Chapter 20

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"It's okay, Peter, I'm here. I got you." The billionaire hummed as he grabbed his son's hand. Peter started to squeeze his hand as though it was a life line.

Slowly, Peter began to open his eyes. It was bright. Really bright. He raised his arm to cover his eyes and felt that his cheeks were wet.

The brunette sat up, his father and friend stepping back to give him some space. "What's going on?" Peter asked groggily. It felt like he was in cased in slime and was just pulled out.

"We walked in on you having a nightmare. What was going on in your head, Pete?" Harry asked, approaching his friends and Tony.

The teen in the bed thought really hard. What had happened in his dream? There was blood. Lots of it. That's all he could remember. Blood did upset him when it was in large amounts.

"All I remember is red." Peter mumbled, rubbing his forehead. Really sweaty.

"It was just a dream Peter. I'll get you a glass of water, okay? You look like you need." Tony said, ruffling his son's hair before leaving. After the famous man left, Ned and Harry stared at Peter.

"What?" Peter was generally confused.

"First, are you okay?" Bed asked and got a nod in response. "Okay, now I can freak out. Why didn't you tell us that you were adopted by Captain fucking America and Tony fucking Stark?"

"Slipped my mind." Peter put it simply.

"How could something like this slip your mind? How could you forget to tell us that you're the kid that they've been talking about in the newspaper?" Ned question even more.

"Well I've hid a fact like that for a while- wait, they're talking about me or Spider-Man?" The brunette asked. His friends knew his secret. Ned took it well while Harry had to process it for a few weeks.

"Oh yeah. You're the secret love child of the famous super hero couple Captain America and Iron Man. People have been trying to find out who you are sense the news got out." Harry smirked.

"Oh boy." Peter groaned.

"Welcome to my world, Peter." Harry chuckled.

"Look at you two in the rich kid club." Ned said in a joking manner.

"Don't worry Ned, you're going to get your moment in the spot light one day." Harry said, patting the black haired teen's shoulder.

"I don't need your spot light. My mom says I'm special therefore I am." Ned gave a smug smile, getting Peter to laugh a little.

"Sure you are, Neddie." Peter hummed.

The rest of the day went by like that. Joking around while Peter did his make up work for school. Night had fell and Peter's guest had decided to stay the night.

"I'm glad that we didn't have to explain this stuff to you. I don't think I would have the sanity in me." Harry was sitting on Peter's bed while the brunette boy worked at his desk.

"Yeah, having to explain it to Flash was enough for me." Ned groaned, try to become comfortable on the floor.

"You do know that I have an extra chair over there, right?" Peter glances at the chair in the corner.

"Chairs are overrated." Ned said simply.

"Ooooh, Petey does have friends!~" A familiar voice rang from the window, getting Harry and Ned to jump and look over.

They were met with quite a sense. A man wearing red and black leaning in the window, his lower half dangling outside over the traffic filled streets.

Peter looked over at him calmly. "Wade, hey your ass in here before you fall." His voice was so calm that it shocked his two buddies.

"I'll be fine if I do fall." Wade voice rang out.

"Yeah, but I don't think me or my family would be happy to clean your blood off the side walk." The Spider walked over to the window and grabbed the guy's hand. "Come on, in!"

"Okay, but you're no fun!" The masked man wined like a child and fell face first into the carpet. "So, who's these guys?"

"Those people are Harry and Ned. Harry, Ned, this is Wade." Peter introduced.

"You mean Deadpool." Wade said, gesturing to his costume.

"That too." Peter added.

"You mean The Deadpool. As in the mercenary?" Ned shook in his place.

"Ah ah ah! Ex-Mercenary! Thanks to my mentor Spider-Man." Wade said happily, "Speaking of super heroes, I gotta talk to your family real quick, Baby boy. I'll talk to you once my business is done." Wade walked towards the door, but before he walked out, he winked at Peter.

There was silence. Then Harry dig into his pocket and gave Ned $20.

"Told ya." Ned smirked.

"You guys had a bet that I was bi?" Peter asked.

"No, we had a bet that you were dating a hero. It was kinda obvious that you were bi." Harry answered.


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