Chapter 3

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As the blonde was walking back home she noticed a certain car pull up beside the sidewalk she was on.

"Hey Skye~!" A cheery voice yelled, it was a woman with short blonde hair and pink dyed tips.

"Oh Miss Emily..." Skye says, a bit surprised, but also a bit nervous, mostly because she might've seen her leave the back alleys and well... she worked for her dad, so she (and Jax) could be in a big mess.

"Didn't I tell you to quit it with that 'Miss' stuff I've known you since you we were kids, now c'mon I'm here to take you home, your dad is worried." Emily said. Before Emily's parents passed away they were doctors that knew her father and took in patients that were victims of criminals. It was only natural that Emily and Skye had come to know each other.

Skye sighed and got in the passenger seat of the car. "When did you get here?" She asked.

"A few minutes ago, your dad called and told me you or your sister hadn't been home so he wanted me to come and find you, and luckily I just found you. Now we have to get your sister." Emily explained. Skye sighed a bit, this time from relief, so she didn't see her leave the back alleys... that's good. 'But of course father didn't want to come get me himself... but it's probably better this way.'

"You didn't mind doing something he should've done...?" Skye mutters, but Emily heard it.

"No. I don't, after all it gave me something to do." She chuckled. "Now do you know where Eliza is?"

"Yeah. She's at her friend's I'll give you directions." Skye says and starts to lead the way.

"Skye do you mind if I turn on the radio? I want to see what's going on around town." Skye didn't say anything, she just nodded and let Emily do what she wanted.

The first thing that came up was news on the serial killer.

"Tch. We haven't been able to track them down yet... but when we get to them I will make sure that sinner gets the punishment they deserve." Emily let out a sadistic chuckle. Skye was a bit surprised by how she was acting, it was rare for her to act in such a way.

"Emily... please calm down your sadism is showing and we're going to pick up a nine year old girl." Skye says as if it were something that casually happened.

"I know... it's just this whole case is ticking me off." Emily says. "And just imagining that criminal behind bars makes me happy."

"I know Emily, you'll get them, I know you will." Skye says.


After picking up Eliza and driving a bit more they finally made it back to the house.

"We're home." Skye says, entering the house, her sister right behind her.

"Where were you guys?" Their mother asked, the father didn't seem to be in the room at the moment.

Skye bit her lip. "We were just hanging out and lost track of time-"

"Why were you and dad fighting?" The younger blonde asked.

"Huh...?" The mother muttered.

"I heard it, you were yelling, even hitting each other." Eliza says.

The mother sighed, trying to avoid what happened earlier. "I... I'm heading to my room for the night." She says, standing up. "Skye can you make something for you and your sister?"

"Y-Yeah sure, but what about father?" The older sister asked.

The mother clenched her fist. "He's working tonight so he'll just eat out."

"Oh alright..." Skye says, not believing her.

Once both siblings heard the door of their parent's room slam they sighed.

"Alright Eliza... what do you want to eat?" Skye asked.

Eliza was still thinking over everything, too drowned out by her own thoughts to answer her sister. "What happened...?" She whispered.

"Huh? Eliza...?" Skye says, looking at her.

"We were happy weren't we? What happened? What made us all sad?" Eliza asked. Skye noticed the young girl's upset expression and hugged her.

"I don't know... I'm sorry... I don't know..." Skye whispers.


Ring Ring

"Ugh!" A male groaned hearing his home phone ring, he already knew who was calling him, but what did that person need this time?

"What do you need old man?" Jax asked, answering his phone.

"Hello Jax, I see your attitude is the same as usual. I just called to check in on you." The male on the other line said.

"Well I'm doin' fine and that's all there is to say." Jax says.

"I see, well just so you know I'm stopping by tomorrow to see you, and I'm telling you this because I know how you get when I don't give warning." Jax grumbled something before sighing to himself.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Jax mutters. "See ya' old man." He says before hanging up. "Damn priest..."

The male then looked over at his couch, remembering the conversation he had had with his "friend" a few hours ago...

Skye's smile. Her damn dead smile. It wasn't even just her smile, it was her in general. Everything about her seemed so familiar, but they've never even met before a few weeks ago. Right?

"God damn, why am I so stressed out about this?!" He asked himself, scratching the back of his head with his hand. "I've never had this "deja vu feeling" with anyone else so why her?!" He thought aloud.

Jax then sighed and grabbed a soda. "Christ, who knew something this stupid would make me go insane..." He muttered, taking a drink of the caffeinated beverage. He then tossed himself on the couch. "Whatever... just thinking about it won't do me any good..." He mutters. "Next time we meet... I'll ask her..."


"What the hell is up with you? You look awful." Jax had asked the girl standing in front of him. Skye's eyes were more dead than before, but she also looked very tired.

"Thanks, that's always what a girl wants to hear." Skye mutters sarcastically. They were at the station again, waiting for the train to come.

Jax sighed at her reply. "Look I didn't mean anything by it, it's just you look like an exhausted corpse."

Now it was Skye's turn to sigh. "I couldn't sleep last night because Eliza had come into my room, she had a nightmare and was traumatized so I had to stay up with her until she fell asleep, and when I tried to fall asleep I just couldn't... and before I knew it I had to get ready."

"Oh... and who the hell is Eliza?" Jax asked, she's never mentioned the girl before.

"My sister, and don't get any ideas, she's 9." Skye told him.

Jax was ticked off at that comment. "I thought I told you I'm not into fucking little girls!" He said, a bit too loudly, since it resulted in a couple stares. Jax noticed them and politely waved them off with an awkward chuckle before glaring back at the girl.

"Pfft." Skye laughed a bit from what just happened, which caused some of her dullness to go away.

Jax rolled his eyes and smiled a little that she laughed and ruffled her hair to hide that he was glad she was happy again.

"Hey!" Skye says, trying to grab at his hand.

Jax chuckled. "Come on shorty the train is here, let's get going."


"Hey... Do you mind if I come over tomorrow?" Skye asked.

"No, as I said, I don't mind your company." Jax muttered.

She smiled a little. "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow then." She said, standing up and walking towards the doors as the train came to a stop.

Jax then remembered he wanted to ask her something. "Ah! Skye wait-" before he could continue she was already off the vehicle.

'Oh right... the old man's coming today... God damn it.' Jax thought to himself. 'And he never said when...' Its not like Jax hated the man, after all he was the man that took him in when he was young, but he was always mysterious and Jax thought that was a bit creepy.

'Better get home before he gets there...'


Jax had heard a knock at the door and groaned. "Come in!" He says, lazily laying on the couch.

The man stepped into the house, he had dark peppered hair and pale eyes. "It seems every time I come here the place is messier than before..." the older man muttered, looking around. "And you're always laying around."

"I'll clean it up next time." Jax mumbled before turning to his side, trying to sleep.

"Jax, you're a grown man you have responsibilities." The older male says.

"I know, you tell me this every time." The younger male groaned.

The priest sighed and put something on his counter. "Here's some money to get you through the month. Please don't waste it."

"I won't... but I've been meaning to ask you, how do you get that money anyway?" Jax asked.

"That's only for me to know." The older male said with a slight smirk.

"God you're so weird." Jax muttered. "Quit it with that secretive shit."

The older male chuckled. "I'll see what I can do with my attitude as long as you fix yours..." He then went to the door. "I should take my leave, I have some things to take care of, I'll see you at some point later in the month..." The older male says before exiting.

"God what a creep." Jax mutters as soon as his door closed.

As the priest exited the back alleys he was headed back to the church down the road.

'I wonder if they've met each other yet.' The priest thought with a small smirk.

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