Chapter 19

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"Where is he?" Ned whined impatiently pulling at his backpack strings. Harry and him had been waiting outside of Avengers Tower for about 20 minutes waiting for Peter.

"I don't know." Harry said, not looking away from his phone. "Maybe they're running late?" He suggested.

Suddenly, the doors opened behind them and they were dragged in. "Are you two Ned and Harry?" A female voice asked. The two snapped their attention to the one and only Pepper Potts. "Well, are you?" She pushed, looking up from her clipboard.

"Yes ma'am! Did we do something wrong?" Ned was shaking a little. Being in front of someone famous, other than Harry Osborn, can cause that.

"If you think that I came here to steal ideas from Tony Stark you should now that I'm interested in my father's business." Harry said, a little bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Follow me." Pepper said, completely ignoring what the two boys said. She knew that Peter's friends may have been a little jumpy around her, but she didn't think one would be the son of Norman Osborn.

Peter has business connections, huh, Pepper thought as she walked into the elevator. She noticed that Ned and Harry hadn't followed her.

"Come on, I won't bite." She said, looking back down at her clipboard. A few seconds later, Peter's friends joined in the elevator. "Jarvis, Avengers floor please." Ms. Potts called to the air.

"Yes, Ms. Potts." Jarvis answered, the AI's voice causing the two boys to jump a little, but also gawk in awe.

"Steve should be in the living room, he'll tell you where to go. He's really excited to meet you two." Jarvis said as the elevator opened to Avengers floor. Pepper stepped out first and then went on her way.

Harry and Ned looked at each other confused. Why the hell were the pulled into Avengers freaking Tower? Now Peter's parents were going to complain when they come out of the tower.

But they'd probably understand, right? It's not everyday that you get to see inside of Avengers Tower. Plus, Captain freaking America wanted to meet them. Not that they weren't also looking forward to seeing their best friend again.

"Do you think we're in trouble?" Ned asked, looking at Harry again a little more fearful. "Unless Captain America gets excited when calling out people who loiter, than I don't think so." Harry answered nonchalantly.

They somehow found their way into way to the living room, Ned feeling accomplished because he didn't have to ask for help. Harry commented about Ned being an actual five year old and got a play slap on the shoulder.

Steve sat on the couch, reading a book, when the pair came into the living room. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at the two. "Ah, you two must be Peter's friends," Steve spoke, putting his book down on the coffee table as he stood up, "I'm Steve, or Peter's dad." He said, putting his hand out.

Harry shook his hand for himself and Ned, "I'm Harry Osborn and the guy who looks like his about to pass out is Ned Leeds." Harry said causally.

"Peter's room is the last one down the hall on the right." Steve said, sitting back down on the couch, "Tony might pop in at some point to check in."

"Thanks sir." Harry spoke calmly as Ned looked like he was about to explode. Harry was surprise that he hadn't yet, Ned was meeting one of his ideals.

Harry started to walk down the hallway, getting Ned to snap out of his trance. He quickly sped up to meet Harry's pace.

"How are you not freaking out?! Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is Peter's dad!" Ned whisper yelled.

"You do know that that means that Tony Stark is also Peter's dad, right?" Harry pointed out, remembering how the power couple's wedding was first page on the Daily Bugle a few years back.

"Even more the reason to be freaking out!" Ned retorted. "I'm just a little mad that Peter didn't tell us that his family is the Avengers." Harry again pointed out.

"Yeah, why didn't he tell us that in the first place?" Ned mumbled, anger sprinkled into his voice.

"My guess is that he was so caught up in all that was happening. I mean, think about it. Peter lost all of his biological family members and now he was gifted with a whole new life. We know that when Peter was living with May he was very independent because he didn't want to add to her or our problems. Especially after what happened to her, he became isolated. But now he has a whole family that he can count on and he needed to learn that he could trust them. Hell, he may only trust them a little right now!" Harry answered as they got closer to Peter's room.

"That would make sense. Should we tell Tony and Steve about that before we leave? They should know about what may go on in Peter's head." Ned asked Harry, but also himself.

"Yeah, we should. What best friends would we be if we let him suffer by himself?" Harry said.

Ned turned the door knob, finding out it was locked. Ned went to knock on the door when he heard it. He could hear Peter sniffling inside. Peter only cried when he was asleep or he was in deep state of mind, both ways he needed to be shaken out of.

Harry didn't hear the crying because he wasn't standing by the door, so it was rather surprising when he he saw Ned ram his shoulder into the door. "Dude!" Harry yelled as Ned broke down the door and ran in.

Peter was curled up on his bed, clawing at his arms. He was violently sobbing and shaking. The shaking was so violent that he could have gotten whiplash from it. "Pete!" Ned yelled as he ran over to his best friend. He crouched down so that he was at eye level with Peter.

"Go get someone." Ned told Harry, trying not to freak out. Harry nodded and sped walked into the highway. This wasn't uncommon for Peter to have nightmares. Especially after May died. There was no telling what he could be dreaming of, it was just frightening.

"Excuse me!" Harry tapped on the first person that walked by. They turned around and Harry could see it was the one and only Tony Stark.

They've met a few times before, when Norman couldn't find someone to watch Harry when he was younger. But Harry knew that the billionaire recognized him from the newspaper.

"Yes, Osborn?" Tony asked, trying his best not to sneer at the kid. He wasn't on nice terms with Norman, but the kid dis nothing wrong so he just needs to keep his cool.

"It's Peter-" And just like that, Tony has ran into his sons room to see his other friend trying to wake him up. Quickly, the father moved to his son side, joining in trying to get Peter to wake up.

(My dog just stoled a tomato. Just really wanted to tell you.)

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