you stand for Peter, but I find my way more affective then your's." Venom growled, getting  closer to Peter's face.

"This is my body, not yours, so my rules." Peter growled right back. "That's what you think." Venom spat back. Peter then slapped himself in the face, or Venom did. "See? Disobey me and I'll do more than hurt you. Heck, even think of telling your family or friends I will take over your body and slaughter them all!" Venom hissed.

Peter was taken back. That threat meant a lot to him. His life was finally at a great point and now he had to hide the secret that something other than him was in his body. "Now, you'll let me take over whenever I please and you don't say a word to this about your family or you can say goodbye to them, got it?" Venom growled.

"Okay." Peter said defeatedly. What other choice did he have. "Good, now go be a good boy and don't tell anyone." Venom hissed. Then he disappeared.

yo, when I'm listening to music, I don't want to get a kick in the teeth by The Avengers 4: Endgame trailer

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