21: Doubt

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Maya's Pov

I was numb. I was hurt. I was feeling so many emotions at the same time and I didn't know how to handle it. Do I confront Lucas because it's obvious he was never going to tell me. If I do confront him, will it ruin what we have? I just need answers. Like when did he order the papers? When did he change his mind? I have to ask him.

"So I was thinking. You and me have dinner on the bea-. Maya are you ok?"

I quickly wipe the tear stains on my cheek away and look up at him. He looks so worried for me. He must care about me... right? I muster up the best smile I could

"Fine, I'm fine" I know that didn't sound convincing and he noticed it too

"No you're not Maya, come on, you know you can tell anything and everything" He takes a seat next to me and watches me with hopeful eyes

"You can too" I let out. "Do you tell me anything and everything?" I question

"Of course, why wouldn't I" Wrong answer Lucas, wrong answer. I can't help but feel more hurt and more disappointed

I look away from him so he wouldn't see any if the tears welling in my eyes

"Like I said before, it's nothing and I'm fine. Oh and dinner sounds great" I leave quickly and once I'm in the safety of the bathroom, I quickly close the door and let the tears fall.

I really shouldn't be too surprised. He did accidentally marry a girl he didn't even know, any guy in their right mind would want a divorce. I guess I thought that even in the beginning, everything was great between us. I guess I was wrong. I continued these thoughts as I striped and got into the bath because lord knows I need to relax.

"Maya, you almost ready!?" I hear Lucas yell

"Yea one second" I slip into my heels, look at myself one more time in the mirror and head out of the bedroom

As I reach the bottom of the stairs Lucas looks up from his phone, smiles and makes his way over to me.

"You look beautiful" he compliments and kisses me on the cheek. "You ready to go?" I nod my head and he grabs my hand and walk us out of the bungalow and into the beach where in the distance I can see a table lit up by some candles.

"Is that where we are having dinner?" I ask and he leads my closer, answering my question.

Once we reach the table, we sit down and a waiter comes and asks for our drinks. Once he leaves I turn toward the ocean and just listen to the waves crashing against the sand. I was thinking of how to bring up this topic or if I even wanted to bring it up.

"I know you said you were fine but I know you and I know you're not fine because you are barely speaking. So please just tell me what's wrong" he pleads with me and I big my lip trying to find he words to say.

"Did you ever have any doubts about us" I ask. He cocks his head to side looking like a puppy

"Are you have doubts about us Maya?"

"Just answer the question Lucas" I sigh getting a little anxious

He take a second before answering. "Not really, I knew from the beginning you were going to be very important to me and I was right"

That's not what divorce papers suggest

"How did you know?"

"I guess I just looked at you and my heart knew" he says shrugging his shoulders getting my confused by my questions

"And your head?"

"My head?"

"Yea the heavy thing on you shoulders, how did it know I was going to be important to you?"

"Maya, I don't understand why you're asking me all these ques-"

"It didn't know, it doubted us, you doubted us, that's why you got the divorce papers right? RIGHT!" I exclaim standing up and Lucas follows my actions with wide eyes.

"How did you find out? Did you go through my phone?" Is he really trying I get the blame on me right now

"No I don't go through your phone, you got a text and I went to go give it to you and i may have read it but I'm so glad I did" I can feel the tears start to well upon my eyes and soon feel them rushing down my cheeks

"That's an invasion of privacy and just wrong"

"No Lucas, what's wrong is that you never told me you want to divorce me, how could you, I love you!" I scream and I freeze. This was not how I wanted to tell him.


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Heyyyy what's up

Hope you liked this chapter sorry for the cliffhanger

Not really sorry actually

Tell me what you think will happen next

Make sure to comment and thanks for 35k reads

Love yallll


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