9:Maya Hart Well Friar

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Maya's pov

"So wait a minute, let me get this straight he decided to drop everything just to be with you." Riley says as if it's the craziest thing I have ever told her. for the past 25 minutes I have been explaining the phone conversation I had with Lucas.

"Yes Riley" I say a bit annoyed. she has asked this question for the fourth time now

"I'm sorry it's just I still can't believe it" I don't get what's so confusing about it

"What's so hard to believe" I yell in frustration.

"You guys just met, and sure you're husband and wife but that was a drucken mistake" She explains and I guess I understand where she is coming from, I guess it's a bit weird

"Ok I get it, but I don't know what to tell you, he decided to come here" just then the door bell rang

"I'll get it" Once I open the door I was immediately attacked into a hug. Once this person pulled away it turned out to be my big brother, Dylan.

"Oh it's you" I say a bit disappointed

"Were you expecting someone else" he says faking hurt

"Maybe me" I hear a voice say behind Dylan

"Who are you" Dylan asks Lucas

"I'm Lucas Friar I'm Ma-"

"Wait a minute, Maya, why is billionaire playboy Lucas Friar at the door" Should I tell him that he's my husband, I mean if I do Lucas might not see tomorrow.

"He's ah he's..."

"Her husband" Riley says popping up out of no where

"WHAT" Dylan screams

"Ok ok before you teardown the whole neighborhood can we close the door first."  They all looked toward the door and nodded. Lucas closed the door and we made our way to the living room.

"So let me get this straight you guys are married" Dylan says breaking the silence after 5 minutes. I nod and he lets out a sigh

"How did this happen Maya you've never even had a boyfriend before" he says

"Hey" I say defensively

"What its true" he shrugs

"I got drunk and woke up married to this guy" I simply explain and point to Lucas. If looks could kill, well I wouldn't have a husband right now.

Dylan was about to say something when Riley beat him to it

"Dyl it's not as bad as it sounds, I mean the guy broke up with his rich model girl friend." Thanks Riley that didn't make me feel bad at all. "He came all the way here just to be with her, so give him a break" she finishes by giving Dylan a pat on his back.

"Do you um like me sister" Dylan says awkwardly rubbing his neck

Lucas smiles and replies,  "I do" well I didn't blush at all

"Will you treat her nicely" Dylan asks again but this time like a baby

And Lucas nods

"Ok well my brotherly time is over, I have to attend to my fiancé" Yes my dork of a brother is getting married and to Riley's older sister, what are he odds.

After awhile Riley left which left Lucas and I alone

"So" he says Awkwardly

"Don't do that" I say pointing a finger at him

"Do what" he says with that smile that makes me melt

"Make things weird" I say with a light giggle. What the hell is wrong with me, I don't giggle. If there's one thing that Maya Hart, well Friar, does its definitely not giggling.

What is this man doing to me?

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Ok so my question for this book is should I make Maya pregnant or no COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK


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