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This chapter is dedicated to mayahart31, she was waiting very patiently for me to write this next chapter and for showing how much she loves this book. So thank you!!

Maya's POV

There she was, she was beautiful. Why would Lucas give her up for me? I just don't get it. In most stories you see the ex as a crazy psycho bitch who would do anything to get the guy back, but she looks sweet

"Is this the bitch you left me for" she scoffs

Never mind, she's a bitch

"Katie what are you doing here?" Lucas asks. He is clearly doesn't understand that what she said was rude. Boys are deaf.

"I came to see if you were still playing house with some bimbo you accidentally got married too, and left your girlfriend for, who may I remind you is Katie fucking Wild" She starts screaming at the end and her screeching made my ears feel like they were bleeding.

"Oh god turn it off"  it being her. She turns and glares at me, and in second she is in my face

"What did you say to me" she asks and I give her a smug smile

"Who said I was talking to you, I was actually talking to Lucas, you know my husband" I say with with an award winning smile on my face, but I don't get to feel that victory because I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. 

This crazy psycho bitch just slapped me

Ohhhh hell naw, some one hold my earrings cause this bitch is going down, I'm going in for the ki-

"Maya" Lucas' whisper knock me out of my trance. Apparently I looked like I was about to jump this plastic stick, and break her but Lucas stopped me before I could do any damage. 

He should've at least let me ripped out her extensions.

"Katie you need to leave" Lucas spits out out. His muscles are tense and his eyes shine. Bottom line, he's hot when he's mad, god I want to jump him

Calm down hormones

"Fine, but don't think I won't be back" With one more huff she marched out of the office and you could hear her heals clacking against the floor on her way to the elevator. 

"Are you ok" My answer is gulped down when he's two inches away from my face inspecting my cheek. He slowly strokes my cheek and places a kiss on the redness of my cheek. He keeps his lips there for a few seconds and slowly pries them off. "Feel better" he asks and all I could do was nod

"Now lets get to work" He whispers in my ear and walks off, probably smirking his ass off

Bless you Lucas Friar, for leaving me all hot and bothered.


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cute Lucaya ness

Hot temper maya 

Sorry it wasnt that long 

next chapter we meet Casey WHO'S EXCITED 

Thank you so much for all your comments on the last chapter and thanks for 8.4k

love you all


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